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Title :  How travelling ruined my life.
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Comments How travelling ruined my life.

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Comment from : @thedavidboland

Thanks so much for sharing this with us! I was in the same cycle and it had a negative impact on my life I travelled for more than 10 years and it became so hard to go back to normal I got severe anxiety and depression and just needed a structure in my daily life The first 2 years of travelling were amazing but the happiness faded and it became normal for me All the magic was gone and I couldnt keep the same amount of bliss as before Once i stayed at places longer than 3 months i felt this urge to move on So i tried to find new places in order to find happiness over and over again Thats the trap brIt took me many years until I realized that the journey has to be an inner one But now all these years have changed me and I cannot really relate to normal things in society anymore All I want is to belomng and to feel normal
Comment from : @mickydee1289

Problem is you traveled west when you should have traveled east
Comment from : @bhaktapeter3501

love your warm advice at the end
Comment from : @babiaal1200

A searcher
Comment from : @wynea7911

Its all the same earth rock shit and dirt all people are people just diffrent rules, laws, morals, and traditions not for me
Comment from : @danmulholland1634

Traveling sucks end of discussion It is a waist of time and resources
Comment from : @Lex-Rex

To those who resonate with this guy, I recommend exploring 'Pensées' by Pascal and Schopenhauer's philosophical take on boredom While Pascal's work is rooted in Christian thought and Schopenhauer's in atheism, both philosophers offer theories on the human experience of boredom In short, their's answers is that our feelings of emptiness and discontent stem from an unfulfillable desire for meaning and purpose in life To Schopenhauer, life is inherently absurd and lacking in inherent purpose Some individuals find temporary distractions – whether through faith, travel, or other pursuits Maybe that's the best course for you to take, until eventually you die I hope this helps :)
Comment from : @erykamarillya1619

Why traveling for the wrong reasons ruined your life Its refreshing to see what you learned❤ thanks for sharing
Comment from : @risenshineofficial

I get more excited when I visit places in video games as opposed to in real life
Comment from : @renecarballo5831

True happiness lies with us not with the places that we go A lot of people feel that travelling will alleviate their issues but many times travelling will just exacerbate the issues within
Comment from : @cvhammel

Comment from : @DashingandSlashing00

after traveling to 18 countries i can honestly say traveling is overrated it is inconvenient, uncomfortable, boring and lonely
Comment from : @edwardlopez9061

People who travel too much, are afraid to face themselves 😮🎉 Many adults travel and such miserable and unhappy, i have these experiences people around me I am happier without travelling and they just chase the miles 😢 Sad to see, yet they feel special, and share photos Poor people they just need a big hug and maybe a reeses 🎉
Comment from : @estherhamalka1669

Earth is a floating shop full of rocks and water, make life simple, do what makes you happy but be prepared to pay for your choices No one cares about you ❤
Comment from : @Foxie635

Find a city that you like, find a job there that you can do, go for it, start with one or two years, if you feel well, stay, if you feel you could do better back in the US, go back It is simpler than we tend to think Love <3 From a lost soul that went through a similar phase, from Israel
Comment from : @davidaway753

Have you tried steaks and deadlifts ?
Comment from : @matej6418

not surprised, I was in the same boat, there is only one way out of it and that is to know Jesus, you will never find purpose in this world without finding him first because God made it that way, read the Bible
Comment from : @farbylakyteplaky

Your living better than me
Comment from : @Freemchiieee

My brother, we are here temporarily only Bismillah, researched Islam You will be enlightened why are we here Before islam i had everything and i was so bored with life after islam even a piece of bread for dinner i was so happy and grateful to the Creator Life's so Beautiful and serene now within me taking each test with a smile and gratitude, smiling at everything I had everything before yet felt nothing each day, have something now yet i feel i have the world in the palm of my hands and i cant be bothered chasing it My beloved dad also advised me about being present and not rushing life looking to fill gaps or emptiness, Missed my pops dearly, went back home at 65, & im sure he's in a good place, Aamin Bismillah, hope it helps my brother and i wished you a good life
Comment from : @IsmailMarakkar-s1s

Travelling doesnt bring happiness Finding yourself does Most people never find themselves and are just addicted to travelling, and therefore never happy
Comment from : @TheCreedBratton

Thank You I always wanted to travel but could not
Comment from : @skyhighnightlight

