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Does More Money Equal More Happiness?

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Title :  Does More Money Equal More Happiness?
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Comments Does More Money Equal More Happiness?

Your so fucking right mate
Comment from : @savva1361

Family cant last forever
Comment from : @Shotgunfuse_utg

I feel sooo unlucky/unhappy, Sometimes I just wanna hurt my self Thinking that if I only have money I'll never be like this
Comment from : @angelkatemontejo14

If you need money to be happy beyond basic needs, you need to reevaluate the meaning of happiness And marslow's pyramid? Really? Don't give me that simplistic junk science crap
Comment from : @LWT1331

I really think the answer is actually yes if you have the time to enjoy it brbrIt seems like people either have to work too hard to get too little of it, or they just get too much of it without trying to get it It’s so unjust how it’s allocated
Comment from : @christianchellis9057

Yes and no, more money buys you more options and less worries about getting what you need in life Downside, they don't pay you shit loads of money for nothing, employers in corps will expect their pound-of-flesh for that six figure salary they give you
Comment from : @DixieDaydreamer

if you have a lot of money but having no time to spend is not really worth it no happy
Comment from : @rawk13555

Comment from : @camcam7657

Money is in the root of all evil is the absence of it
Comment from : @H3ntairican

Yes Only money Money is the key to salvation and happiness
Comment from : @TheRoyalBloodline-fj1wy

Don't use equal in the same sentence as money
Comment from : @djperryboy

Most people go into extremes only - find real balance between money and happiness
Comment from : @SuccessMindset2180

It is not only money, of course But who you are and how you use it and how you are able to relate to others as well as how they can relate to you I'd do anything I could to make the world a better place and this would be particularly true if I could get a small amount as a finders fee or commission for making the world a better place I've often wished I had a better relationship with parents and family and I know they would have respected me more if I had more money and more "things" and had higher status I don't think I want money if I have to cheat people, I want them to have fair value And it would be great if my mere presence made people's lives better even if I did not necessarily get more money directly
Comment from : @rizmacadillac

The effort it takes to aquire a lot more money is not worth the stress
Comment from : @eddiekulp1241

Music is too loud But, great content
Comment from : @mmb2211

IT does, I will not listen to one soul AMEN
Comment from : @MS-ns4ki

Many people that won the lottery, today they are worse than before they win the prize brIt's like the old question, who born first, the egg or the chicken?
Comment from : @luisluzz

"This one raises, another one raises, both of them raise at the same time" this is the root truth Buddha taught Happiness exists because there is suffering and vice versa There is another status which is not happiness, not suffering It's more durability because it doesn't lean on both extremely ways Money can make someone happy but someone suffer, because this world is a relative world, nothing is correct, nothing is wrong, nothing is perfect Leaning on any ways are wrong actions "Nothing wrong, nothing right" is the Truth of truth
Comment from : @thinhtat

The answer to that question? the answer is NO!
Comment from : @jusjetz

Systems controlled beyond that, that's why it's so cumbersome and can fuck you over for everything they make evil it lines pockets while they laugh no good no god were just brainwashed on a prison earth with ignorant fucks that see what they are programmed to see
Comment from : @evaalpaugh2366

Money is more than that
Comment from : @dooralters8235

Does more money make you happy FUCK YES
Comment from : @howardcohen4845

Comment from : @aether370

why would one seek money without that being a direct mode of them experiencing happiness?
Comment from : @gaijinbroken6571

At times I never even knew for years about alot of things How he made money off of me An he nexer gave anything either To me an the stealing from me covid am unemployment an my cars Ruined I don't think it has anything to do about happiness money being paid For whst I've done an how I've put pll o Top an helped tge world yes iam I titled to allow it am more Royalties As well if he would of never done this an I'd of been a normal individual tgen no About money An considering still don't want to sbrDo anything Or give anything I can't make him I realized this Now it's his Problem In life An karma remember how Jack In titanic lost everything in crash if stock market an whst he did Wouldn't that be a pity huh dejavoo
Comment from : @BobbieHero-em7yu

No shit
Comment from : @AlanAvis

Good video, however, a number of statements provided here are outdated The best science available published more recently points to a money-happiness relationship, but it's NOT what most people think For anyone interested in the truth about money and happiness, here is a great analysis of the best scientific papers on the topic: youtube/u9R_vRv5WmI And if you prefer a short 5-minute version, it's here: youtube/sW52zBpViGc
Comment from : @TriPeterParker

bMoney dies buy happiness/b Here’s a good lesson: The difference between a poor person and a rich person, is the rich person can afford to see a therapist
Comment from : @darkpaw1522

Comment from : @manuelmanuel2093

2:44 not necessarily true because relationships also come at a cost
Comment from : @davefischer2344

