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In a word no
Comment from : @RobWuestenberg-d1t

I just broke down a 2009 uncirculated set and sold the 4 pennys for 40 dollars which is almost 3 times what I paid for the entire set I just happened to find a gentlemen that wanted those for his collection and i have 6 sets from both mints so I didnt have a problem breaking one down to make a few bucks Thanks for the info as always and have a great day brother
Comment from : @evilnineteen

I have the '51 - '55 original proof sets still in their individual cellophane envelopes, stapled together, in tissue and US Govt cardboard box Some of the coin's are toning I recently read that sulphur in the cardboard used for the boxes is causing the toning Still, I don't want to break them apart but I'm having a difficult time finishing my Franklin album The '54 and '55 proofs were easy enough to find cheap but the other's are selling for more than the sets cost me I'm tempted to break them up and keep searching for the 1950 I'm hoping for another opinion
Comment from : @chrisrozewski9526

What about a 1956 proof set in a opened envelope with a type 1 Benjamin Franklin and put them in a capital holder? Is that a bad idea?
Comment from : @Kenlydford

One nickel with full step is worth 10 times what one mint or proof set is worth as a whole
Comment from : @vernmaas3609

The only thing I have thought about taking out of the case is the state silver proofs and put in a framed display to hang on the wall I just think that would be kinda cool
Comment from : @fingerstylefan

I’d just spend them in the package
Comment from : @thegrandlevel313

could you please respond to more of the comments several of us have the same questions thanks
Comment from : @richcox1258

I’ve been considering taking all the silver out of my sets and using the non silver coins to buy more silver It’s a hard decision to make I have a thought that when it’s time to sell that the economy might be such a mess that I’m only going to get silver value anyways and the rest would be worth less than it is today after beat down by inflation
Comment from : @badgerskicks3902

so i have a 66 proof set the Kennedy has no FG so is it in by best interest to keep it in the hard case or break it out and have it graded? or no?
Comment from : @jerrymoede9073

Soooooooo, I had a collection and managed to inherit other family members collections Should I bust open and holder one of each of the mints to sell individually?
Comment from : @arachnoguy

Shouldn’t all you guys who say that you would never break open the proof and mint sets be glad if there are guys out there busting them wide open, as every time another one gets cracked into, that means that the set(s) that YOU have just got scarcer? brAnd “scarcer” will eventually translate to “more valuable”—will it not? brNow, I understand that you might not even still be around; perhaps none of us will be when the values on a lot of the proof and mint sets appreciate significantly brBut does that really matter? brThe point is that the actions of the guys busting open the sets will eventually and gradually equate to a rise in values of the pieces that you are holding onto brMaybe it will be your children or grandchildren or great grandchildren who will benefit from that increase, but what’s wrong with that? Again, the point is that things are heading in the right direction for YOU (and yours) if I’m sitting in my hobby room busting open the identical item(s) that you are archiving
Comment from : @anonamust8697

I buy strictly post-1999 silver proof sets from my LCS's and online, I crack them all out and put them into 2x2's as soon as I can, because I find that many of the silver coins will begin to develop some unattractive toning if left in the cases over time Storage conditions may be responsible for the toning on some sets, because I have purchased sets from the early 2000's that are not toned also I don't know if proof sets sell better if left complete in the cases or not, since I've never sold them that way, I sell off the individual coins, but likely they do sell better all together in the set, at least faster I'm not in any hurry, and I know that I can make more money selling them individually, so that's what I do I sell all this kind of stuff on Ebay, and it can take some time using a Buy It Now price, but eventually someone will come along and pay the price you are asking
Comment from : @jzak5723

