Title | : | How the Super Rich Are Killing Social Security | Robert Reich |
Lasting | : | 3.52 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 697 rb |
So how are the people expected live So the government is going to steal the money that we paid in to social security Comment from : @hermanescamilla8787 |
The “super rich” equates to most, if not all of the 1 Democrat parti Comment from : @kurtrossbach8907 |
government employees and congressmen are not in the SS system, they have a private retirement system They are in a different boat, and not worried Comment from : @oil77057 |
i fully agree with him even if they move the cap up to $1 millilon, that will certainly help build up the trust fund I wish Trump would raie the cap as soon as possible, that would help tremendously and take away lots of anxiety RAISE THE CAP !!!! Comment from : @oil77057 |
Dorothea Puente's story Look it up Could explain social security fraud in the worst way Comment from : @ashleymartin974 |
And the welfare people just keep pulling and never get off or the disabled lie about their problem and the lawyer lie too so if it run out tell the truth why Comment from : @jeannehanrahan8304 |
Over 100000$ you don’t pay social security taxes Comment from : @PostalWorker14 |
The top 50 of income earners pay nearly 100 of the taxes The top 1 pay 40 of all taxes We have the most progressive tax system in the world You’re not going to tax your way out of every problem Comment from : @bassman_0074 |
I think the people that should be worried are those of us who are retiring with less than a million I have only 650k in my Roth and I don't know how to grow it Comment from : @IamJonny-o4v |
As Labor Secretary, this guy worked for the interests of the US Chamber of Commerce He didn't work in the best interests of the people Otherwise, he wouldn't have fully supported open borders stagnating the wages of the middle and lower class He was doing the bidding for the US Chamber of Commerce, not poor Americans Comment from : @Po1itica11yNcorrect |
HibrThanks for useful information My dob is 11/21/1955 I delayed ss till 70 tears On 11/21/2025 i will be 70 Which month i puck up 11/21/2025 or 12/21/2025 I don’t wanna make any mistakes to disentitle for fra benefits Comment from : @ftrkhan |
I know someone on ssi I wanna see what happens to their paycheck under Trump brNot gonna judge right now brJust waiting to see Comment from : @fleadoggreen9062 |
The “rich” shouldn’t pay for the “poor’s” social security Everyone should pay for their own Social security is a terrible system and that’s why it’s failing Comment from : @joeyhenderson1624 |
Our social security benefits are fine here's why , 140 million people work ,at least $30 per person is taken out weekly for social security , that's $4 billion per week that goes into social security That's $400 trillion per year now my social security will be fine Comment from : @henrykennedy1120 |
This is nonsense It’s crazy that people actually believe this Comment from : @tomhofmeister3246 |
Make the program voluntary, let people invest in their own retirement funds Comment from : @Insanity-b3m |
Because of people like you and your good friends who have been using the system for decadesbrSo you’re rich You haven’t paid your fair share? You could fix that by not collecting Are you doing that? How about the Clintons? How many get paid out of social security that never contributed? Got a number for us? Comment from : @TomBTerrific |
The billionaires usually don't earn an incomebrThat's the real reason they pay less into the system percentage wisebrbrTell the whole truth brbrWarren Buffet and Musk do not earn an incomebrThey have money they earnedbrbrThere is a difference Comment from : @davidhoj |
Amelia Earhart is still getting Social Security according to Musk If you don't have her death certificate the record is incomplete but that isn't the record used for payment The NRB is the payment record and the NUMIDENT is the Data record Comment from : @HTub-bo2yl |
There is not a SINGLE republican congress person who would vote to raise the SocSec cap They are under the thrall of Dump and his Oligarchy buddies Comment from : @jeffj2495 |
Increase tax on social security don’t just trash it Comment from : @louisecharles8170 |
No the reason SS is in trouble is that it is a Ponzi scheme Comment from : @LewisLudwig |
Trump has mentioned fixing Social Security's biggest problem, which is its looming insolvency He's proposed eliminating federal taxes on retirement benefits Some argue that it might not be enough to fix the issue, and his other proposals could exacerbate the problem I’m 54 and hoping to retire soon, I need this to work smoothly because I’m already thinking of strategic decisions to optimize my savings and ensure a comfortable retirement Comment from : @Vladsesko |
