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Why LOOKING POOR Is Important

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Title :  Why LOOKING POOR Is Important
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Comments Why LOOKING POOR Is Important

Don’t hate on Tesla, you have to plug them into an actual home usually owned outright 😂 I still look poor bc it’s easier than getting followed home for a home invasion
Comment from : @2010-BTC-yep

Just be as clean as ever
Comment from : @2010-BTC-yep

Why are there a 100 videos about this same topic?
Comment from : @initialdwu7821

You skipped over one of the most important factors of being rich Greed Insanely GREEDY people that are basically sociopaths who could care less about the welfare of others And ask yourselfhow many have served in the military or any public service to protect the nation that give them the opportunity to get rich?
Comment from : @2ezee2011

Respected Sir/Madam brIt doesn't matter if you are rich or poor most important thing you need to be physically and mentally fit br living a normal life is the basic source of happiness
Comment from : @jagdishshetty4536

Yeah If everyone had a lot of money theyd look at getting assets Duh But you got to get it first Duh
Comment from : @powwowtrip5748

Toyota Camry only cost 20k? Try 30k Tesla starts at 42k
Comment from : @yubemful

I made the same video I mean on the same topic with my personal experience , but got stuck at 200 views 😂 No clue why I made the same video I mean on the same topic, but got stuck at 200 views 😂 No clue why Anyways keep going bro
Comment from : @tenycharless

You mean, broke look poor mindset my g
Comment from : @maliseaton

Great tips and help!
Comment from : @kharigodbolt8258

Looking poor? I can do that, no effort at all
Comment from : @andrewchavez9574

if i could buy that house for that price (yes i know there is inflation) i wouldnt need to buy a bigger house either lol
Comment from : @Uvouvo05

This really needs some updating Mark Z wears designers cloths and super expensive watch, jeff bezos dressed like a supr rich that he is, own multi million dollar mansions around the world and a super yacht, idk about his current drive but it's safe to assume its above the peasant class warren buffet is just odd or cheap it makes no sense for him to live so simple because he can buy a jet tomorrow and it wont makje a dent in his net worth
Comment from : @rebeccariley2803

Jeff Bezos can drive ehat6ever car he likes If he's not driving a Ferrari, or a Porsche, it's not because he's endowed with some amazing stoic virtues, it's simply because he doesn't like cars, and never dreamed of owning a particular type of car If you have to work, save, struggle,, delay pleasure, what's the point of life; and especially, what's the point of money If you happen to have some money, spend it and enjoy it - don't waste it all on the risky stock market I can't stand this lutheran-calvinist view of wealth Live, enjoy, spend, share
Comment from : @fankullah

Looking poor is a good method to see the real face of your friends, family, relativesbrIt worked and it still works pretty well in my case Dumped all my so called "relatives" & "friends" Now I can dress exactly how I like, because I know 8 out of 10 people are fake nowdays
Comment from : @MegaFlorin111

To be clear, this journey will separate you from all of your old friends It's worth it, but they will never get it The mindset divergence bleeds into everything, you will literally live in different realities
Comment from : @NeuroPulse

A must watch video
Comment from : @tenycharless

the third one is not even a tip
Comment from : @iamlovingmyself0502

Enrique Razon uses an old mobile phone 2nd richest man in the Philippines Very generous to his employees God bless this man
Comment from : @mirkim9095

Lookpoor but not dugyot😂😂😂
Comment from : @mirkim9095

Too bad you showcase billionaires who contributebr to political parties who work to keep the poor, poor From eliminating Financial Watchdog organizations to destroying the public school system
Comment from : @lsblake2652

The car you drive is irrelevant if you own a private jet
Comment from : @wilhelmw3455

I look poor even when i dress up
Comment from : @danabe3220

I don't want to look poor I'd prefer to feel comfortable and to like the clothes that I'm wearing
Comment from : @mmcinva1

Looking poor ✅brAm poor ✅
Comment from : @VTZORAVP

I need a work truck and for almost 3 decades now I've never had a second vehicle for everyday stuff I drive my at times messy, rusty work truck to the grocery store, the movies, etc Not sure how much money that has saved me over the years in the cost of a second vehicle, maintenance and repair, and insurance
Comment from : @jamiedorsey4167

$20,000 for a Toyota Camry For a new one, are you speaking of the last century?
Comment from : @PaulMilenkovic

I have never had the feel to impress anyone as the matter of fact I have a Luis Vuitton bag that I only wore once as I don’t want people thinking I’m wealthy I don’t want brand names screaming in my clothes Only the poor have a need to show off
Comment from : @ShirinBonab-n1r

This is so true especially looking at the guys you referenced Can you show women that dress poor and are rich I think it’s a bit different for women
Comment from : @fay1006

Very useful advice! Thanks!
Comment from : @MarySmith-ci4bg

My boyfriend likes to look poor from his chilhood, he basically likes to look homeless, almost :D it's a pity, he is handsome
Comment from : @YuLi-gx2ep