Consider yourself lucky My childhood home was sold ages ago became commercial offices and all my parents and grandparents died No home Traveling for me actually does the reverse effect from what you described
Comment from : @Goliath_Stallone

A Turkish proverb says: "A little is enough, a lot is bad"brIt is true for anything Eating, traveling, working, drinking alcohol etc
Comment from : @KIRMIZIBUGDAY1978

Hello from İstanbul brThank you for the video As you say traveling helped you to cultivate the wisdom that showed what you were looking outside was inside of you Many people need that advise
Comment from : @maydengeci1114

Come here in Philippines your a Star Here People Give You Money Here
Comment from : @landazslaxher

There is a quote from Amyr Klink, a brazilian sailor, in his book: "Today I understand my father well A man needs to travel On your own, not through stories, pictures, books or TV You need to travel by yourself, with your eyes and feet, to understand what is yours To one day plant your own trees and give them value Know the cold to enjoy the heat And the opposite Feeling the distance and homelessness to be right under your own roof A man needs to travel to places he doesn't know to break this arrogance that makes us see the world as we imagine it, and not simply as it is or can be; that makes us teachers and doctors of what we have not seen, when we should be students, and simply go and see There’s no way not to admire a man – Cousteau, when commenting on the success of his first big film: “It’s no use, it’s no use, you have to go and see it” Il faut aller voir The truth is, the world on TV is beautiful, but it serves little purpose It is necessary to question what has been learned You have to go and touch it"
Comment from : @luis303

Deceptive title Interesting subject nonetheless
Comment from : @ndjdjdjdjdjnxnxn4747

Coming to Vancouver will only make things sorse
Comment from : @Kekethefrenchie

Try sitting still for a bit each day
Comment from : @robertjsmith

An interesting and thought-provoking video Personally, it isn't about travelling, or which location you are in etc etc It is about living in the moment and appreciating every day we havebrbrFor whatever reason I clicked on this video despite the Thumbnail, it is not my usual YouTube viewing I am glad you have turned things around positively for yourself, kudos to you
Comment from : @adventurewithbernie

How is it that you could afford pay for all these trips?
Comment from : @Scott-xb7ov

I admire your honesty Travel didn’t solve all your problems and you aren’t pretending it did (I bet there are a lot of people out there experiencing the same thing) ❤
Comment from : @teenageenaballerina8350

There's nothing inherently pathological about wanting to see the world But as somebody who spent a decade abroad, I can tell you that there were a lot of unhealthy reasons why I did so that were mixed up with some healthy reasons Some of those unhealthy reasons are actually pretty embarrassing to contemplate Chief among them was the idea that I was a boring person, but if I went and lived abroad, people would find me interesting in the host country because I would be the dude from the United States There is some American exceptionalism mixed up in that It makes me cringe to think about now and I would never have admitted that to myself at the time But there you have it A travel is not the only thing we do for unhealthy reasons Lots of major life decisions are taken for childish reasons Like going to law school for example 🤦🏻
Comment from : @jeremyevans8374

Thank you That is a really helpful insight Wishing you the best for the journey within yourself which I think is a steep and windy trail but so worthwhile
Comment from : @JLBennett-d5u

Drinking mate❤
Comment from : @LEON-c1c8e

In order to avoid depression find a job is better than travel without a meaning
Comment from : @aalb1873

Thanks that was good
Comment from : @David-jb5dv

Great video
Comment from : @shitsugane

College and the job world is what causes depression, not traveling, lolbrbrOnce you develop a location independent source of income, it makes international or living abroad or expat life travel, awesome!
Comment from : @PassportBroHacks

I had this same exact thing in reverse…it wasn’t me…it was a shithole called Melbourne…best thing I did was leave that dump
Comment from : @MidnightPursuit

God can help you!
Comment from : @diciannofabiano4424

“All of men’s troubles arise from his inability to sit quietly in his room” - Pascal
Comment from : @harrytd

Depression is the result of self idolatry
Comment from : @_Pia12

I am assuming this is circumstantial? If you are in a bad environment surrounded by covert haters who don’t like you or (other reasons) leaving may be the only thing that will bring you peace
Comment from : @DarkShadowGallery

Traveling for life🤸‍♀️🥂🧳✈️👜🍓☀️🏝🕌🌃🚂 Travel has opened so many doors for me and opened my eyes to life outside of my home country Idgaf how other people live their lives, not my business
Comment from : @Xeyne098

