Title | : | File NOW if you meet this social security disability requirement! |
Lasting | : | 6.10 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 101 rb |
I want to find out whether my spouse qualifies for SSDI or not She has 40 work credits but hasn't been working for the past 15 years due to her health issues Her mental conditions worsened about two years ago and she had brain surgery last year and is scheduled to have another one within 2-3 months Can you let me know if she is qualified or disqualified? (Her medical issues are Anxiety, tinnitus, Trigeminal Neuralgia, insomnia, etc) Comment from : @hyunlee2854 |
How can I get info Comment from : @MsDylan1982 |
I had a severe brain injury Comment from : @JeremyTibbitts-l6t |
Who's going to pay the insurancefor 5hos guy who quits his jib please address that Comment from : @ljbbenson3762 |
Who's going to pay the insurance while he's out waiting for that low life agency to mess with the people who have funded this program Get rid of that law it's a you're probably be dead by the time you get your answer and get in front of the pathetic alj judges Comment from : @ljbbenson3762 |
Sir, I'm reaching out for information regarding SSDI I am 62 years old, February I'll be 63 2025 I was diagnosed with severe cervical stenosis in 2022 during a MRI exam Findings that I have a Congenital cervical stenosis I was working now I've been unemployed since June 6 2024, Also I was diagnosed through the VA with the same condition Would you suggest that I should apply for SSDI My Unemployment benefits are almost exhausted Please advise Thank you Comment from : @robertdelao957 |
The pic behind you is gorgeous ! Wow Comment from : @michellemakayla3310 |
Can I receive my normal ssi while I'm my ssdi claim is being processed? Comment from : @robertbailey116 |
I believe they're a bunch of Godless people and the system sucks Comment from : @anthonyhopkins6262 |
Hello sir I have a question I am 37 am Army veteran of 16yrs I was medically retired Nov 23rd 23, with a 90 permanent VA disability rating Do I qualify? I have a whole list of issues to total the 90 Comment from : @kennybpasten |
I got a letter saying that I need to choose a Representative Payee because of my disability is this a sign that I will be approved for SSI benefits? Comment from : @PrincessBrianà777 |
Thankyou I just started Im not working since May because of my conditionbrThe condition started before May brIf they find that out than good it shows that the condition started in 2023- however I stopped working in 2024 so I started my application it's going on 9 months so far I'm just collecting evidence now still got more time Comment from : @apaulatauiliili7025 |
I've had partial paralysis and worsening scoliosis for almost 30 years and I still can't get disability 😢 If I can tell you my whole situations story I'd love to Comment from : @Neecee615 |
If you worked have issues now Diabetes , Neuropathy ,High Blood Prressure , Stroke , you will wait till 62 because the law is the law I paid into SS and cannot get it Why ? Because I chose a good job and retired with a pension ? Really ? Comment from : @Serenityafterall |
Does diabetes and high blood pressure qualify Comment from : @badkarma2293 |
If I had a heart surgy and lost memories can I get improve? Comment from : @vinhha6073 |
But when you have a mental disability people won't hire you for nothing Comment from : @raymondblackwood4496 |
What if you have a mental disability to keep you from work forever Comment from : @raymondblackwood4496 |
I have heart disease since 2016 and I've worked part-time since I feel like I'm going to pass out at work sometimes If I applied for ss should I still keep working as best as I can ? I can't afford to not work Comment from : @GTSN38 |
On the SS disability application it ask have you been out of work 14 months? How to answer if it has not been 14 months? Comment from : @gman4765 |
I have had MS for almost 10yrs now I have only been working about at the most 15hrs a week I have only done that for about a year now I'm not sure if partial disability is the way to go or full I see this video is about a year old So I don't know if you will see this Comment from : @seannevins2419 |
Should I get apply for disability for covid long haul symptoms: brain fog with cognitive impairment and major fatigue, Epstein barr Comment from : @rmbrugge |
Is people working part-time that collect disability I work 0 of the time and I keep losing my case That's how I know something is wrong with the system even if I could work part-time once approved that will be okay it's like just because I'm young and don't work I'm being penalized and the system should be helping me Comment from : @blindsey1043 |
Hi please help I'm in the process of accepting work comp lum sum settlement Do I need to wait six months to apply for ssdi or do I file now? I'm about to sign settlement in couple days And I have ssdi appointments in two weeks what should I do? Comment from : @findingtreasures1084 |
Have you made a video on loan agreements needed for housing questions or if you pay no rent with family or friend? I searched but couldn’t find a video Thank you! Comment from : @bar3687 |
I'm 53yrs old, hv multiple arthroscopic surgery from both knees, shoulders, and hands Stenosis L1-S1 lumbar spine, been out 2yrs and my workman comp case is done Thinking of applying for SSDI, cause money is not enough to go by Should disability lawyer take my case or not Comment from : @denden01161 |
Thank you Mr Ginsberg Your deep knowledge and the meticulous presentation of that certainly helped me to get through my telephone hearing yesterday The judge said at the end of the hearing that he could approve me on Merritt or under the grid rules so I was approvedeither way He approved me on merrit I thank God, my attorney, and Mr Ginsberg Comment from : @blacksheepdown3360 |
