Title | : | Milton Friedman - Educational Vouchers |
Lasting | : | 4.10 |
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Views | : | 44 rb |
This was part of assigned reading for a teaching credential program, and if we made unfounded statements like Friedman makes around 2:10, we would lose points Comment from : @screentestlaboratory6646 |
Time was not kind to his appearance Rest in peace Comment from : @zelda12346 |
It is incredible that this was filmed 6 months before his death and he was as articulate and sharp as he always was, even at the age of 96brbrRIP Milton Comment from : @casablancasj448 |
This is what Sweden is doing and it has been a success there Comment from : @I_HATE_THE_TOS |
A students are usually those who know how to know (KH2K) and apply it
B students are generally those who KH2K but don't consistently advance it
C students often don't KH2K, they do great in certain areas but not in other areas
D students often don't KH2K, get confused and frustrated leading to disinterest
F students often don't care to know
Armis is great for C and D students because it provides a process to learn how to KH2K
Knowing how to know is the key to meaningful intelligence Comment from : @ArmisVideo |
"Education itself reduces fertility rates drastically"
Hemi, you need to reduce your meds
Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Have you seen the news lately? There is rampant poverty, violence, drug abuse and mental illness throughout almost every society on Earth You may not think that we have a public health problem but future generations will certainly look back and understand that actually we do Denying education to any child is one of the most foolish things a person could do Education itself reduces fertility rates drastically I'm not a dictator, I don't need to formulate contraceptive policy Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
I'm not surprised that "mostly black poor children" should find academic success
Race is not a factor in emergency situations the smart & the strong tend to survive, After survival most of the ppl will exit the problem area That leaves you with strong ppl of all intel levels, which do U believe would attend sch?
Only the strong smart ppl & the strong going-to-be-smart ppl chose school during that time They were not only survivors they were thrivers
Emergencies are anomalous by definition Comment from : @ArmisVideo |
part 4 of the Hemi Sterilization Project
12) Would the forced contraceptive implantation be forced on all female visitors of childbearing age?
13) If a illegal alien who is female of childbearing age is apprehended, given that she is not a legal citizen, and has no right to visit, do you force the implantation on her, or do you consider her human rights? If you do the implantation, do you remove it upon exit of the country?
14) How would you know if your program is a success or failure? Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
part 3 of the Hemi Sterilization Project
8) if family A is deemed fit, but family B is not deemed fit can family A have children for family B until family B is deemed fit?
9) is the criteria for becoming fit the same as remaining fit, can a family become unfit and if so what happens to the children
10) what is the maximum number of children a fit family can have
11) Is there also a criteria for god-parents?
more Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
part 2 of the Hemi Sterilization Project
5) since no contraceptive is 100 effective what happens if a pregnancy takes place before the parents are "deemed fit"
6) you said 'society as a whole would determine the requirements for what "fit"is' how would that take place, a national referendum, would only women of childbearing ages be able to vote on the issue Would there be a constitutional amendment
7) how would the program get funded
more to come Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
1) which country would you be seeking to start this
2) would there be a need for parental permission before you sterilize their child?
3) what would be the enforcement mechanism for the initial implantation and what would be the monitoring and follow-up mechanism for compliance?
4) given that all implants are invasive, and that all implant contraceptives have side effects what are you contingencies for those who cannot tolerate the implant?
more to come Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
How would you implement your diabolical scheme? Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
I compared two situations, driving a car and raising a child Both are positions of great responsibility One requires minimum requirements to be met (driver licence), the other does not It is my opinion that there should also be minimum requirements for parenting Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
There is only one god that starts with a capital 'g'
I don't know what you mean by "non-believers"
The 97 that I speak of are those who are theists, and believe in the one responsible for this thing we call life Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
It's called an analogy I'm sorry if you misunderstood Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
dude, a license has nothing to do with birthing or raising your biological child Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
What happen to the "respect" you brought up earlier, is it finished already?
Like 97 of the world I too believe in God Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
A car should be fit to be driven on the road, just as a parent should be fit to raise a child The reason there is so much social/moral decline is that we don't hold parents responsible for the harm they cause to their children and to society as a whole Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
Oh you were just joking about the God thing lol, thought you were being serious Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
A license is NOT necessary to own a car
A lic is not nec to drive a car
A lic is ONLY nec if you want to drive that car on public roads
in addition to a driver's license, that car must fit to be driven,
that car must be reg with the state each year it is intended to be on public roads
that car must also have mini ins covg
Hemi2050, you need a license for your house? yet you insure it, maintain, it etc
The license has nothing to do with "raising" or caring for what you love Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Sure, it would be the God that created the parents, as well as the God we respectfully give the big "G" to -- that one
Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Do you drive a car? Was it necessary for you to obtain a licence? How much more important is raising the next generation? Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
May I respectfully ask which God created parenting? Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
There are tons of favorable assumptions and problematic holes in the voucher system But let's address some of them
1) is it a national voucher or a county voucher?
2) would it allow me to send my children to religious schools?
