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Inside a Dyslexia Evaluation

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Title :  Inside a Dyslexia Evaluation
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Comments Inside a Dyslexia Evaluation

Fix the psychopaths, instead
Comment from : @niklaswahlgren421

I ain’t gonna lie, some of these I struggle with and I’m 45 Thats sad I just got diagnosed ADHD but I think I have Autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia I’m trying to figure out how to get tested as an adult because it seems like most of this is caught at a young age but not mine I have always struggled with reading, writing, spelling and sounding out stuff I’ll see words that are not there and miss words that are there When it comes to numbers, I get them backwards a lot like 86438 might be 84368 to me but when I look again, it will be 86438 I just always thought I saw it wrong because I wasn’t paying attention or trying to go too fast When writing stuff like this, I have to go back and check it because a lot of times I will leave out words that I thought I had put in
Comment from : @bskarpa

How do you know if the problem is the teacher or dyslexia?
Comment from : @lightinthedarkness6949

I've always shyed away from the idea of being dyslexic I could certainly read So what was the problem? Well I often jump around the page, have trouble remembering what I read, recalling words for ideas, have trouble retaining math formulas, and sometimes skip reading and writing letters inbetween words I'm now in university and it's been a struggle completing my education without a diagnosis It's videos like these that give me hope I can move forward with a diagnosis and better understand my thought process
Comment from : @SebastianMontoya

How long was this evaluation?
Comment from : @ChuckLewis-u3r

the chair that Zeke is in must be uncomfortable
Comment from : @ChuckLewis-u3r

I thought he was going to touch him
Comment from : @shungitemonkey9574

17:26 Gosh! The cuteness!❤❤❤
Comment from : @arishaafzal6529

brilliant methodology!
Comment from : @EvangelosPapadimitriou-l2w

I’m undiagnosed dyslexic, but I know very well if I was tested in 2nd grade, I would not pass I couldn’t actually read till about 4thbrbrI’m also late diagnosed ADHD, so it’s sort of makes sensebrbrIf you say a word, I will spell it how it’s sounds If you write a word, I will say it how it’s spelt I can’t see words on bright white backgrounds, so when two words of similar length with similar starts and ends I will mix them up
Comment from : @MowMowCreations

It loos like some ADHD symptom This kid have motor disinhibition, maybe his brain very tense by this tasks
Comment from : @takatsukirin410

I enjoyed everything about this video through my tear filled eyes As someone who works in the education field with children, I appreciate the work he does and the demeanor he has while doing it I wish I had someone like him in my corner when I was raising my dyslexic child I am a dyslexic as well and wish I had a coach like him to help give me the confidence I needed when I was younger I believe this kind of work has the power to change the world
Comment from : @KimJeppson

“i don’t know if that’s a bad word but i don’t know if it’s a good word” 😭😭😭
Comment from : @moonyloops

I'm fairly certain that in the nonsense word, "Beeseewaloonup", the u should say it's short sound Just a thought
Comment from : @cztrca

I had to do this at 15,I felt like a failure and baby because of how much I failed it This brings back ptsd!
Comment from : @Sunshinedij

This child looks the same as I did when I was a child, taking the same evaluation
Comment from : @noahwiggs9380

Does dyslexia make it hard for a person to have a girlfriend or a long-term relationship? Because doctors in sweden suspected me having dyslexia cause i couldn't finish all tasks
Comment from : @abdullakc

I remember taking those tests when I was in school and at the end of the test I felt like I was the dumbest kid alive
Comment from : @nikolugo

Great! And what about developing an awareness of what skills the kids going to thrive with! He is definitely going to need some motivating goals because he is going to need to work 3 times harder than most people to just keep his head above water!
Comment from : @wagfinpis

me after struggling ummm just booked an appointment
Comment from : @elizabethsmentalstate6011

I grew up with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Have they found anything that helps or is it still work twice as hard to get by?
Comment from : @DAClub-uf3br

A wonderful teacher and student, I am so impressed by the teacher and the student as a good example of positive relationship between a teacher and student The student is very intelligent, wonderful, and must have very kind parents who also teach him well The video is very good to help next-gen teacher understand how to build a teaching relationship with a student
Comment from : @TimothyMcGinnis-e6v

My son is getting tested next month He also is autistic I don't know if he would be able to do this Nerve racking I was told they will be able to know if it's just autism or both
Comment from : @unconditionallovehomeschoo1830

I am 62 and am just now realizing that this is what was wrong with me in school This is exactly what I was like My mother taught me to read Other than that, the school was a huge struggle I was always in remedial classes I could read, but my comprehension was questionable I didn't begin to learn till I was a senior in high school things finally started to make sense I went on to take some college classes and was shocked that I passed and even made good grades I still can't spell; I am a medical coder and am very artsy
Comment from : @kayrhea8589