Looking poor does have its advantages Friends and family aren't going to be hitting you up for money Homeless people leave you alone Women will have absolutely no interest in you so that will help keep you rich
Comment from : @rst90274

& another reason the really wealthy don't flex is that it is you put a target on your back for absolutely no reason
Comment from : @EliseLiu1

What about the rich actors, musicians, and athletes They are crazy rich and they usually flaunt their luxury They don’t look “poor” How do those celebrities factor in?
Comment from : @deibreak

3 Things That Helped Me Stop Being Poor: br1 I started saving 20 of my paycheckbr2 I developed urgency for money-making tasks No procrastination br3 I read this book: "RICH MIND, RICH LIFE: How to Develop Wealth, Mentality for a Successful Lifestyle" by Destiny Idahosa
Comment from : @hearwiser

I have perfected the poor bag lady look, or at least that is what my sister tells me I very rarely wear makeup or fancy clothes and she won’t even go to the mailbox without a complete face painting I am a widow who only has to impress my two basset hounds, and they don’t care what I look like as long as I give them food and plenty of attention They think I am beautiful
Comment from : @lisabaltzer4190

Just stop buying stupid things and invest in assets instead
Comment from : @SimonFrers-d9t

You don’t want to appear poor, but you also don’t want to stand out as too flashy Subtlety is the key
Comment from : @SimonFrers-d9t

If people think you have money, they're going to want some of it
Comment from : @peterolbrisch8970

My family lives below our means We aren’t worried about what our neighbors are doing Fortunately most of them are just like us When I do see a huge house or expensive car in my neighborhood I don’t feel anything I get jealous when I see a 20 year old car still running Wishing that my old car lasted that long 😂
Comment from : @tippytoe1250

Um, jeff bezos has a warehouse full of super cars and the least expensive one is $3 million dollars
Comment from : @whatsup24_7

It's not about surface level in looking rich or poor , it's about the stress that comes with your job and you don't have time to think about buying luxury goods, I'm a property investor and I'm so stressed to a point I don't care if I'm half naked walking around cuz I always feel like I'm dying of stress, it's not about money I drove the most expensive 2024 s class and beach house cuz it makes me happy a bit and keep me from commit suicide, I'm only 29 Being conventional successful is not normal
Comment from : @wannabepliot

One thing you left out about why it's better to look poor If you look rich, you will have a target on your back Crooks will see the boxes for the new super high tech gaming system and 80 inch tv in your garbage can If you have a fancy shiny new car, you are more likely to be targeted by car jackers I don't wash my 15 year old Toyota anymore than I have to but, I keep it tuned up and it is still in very good shape Hopefully, I can drive it for another 10 years
Comment from : @jackiekjono

Chicks love expensive cars Guys love chicks Guys buy expensive cars 🧔🏾ug
Comment from : @axepagode4321

7:28 so you’re saying the way to turn off my “approachability aura” is to look wealthy? Not hoodies, sunglasses, headphones… just a few nice outfits? Sold! - introvert
Comment from : @rae2blue

Loved the Mazda I am retired and I drive a 2005 Miata My wife's hobby is shopping Good Will Trust me, looking poor is the way to go
Comment from : @retirementpirate3665

The house Buffet purchased in 1958 for $31,500 is equivalent to $343,876 when adjusted for inflation in 2024
Comment from : @Slowly_We_Rot

You DO NOT have to look poor thats Stupid
Comment from : @robsky88

I don't have to look poor, I look homeless, have no friends and am shunned by everyone But I don't have debt, and live in a nice house Even the neighbors think I look homeless LOL
Comment from : @NZer-t2i

Basic Principle - if you can afford it and you need it - just get it There is no fun in living poor and dying rich You live now not in your grave brbrI have never seen rich people look poor , the money shows in the way they talk, walk or interact
Comment from : @rj_NL

Actually this is the key of success To this day I still look like hobo… this actually will reflect your daily life as well… being hobo
Comment from : @moomoo5198

Sitting in front of one of my multi family houses in Germany one of my tenants assumed the very nice looking BMW parked in front of me was actually mine I said no it wasn’t Five minutes later her teenage daughter appeared asking the same question I was about to leave with 100 € shopping trolly in tow todo my grocery shopping (I actually don’t own a car) I have no debt and own 9 apartments in Germany Unfortunately I too had no financial education- none at least until the onset of the internet and sites like you tube etc…The system makes sure most people are financially illiterate
Comment from : @JoeEvermore

Looking poor is deym easy 🥲 but the people in our work just wanna make us a dogshessh --- thinking they got it all by looking wealthy
Comment from : @55ro1able

No, you don't
Comment from : @themanape

I thought having no debt would make me happy… Turns out low income to my standards made me unhappy People need to focus on making the amount of money that pays for the experiences that’ll make them happy
Comment from : @alisanina

I don’t look poor brAm actually poor 😂
Comment from : @iamwazell

therapy isn't going to help youbrbrdownvoted because of this
Comment from : @TheWatchFrogs

Our net worth is over $1 million We still buy all our clothes at the thrift store and use yesterday's rice to make tomorrow's porridge
Comment from : @jasmineosinski521