3) if a school fails to comply with govt regulations but is a shining star academically, will you yank accreditation and jeopardize the academic pursuits of promising children? Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
hahahahahahaaa, " a minimum benchmark that parents must achieve if they wish to raise children" hahahahahahaha,
More please, please expand on your thoughts and plans for 'parent control'
Even China isn't going that far and their program of 1 child per family is also insane Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Eugenics was certainly implied Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Parenting isn't a human construct, it was created by God Note, not everyone is bestowed with the parent license
Btw, when you want to parent, teach, or otherwise care for other people's children on a regular basis, YES you do need a man made license for that
You think the 'the key difference between Sweden and Afghanistan is parenting?' hahahahahahahahaaaaaa "are you doing the crack?"
Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Hey uncle milty, would those be county vouchers or national vouchers Because if they are national vouchers the best schools in hawaii will be PACKEEDDDDD! Comment from : @letsplayarmis2265 |
Ah someone EQ the mic!
Comment from : @SFuNk24 |
Do doctors need qualifications to practice medicine? Do drivers need a qualification to drive a car? How much more important is the job of raising the next generation? What is the key factor that results in the difference between Sweden and Afghanistan? It is parenting of course And yes, in the future parents will use the healthiest DNA for their children Parents want their children to be healthy and happy Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
I am sorry, but that's just totlaitarian nonsense what next? Eugenics? Comment from : @stevef01 |
Parenting has a much larger impact than schooling We need a minimum benchmark that parents must achieve if they wish to raise children This would result in a paradigm shift in well-being for society That's before even touching the education system Comment from : @Hemi2050 |
I miss him, thank you YouTube and LibertyPen for keeping him alive Comment from : @guiltreaper37 |
not crazy at all
Comment from : @toaojackson7447 |
lol all of your comments have nothing to do with school voucher systems!?!?!?! what the fuckiswrong with you highly literate FUCKS!!! IM HEAR TO LEARN BOUT VOUCHERS Comment from : @JORGEesCOOLIO |
Yes, well the idea is, short of giving the poor a death sentence, a voucher system for "necessary care" would lower costs The real problem with medicare is the lack of competition Other than that, I'm open to other suggestions on how to deal with the situation
Overall, however, my point was that taxation is not a priori immoral Comment from : @ShakuShingan |
The problem with that is that Medicare as inefficient as it is is STILL more cost efficient than private insurance
which I find quite amazing given how Medicare is pretty cost inefficient Comment from : @johanexxxx |
2 Essentially the Ryan plan is a replacement for medicare with a voucher system If you search it on Youtube there are some videos about it In 'principle' it is a decent idea, whether it would really work is a different matter, which is why I think individual states should experiment with different models Comment from : @ShakuShingan |
First off isn't socializing the cost of a certain service socialism?
Secondly What does the Ryan plan suggest? Comment from : @johanexxxx |
3 So long as individual liberty is preserved (Friedman's definition of democracy), such an action is not a violation of said liberty, and is thus not a form of Socialism
4 Whenever such actions must be taken, the market must be involved as much as possible to minimise cost and maximise efficiency, hence vouchers rather than flat universal coverage In such cases taxes are the guarantor of civilisation - not so in cases of flat universal coverage, which guarantee poor quality comprehensives Comment from : @ShakuShingan |
You are making all sorts of ideological assumptions about how I personally think, all of them incorrect
1 I don't demonize Socialists (perhaps Commies but not Socialists) Comment from : @ShakuShingan |
Well, it is the only way to give quality education to the poor while maintaining the quality which competition brings It's not ideal but it's better than what we have now
Libertarians aren't complete anarchists, the Constitution gives certain roles to the federal government which must be supported by "some" taxes But the question of education is a state's matter, if you don't like your state's system you can move to another - they need to experiment and see which works best before we're sure Comment from : @ShakuShingan |
Subsidizing students? Isn't that SOCIALISM? It is!
This is a great hypocrisies of Friedman who has decided to be pro-Socialism whenever it suits him in a debate
If the Government can subisidize consumers in education why not in healthcare as well?
So why should I subsidize to educate other people when I can't afford healthcare? or a place to live? or even if I can afford those things?