Wow!!! Blu u just got done watching your video on proof sets and sms set love the info eye opener I really just learned something from this video and that is that the Denver mint don't have proof sets and that only the sanfrancisco mint from 1968s till now 2022 all have a S mint mark wow really didn't Kno that I'm shocked rite now because I've had for years I'm guessing from this video now telling me that Denver didn't make proof coins I have a (1969D/D Lincoln memorial proof coin I've had for years the 1969s is identical to my 1969D/D proof they look exactly alike I had it graded back in 2017 it came back a genuine 3'11 grams copper 1969D/D Lincoln memorial proof cent with a RPM /PR-67-RB I thought nothing of it because I thought all mints make proof coins I just learned today that Denver didn't make proofs in 1969 I'm shocked rite now I just might have a rare proof cent thanks
Comment from : @michaelwilliams5466

is the 1977 s still in demand
Comment from : @estherward8066

I think it is 100 fine to break open mint or proof sets as long as you put them in some kind of special container I would put them in air tight capsules (Get ones that you can adjust the space inside to fit different coins)
Comment from : @lsaac_

I don't believe in cracking them open I use the Eagle plastic proof set holders that holds four proof sets per page and store them in the thickest binder with slipcase I can find Currently that's the Lighthouse Vario G D-ring binder at 325 inches thick
Comment from : @RipVanSmith

You can generally make money by breaking the set up and selling all the coins individually compared to just selling the intact set That accounts for part of the reason people break open sets, the other reason is to cherry pick the better coins for sets or sending in for grading
Comment from : @jzak5723

Have you ever sold any coins out of a mint said to the heritage auction?If you have, can you do a video about it please
Comment from : @rick5653

Please do this topic again in 2022🤞🏽
Comment from : @bunymustard2584

I break my proof quarter sets and roll them up Proof bullion or proof constitutional The price is right, there is no wear, and they stack very nicely
Comment from : @310rustyswan

I have never broken any kind of a set However I am just beginning to learn about varieties You did a great job of explaining this brThank you!
Comment from : @Peg-ee5ei

I like watching your videos because as a coin guru you are so full of crap and it gives me so much pleasure listening to someone who knows very little about the coin collecting hobby
Comment from : @frankshurtleff4775

I just broke up a 1964 sms P & D for the quarter varieties
Comment from : @toddbarnes2866

i buy these sets and break down to have just to see how high a grade i can get to me its only a game
Comment from : @charlesadkins7067

Sure , but what if you bought some regular mint sets on Ebay that've been heavily cherry picked and all but one of the coins in the set are loaded with carbon spots , milk spots , terrible strikes and nicks ?
Comment from : @lisacolbert5987

If a coin is dcam proof 70, why wouldn't you open and grade it?
Comment from : @laurachamberlain9591

I was thinking of selling my mint and proof non silver sets after 1973 What do you think of that idea as I’d like to see first how the non silvers sets do I was told I can get 55 of gray sheet prices to me?
Comment from : @howardsmall1612

Ok I opened the proof set that was 1975 no mint mark proof sold I get rid of coin
Comment from : @mobblue5077

Ive opened all my mint sets, proof sets and silver sets which consumed some beautiful 8 series Dansco Albums I'm able to enjoy my coins via an organized and structured medium by date and denomination Just my 2 cents to the public, not sure I would say opening these are bad, but take your time and question yourself, are you going to remain in the hobby??
Comment from : @marzbarz915

I break open the old ones in plastic sealed sheets but I keep them in my own collection I feel like the plastic allows the coins to slide around and they are getting wear on them Plus the plastic sometimes has holes in the ones I buy at garage sales and auctions and I don’t want them to be exposed to air and moisture Anywaymy 2 cents Lol!
Comment from : @sarsarsvintagejewelry

People break open sets to make complete nickel amd dime sets and so on
Comment from : @michael61985

We all get to make our own choicebrbrI love America
Comment from : @nick-un9pk

Enjoyed the video thank you Can you create a video on how to crack the 80’s and 80’s (Black hard plastic) mint sets
Comment from : @churchillcoins8519

My penny has a mini black soot on it from the mint set I hate the black spot on it Is there an explanation of why the mint did that?
Comment from : @Keegan_0727

I have a 71s proof set the half dollar exhibits doubling on obverse of "In God We Trust" Maybe i should have it graded?
Comment from : @yoloman6850

