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Investing At Age 52 - What Is The Best Strategy?

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Title :  Investing At Age 52 - What Is The Best Strategy?
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Comments Investing At Age 52 - What Is The Best Strategy?

For new investors Buy stocks in solid companies like i did with my $270k and hold them as long as they stay strong Ignore forecasts and market opinions they’re distracting at best and useless in the long run
Comment from : @JoshuaKerr-m4u

What does Dave mean by both Roth IRA accounts? I thought you could only have one? Thanks in advance!
Comment from : @MattyV1974

I just turned 50, and I’m honestly feeling overwhelmed about retirement I have a little over £300k saved, but with inflation and the rising cost of living, I’m starting to wonder what kind of retirement I can actually afford I don’t want to end up outliving my savings I feel like I’m starting too late—what’s the best step-by-step retirement plan for late starters?
Comment from : @CaptReed

Dave said in this video that the gentleman could open teo IRA accounts concurrently and invest a combined $13,000 between the two accounts Is this seriously allowed???
Comment from : @camposjcc

Im 54 starting from scratch I have no debt, living expenses only, saved my first 2000, started retirement through work have 8000 So though Im late starting due to poor life choices in my past Im 💯 committed to saving, investing, and be a good example for my 2 grown kids What is the first book I should read of yours to get on better track and for the last 12 years have no life Im perfectly happy God willing to still be alive I refuse to not dedicate these last years to my financial security to the best of my ability ESPECIALLY for my boys ❣️ I gave everything up foolishly through a 25 year divorce BUT I can still do my best to be insane committed until retirement!!!! Help
Comment from : @TenaRoberto

I'm a 52-year-old QA Specialist at Confluera, with an annual income of $150,000 Although I do have a retirement account, I'm keen on exploring short-term investment opportunities as I prepare to shift to part-time work in the near future What would be the most suitable strategy to achieve my goals?
Comment from : @JenniferDavis7630

I’m 65 and $50k in traditional 401k with 20 contribution,when I retire 70, I should still have $200,000 left in my mortgage brAny suggestions ?
Comment from : @BarbaraPearson55

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @YinusaSaheed

Comment from : @evelynssliceoflife409

401k is a government program It is Uncle Sam which you tell us to hate
Comment from : @CChang-fz5hr

These folks pushing this “success is evil” narrative, are brainwashed by a media, that’s 100 “bought and paid for” by a party that uses “race, gender and fear” as their main political tool…
Comment from : @nedaCFilms

I'm 52 too, have $40k in debt,middle of a divorce, have two paid-off cars, and only $10k in savings I feel like I've been making financial mistakes my whole life, over and over again
Comment from : @Manihsi

Grant Cardone believes 401k is a scam
Comment from : @Net446

Right wing people have schizophrenia Out of touch with reality
Comment from : @PositivePulse123

In my 50s, I'm focused on investments for retirement I've heard of people generating substantial passive income, like someone who earned $200K under a year investing in stocks What's the strategy for such returns?
Comment from : @CadeCowell-ft4fe

Can you really have couple of roth ira? I thought maximum you can contribute is 7000 year if you are over 50 that's the guide line
Comment from : @Happycamper181

Retirees who struggle to meet their basic needs are the ones who could not accumulate enough savings during their active years Retirement choices determine a lot of things My parents both spent same years in the civil service, but my mom was investing through a asset manager, and my dad through the 401k My mom retired with about ‘42M’, but my dad retired with roughly '$18M’
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

Interesting video I'm in my 50s and I'm more interested in investments that could set me up for retirement , I mean I've heard of people that netted hundreds of thousands during these crash, I listened to someone on a podcast who earned over $650K in less than a year, what's the strategy behind such returns?
Comment from : @MegatPage

Damn dude what are you in the cartel
Comment from : @pmb7927

Dave's basic advice can be summed up in a few sentences, and applies equally to men and women, Dems and Republicans: brbrStart tracking your income and expensesbrGo on a budgetbrCut up your credit cardsbrPay off your debtsbrPay off your mortgagebrDon't buy things you can't afford (including homes)brbrThe dumbest thing I did BEFORE listening to him was, constantly refinancing my house I thought of it as "taking money out of my house" but I was just adding to my debts After listening to him, I put all of my extra income each month into paying down my mortgage, and finally paid it off I still of course have to pay property taxes
Comment from : @Nilsosmar

Can you just say “a crazy person” rather than saying “a crazy lefty liberal” That is just perpetuating hatred and the already dangerous divide we have in this country Stop spreading hate and division
Comment from : @LauraMonk9

I almost threw up thinking he was gonna tell the guy to sell the income property to pay off the house😂
Comment from : @thesoundofeverything8023

I'm sorry this caller is just calling to brag about his money !!!!, LolbrHe should retired and enjoy lifebrHe did all the smart moves with his money already
Comment from : @manuelramos4509

