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Do you REALLY pay 42% Income Tax in Germany?

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Title :  Do you REALLY pay 42% Income Tax in Germany?
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Frames Do you REALLY pay 42% Income Tax in Germany?

Description Do you REALLY pay 42% Income Tax in Germany?

Comments Do you REALLY pay 42% Income Tax in Germany?

Very well explained
Comment from : @ansari20101

There are still a lot of taxes and bills
Comment from : @dontmind2478

If a German citizen chooses English language instead of German language in that university for Master's degree in any subject, will he have to pay more to the university?
Comment from : @Amerigohall

Is it possible to acquire knowledge about economics, international politics and geography entirely in English in German libraries, or is it necessary to know German for this knowledge?
Comment from : @Amerigohall

That's wrong!! Laut bund der Steuerzahler Im Durchschnitt beträgt die Belastung des Einkommens eines Arbeitnehmer-Haushalts mit Steuern und Abgaben voraussichtlich 52,6 Prozent
Comment from : @laberlaber

what you guys dont realy point out is that income tax is not the only money government steals from your sallary Also government make as intransparent as possible on your monthly report the do not even list the "Arbeitgeberanteil" wich is the amount they take from you employer brin addition they also take health insurance, church tax, and some other taxes 19 VAT also comes on topbrSo the truth is that you work 7 months per year only for the finance departmentand still the politicians tell you that it is not enough
Comment from : @dummbar5869

Very insightful
Comment from : @derinsider3438

what about social security if combined it would be 45 on 75k gross salary 😮
Comment from : @noumanandco

Finally explained!
Comment from : @craftreality

Wow I had so much confusion about the tax rate in Germany I can say this video single handedly cleared things up for mebrDanke 🙏
Comment from : @dagmawitilahun6119

defending the indefensible
Comment from : @pelaoinfo

For married couples often the spouse who earns less pays about 50 income tax on his or her labor So, like 7 EUR an hour net
Comment from : @jugendamthamburg-ggkonform381

According to Bund der Steuerzahler, the income burden ratio (Einkommensbelastungsquote ) is 526 for 2024 Also don't forget the cherry on top: GEZ Gebuehr!
Comment from : @c0d3_m0nk3y

we pay more than 60 in Germany when considering VAT, CO2 taxes, and capital gains taxes social contributions are taxes, not your money to spend the video is optimistic
Comment from : @nadergadelrab2669

Q: Can you opt not to pay? A: No option So, all them are taxes
Comment from : @adrianfritz1962

I have an opportunity to relocate from Colombia to Germany as a Data Scientist and Software Engineer, but I'm feeling uncertain My biggest life goal is to buy a house, but with an income tax rate as high as 42, it feels overwhelming How can I achieve this when such a large portion of my salary goes to taxes? It seems like all the hard work just goes toward covering healthcare and basic expenses, leaving little for savings or significant investments like owning a home It feels discouraging to think about working so hard and only just getting by
Comment from : @alexandervega3463

I'm from China and after the first time I watched a video from this channel I just subscribe it in no time So many helpful videos here, really appreciate it! Thank you so much!❤❤❤
Comment from : @tolerious

Mhhh this video is telling the truth, and i’m quite impressed by how well researched the subject is But let’s not get too excited since actually that is only the Lohnsteuer What really eat the people’s income are the mandatory versicherungs in Germany!!! Only the Rentenversicherung and the Krankenversicherung would eat another huge chunk of the net income 😢
Comment from : @leonidas759

Just started watching your videos and you are both so cute Thank you for creating this content
Comment from : @lisad7459

No, you are taxed even more than 42: for a 65k€ salary (including the regular medical insurance) you will taxed around 47
Comment from : @jrinaldi87

I have subscribed your channel guizz Really very good content, keep it up
Comment from : @dreamingdesires5229

How with this tax brackets Germany can rely on best engineers, most of them will defently work on US companies? Its interesting how social contributions are also progressive! And why Germany don't like entrepreneurs so much?😂
Comment from : @hobbytsworld