My practice is to buy two proof sets and two mints sets every year I keep one of each intact as a proof/mint set collection, and I break one of each out to put in coin albums I'm not trying to make money with them in either case Proof and Mint sets are generally a poor way to invest in coins unless you can afford rarities, which I cannot
Comment from : @garys4067

I have been opening proof sets to put the coins in my collection, in 2x2s in notebooks What does the community think about this practice?brBeen trying to decide about opening Unc Mint Sets as wellbrI am not looking to sell the coins, just keep them in my collectionbrThanks for your input
Comment from : @dalesmith6384

I went to sell my clad proof sets After calling my LCS, They basiclly told me they weren't interested because there was no market for them So I decided to just collect Silver Sets Silver is were the real values are anyway
Comment from : @DavidJohnson-qx6iw

I leave mine in the mint set, especially silver, for instance me and my friend we both bought the JFK 2016 30th anniversary set I left mine in the box he got his slabbed meaning graded he has milk spots now, on my coins brand new no spots it's like old gold & new gold , new silver & old siver today we buy from India 200 plus tons a year , but in all and all I keep mine in the set , my opinion, but anyway great video thank you
Comment from : @johnstarr8858

I paid for my 2018 reverse proof mint set by breaking one open and selling individually
Comment from : @bezo8162

I've got mint and proof sets,I think I will keep them un opened but the toned coins in the sets may well get cracked open🙋
Comment from : @davidcolquhoun9646

I am thinking about how much can I ask for a bag of 938, pennies,,,,date 1969,s give me one idea, please
Comment from : @saraperez5414

Agreed here Blueridge The many sets I have will stay as sets I bought them for collection purposes, not to make a couple quick bucks I enjoy looking at them and I hope to continue to look at them for many years to come Keep the good information coming US
Comment from : @undefinedsilver6089

Great video! For me, I will break down every soft pack for the simple purpose of preservation The early soft packs have some vinyl content them which can leave a milky film on the coins
Comment from : @bobdunn4179

good colection
Comment from : @abaronsnumismatics

BR thanx for taking your time to explain that into to me everything is a gamble keep up with the excellent videos
Comment from : @larrysylvester6143

I will never break open my mint sets I'm thinking my heirs will do that after I'm gone and I will just haunt the living daylights out of them If they can make some really awesome money that is a different story I try so hard to educate my sons and grandkids before I go This was an eye opening video because I don't know what to do about them As long as I'm alive they will stay in sets ATB & GB
Comment from : @ShirlBussman

As soon as you break them out it's too easy to get a finger print or ding or scratch ,the only way they will any value in forty years is if they're in perfect condition
Comment from : @allenknight555

Great video as always blue ridge!!!!
Comment from : @thelostcoinhunter1710

Hey man awesome video once again!
Comment from : @Drewmisley

Is there a chart with prices of old mint and proof sets to present?? (some place on line?) Some times i come across a mint set but don't know if the seller wants to rip me off or is giving me a good price thanks for sharing
Comment from : @martyhastings9347

Does it paid to check the P cooper and the D cooper for errors ?thanks
Comment from : @centavoos

How could I not like this video!? I hit the like so hard my screen almost smashes, but seriously with me to see them silver or even non silver proof struck coins is such a temptation to take them out just to touch them but of course don'tbrAnd to divide a set is not really a wise thing in my eyes toobrReally enjoyed this, Thank you
Comment from : @dannyp2058

Comment from : @patreushadrakas497

I have the 1964 no mint mark, satin finish set I’m desperate to know what to do I must sell them I’ve attempted to contact you and was actually locked out of my email access Could you please respond here?
Comment from : @Bo_D_Vine

I enjoyed the mint set video brI am waiting for a 1971 mint set to arrive in the mail right now brI doubt that the half Dollar will be valuable because of who I bought it from But I will have something that I didn’t have,uncirculated coins to enjoy 😊
Comment from : @davidcarlisle3384

You could get more that way?
Comment from : @lynnschmidt511

You mean the JFK half dollar, sold separate 1976 bi cennential would cost more?
Comment from : @lynnschmidt511


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