My insurance co long term disability hires Advantage 2000 to file for disability pay 3/5/21 C1,2,3,4,5,T1,2 fusions fell several times due to left leg and foot nerve damage w drop foot from previous 3/15/19 collapsed lumbar due to Dr removing bone spurs and stability L1,2,3,4,5 S1 fusions Should I let these people file SSD or should I hire you? In July 2019 when I returned to work my insurance co said I was approved and I told them I am already back to woke I am not giving up I have fought so hard to get back to work I had C 4,5,6 fusions Nov 23,2014 after I lost the use of left hand which I regained use of hand immediately after surgery and had peripheral vision returned in right eye In 7 yrs 1 eye surgery 2 cervical and 2 lumbar surgeries my mind is still kicking head held high w a smile in denial cause my body is tired n broken So now what do I do? Comment from : @kristinestoner3372 |
My question is again been out work since middle January with real bad Arthritis bad with bad knee just file for Disability 2 months ago Would I get back pay The time I was off got interviewed with social security July 20 plus be turning 58 year old September Comment from : @earllester5513 |
Hi back in 2017 my kidneys and I have struggled with keeping up with my workload, I was notified last month that the company will be shutting down their operations in my state I am deciding to file but know sure I can qualify, any suggestions Comment from : @geraldmatthews5054 |
I have been diagnosed with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion( I'm losing my vision to only get worse) I last worked two weeks ago Comment from : @1313coffeeguy |
That is what the SSA told me also they told me I could not file while I had a workman's compensation claim Comment from : @kennethwedding8489 |
Thank GOD, attorneys and doctors are setting up YouTube channels to help those who really need it Comment from : @GailBecker-MSED-CM-Author |
I got my favorable letter thanks to you!! Eternally greatful! I clearly communicated my disease and was honest about what I was still able to do Comment from : @Gingerificcolorist |
This has been helpful, Thank you Sir brHow long does SS have to pay out back pay for?brI read nothing past 1 year Even if its been say 3 yrs brIs this true? Comment from : @gussygatlin3093 |
Mr Ginsberg, I have been disabled since 2002 When retirement age comes or should I file at age 62? Will I receive the same amount I get for SSDI when I reach “retirement age” for me that is 67 Some professionals yes it will remain same but others like you say it will not Please answer as I am very confused now… Comment from : @minutewithmark7564 |
what about mental disability? Comment from : @despoinakarava1493 |
Good day My wife has had ms for over 25 yrs she has recently dec 2020 being treated by a dr for this condition She is 61 yrs may 2021 She still continues to work part time shop rite grocery as a cashier She want to make it to 62 so she can collect ss Some people suggests going after ssdi ? Thoughts? Thanks Comment from : @edcollinge1422 |
Y would judge ask trick questions Comment from : @dmay9081 |
Thank you, Sir My husband is 64 years old Stage 4 lung cancer since December,2019 Still working full time Should he file for disability now? Comment from : @heatherdo5924 |
I was on disability for an illness that will likely last the rest of my life When I turned 62 they "booted" me onto Social Security which cut my payments in half Can they do that, and if so, why do they do that? I can't live on Social Security alone and I can no longer work What now? Thanks for your time Comment from : @fade2blk289 |
I have been watching your videos for over three years I want yo thank you for the information you have given out Listening to you explain the whole system gave me hope that I could eventually win my case I received a fully favorable decision last week with back pay to 2018 Thanks for the work you do Comment from : @corwingiant |
I have a Prostetic leg because I have no foot Can’t walk far , can’t lift heavy thing’s can’t stand long time or sit a long time They deny me because I can walk ? What do you think ? Comment from : @moniquemendez8656 |
I’ve been fighting for my disability for five years I had two heart attacks they diagnosed me with bipolar And anxiety and panic attacks And I’ve been denied like three or four times or more Any advice Comment from : @nancydominguez6394 |
I need to talk about my situation Comment from : @lamarcarter6699 |
Can you educate us on the different types of investments that we can invest in and how much can we put in w/o being cut off from ssdi? Alot of us are living under the poverty line and need help to earn a little more to make it through on a month to month basis Comment from : @simeonite7938 |
Hi !! I’m new in your channel I will like to know if you can help me the denied it , I’m going to appeal and the send me the papers request of consideration and I will like if you can’t help me with my case Comment from : @zulmamelendez2716 |
How does this work for vets that have a 100 disability rating? Comment from : @Danny-zg5mb |
I should be eligible, but I need to keep working to pay bills Can I still apply if I'm working ? Comment from : @russpeaknuckel9525 |
Got arthritis real bad in my knee most body sometimes hard walk got interviews with social security next month want all my doctor number and medicine taken and bank account statement just wondering what happened after that how long see judge been out work almost 7 months Comment from : @earllester5513 |
Heart attack 24 hours monitor Comment from : @susanfullbright9423 |
Do you think I could get approved even though I’m young? Comment from : @theenbgender |
