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Title :  Millennial Writing
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Comments Millennial Writing

Note: Charges made against Justin Roiland were dropped
Comment from : @ShreddedNerd

As a millennial, i agree on everything Fuck my gen
Comment from : @Newsted17

Randy "Greasier that a McDonald's fryer" Pitchford
Comment from : @jakegooldverschoylewhelan8982

People play video games for the same reason we watch movies or read books To escape the world, we live in now and to discuss deap philosophical and moral delemas without it feeling preached to us When a game talks about their carbon footprint, it like I'm playing a game made by CNN This could also apply to the right, except the right isn't making games about social issues You don't see a game preaching at me about welfare queens or immigration When games do get political, it suttle and makes you think, games like mass effects and its themes of war, bioshock and its unfettered capitalism and materlism, or hellblade and mental illnessbrbrAlso I'm so tiredof people complaining about student debt Listen jack wagon you're the one who took out the loans No one held a gun to your head Own up to it and go get a job Maybe you shouldn't have gotten a degree in gender studies or 3rd century African mask art
Comment from : @TheHolyOnes33

This is liberal writing, not millenial writing
Comment from : @ElvenMans

This is literally the writing in Destiny 2
Comment from : @commentpolice4694

Dialogue has been on a downward spiral since it reached the peak in 2007 when Team Fortress 2 was released
Comment from : @adamortiz4893

Midwitlennials gone dead silent since dis one dropped
Comment from : @MrFirefox

I wish I had only half of the superiority complex gen Z has
Comment from : @YouAreNotThatGuy4844

Calling wage slavery a internet lingo is very funny to me
Comment from : @haakiiify

There’s one thing I learned as a millennial You either went to college or went to the war And the ones who went to college clearly ended up writing these god awful stories for games movies, etc
Comment from : @HavocBen

I'm not quick to judge people generally, but anyone who legally owns a funko-pop has failed their entire bloodline
Comment from : @atillanandorfuri3343

Tiny tina was cute and funny in 2012 because if I remember correctly, she is based on a real person? I believe she is based on Anthony Burch's sister Borderlands 2 isn't written on 17 layers of irony losing grasp on reality like BL3 or wonderlands Those game are just claustrophobic cringe, cathartic "why am I like this" language In a way it's cute but mostly it is hard to endure
Comment from : @ginxxyami

The subtle humor of this video is lost on the soy teen
Comment from : @ginxxyami

3:22 This reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite movies, "The Phantom Tollbooth":brMilo: "Words are so confusing"brTok: "Only when you use a lot of them to say a little!"
Comment from : @gunierjkintgenanimations

I'm a millennial and grew up on some of the tropes and environment of this video and his later videos on this topic I'm fine with some dunking on us because I did the same thing but now with this video, his characters thumbnail, the politics make sense This guy is likely just a centrist or right winger that hates "woke" Now I criticize these same issues but from an actual left wing perspective and it's clear when it comes from that lens
Comment from : @SleeperGuy23

I think that the people who created Borderlands 3 are not the people who would create a game like Deus Ex or Fallout Like I think we should start playing more games not from AAA studios who've got the whole market figured out and thus don't really have a reason to do better Play games made by people who give a shit because there are a lot out there, that's my solution
Comment from : @nimkiibineshi24049

Writers type of guys ✍️😂 who overuse emojis like this on twitter💀🐦🤣🤳
Comment from : @nimkiibineshi24049

Ironically enough I’ve found cyberpunk 2077 to be one of the best modern critiques of hyper-capitalism With how the setting supports those messages
Comment from : @darklinkduck2275

11:25 To be fair, Ana is being deliberately condescending in that moment She doesn't always talk like that, though I will admit her writing can be a bit weak at times
Comment from : @Heartogold42

I think most of the dislike of Millennial writing comes from millennials themselves At least I'd like to say that about my age group
Comment from : @viewtifuljacob

what I hate the most that I see all the time in Adult Swim cartoons is the completely useless irrelevant small talk between characters See it in Rick and Morty and Smiling Friends a lot
Comment from : @collinmc90

bSlams desk/bbrTHANK YOU
Comment from : @GayFrogsTho

Bro borderlands 3 was such glop
Comment from : @bigt1013

Millenial writers are why Trump won
Comment from : @williamdrum9899

It's deeply feminine school marm esque writing
Comment from : @tsiiphsycoii

The robot "Rose" from Fallout 76 is the definition of millenial writing
Comment from : @Gabixz

The absolute best example of this is SNL
Comment from : @SoshulCom

What a slapping wankmuffin! I played Borderlands 3 some time ago, and it was very clear they did NOT want to say fuck
Comment from : @HypeRapEnjoyer

“Y’all” is a normal phrase, that’s all
Comment from : @Jleebar

You’re spot on man
Comment from : @kiwi4356

Millennials were the writers forog Borderlands and Saints Row, the presented is GenZ's attempt to mimic the old style Millennials would do Baldur's Gate, Cyberpunk, Wolf Among Us, Disco Elysium, and Nier:Automata
Comment from : @artyomloukashov636