Build a life that you don’t need a vacation from
Comment from : @groundzero1792

03:39 Akayaka kadın azmağı
Comment from : @yusufnar

traveling is cool, but when we have a place to go back to and some money in the account
Comment from : @Januszekm56

What you need David, IMO, is to follow a certain discipline on a daily basis, sort of having a daily routinethat would make you really appreciate and enjoy your spare time
Comment from : @RONFELLINI

Yep, traveling is a relief but not a cure for depression
Comment from : @santisanti8386

I traveled for years, and in 2013 I said I would never get on a plane again if I could help it and I haven'tbrI hate traveling It's exhausting You see the same things over and over again A mountain A building A piece of art Traffic Roads WeatherbrPeople glamourize traveling Like it some kind of accomplishment It's not It's pedestrianbrPeople who get excited about it and claim it as part of their identity are boring and pedestrianbrTraveling isn't a unique experience anymorebrAnybody and everybody does it
Comment from : @midwestlakelife

Moving to a new area ruined my life and mortgage
Comment from : @StefTechSurfer

Traveling is a drug
Comment from : @monydiamond8228

I'm happy to be fulfilled, have hobbies amd be content with my life I am doing a lot of international travel now but only to spend time with my fiance' in neutral countries She will eventually come to my country and we will live a more simple life together exploring my country Just returned from a month in Turkey, but couldn't wait to be back to the happy place Home
Comment from : @ivanvarykino8202

Wait till your 40 😢😢
Comment from : @memyself2458

When we travel we also bring with us our troubled minds
Comment from : @gibsondegroot7900

It's true brother, I haven't seen your other videos but have you taken into consideration that you might be neurodivergent?
Comment from : @balkanbald

Find your happiness (joy) in this moment, Don't chase it You won't find it
Comment from : @melokc7257

so u just really wanted to vacation and getaway for some timeu dumbasss
Comment from : @eg4933

The grass is never greener
Comment from : @Steven-wm7rs

Hey mate, I have a proposition for you that might help with your depression You can come here to Iran It’s so much fun here! We’re constantly guessing about the timing of bombings from Israel, and inflation goes up every second We’re so engaged in these matters that we don’t have any time to feel depressed we’re constantly on steroids!
Comment from : @ChartRepublic

i notice that when myself got into state of depressed, disspointed, this bad circular this is happeningbri hope i can learn something from your experience bro
Comment from : @Monsieurgaming311

This is one of the reasons I decided not to travel full time, and instead focus on building my business first to make sure I can experience travel the way I want to, which is a bit more luxurious:) everyone's journey is different
Comment from : @karolinasliwinskafitness

You sound like a fellow Irish Person I can relate to a lot of what you say I returned to Dublin Ireland myself 5 years ago after a lifetime of traveling I satisfy my wander lust now by taking holidays abroad I did not like being back in Dublin again at first but its nice to have a solid base and some security again
Comment from : @anthonydowling3356

The problem is in my small city, it's so difficult to meet new people, everyone kind of just hangs out with their highschool friends or siblings On top of that, there's barely any events or networking opportunities so it's difficult to grow my business Also, it's quite rural and you def need a car These are the reasons I don't like my city and don't plan to live there
Comment from : @SupernovaSites

Ireland is beautiful
Comment from : @aliengrey6052

yap, classic problemlooking outside
Comment from : @crash936

I think the journey is more interesting than the destination because i found most cities are the same but the interesting people you meet while on the train,plane are a good experience!
Comment from : @GiovanniMazzeo-r1n

You had everything already bro parents,family , friendsdon't realise what you got until it's gone
Comment from : @sirbustasirbusta8099

Happiness is within, but some places can also drain u We are natural beings, our energetic field merges with our environments field, if its unnatural it will affect us and cause unnatural behavior/mentality
Comment from : @C1-vv5wh

The truth is you are an a--hole Cause all your titles are CLICKBAIT I clicked twice I'm never gonna click again Deceit is no good way of living
Comment from : @martamariotto1181

The intro of this video explained everything I didn’t need to watch anything more
Comment from : @JahsConsumption

No disrespect, but you seem boring Calling USA, Canada and Europe "boring" is just something a boring person would say That being said, I can't finish watching this video Makes me bored
Comment from : @daki4012

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