Libertarianism is suppose about a moral proposition that no one can take what is not theirs
Comment from : @johanexxxx |
Federal standards are good, if I understand what you are saying, I also believe that schools shouldn't be allowed to teach creationism and should teach science Comment from : @TheConnorian |
That's in theory This also prices people out If our goal is to educate everyone we can't have some people not getting it This is with K-12 only of course Comment from : @blueiguy1 |
I don't agree with how he said it but lets be real A federal standard allows for everyone to get a quality understanding of how the world works We can't have one state learning creationism and another state learning advanced sciences This also creates a gap in the society We shouldn't be having battle about knowledge and unfortunately people do want to bridge church and state Comment from : @blueiguy1 |
@diogotomediogo Your entire argument is flawed Parents are much smarter than their kids, I cannot think of any logical conclusion as to why you would think otherwise unless you are just severely misguided Plus your parents already decided which school is best for you because they send you there unless you stay at home and do nothing? And on your point about Christians, that is incredibly biased and misconceived and I would hope that you could grow out of the immaturity you have displayed Comment from : @TheConnorian |
@yoavgutt That's simple Like an other competitive marketplace, competitors in education would move in to offer better educational value to draw customers Competition is healthy Comment from : @TruthDetector100 |
if the school is far away how are the kids supposed to get there? i dont understand how this system would work Comment from : @yoavgutt |
@321lawc he's right in more than 1 way :P Comment from : @bajskorvaren |
@Aristotle100 Check out Friedman's son David, and you'll see that Milton left behind a wonderful philosophical legacy Son is every bit as brilliant as his dad Comment from : @frithar |
The 1 dislike was part of the 30 that didn't graduate from high school Comment from : @tangmaster123 |
@pocket83 Chances are, the kid of an inner city crack mom is screwed under all circumstances Remember, public schools still exist under a voucher system, so even a child of neglectful parents is no worse off However, alternatives would exist for the vast majority of caring parents of children in failing government schools Parents who want their kids to learn how to think instead of what to think could have the benefit of a competitive market What is the problem here? Comment from : @fzqlcs |
2) The whole idea also operates under the assumptions that the consumer is both informed and concerned with the child's optimum education The real-world demand would be for schools that have great football and cheerleading programs, and the competitive market would deliver Another problem that springs to mind is transportation in a non-geographically based school system I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone, just thinking out loud Comment from : @pocket83 |
1) Like any economic philosophy, seems to work great in theory while you are looking at the mathematics But just like an Ayn Rand book or a sci-fi movie, when it ends you come back to the real world and find that implementation is a bit more difficult If you are smart enough to be watching a Milton Friedman video, you are smart enough to be intellectually honest- inner city crack mom isn't going to worry about quality education when she gets those three voucher checks, she is going to retire Comment from : @pocket83 |
@pocket83 I think he actually mentions something along those lines in another video, and yes he believes you should, should you choose to do so Comment from : @ebinga1 |
damn this guy is 94 years old in this video and he is still really sharp i bet he could have mopped the floor with any liberal on msnbc or neocon on fox news what an intelligent man he was Comment from : @aaron19840904 |
you have Ron Paul Comment from : @hyylo |
Could I use my vouchers to buy cigarettes? Comment from : @pocket83 |
batin' Come back later, batin' Comment from : @philnoll |
@wowsa0 Assuming your age is correct on your channel, I realize you are still fairly young and you problably for the last five years have been fighting for your own independence over your parents control So your perspective is that parents have too much control on kids lives The fact of the matter is that kids are dependence to their parents, and it is the parents job to make decisions as to what is best for their children It is not the government's to be paternal Comment from : @kylep120 |
@wowsa0 I guarantee the percentage of parent's who would make lousy decisions with the schools they would choose if they had vouchers would be much lower compared to the percentage of parents who already make lousy decisions by allowing substandard education in their kid's public school
Government (democratic or otherwise) shouldn't be a substitute for a parent who would be in charge of you child's education, who want you to do it their way because they "know whats best for you" Comment from : @kylep120 |
@wowsa0 And I will say that any parent who relies on the American public school system (the way it is today) to prepare their kids for the real world, are the ones who aren't giving their kids the best opportunities and limiting their potential And I do not believe most parents would want that if they had a choice for something better for their childrens education Comment from : @kylep120 |
@wowsa0 That really wouldn't happen, most parents would want the best for their kids No parent is going to tell their 5 year old that they can only reach a certain level in education However, vocational classes should be implemented as much as social science classes They're highly important to certain students who are about to graduate if they aren't going to get the best benefits from a college setting You aren't giving parents the benefit of the doubt in wanting the best for their kids Comment from : @kylep120 |
@kyler187 I'm not saying there's anything wrong with vocational courses They work for a lot of people But the decision shouldn't be made for students in advance Comment from : @wowsa0 |
What a great man, too bad nature had to take him away from us Comment from : @gre8 |
@wowsa0 vocational classes? You mean teaching them skills that they can actually apply to real world jobs I have BA in Law and Justice from a 4 year university and it didn't mean squat in helping me find employment I would have been better going to a vocational school Most courses in universities are subjective, and they do not really apply to jobs that some one would do in the real world Plus they lead to massive debt, and no guarantee that you'll be employed after graduating Comment from : @kylep120 |
@wowsa0 And there solution is always more more money for public schools, even though most funded public schools don't improve education The idea is to open more options for education and create competition which will force public schools to step up education as well to ensure their survival And FYI we already have indoctrination in public schools and they've are even more subjective than private schools in the US Comment from : @kylep120 |
@kyler187 I strongly oppose government intervention on our personal lives, I in fact oppose the intervention of anyone on my personal life, be they a government or a business or an individual However, when it comes to children someone has to intervene, because children can't look after themselves I'm not actually American, I'm British, and I am currently attending a state comprehensive, having been to a private school when I was younger Comment from : @wowsa0 |
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