To see an actual cool character in a game, look at fat larry from vampire: the masquerade
Comment from : @voodooomega4387

Zoomer writing when tyrones BBC is mentioned so funny cuck chair feet gooning normies broo
Comment from : @tyrannosaurus_wex

You can do anything, magic skeleton!
Comment from : @LuteTheMFUGK

bMK1 johnny cage/b <—-god i hate him
Comment from : @ViperGills

this is why borderlands 3 didn't interest me and i vastly enjoyed the actual just nonsense of TT's wonderland it didn't even pretend to matter it was just jokes and actionbrbrisn't that what borderlands was supposed to me? mayhem for the sake of mayhem?
Comment from : @harrowedone974

12:13 “y’all” is millennial speak now?
Comment from : @Zach415

damn it sounds like you changed not borderlands writing
Comment from : @Die_Gamer_Zone

I've literally never had Twitter in my life, and this explains so much about why everything is written with a snarky, sarcastic, apathetic voice brbrI thought they all just loved the office or something
Comment from : @IHateHandleNames

Pretty spot on except for the baseless accusation on the FBI controlling what's allowed on Twitter They told them to look out for stories that may be Russian propaganda but never had a say so in what they censored or directly told them what to censor
Comment from : @cosmic_ghostwolf

Ive never played a Saints Row or Borderlands game and man was that a good move
Comment from : @cosmic_ghostwolf

If we've learned anything from Concord, Dustborn, etc I wouldn't be surprised if literally nobody who plays Borderlands games likes the writing, we all just put up with it for the looter shooter experience
Comment from : @DebunkedMommy

Finished reading WaT and remembered this video
Comment from : @paulraul2448

Honestly, I feel like Joss Whedon also made this into a thing way back in the late 90s/early 2000s
Comment from : @ViVi1159-d1

The writing for High on Life is especially irritating
Comment from : @Yourwaifuisntreal

I know exactly what you mean For me it was the most obvious in the writing of The Last of Us 2 VS 1 In the first one the characters seemed still human, albeit kinda downbeat But in the second one they were mostly insufferable jerks Ellie had nothing, literally nothing in her that I liked, it was all cynical, snarky millenial bullshit coming out of her mouth Not only is it extremely off-putting and makes her unlikeable (therefore not enjoyable to play as her) But on top of that she sounds absolutely miserable
Comment from : @josephjordell7923

I will never forgive Randy Pissfork
Comment from : @rl8657

Boomers were the first generation to refuse to grow up, and millennials are the first to be unable to grow up Despising the system that disallowed their growth, but being incapable of addressing it in a serious way, they satisfy their egos with overbearingly jaded cynicism They will eventually be known as a lost generation, skipped over entirely as zoomers and alphas (who never got to experience a proper childhood to begin with) supplant what little institutional power millennials manage to claw from dying boomers
Comment from : @GoldenJoe

i think your right its because they only live online and never have real interactions from the real world
Comment from : @ferronbeast1368

I cant really name any indie games with millennial writing, at least ones that are popular Like you could say undertale and omori count but those games dont really have any of the qualities you talked about brbrI think you bringing indie games up only really makes it seem like you dont know what you're talking about You obviously know a lot about shooters, just not anything about indie games and you judging them without providing evidence for said claim is equally as pretentious as millennial writers brbrI think this video hits the mark pretty well, but dont try to make a claim about something you haven't researched, because a lot of people are going to dismiss your point because of it Pretty good video though
Comment from : @Jerome_M_0

Once in a while you rewatch this because this is like Martin Luthers note on the church door for writing
Comment from : @bearlogg7974

MTV mentalitybrThe generation now sucks as much as MTV does
Comment from : @puppiesarepower3682

The new dragon age game really proves this videos points the dialogue in that game took me all the way out of any kind of immersion because so many of them talked in a weird quippy modern style
Comment from : @SophiHan02

I couldn’t watch past 4:05…I’m not strong enough
Comment from : @ethansexton2590

i also disagree on why writing is the way it is, i blame monoculture hiring, only people who are in absolute lockstep get work part of that culture is a deep disgust at excellence, once you start hiring for reasons outside of merit everyone hired on that basis has A deep investment in making sure that never changes because if the company focus changes, they would be the first to be removed people like that have a vested interest in making sure things do not ever improve
Comment from : @nathanperquin9910

i think the reason they dont elaborate on mentioning political topics is because they fundamentally believe in the mono culture, they think just mentioning it is enough because obviously everyone understands and agrees it comes packaged with the belief that there is only one possible opinion and that anyone who isn't in lockstep is evilbrbrso why would they explain their points, everyone already agrees or is evil and thus need to be driven out rather than cared about
Comment from : @nathanperquin9910

the Left has ruined video games
Comment from : @kadeweber1282

the funny thing about that first tweet is that it's not even a new or creative observation really, that's just basic marxism
Comment from : @wimpwampwomp

Joss Whedon permanently damaged media
Comment from : @luckyjalyt

For the record, I agree with what this dude is saying But I dunno if it's intentional, and it would be ironic if it's not The way he speaks in this video is very much like the people he is talking and making fun of
Comment from : @ThatCreeNative1