My sister had a learning disability and I never saw it Just accepted it no questions untill recently
Comment from : @suedinkfeld2793

I wasn't told that I have dyslexia until I was in my late 30's I think this is a good video I would like for more experts to concentrate on the difficulty people with dyslexia have with Math and Geography That child is adorable Reminds me of how frustrating school was for me
Comment from : @trinasandress6471

I won so many spelling bees in school, but I was probably as anxious as this little guy during the test We always just said I "read slower than my brain, my mouth has to catch up" brbrWhat's interesting being dyslexic, I'm ambidextrous and I feel that my left is right and right is left It's not confusion, it feels like my brain could have used one more twist
Comment from : @haleydoe2279

I’m dyslexic myself so I can relate I thought the teacher doing the test was very kind and never made the boy feel embarrassed or stupid I wish there had been someone like him for me when I was at school
Comment from : @skywatch21

My "evaluation" went on for over 8 hours and focused on the things that I struggled at the most in my young life It's still fun to read the report to this day how would you like to read your "deficiencies" summarized as clinically as possible It makes it clear that there is something different between you and "them" good thing we're "all inclusive" ay
Comment from : @maximilianvandongen4199

Thank you soo much for the informative video on Dyslexia
Comment from : @rakshaaswal9432

Ohhh, english is for dyslexic people so much easier than german 😂
Comment from : @teckyify

My child is dyslexic English isn't our native language but she learns it at school It's terrible She has extra lessons and I try to help her but she still can't read complicated sentences Our native language has difficult grammar but reading much easier She has good progress in reading but that so slow Spelling is awful in both languages This video explains me why she doesn't want to speak english if her listening is good enough It's so difficult to learn language when you have dyslexia and need to improve your native language from different language group
Comment from : @lena01051986

He seems like a nice man
Comment from : @nealgrey6485

What is the cost of diagnosis and treatment? Insurance companies don’t pay for it Thank you
Comment from : @donnaarnold5768

I think he's better than my child
Comment from : @rightAid

Me: Oh let's what this video this will be fun brbrAlso me: how the hell is this kid answering these questions so fast am I dyslexic?
Comment from : @anthonylombardo4829

I was terrible in primary school I'm 37 now, with a PhD in Engineering and I still can't read out loud well My self esteem improved a lot when they stopped asking me to read in front of the whole class Now, I love to read to my kids Even thought my 6 year old daughter reads better than me and picks up every mistake
Comment from : @makeit2132

13:45 This kids hair after stuggling with the automaticity of the material he is reading LOL
Comment from : @AdrianClavijo

Bruh i remember taking this in Elementry School I honestly thought it was some weird test everyone took 🧍‍♀️
Comment from : @eggy337

Really amazing! How wonderful the instructor is!
Comment from : @lutfi201190

This was a very informative video It was so interesting to watch the boy and his mannerisms and lack of being able to sit still This was so fascinating to watch Thank you
Comment from : @heatherw5566

I remember the first time I heard the word “marinara”, must have been 8 or 9 years old I called it “manirana” for about half an hour straight, trying to get the word right brbrI wish these little signs had been caught when I was younger
Comment from : @TheCommentBandit

So I've been thinking I may have dyslexia so I tried to go along, and I struggled on quite a few parts and even got a headache halfway through trying to do jt I might want to get tested 😂
Comment from : @heck8607

red hair, figures
Comment from : @matthewgerman1618

I have lysdexia
Comment from : @ferrosjewellers4558

Am here watching and diagnosing myself at 38 😂
Comment from : @thegracetofollow4194

He doesn't seem to have any learning disabilities to me
Comment from : @thegracetofollow4194

People with dyslexia are very smart all they need is the right support to see there fully potentially
Comment from : @itz_your_girl_d6486

The boy cannot sit still some hyperactivity is here as well They go together often
Comment from : @BraveFox100

I hope that’s not the teacher writing with that horrible cursive penmanship during the “repeating ‘nonsense’ words “…… not sure he should be teaching any class with those skills…lol jk… It is pretty bad though 😂
Comment from : @quickstrum

50 years ago Dyslexia was not known as much i was sent to a speacil class for my reading while at School the Teacher could not understand after making me read sentence many times could not read correctly he must of never knew of Dyslexia this Teacher just looked at me as something from outer space i wish in them days 50 years it was more known i have typical Dyslexia bad hand writting & one trait is a lot of Left handed people are DyslexiabrI wish i had more help 50 years ago as it has made life harder for me
Comment from : @paulpablo7810

My daughter has dyslexia She is a second grader reading at a kindergarten level
Comment from : @Ashley-jv8vj