You pay 42 tax on anything you earn bover/b the 63K threshold brYour video in a sentence brWhy are you discussing the average calculated tax rate!? It is completely misleading
Comment from : @redcoat192

Meh brStrictly speaking income tax might be lower than 42, but your income will be taxed in various additional ways There's stuff like value-added tax on everything you buy, your employer has to pay incidental wage costs, there's oil tax, tabacco tax, alcohol tax, mineral tax, trade income tax, sales tax, solidarity surcharge, mandatory insurancesto name a few At the end of the day, no matter how bureaucrats call the tax, you will pay not 42 of roaylities on your income but more like 70 if you add it all together
Comment from : @Scipionyxsam

Thanks for the information Watching from India
Comment from : @MUSICISLIFESAM

Just found this channel! Love it! Thank you ladies ❤❤❤
Comment from : @TheHarlotCharlotte

Comment from : @mp9207

7000 gross salary What is left is 3600 net in Germany What a joke In Poland programmers can have 12 tax What is left is 5600 EUR See the difference
Comment from : @user-cw3nb8rc9e

Well, i lived in Germany for two years and i can say that i was paying more or less 40 of my income in taxes, health benefits etcbrIt´s true that i had a high salary, but i still have my payrolls in pdf and overall it´s near to 43
Comment from : @antoniolopezlopez4236

It is still quite high and discouraging for the above-average line salary
Comment from : @XM_Josaux

Nice story Really But the reality is different All the other social contributions, health insurance, employment insurance and pension are a percentage of your salary and not fixed That is a definition of a tax not a fixed service So you can draw all the graphs you like but my reality is as follows: I make 95000 a year and I only get to keep 54000 If you are single and a higher earner this system is designed to punish you Instead you are paying taxes so other people can raise their offspring or live on benefits Makes you wonder why you should try harder in the first place
Comment from : @VPutin-y7j

I wonder who said 42 income tax in Germany? Tax and side costs drive it up to over 50 (Vat, buy some property and you will have to face property tax, and property acquiring tax, ) Of course if you earn too less you will even receive money from the government but it won't allow you a comfortable lifebrGermany is not for me I'm self employed in the manufacturing area and moved on to a country which values self employment Germany is insane in my area - in every aspect The good part is my competition in Germany is no more they went bankrupt leaves more for me from a foreign country now
Comment from : @peterkolta1207

The conclusion here wants to clarify why so much more is deducted from the gross salary, because a significant amount of social contributions is also deducted This is correct but unfortunately still misleading It is not mentioned that the gross amount one negotiates is not the amount the employer has to pay The employer also has to pay the social contributions on top of what the employee pays This conceals the real gross salary, so that employees do not see as clearly how much more is actually deducted from their salary Whether separating income tax so distinctly from social contributions to downplay the tax burden is helpful, I don't know Ultimately, what counts is what ends up in the accountbrbrThe example with €75k costs the employer approximately €88k per year With about €45k net per year, this corresponds to a total burden of about 49 As mentioned, what counts is how much the employer can spend in total for a position and how much of that really ends up in the employee's account, and unfortunately, the 42 with €600k is a rosy calculation
Comment from : @Christian-xi7sh

You talk about Lohn- und Einkommensteuerrechner The fact is that you have to play more or less 1/3 of you income for other staff Yes is it called Solidarität Steuer, but is is a tax neverthelessbrFor someone that has in Gross monthly income of 3000euros , will receive 1850-2000 euro (depends how much you play for your health insurance brIngolstadt Bayern brGrust euch
Comment from : @dionysioskarypidis6120

ich finde es verwirrend dass man nicht genau im voraus ausrechnen kann wie viel man bekommt, jeder rechner sagt was anderes und das was bei mir am nächsten dran war, war 100 euro drüber
Comment from : @kipchickensout

That is incorrect Please check with a tax consultant before posting this video
Comment from : @ronashraf1870