I feel like we need to study the effects that Homestuck had on millenials as a generation, and the media it would go on to inspire Phrases like "cromulent crustbucket" just feel oddly Karkat-adjacent to me
Comment from : @choux8372

As a millennial, I hate millennial writing Capitalism isn’t bad, quirky isn’t cool, being woke is gay, it’s dog not doggo, stop talking after 10 words, politics isn’t everything, a black dude with glasses and a bow tie isn’t a “nerdy” character, revelling in violence isn’t quirky or cool, if you’re gonna shave one side of the head, the other side better match, being condescending is annoying, and the real world isn’t Twitter so STFU with the Twitter millennial lingo bs
Comment from : @TheyWillKnowAnother

The baby language makes me feel animalistic rage
Comment from : @mrwhippy101

the show Shogun is unwatchable because of the main character's millennial twitter-speak
Comment from : @Elmothefuzzle

"An obnoxious character like Tiny Tina was acceptable in 2012" brbrNo it wasn't
Comment from : @CKrup

1:30 Borderlands 2 was packed full of cringe humor and bad writing too
Comment from : @BatailleRapTishort

Oh yeah, hean you hear "big enterprises and captalism bad" in a game made by a billionaire company that want tons of money, you know that you are going to play some soulless dogshit
Comment from : @logouzee710

Im feeling attacked in this comment section 😂😂 like damn i didnt write anything why yall coming after me? 💀💀
Comment from : @Edna_Retro64

“Hello fellow Vault-hunters”
Comment from : @metalman7825

yeah, borderlands 3 SUCKED! (pole vaulting over the unmissable political agenda) Largely because the antagonists were not hateable in universe the way Jack was, they were an actual grate-on-the-nerves the same way their map design is; an actual gameplay inconvenience Jack was cruel, but he wasn't annoying, he was ambitious, but because he felt it was his duty to bring law and order to pandora In a way he's like the Joker; one bad day caused him to sacrifice his humanity to a cause he felt was greater (or no cause in the case of the clown) he had legitimate reasons for wanting the PC dead and wanting to keep the Warrior out of EXACTLY the player's hands I can see the story through his eyes, I can understand why he thinks he's the hero Tyreen is just a spoiled brat; killing her isn't enough, I need to not play the game
Comment from : @TheAtHamptonDotCom

Game complains about capitalism, charges £60 for the game
Comment from : @wellimagamer8848

“Stupid corporations!!” Said in a game made by a corporation
Comment from : @wellimagamer8848

It was always strange to me that the people who are completely dependent on the system and have zero skills to sustain themselves outside of it are the most obsessed with pretending they want it gone
Comment from : @GeldUndKokaine-kc1hp

Isn't Borderland's entire identity meant to be a parody?
Comment from : @razor191919

Tbf a lot of millennial writing is the product of older generation writers trying to appear young or appeal to millennials
Comment from : @zerosubswithnovideos3838

I was born in a weird impasse between millenial and zoomer culture and I find that zoomers my age usually overlap with milennial speak I can't tell if the zoomer tiktok brain speak is worse than the snarky millenial speak but both are equally grating Thankfully, most people aren't terminally online
Comment from : @Sealwithwificonnection

I've been playing Yars Rising Christ al-fucking-mighty
Comment from : @fishactivation5087

I think a lot of it also comes from millennials themselves The writers of these projects are near universally entitled because they've not struggled, their parents paid for their college degrees and they've worked one easy job after another They have no frame of reference for anyone but being a coastal techbro writer who tries to " be different" by having a Macbook in a coffee shop They became the very ivory tower elites they accused their opponents of being and have no idea how to speak like normal people anymore
Comment from : @Nick-ue7iw

14:08 I will say I like Story Mode for my first playthroughs so I can get immersed in the story itself before grinding the game in harder modes
Comment from : @UrdnotRed

You know you really fucked up when you manage to make Zach unfunny
Comment from : @MetalLazer1980

Millennials are the worst generation, at least boomers could write decent novels
Comment from : @PeachDragon_

Comment from : @Wertyber

the boys
Comment from : @wallsandaimbot

it was a little hard to take your "self appointed nerd" point seriously considering your channel name LOL
Comment from : @lisamajor

I cringed so much during this videobrbrI've been super annoyed at Gen X lately because they talk as if they started the American Revolution AND came home from Europe after storming the beaches of Normandy They talk a big game of how tough they are, but they went off and raised a bunch of incompetent wusses But our generation really does suck and this video encapsulates it To your question at 12:20 they ARE, in fact, Infantilized It's the defining trait of our generation We are forever in arrested development It's embarrassing "Write what you know" Apparently all we know are pop culture references
Comment from : @ezrareviewshisalbums2735

I will never accept the word "deadass" Just say "serious" you weirdos
Comment from : @hauntedpixel

I heard this thing before, and it’s very applicable to this: “good art makes the audience think Propaganda does the thinking for them”
Comment from : @Definitelydusky

My theory for the prevalence of side shaves has been that theyre potentially easier to render and animate than full heads of dynamically shaded hair, along with other short haircuts
Comment from : @Missmisery42

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