I’m 56 and $20k in traditional 401k with 15 contributionWhen I retire at 65,I should still have $150,000 left in my mortgagebrPlan to pay off house from from my 401k withdrawal at retirementAny suggestions/advice please?
Comment from : @masti5102

I have a savings account Is putting it in an annuities a good idea? If not, what do u recommend? TY!
Comment from : @meek4591

There is such a thing as a Roth 401k
Comment from : @VenerableBede2510

biI just turned 60, was planning to Retire Soon with a FORD? BooM the Economy Crashes into Recession and High Inflation! I guess I will keep working another yr or 2?/i/b
Comment from : @georgestone0123

2 ROTH IRA’s??? Can I really do that? I thought that we couldn’t?
Comment from : @jbferrer3

I say that money is just a tool and no one understands me❤
Comment from : @cristinaevans139

I live on $30,000 a year at54 thank god I have no debt and own my own home,no debt 😊
Comment from : @cristinaevans139

Dave and kids college
Comment from : @rdbeaz

Glad I came across this video I'm 54, similar situation as the caller, except paid off house, and zero debt Glad to hear Dave say I should be okaybrDid it all by listening to Dave, and doing basically the same as the baby steps, just in a different order /all at once Worked for me
Comment from : @4wdboss230

Profit is not a dirty word, and being successful is not evil
Comment from : @MovieMuscle

I'm 51 as I type this, and I wish I could like this video more than once
Comment from : @DekeRadio

Oh my gosh!! This is the exact question in my situation now!! Thank you!!
Comment from : @esgiegee9576

I want my social security, I worked to long and hard and if God allows me to collect it I want my share even if I give it away
Comment from : @msjay025

Huh…Interesting advice, I always thought that the older you are, the more you want to put in your 401k rather than Roth IRA If you’re younger your tax bracket is likely lower, so it’s better to put those after tax dollars in a Roth rather than when you’re older an in a larger tax bracket
Comment from : @beautywinsfails8867

Dave Ramsey changed my life I owe him and his team a lot I am no longer a compulsive shopper and I save and budget with all I have…
Comment from : @cheryls8316

i know think having millions is a good thing lets you look down on poor people right
Comment from : @charlesadkins7067

The caller just wanted a pat on the back ……👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Comment from : @tonyg4438

How are you? Near perfect 🥰 golden
Comment from : @PN-ve9lf

Caller: I just want to call and have you compliment me for having a big income and savings But what about all my extra money?brDave: You are super cool Follow the simple steps that are clearly outlined in my books, website, and radio show brCaller: My son is really smart, by the way Can you compliment him, too?brDave: He is super cool and has a super cool Dad brCaller: Thanks for stroking my ego, Dave Prrrrr Prrrrr Prrrrr
Comment from : @avaz5490

Who is Dave’s medical Doctor
Comment from : @stevenyates4535

I'm not sure 275k at 52 is enough I would put 20 into a couple investments I would also talk to a financial person to work out the details I would want to know how much the rental is worth and other variables
Comment from : @jayswavely6371

Wha? If I open another Roth I can put another 7K in there? I thought it was total 7K between a sep and Roth or one or the other
Comment from : @MannyWC

Wait, at 1:50 Dave recommends getting “a couple ROTH IRA’s, and put $6500 in each” I was under the impression that you can have multiple IRA’s but you can only put $6500 total spread between them
Comment from : @yellowtrain3161

"Money is just a tool" Best advice ever As expected of Dave Ramsey
Comment from : @VladTepesh409

Wish I had this guys problems lol
Comment from : @philburt781

instead of being a burden to society, witch is the going sentiment in certain generation
Comment from : @percmanDOTcom

I’ve never heard anyone say that having money is “evil” Never Why does Dave keep saying that?
Comment from : @1drummer172

Jesus Christ, why can't we have more people like this in America instead of all these welfare recipients making babies? This dude has money all over the place! 💵
Comment from : @sagatuppercut2960

Why was it necessary to find somebody to rip apart and drop into name calling in your advice?way to go low man Sounds like you're doing the "big and unhappy" well
Comment from : @culpepperly

He should investigate if this work 401k has a Roth option It’s getting more and more common
Comment from : @rothbj1

Sounds like this guy just rang in to show off
Comment from : @asensibleyoungman2978

I'm 50,I've already made a total profit of $490,000 for 1year with a capital of $20,000 and am still making moreJust to relieve myself stress from financial problem as am retiring
Comment from : @pushkarrajthakurbuisnessco5479

WAIT!!!!!! Starting @1:40did I just hear Dave Ramsey say that we can have more than one ROTH IRA??? And that we can max each one of them out?? I was under the impression that a person can have more than 1 IRA (ROTH or traditional) BUT can only contribute up to the $6,000 max spread out through each of them
Comment from : @yellowtrain3161