Sorry but I have to point out that while on paper I do get back a lot from my social contributions, in reality that is absolutely not the case Medical facilities are a hassle in Germany, it easily takes 2-3 months for a simple medical appointment! The difference in bureaucracy between the government taking unemployment money from me and me getting unemployment money back when I need it is over 9000 All in all, people are punished for being high earners either through taxes or through "social contributions" Germany needs to be a lot more digital All these promised services should match the ease of salary deduction! Currently I would definitely say that the government is not doing a great job and people would be able to do a better job with the money themselves if that money was not taken away from them Hence saying Germany charges 42 as income taxes, while wrong, is still quite right in my opinion
Comment from : @desinihilist5916

but you fooled us!!! Of course you have to take all including social bla bla it is tax no matter what you call itbrbrIn sweden all are called tax the thing we do not see is that the employer pays tax for paying you gross salary That is minimum around 33 but often much higher as they have to pay for the pension of higher salaries
Comment from : @Bizmyurt

and no family tax in sweden all are individually!
Comment from : @Bizmyurt

and sweden is worse in every aspect, Higher tax lower salaries!
Comment from : @Bizmyurt

I paid 495 and things like VAT and fuel tax so your are completely wrong !
Comment from : @mikewebber7553

Ihr kapiert aber schon, dass es den Leuten egal ist, ob sie Steuern oder Sozialabgaben zahlen? Es kommt doch ausschließlich darauf an, was Netto beim Arbeitnehmer ankommt Und da ist Deutschland absoluter Marktführer hinsichtlich der Abgabenlast Dass die Einkommenssteuer technisch ja gar nicht so hoch ist, interessiert doch keinen
Comment from : @asatrv

I think there is a typo in the table, 100k income shows 32,03, but 150k - 31,35, which does not make much sense
Comment from : @antonkushch1579

Can we earn 1000€ without paying any tax from two mini jobs
Comment from : @adishmandavkar2322

Can student take care of living cost with minimum wage part time jobs in non popular cites in germany?
Comment from : @marufulislam4311

Bro could you stop looking at her? It's annoying to see Whatever you're, whether a girl or a boy (Left one's)
Comment from : @MohammedMujtabaHussain-w2w

Very well explained (and this comes from a tax consultant)
Comment from : @HolgerGruenewald

Could you please tell me how much Age limit to take Germany work permit visa for foreign drivers? Please
Comment from : @MdHossain-wr1tc

Just make a million dollars a year, no matter how much the government takes you’ll still be left with enough 🤷
Comment from : @anandiyer96

so this basically means get more money from the rich and less from the poor wow what a design of the tax rate
Comment from : @c0mplicated

Hello, that was so helpful but im confused about montly explanation how can you colculate montly lohnstuer? for example, if you get 3000 euro gross income, montly income tax of this income how much rate should be and how?
Comment from : @aslihankuden6378

Crystal clear briefing 👌
Comment from : @mohamediqbal9764

The thing is you pay high taxes quite early I myself pay 25 and ON TOP there is Social security, Solidaritätszuschlag, Kirchensteuer etc I pay over 1 third actually For low income the healthcare part is even bigger than the income tax That means you basically always loose a minimum of 1 third of your income, now matter how little your income is Thats really unfair, meaning there is no actual meaningful progressive tax It should go up much slower, it hasn't kept up with inflation increases
Comment from : @Arathreas

Genuine tip - when one of you is talking let the focus be on her not on both, it will look better
Comment from : @surabhiraj7983

I m from ghana I m interested
Comment from : @lightedoh

In Denmark taxes are also progressive I make around 65000 Euro a year, and pay 48
Comment from : @msmark042

Omg guys this content is amazing and a blessing! What a great explanation and beautiful couple Thank you!
Comment from : @adrianfallas87

Hi, brI just want to know few details regarding a query could anybody help me brI'm working as a IT professional in India with 12L annually and also i got a job in germany as a full-time employee with 50 k euro yearly and I'm single person no family or children basically unmarried i got job on September 2023 still continuing in german company and also working in India as well i would like to know is there any way to skip taxation in order to avoid huge amount on tax Please do advise me Still I didn't resigned from my current working company in India
Comment from : @m_arun