BUT HOW DO WE GET PAID? Comment from : @MouradBrik-g3r |
If we really wanted to make America better we should have called it progress not Congress just look at those two words one is pro brThe other is con brDo you really think if you vote for a bunch of cons that they would actually work for you or their self Trump's trying to get all the cons out and put pros in get rid of DEI and put merit based people in Comment from : @jamesbrock5675 |
This man is beyond stupid! The poor get more out of social security while the rich lose money, SMH Comment from : @robertcummings892 |
📌I'm 50 Years old and living in Canada Alberta I'm willing to retire at 55 if things keep going the way I planned, I'm glad I made a productive decision that has changed my financial status forever, bought my first house last month can't be more proud that I'm right now Comment from : @ZofiaPietrzak-k6b |
Social security has been putting thr $ due us into pelosis povje5 abd the rest of those bandits Comment from : @MaryNovah-b5n |
trumps collecting ssi and he was cheating on his taxes Comment from : @BarryKidd-n4s |
why are rich people allowed to collect social security Comment from : @BarryKidd-n4s |
The super old too And how about no ss for people with pensions or who are still working Comment from : @lawschoolpro |
Most people living on Social security live in poverty!!! Comment from : @johnanderson1478 |
Um the crackheads living off of it cuz their feelings got hurt would be the biggest problem I mean everyone wants to support China meanwhile we have less work and they wont even pay enough to survive hardly When judges dont put criminals in jail they keep robbing and stealing and signing up for benefits while not paying back to this system crime will get worse and your gun rights will be taken and probably already are They scammed you on that one in the 80's and 90's when everyone who got into an argument with their girlfriend can no longer buy a gun They been planning 2033 for hundreds of years Its coming too Comment from : @ryanwyrick6947 |
Robert Reich is a multi millionaire who is trying to protect his democratic party by saying things to try to scare the public to vote democratic so he can continue to get richer through democratic policies that enable such Comment from : @frackston |
The only way we can do that if most Americans would vote democrat and get a fair shake but when you have 87 million people didn’t vote this what happens Comment from : @LeoMesa-e7y |
A sane voice among the insanitykeep it up Robert Comment from : @johngault-9597 |
A rich man making such a video How come he didn’t tell how much he paid in SSA and how much more he thinks he should have paid? Phyco babble Comment from : @davidpatrick1813 |
Now is time to raise the FICA cap to save social security! Call your representatives so they stop kicking the can down the road Otherwise, SS will get a cut in 2034 or earlier Comment from : @fluffyhoundog |
Love your common sense videos they spell it out wonderfully Yes if everyone paid their fair share the problem would be solved Comment from : @Tubi-j6g |
Please respond to Learned Liberty’s supposed “debunk” by Prof Davies of your information here While they don’t have as much visibility as you, their spin on social security is the typical support the rich indoctrination Comment from : @MattTapley-q4b |
Because its a ponzi sceme run by a corrupt ans incometent government You dont need 3 minutes to say that Comment from : @andrewlenfest7548 |
NOO, you’re pathetic democrats in office killed SSI, they call it bowering, guess what we will never get that money back, they have been bowering for years and have not paid anything back, go ahead do your homework Comment from : @johnmacias7267 |
The other problem he forgot to say was that the government borrowed $41 trillion dollars from it Also, people are living longer, so they are taking from social security longer The best is if you have a certain amount of money, you do not get social security Comment from : @jeffreyalberg6550 |
Your solution is ALWAYS higher taxes It's disgusting People with high incomes already pay insane amount of other taxes Come on, start SAVING Comment from : @dinodm769 |
It's because the Democrats keep sticking their hands in the pie Comment from : @davidhammond8098 |
Democrats spend social security Democrats give social security to illegal aliens Comment from : @rayfordswindle3259 |
Social security is a regressive tax due to the cap However most sheep I talk to justify it Whatever Comment from : @rd24life |
Boomers ruined everything Boomers have been in control for 40 years and now everything is more bleak for future generations Things weren’t bleak for Boomers due to the prior generations Boomers caused this!!! Boomers did this! Comment from : @rd24life |