I collect social security each month is 873 USD I am 68 years old but now have acute respiratory problems and ambr on oxygen 24/7 and considered disabled,, can i collect more on social security disability now that I can not work? Comment from : @drdavidlcarter5697 |
Please stop this I haven't been able to keep a job for the last 2 years or don't get hired at all when I say the things I can't do I Believe in some cases you are helping but in the majority of cases you are making it worse by helping people that are just lazy or want to benefit Comment from : @joebaerga8419 |
How does 100 VA P and T over 59 count Comment from : @jamesobleton6450 |
He’s is apart of the family Comment from : @howiegrossman1546 |
Thank you Mr Ginsberg for everything you have done on the behalf of us I just found out that I was approved for disability benefits Your information (I believe) was crucial in my approval Thank you again a thousand times I can breathe again Comment from : @gumball9591 |
I have a phone interview next mth I have multiple sclerosis and am legally blind in one eye Ive heard MS has the highest approval rate Is this true? Comment from : @mattcheshire1293 |
In colorado I applied for disability and a and d i already got my 1st denial and working on 1sr appeal How do the normally take the payments back for a and d? Comment from : @mitchellchandler3689 |
What about epilepsy Comment from : @oxfordruffin1116 |
That is exactly what I thought too Thank you for clearing this up I waited a full year to apply, after my state disability had stopped Comment from : @michellebohman1030 |
Can you get approved for Social Security disability if you are in kidney failure stage five Comment from : @keybubba |
Thank you Comment from : @cecilealonso7446 |
Thanks to this amazing lawyer I won my case I followed how to answer the questions The “ but” word was my golden ticket! Comment from : @marilyncruz1030 |
I just filled for SSDI and I’m 100 T&P, 70 PTSD with major depression and insomnia, congestive heart failure with them in fraction rate 30 to 35, 50 migraines, degenerative disc disease in my lower back and arthritis in both knees and I take 16 different medication‘s 12 of which has major side effects Does any of that fall into the listing category? Thank you and I love your videos Comment from : @reginaldjones9412 |
I have a phone hearing coming up and I’m so nervous about it Comment from : @justred5164 |
Not sure if it has been asked already, but does this time frame apply for veterans as well ? TIA Comment from : @SuncityDirtMachine |
Great info thanks Comment from : @Sony72604 |
Am I to old? Comment from : @daveelliott2055 |
I just turned 62 Am i still able to file for ssdiI have Ankylosing Spondolitis and Dupytrens both chronic and getting worseHad to have my finger amputated 3 weeks ago Comment from : @daveelliott2055 |
It's been a year already that I had Corona 19 and I've been in oxygen ever since I got out of the hospital so can you help me file disability Comment from : @tomymartinez4701 |
The last review i had was about 6 years ago with a ton of paper work I got a review paper in the mail a few days ago that was a tiny piece of paper with only 5 question Is it all the same or different when it comes to reviews Comment from : @todd77777772000 |
Nice background Comment from : @dianecelento4974 |
I'm 23 years old and I've had multiple brain surgeries It took 2 years and a hearing to get my Disability benefits I was just approved June 9 for SSI and approved on June 10 for SSDI Will I receive lump sums for both and will it be a lump sum or installments? Comment from : @Camboroosky |
What if you condition is considered MINE? I have Retinitis Pigmentosa I'm just curious Comment from : @lewistalley9702 |
Do you do up coming reviews? Comment from : @jacklow8590 |
Thank you for you channel,you are awsome,have a great day! Comment from : @user-xf2qo5wy3q |
I have been out of work for 10 years I tried to work from the end of oct to the end of January and in doing so I pinched a nerve in my neck I think or it made it worse it’s the same condition of course but I had to try because this Covid severely hurt my significant others work and we don’t have two nickels to rub together so I needed to try well needless to say I can’t work and that’s not counting the pinched nerve and herniated disk In my back as well, I applied once in 2013 and was turned down I need to apply again now because i am disabled terribly and need the monthly income since I can’t go out and physically make it in my own! Comment from : @socialista1421 |
I've filed twice now I'm 41 military; 14 years, retired now My problem is I have a long medical history I believe I have lupus Va doesn't bother to diagnose It's frustrating Been denied, I have a lawyer Been sick for 7 years Pain pain pain! 💔 Comment from : @DARKhorses73 |
I applied for it right after having a heart attack but it took 15yrs to settle my case in which I received a fully favorable decision going back to when I applied for it I actually kept working but went part time and didn't go over the $1260 per month allowed as I still needed the health insurance through my employer I wound-up quitting my job 6 months before my hearing as I could no longer do the job Comment from : @oscardelta1257 |
Thank You So Much Comment from : @aungmyint5892 |
I just received my letter for favorable decision by the judge Thank you Johnathan for all your you tube content It was extremely helpful to me ! brThx you Comment from : @BearPapa49 |
Thank you Mr Ginsberg Every video is very much appreciated Comment from : @michaelhale4041 |
As always a clear and concise explanation of an issue that many folks are confused about With so much bad information out there it's nice that a quick video from you can clearly explain the issue! Thanks as always! Comment from : @imxploring |
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