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Why Do Bank Transfers Take So Long?

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Title :  Why Do Bank Transfers Take So Long?
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Comments Why Do Bank Transfers Take So Long?

their SWEET time
Comment from : @popelover

It is called greed How many times has big banking been called to testify before congress?? Nothing really changes A little posturing here and there and some fines and off they go, ripping off the American public!!!!!
Comment from : @geneschooley

This shouldn’t be allowed 😠😠 it’s my money
Comment from : @MrEOM41

Yo I paid a bill 9 days ago and it's just coming out making my account negative and I'm tired of it
Comment from : @LamierEnos-hj6xw

in Mexico the transfers happen almost instantly, people at the US are getting f-ed so badly 😶‍🌫
Comment from : @rafaelbarucalmaguerlopez8894

It's a USA issue, the greed and technological inferiority,
Comment from : @AdisPB

I wanted to know about it and now I knowbrThanks for the video!
Comment from : @vladislavkaras491

Can such money be withdrawed if the sender wants to cancel it?
Comment from : @alfredtawiah2493

its a problem and fk banks totally stupid to wait 2-5 days
Comment from : @Katsampas13

And bitcoin on the cheap settings can do this for me in 1 to 2 hours every time!!! Banks are outdated
Comment from : @NoNAME-qi9tq

They need to pay us interest for the time they are unnecessarily holding onto our funds
Comment from : @astrochildsr3658

I don't buy the fraud deal either I think it's all about money discover held my payment we're eight days and because it wasn't paid off correctly my credit score went down when they recorded it and I don't think that's fair
Comment from : @floydbuster9513

bitcoin solves this
Comment from : @bigcockedman714

I did a wire from Fidelity to Chase on Sunday It's now Tuesday and still have not received it I know they don't process on weekends but I thought I would have it by end of Monday but no Confirmed Fidelity has sent funds but Chase has not posted Should I be worried?
Comment from : @cyberBIGGT

Arizona to philippines, it took for almost 2 weeks Still didn come
Comment from : @dumpling6810

It is instant in India
Comment from : @vivekbagade

Yeah Im starting to go back to cash, because I want things to happen instantly I do not have patience for anyone
Comment from : @justusrosas502

I let the bank know days in advance that on Monday at 10:00 am a transfer would take place The bank and I communicate so things run smoothly HTH
Comment from : @Legacy_125

Swiss banks takes 15 days to be received in Asian Banks
Comment from : @sleepingbeauty690

how many days may i receive the money he send to me He is from georgia and he send me pakistanee rupees thru bank transfer
Comment from : @dextermelaya5448

It is very frustrating in business bro have this delays Other can services with enormous volumes of daily business are able to make transfers instantaneous-ly Why can't theybrExample All mobile money services are able to transfer cash to many bank accounts and the funds are available in an instant
Comment from : @lmexperimt

I am here because mad curious about the twitter trending topic in my country that says our bank system is way advanced that it thoughts and one tiktok video from US citizen who visit my country and felt amaze with our ATM and banking system turn out, its true that bank transfer as suppose to be take so long? meanwhile in here is zap instant without any delay
Comment from : @ryanwijaya2704

ACH Transfers are ridiculous I believe it shouldn't take days to receive your paycheck via direct deposit Due to fraud is complete bull There's more fraud with wire transfers than there is with ACH Seems as if the bank just holds your money and releases it whenever they feel like it and it's not fair I read a comment on here about Europe does bank transfers within minutes NOT DAYS like us in America It's crazy how we have to depend on the bank for our hard-earned money when they are the ones doing fraud and holding our money hostage brbrExample: Yesterday morning, I received an email from HR about my pay being sent by ACH transfer earlier that day I assumed that since it was sent earlier that day that it should be at my bank the following day Even though it may not be available to use but it would be in the account pending to be released WHICH I WAS WRONG Somehow, I contacted my bank and they said they did not have a pending deposit for me and I explained about how it was sent yesterday morning They replied saying that it could be Thursday when the deposit will be available Which also means that the funds won't be sent to my account until probably Wednesday So Monday- Money was sent Tuesday-Nothing Wednesday-Money should appear in my account but not available Thursday-Funds become available brbrWhy the fuck do we have to go through this when it comes to our pay? Direct deposit doesn't go directly to your bank account It pretty much sits in limbo
Comment from : @RussellEvans19891