Yes, trust the government with more money I would rather keep my money and invest it rather than the government take it, and i receive little at a time if i make retirement age Comment from : @loganhuey8866 |
I just wish he didn't sound so gleeful about a pretty grim future Comment from : @moss787 |
"inequality" and "their fairs share" ohhhhhhhhh yes This guy is straight LIB wonderful I'll go to the republicans to fix it Everything liberals touch breaks or sucks Comment from : @nicstevens6499 |
I wish the super rich would pay Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders to quit trying to bullshit us Comment from : @thomaskildea6407 |
Democrats ruined the Economy Comment from : @jimcatanzaro7808 |
Congress needs to be investigated Comment from : @jimcatanzaro7808 |
I can never tell if he’s being disingenuous or is he really this stupid Comment from : @bleonar3 |
The solution is simple Social security is a failed system Time to abolish SS and instead redirect the SS tax into the individuals own 401k or IRAbrbrWe must abolish SS now whilst there's still money in the trust fund to repay everyone who paid into SS Comment from : @sence11 |
Considering Reich is a socialist he has no credibility in America He is also a national socialist Part of the national socialialist party How do you say that in german? Nazi Thats right he's a nazi Fix Social Security? Everyone pay FICA Comment from : |
Its also the cola since it started i 1977 ,its in your ck but u did not pay more the tax is the same ,it all comes out of the same pot And that total cola 173 more The rich already pay over 55 of the taxes and typical liberal thinking ,its fair to tax the rich more because they can afford it and don’t need it,but most earned it and did not know they were going to be rich and government just took it Were is the fairness when they already pay more in most state and federal taxes The cap can be increased but on all is that fair? Government has take monies out and left 2 billion in i ou’s they have tried the age change but we are living longer and medicine has improved and less are paying in but our population has increased and its not young peoples as our birth rate has decreased WAKE Up They need to increase the tax gradually maybe a quarter of a ever 5 or 10 yrs Or let people make decisions as they get no interest on there money But american are not savers and a safety net will always be needed but at what cost and to whom Comment from : @jacobzimpfer7564 |
Yhese podcast are just talk they never reach the people who need to hear us so i wonder is this jyst a scam with u podcast people to rant and rave get paid from us and? I hate the fact that we van not get ahold if menbers of the white house and the only time they give us the time of day is when they need votes or taxes as after that we donf exist they rob us blind ! So wher the main purpose here with these podcast ? Comment from : @PhillipCollins-zy6ij |
Social security tax is the largest Ponzi scheme in world history meant to benefit the baby boomer generation Comment from : @tntinsbca |
When someone is asking for more government , it really makes you wonder if they are paying attention Comment from : @AnamPaiseanta-i7k |
That would be great! Like all government programs, Social Security is a dismal failure Comment from : @AnamPaiseanta-i7k |
Take if easy, Sparky: In an economy based on printing money and creating a myriad of investment grade, AAA rated asset classes out of debt, the 1 and the 01 are a necessary evil that keeps dollars out of the hands of the bottom 20, to slow down the rampant inflation that would arise if those dollars were in circulation in the economy Similarly -- within limits -- for medical treatment and medical insurance price gouging, house prices and supply, government spending and the petrodollars for oil and gas from the middle east Which is also why it would be a very bad idea to make Canada the 51st state :-) Comment from : @charlessmyth |
I thought Social Security was established to force us to save for our brretirement Do people with income above the cap really need a brgovernment mandated account that pushes towards hundreds of brmillions of dollars? Will regular groceries not sustain them, or are brthey required to eat lobster and caviar in their senior years? brThis disparity should be solved with measures like equally applied brregulations, fairness in income tax, and survivable wages, brnot through the SSA Comment from : @HenryFabian-sy2zw |
Stop creating class warfare The rich won't get any more back from SS than the guy paying the max cap STOP LYING Comment from : @globalfamily8172 |