Only real ass mfs still got they spiderman wallet😤 im jealous
Comment from : @jasonvern9514

We live below our means, and have for years It’s a simple and happy life
Comment from : @dixiehansen3447

Generally, not so wrong Summarized: invest instead of consuming People should not make theirselves to money slaves, however
Comment from : @Snoopyz853

I have a friend with a velcro wallet he has been using since high school but he has $3M cash in the bank at 35yo He also only has 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of shoes
Comment from : @Lurgeek

Bullshit perception
Comment from : @AdTravelTV

I told my kids to live below your means
Comment from : @ronharns6770

This is why you also see richer people shopping at places like Aldi or Lidl instead of Booths or Waitrose, or whatever is considered the expensive supermarket chain in the USA, google say Erewhon Market
Comment from : @bigo93

Meanwhile I just wanna afford a home 😂 I don’t care about looking good in front of others
Comment from : @TonyDaExpert

Potentially being made to pay more if you look wealthy -- that reminds me a few years ago, when I had to buy new glasses since my prescription had changed At the time, I had shaved my head for the summer and would wear basic stuff like T-shirts and baggy sarouel trousers (because super feminine dresses with a shaved head didn't look great on me IMHO XD) I had way enough budget to afford brand frames if I so wanted, but I noticed the salesman (elderly, soft-spoken, very polite gentleman, he was super nice) kept steering me towards the cheapest ones I've always wondered if it was because I looked like I did, or if he would've done that either way 😅
Comment from : @naophae

Looking poor or just being the way that YOU wantbrbr it's like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett going to McDonald's when they met Buffett surprised Gates by using coupons Think about that for a minute You don't need fancy, you just need something you both genuinely like and they both likes McD's
Comment from : @Swampster70

You advertised too much
Comment from : @cplim4842

Stop saying that billionaires are simple and frugal, please Do you have any idea how those billionaires live? How they live lavishly Come on! Yes, poor people can’t compare themselves with the billionaires 😱
Comment from : @irenafields3324

Includes paid promotion That does make you look poor man
Comment from : @dieguscl

Bro, looking poor is hard when you're rich Just advise people to actually be poor No effort at all
Comment from : @markvilla8703

Excellent good videos Everything you say is obvious, its just that it takes a lot of us a lifetime to realize it!!! Keep up the good work😀
Comment from : @w1swh1

0:42 his t-shirts cost 600$ they not from Walmart
Comment from : @ThaiLifeChronicles

I don't even try
Comment from : @KICK839

Warren Buffett remodeled his house to 6,500 sq feet So it is not exactly the same as when he bought it
Comment from : @carissafisher7514

Being fake poor is only important to bums and cowards afraid of crime Lets face it, guys- you can't get a date if you look homeless
Comment from : @kellygreen5556

Naaaah you don't need look poor to be rich Rich just rich man, just be yourself
Comment from : @dragonlie4566

Mark Zuckerberg actually wearing silent luxury brands
Comment from : @michaelmelgar7588

Kim K will never like that idea
Comment from : @charcharabler

You don't have that problem
Comment from : @erosbonita6730

Oh YESS! Mininalism! "Minn-i-mull-is-umm" The less excess, the better off you are!
Comment from : @Jhihmoac

What if I’m okay with living below my means on mostly everything except my vehicle? I have an older phone, I shop at thrift stores for clothes, I don’t eat out very often But im a huge car guy, I drive 4000km’s a month I currently drive a very reliable… beater It rattle, its old, it has next to no features I’m in my mid 20’s and I know these are luxuries I should wait for when I’m older But I want to enjoy it now I am particularly interested in getting a few year old EV, putting 50 down, and paying the rest off in the next two years (long term for small monthly payment, but saving on the side) Is this worth it? Or am I setting myself too far back?
Comment from : @HayRiver2

Buying stuff to look wealthy is a social disease called status
Comment from : @thewrongaccount608

Instead of looking poor, I say it should be financially and ecologically responsible That why I tell my kids
Comment from : @rkuo7678

Don't just look poor, look broke See how people treat you 😊
Comment from : @v1nc3guan


Why struggle to look poor😂 A lot of videos on youtube to look poor You struggled so many years much to look rich Simple message is "don't live beyond your means" an old adage
Comment from : @gpjoseph9807

Wearing the same shirt since 3 days 😅 doing the look poor thing right
Comment from : @rajesha143

hahahahha Perfect video , that was my theory
Comment from : @Concentrados-m2b

I look rich even when i'm poor Chinoy (Chinese-Filipino) problems in the Philippines
Comment from : @Carlos-nl2ty

Never think im look like a Billoneir without doing nothing , looking poor😊
Comment from : @noway8233

😂😂😂 look at the expenses of Bezos girlfriend😂
Comment from : @MrsUnderwriter

Comment from : @AgathaR-v5y

Your video made me think of 'Zeus of Monaco' who dresses like a homeless, yet he wd be a bad example due to his luxury and extravagant lifestyle
Comment from : @DreaElias

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