The biggest scam is not encouraging people to invest and save I find it insane that we don’t teach money management in high school I taught it when I taught economics because the one semester of economics was principles and theory
Comment from : @robertprice9052

That was a great video, really insightful But most successful people started from nothing They didn’t wait for the opportunity to knock but created the opportunity on their own by working hard Mr carlos kingston @carlos_1uptrades on Instagram, is a legendary forex trader I have been trading with for about 7 mounths now, everything he says is pretty accurate lol i just copy them and earn massive profits I will always recommend him for your trades
Comment from : @faithandrew5487

I'm a left wing liberal and I don't think the 401(k) is a scam so I don't think that person's political beliefs has anything to do with his/her feelings about the 401(k) Not good to paint with a broad brush
Comment from : @chuckmurray1825

Thanks so much for everything you do in our lifes, remain for ever bless and save many more years in your life
Comment from : @tangiej4329

Isn't it obvious? A company that makes rice and beans
Comment from : @jamie49868

So he was pretty much showing off ! 😂
Comment from : @christine2952

Communism is evil, and most communists are lazy and want to take other people's money by force! Communism and Socialists discourage individual independence, and hate people who are financially independent because they want people dependent on government!
Comment from : @stevegant7856

Money does by happiness in other ways!
Comment from : @kckuc310

What's the point of being a millionaire when you're about to die??? I wanna be young and rich But better late than never I guess
Comment from : @iLLWiLLx21

2:57 I think the federal income tax is the greatest scam perpetuated against the American people
Comment from : @nastyboy5568

Just throw your money into an sandp
Comment from : @kyle7574

is this the slow lane?Why wait until you are in wheelchair?Why not do it now?
Comment from : @frankd1156

You can only do a Roth IRA if you are under a certain income level Like 100k or something like that
Comment from : @joepic85

Verging on a "Brag Call"
Comment from : @Liquid_Alchemy

‘Bout 99 sure that a person can have ONLY one IRA
Comment from : @jboy4023

Thank God for your wisdom, thank you
Comment from : @odnanrf1

Don't sell the rental Rental properties create cash flow
Comment from : @markmyjak7739

275k at age 52 is good?
Comment from : @Christophernorbits

Is a million enough
Comment from : @clarifyingquestions

Dave should bring context to that 401K article he mentions It’s a scam in relation to alternative approaches
Comment from : @RealMuperSan

Im 50 in debt Im trying to do everything at one time I want to do 401k what percent should I do I have a 30,000 school loan Im paying on now
Comment from : @beatricesmith8787

Okay I am 51 with no bills including my house do I put more percentage in retirement
Comment from : @danbrown8310

401k is great until it becomes a 201k like it did in 2008 Let’s say his account reaches $1M Using the 4 Rule he can safely withdraw $40k a year He still has to pay his business partner cause he deferred the taxes This will impact his provisional income so 85 of his social security will be taxed If he is able to live on 80 on what he’s making now he will need accounts/SS that kick off $165k per year ($140k x 80 x 13 yrs of inflation @ 3) Sorry for the rat hole Dave
Comment from : @bobby_ewan

Security and peace are important to me Retiring with dignity Yessss! Amen!
Comment from : @2legit2Kwit

what does he mean do a COUPLE of Roth IRAs? did the guy say he was married, is he talking about his spouse, never mentioned to the audience You can open up and contribute to as many traditional and Roth IRAs as you like However, your Total contributions to all of them can't exceed your annual allowable limit (which is $5,000 for most people under 50
Comment from : @mySustainableStories

Dave needs a foot pedal
Comment from : @bluegillmich

275, 000 YAY!
Comment from : @MsJoyce31202

It was my understanding you can have all the IRA's you want but together they can not exceed the maximum yearly amount of contribution depending on age Am I wrong?
Comment from : @degonzoman

Is there a class for my dad in Spanish? Anything that can help him be better with money?
Comment from : @Gokuedit209

A couple of Roth IRAs? $6500 each b/c he's over 50? is this information still correct? I was told I could do no more than 6K and b/c I'm over 50 I could do an extra 1K for a total of 7K And I've read that even with multiple roth iras you cannot exceed 7K per year What is the reality here?
Comment from : @piwacket6837

The order you invest in should be: br1 Any employer match to 401k br2 Roth IRA br3 The rest of your 401k to the limitbr4 Any leftovers to mutual funds / ETFs in a traditional account brThe total should add up to at least 15 of your income (although higher than 15 isn't a bad thing especially once you've paid off your mortgage)
Comment from : @elmateo77

Left wing liberals ??? That’s what you call devoted hard working Americans!!! And you give advicewhat a joke !!! Shame on youI cannot stand Americans that label one another by divisive political partiesthat is what’s so sad today Glad God is judging ppl and not this pitiful soul
Comment from : @dawnross644

401 k is one of the best retirement savings by employeesit’s tough not having enough savings when we get older
Comment from : @normastafford6968

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