I have a question The title of this video is how the super-rich are destroying social security Why do we want to raise taxes on people starting at 250k worth of income? Is that what we consider the super-rich now? Also, the tax that is "escaping" the social security tax is also not accruing benefits If the planning of SS was done properly and the money was managed like an actual investment, wouldn't the taxes collected on the income that accrues benefits be enough for the program to support itself Sounds like the board of trustees, yourself included, really screwed this up and are now looking for a taxpayer funded bailout of your taxpayer funded Ponzi scheme Comment from : @Brian4Liberty |
The US government is run by the rich So the rich will never be required to pay their fair share Comment from : @johnboy8611 |
I totally agree! Eliminate the cap so everyone pays the same We already do this with the Sales Tax & Property Tax and the rich do not complain Fair share means statistical equality and is measured in as opposed to absolute dollars For example, let’s say the sales tax in your state is 8 If I buy a $10,000 car, I will have to pay $800 in salles tax On the other hand, if I go for a $100,000 car, my sales tax will be $8,000 Although in absolute dollars I paid more, in reality both cases contributed exactly the same: 8 That is what constitute a fair system That is not the case with salary as we penalize the lower income by charging them 7 of their salary (when earning less than $160,000) while a person earning $320,000 ends up paying 35 and a person earning $1,000,000 ends up paying <1 Eliminate the cap and let the rich pay their fair share but that is not going to happen in the next 4-years Comment from : @eddieignacio3077 |
I love how Reich totally omits that Democrats fought for years against the raising of the retirement age back in the 90s Comment from : @nathanlovik1753 |
You nailed it! Comment from : @wilma6235 |
Prof Reich, were you part of an administration that worked so competently and efficiently together with the congress that made this issue that you want to educate us about possible? Were you part of the problem? Is this video a mea culpa? Is there a "my bad" in your erudite eloquence? Your rhetoric is worth millions, but talk is still cheap Comment from : @newontheground |
Now, with the oligarchy controlling the White House, it is only going to get worse Comment from : @ah2512 |
How did I know it would be about inequality? Robert Reich is a piece of work It was amended in 1983 to keep it viable and it will be amended again Robert Reich is an idiot Comment from : @donkemp8151 |
The super rich will succeed You and your lame-ass videos have accomplished LESS than NOTHING America is now a shithole country, and there's nothing any of us can do The power has been placed in the hands of a BAD PERSON, with help from his ADORING, HYPNOTIZED SHEEP brIt's over Retire to that sunny beach You've got enough money, right? Comment from : @hamiltonberger7389 |
You fail to mention that benefits are paid out in a progressive bracket system Meaning the more you make, the less you get pay dollar Comment from : @kyleihle815 |
If any private retirement or pension fund were run as poorly as the social security program it would be out of business Comment from : @kyleihle815 |
Mr Reich, well explained My question is that I don’t know what you think my “Fair Share is Please do an explanation video as how you arrive at “Fair” just never have heard a number or percentages I have subscribed Now do the video! Thanks Comment from : @MelvinNewcomb-m3g |
It’s because more people receive than pay in Comment from : @GoFigure-r4b |
How about taxpayer dollars going to non-citizens Stopping that May help Comment from : @tdcfpc3630 |
If Trumps goes with his stupid deportation, it will even get worse undocumented get billions in all forms of taxes get stolen yearly which support Medicare and SS pay in but do not get a tax return Comment from : @geraldarnoult |
how can we make this happen, though? Comment from : @bargemouvier |
Congress is the real reason They saw all that money and wanted to spend it! Comment from : @rickyspeakman4445 |
Robert Reich life isn't fairA usual still telling liberal lies Comment from : @TomCornell-tt8lv |
Nice try, boomer You used the government to pay you with our money Now that there’s fewer workers per retiree, it doesn’t work You made a bad deal, and we’re paying for it Disgusting Comment from : @ASNIV_ |
Bottom line, we need to get greed out of politics As long as policy is made to prioritize the already wealthy, matters will only get worse Comment from : @marymccluer1630 |
Brilliant! Thank you, Robert! Keep these videos, coming, please! Maybe someday some people who consistently vote against their own economic prosperity will see them Comment from : @marymccluer1630 |
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