The ach system is old and stupid It's like crypto clearing houses but without the blockchain Europe has had giro bank tranfers for ages followed with SEPA which allowed for near instant transfers It's like the us is stuck in the past
Comment from : @michal4561

Actually it's just bullshit, In Chile all your tranfers, even between same banks are instant, the avrg transaction time is 3 seconds
Comment from : @benjaminmerino1644

It depends on how big the amount that's being transferred but I don't mind the wait
Comment from : @gundambassexe31

As a business owner under pressure from your men sometimes you have to just cash it for 1 just to make sure your guys get paid on time just make sure your stubs match so u don’t get into trouble
Comment from : @christophernoguera1704

It’s a scam Plain and simple They should be paying you for the use of your money while they are holding your money Especially international transfers that can take months or just disappear
Comment from : @ericeandco

What about same bank transfers? What's the fastest way to transfer $6k (much more than the Zelle limit) from one persons Wells Fargo Account to another person's Wells Fargo account? Something that can be quickly verified and can't be reversed or stopped
Comment from : @12vLife

This aged pretty well thanks man
Comment from : @CameronPosh

Another reason for Cryptocurrency - transfers take minutes It's time to eliminate banks altogether!
Comment from : @jdsguam

Transfer $4000, it happen the same day, transfer $500, the money takes three days
Comment from : @revben

Thank you I was needed this info Keep it up!
Comment from : @eliasbogstrand7801

I use Chime to receive my deposits 2 days early
Comment from : @almay9962

Instant debit but 4 days transfer seems like a win for someone
Comment from : @kevineleven5610

Sir I transferred money to others account in same Bankbut it takes so many time why sir?Saturday I transferred at 245 pm When the money will credit to her account Pls solve my problem
Comment from : @chaitalighosh3142

What I could not understand recently is I moved into a neighboring state, and wanted to open up an account with a different bank in a different town I had changed banks in the past and remembered just walked in and they managed the paperwork to get my money from the old bank to the new The recent situation was that I was told they could not do that, and that I would have to go to my old bank and make arrangements I told her that I never even go in that bank, as they always did everything either on line or on phone and bank 3 hours away What am I missing here?
Comment from : @shirleydenton4747

The faces are ridiculous 😂
Comment from : @VinSpacker

How long does it take for consulate to receive money if transferred through bank account I sent fee for passport renewal and the money is debited from my account But the consulate has not recieved it for 2 weeks
Comment from : @Factspeakerplus

I did a international transfare a week ago to PayPal pay and delivery it still not recieved it I call my bank on day 5 and they told me it can take 10days should I be worried and if it didnt turn up what can you do?
Comment from : @simonwakefield6595

I can’t imagine my life without swipeking20 on telegram I got my bank logs from him
Comment from : @catherinewarner5116

Thanks to lemohtoolscom for they got me 11,000 dollars through their wire transfer
Comment from : @bashiruyuguda8341

I don’t buy the whole fraud reason It just doesn’t make sense How much fraud could they really be preventing if fraud is still happening despite the waiting time, to the tune of billions of dollars, still?
Comment from : @5urg3x

My friend transferred money from Bosnia to the Philippines on Jan 21 in the afternoon and I haven’t received it yet what should we do?
Comment from : @koreanlovers1817

I met Herickcard on telegram he's a reliable and legitimate person
Comment from : @serriafonesca2444

OmgbrI've trust issues until someone referred me to Herickcard on telegram he serves the best kudos to Herickcard on telegram
Comment from : @mccallcollins2869

bFirst comment!/b 💖💖💖
Comment from : @cristinasalazar9293

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