I need this test
Comment from : @ismaelharras3430

Great and easy to understand video on this topic
Comment from : @Umair_Linguistics

WOW, déjà vu! I took those test
Comment from : @DavidJVMusic

thanks for the video
Comment from : @amelinsenovlogs

I could barely do the color part
Comment from : @laurieberry4814

This kid is lucky to have the treatment for him at such a young age I’m glad how far the studies have become for dyslexia Sending all the love <3
Comment from : @liliumgalaxy

5:38 I think that little boy knew what he really wanted to say ;) lolbrbrOn a serious note This is really an eye opener with kids struggling to learn during the pandemic
Comment from : @Apsilon778

Isn’t this test mean to be done by a speach therapist? Just wandering
Comment from : @cindytorres6693

Reading out loud in school was hell I was bullied so much when I would have to read out loud If it was popcorn reading other kids would pick on me just to laugh at me My mom refused to get me tested for dyslexia because she thought I would be discriminated to get a job It made school hell, but a few teachers who knew about dyslexia and could see my struggles they would make accommodations for me Some teachers were able to get someone to read questions and answers on a test I scored at least 10 better with this simple accommodated!
Comment from : @LunarStarFox

Dam I hope they don’t speak to me like this at 27 years old
Comment from : @MrPAROBI

Is it different for adults?
Comment from : @joiemercedes4122

informative Thank you but would like to receive a reply from you that reading of the child is good but when it comes to writing he writes correct spelling the first attempt and second day spellings are wrongbrwhat could be the remedy
Comment from : @lucyz7066

This is amazing I am a beginner special educator and I needed this
Comment from : @shoptalktoday5531

This person thought I was so smart for her that’s why she laugh my face, iam not very smart it’s just my way off beingYOUTUBE IAM A REALIST
Comment from : @beargames6657

was assed twice this brings back memories
Comment from : @user-kd5zg5ht2i

what is a adult evaluatio like?
Comment from : @1radiospeaker

What about testing adults ???
Comment from : @thehighpriestess8431

I too said cake instead of cup
Comment from : @malane8541

Dyslexic is a long word for smart
Comment from : @davebosanquet2338

I am 39 this year and just found out that I am dyslexic As a child / teen I was never assets nor was it even questioned I had a solid C average in academic courses In my mid twenties I did a professional administrated IQ test and scored 139 IQ (just below genius) not stupid like I thought I was Just recently finding out that I am dyslexic was rather shocking to me
Comment from : @jasonjase8661

Am frank williams from Ghana and I'm 37 years old and I don't know how to read And write I wish I could know how to read please can you help me to break this Barrier🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @frankwilliams3807

he is smart why do you call himbrdislexuc when he hates subjects i do hate subjects but i excelled because i just forced myself too this kid is comfortable and very comfortable
Comment from : @marialeilanilindt3739

I Guess I'm dyslexic too !
Comment from : @Ashutosh231

Observing his behaviour on the chair is intresting He can not sit Bad for school
Comment from : @scouserkitajena6406

i also love recess
Comment from : @villejohn8926

I would love to get a copy of that test to give to my daughter or at least one that would be given to a 17 year old
Comment from : @mommoms7064

That's why Dyslexia make students unique so their real intelligence can be discovered 👍
Comment from : @inspiredz1263

My Facebook group - if anyone is interested wwwfacebookcom/groups/dunceordyslexia/
Comment from : @NorbieGontheMic

I hate watching movies with subtitles! Are there any apps or software that can read subtitles in English aloud?
Comment from : @NorbieGontheMic

I understand that dyslexia is hereditary br brMy son has dyslexia, too My son had to have extra time to do his exams to get to university He's good as a media engineer/producer in broadcasting technology br brMy grandson is not too brilliant academically However, I don't know if he's been tested for dyslexia He's very good at performing Arts br brI wasn't very good academically at school; so, I was labelled a Dunce But, in my mid-40s at college while training for a second career in technology I found out (after a test) that I was dyslexic, too I also had to have extra time to do my studying and exams I'm a good computer engineer, singer-songwriter, musician and actor On the whole; dyslexia has rendered me from achieving my true goal in life
Comment from : @NorbieGontheMic

"I don't know if that's a bad word, but" LOL, kids are so great
Comment from : @hdb80

When addressing intellectual capacity for an individual with dyslexia, just take a look at 6 of the Sharks from the Shark Tank Six identify having dyslexia Dyslexia does NOT lower a person's IQ but heightens a person's creative thinking skills Dyslexia DOES NOT MAKE a person stupid, lazy, dumb, or handicapped Dyslexia allows a person to think outside the box It is the educational system that fails to teach to their (dis)abilities
Comment from : @twizzlerjud

Smart kid Recess is the best subject in school, also extremely important!
Comment from : @jeskapg

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