Thanks for sharing this valuable information
Comment from : @sxw809

Great job guys keep it up😊
Comment from : @anuragmishra145

Thank you so much for this wonderful clarification
Comment from : @n4nova

Great content
Comment from : @QuizPuzzleChallenge

I subscribed today
Comment from : @PeterBuwen

Even as a German girl, tax stuff is quite difficult/ confusion 😅 And by the way you guys are soooo cute 🥰
Comment from : @maxid7736

Correct, BUT: Due to the progression, on every Euro you earn more than 58597€ (for 2022) you pay 42 income tax Which is not very motivating and the reason why many expats take Germany only as a means to prepare for the jump across the pond This is an amout of money which you easily earn with Master degree in engineering with a few years of experience
Comment from : @gustlfaller4494

Hi Jen, Yvonne, I am moving to Germany from the UK in about month I stumbled onto your channel as I was searching information about taxes You guys are super clear and the content is so helpful to me I will BINGE your channel within the next few days/weeks Thanks a million, and keep it up!
Comment from : @JustGrownUp

Excellent video! Thank you for clarifying this in a very complete and simple way!
Comment from : @Explore_the_world_now

At the same income level the US is at 22 all the way up to over $90k income per year vs Germany at 42 both progressive My health insurance is $4995/month in the US Inheritance tax (for me) in Germany would be 11 vs 0 in the US Capital gains tax would be 15 in the US and 25 in Germany (on money I made off selling a US property!) My GF lives in Germany, but we will continue to be a 6 month a year couple due to the expenses re: living in Germany
Comment from : @garrett7101

Thanks a lot!
Comment from : @sirinaydin8786

As always clear, simple and super duper helpful 😊 Thank you Jen & Yvonne 😊
Comment from : @shivangisingh7265

Thanks for the explanation However, you forgot to explain how this calculation is made on your monthly income (1/12th of your example 75,000)? brbrFor example, I have a varying income each month (shift-work) To understand how I was taxed last month, do I simply multiply all the number in my payslip by 12 times?
Comment from : @coolkid2329094

Can you make a video about adoption for expats There are very few information in english about this topicbrSpecially adoption from the origin country
Comment from : @psycdice

Tax in Germany is quite reasonable but the social contribution isn’t The social contribution in Germany is almost twice more than the OECD average
Comment from : @mdrafiqul2898

Hey Jen, you have been living in Germany for 11 years Have you got German passport? (I hope this is not a personal question) If yes, could you guys share the experience in video possibly how was the experience and process?
Comment from : @sufikalam9283

I was really disappointed that I am paying a lot of taxes here in Germany But that cleared it out Im dont get 35 percent of my salary which means I m paying a lot to social benefits of others Also, in germany we have so many people enjoying unemployment benifit and doing black work, and also subletting a couple of apartments in Berlin As a person who have masters degree I am really poor wrt them which shows the system has its own loop holes
Comment from : @LatifaSharifi-j1g

29 is still theft
Comment from : @hbecker2129

Misinformation as you disregard solidarity surcharge, social payments and massive VAT Germany has one of the lowest levels of median wealth in Europe A rich country of poor people
Comment from : @yulian3309

The average tax rate and the margin tax rate will never intersect At 611000 € the average tax rate is 42 because the margin tax rate increases to 45 at around 278000 € 😊
Comment from : @oliverzieker8914

that's true but if you look in total including "Renteversicherung" and all the other small taxes and social deductions, people making 55-60k a year pay around 40 to the government the main problem is not the income tax, it's all of the stuff combined
Comment from : @georgefarah9214

Hallo, one question!! Are phd students in germany considered to be students or workers? brAnd is it possible for non-EU phd student to apply for bluecard or permanent residency during the studies?
Comment from : @amiresfahani9358

I don’t pay 42 income tax, but the total deducted from my income is 43 and don’t even pay curch tax, otherwise it would have been higher 🤢
Comment from : @Micha-bp5om

7:20 OMG with this graph I finally understand this system By the way, I‘m german, grew up here and am paying taxes for more than 10 years – and still have no clue how this works 😅
Comment from : @Madoxbeatbox

Pension deducted will also be taxable, right?
Comment from : @priyasrivastava9626

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