Poverty will kill you
Comment from : @timblock3483

Some people are so poor that all they have is money br-Bob Marley
Comment from : @straightfacts2921

Comment from : @xxx-sp8fh

What are you all blabbering about It absolutely does It brings different problems but it 100 provides happiness I love being able to take my family out to eat nice dinners I like picking which BMW to drive I like having stability, the best health care, education for my kids paid for, nice clothing, and a pool with a waterfall and jumping rock It’s fantastic
Comment from : @jeffreymedeiros6253

Comment from : @etostajaznam5940

I have around $5 million invested and earn around $500k per annum I’d say I’m happy I like spending money on travel and experiences
Comment from : @carlyndolphin

I came here because of school activity💀
Comment from : @xcaliypso2938

Luisteren en leer
Comment from : @robertheins1749

money and happiness are almost the same, money makes us happy and happiness comes from money
Comment from : @widayaniChan

I want just the Melody of the video? ?
Comment from : @hossamal-bahri6430

A short answer:brbrbYES/b
Comment from : @maria9861

Intrinsic happiness
Comment from : @arianarodriguezc8193

Bro if i made 50 mil a year😂 im the happiest person on earth
Comment from : @im_jjp

1:28 this guy spitting facts
Comment from : @Fennaki

Shut up and give the money!!! PS: Bill Gates SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @sd6213

No it does not
Comment from : @yuppyvidoes128

Yes, the happiness stays the same with million$ of dollars and I want it to stay the same, I don't want to change back to being a derelict on the bus in shabby clothes, I want some style, also I would be able to afford being different, but beware all you individuals, what I will do I will just as strongly consider normal for the affluent as the Addams family thinks they're normal🙂
Comment from : @charlesfraunhofer7893

After a while making more money will not make you any happier, also after about 75k anything more won’t increase happiness based on a study
Comment from : @Lagato445

Quoting Bill Gatesbad taste
Comment from : @PhoenixwayNet

Tolle said “ If you are miserable and win a million dollars, soon you will be miserable just in a nicer house”
Comment from : @gillesguimond2652

Psychologists found this out just recently? LOL Knew this already as a kiddy since it was a common meme Essentially, both internal and external factors coincide and complement, triggering and balancing hormones and neural processes depening on the dynamics of situations and environment, both short-term and long-term Money is not a factor The factor is the trigger Money in that regard is just a mean, as there are many others Let's say you're very ill living a frugal life and suddenly you're given heaps of wealth in any form, but nothing in the world can cure you Or, you're super rich but feel utterly alone whilst being in social needs Etc
Comment from : @lindaoffenbach

Happiness is a materialistic desire fulfilled, having a family is a pain in the ass, having a relationship is a pin in the ass, having friends is good, but sometimes they’re annoying
Comment from : @PG-20

I’m down to find out for myself
Comment from : @carloscayboria5904

Comment from : @Visual_Writer

short answer, money can fix some things, but your friends and family are more important
Comment from : @eggomelt

Money can make you happy, it migth be diferent for other people
Comment from : @luceliorodrigues7504

Depends on the person For me, a load of money would make me much, much more happy
Comment from : @someonesomeone25

Comment from : @Mii20

To answer the question to the thumb nail yes it does
Comment from : @didthattelevision8071

Y’all just mad money is happiness, don’t have to worry, it’s not very wholesome and like “awhhhh
Comment from : @hiyokosaionji2190

Our entire system is based on making money and buying stuff
Comment from : @joaodecarvalho7012

2020 br"MONEY COMES AND GO"brBut loyalty, respect and love comes from humans beings not from money like many many people are use of it fake love, fake respect and IMPOCRECY all for get more and more money brDon't put money first o you are going to get fake people behind your money brGet it now?brThis is why many people buy expensive things trying to be or show a rich people I feel sorry for their mental health brThey pretend to be a fake o something that early or later is going to bring problems in their like brOkay money can buy and give you a life with lots of materials things but not a faithful friends brA faithful friends don't look or go after what you have a faithful friends always look what is good for you and your family and their families also br2020 ⏳🌍🌎🌏⌛ Because we never know
Comment from : @alva7701

The funny thing is, than when you constanly live between the bottom levels of Maslow hierarchy, and all people around are freaking toxic Yep money matters more🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @camiloguzman1801

Since i am from private university i had tons of rich friends that arent happy Some are lonely, trapped, pressured and even mental health but developing a happiness for yourself is extremely important whether you are rich or poor
Comment from : @aitaisakura4281

Our income is 3Xs higher adjusted for inflation, but a previous video said "the American dream is dead"? Can't have it both ways
Comment from : @russhone2500

No, not really, lets say you are buying a mercedes, you are going to be happy for like 4 days, but than its normal, its usual to youbrbrI got clinically depression but 300k net worth, and i got 1 suicide attempt, Money does not make you happy
Comment from : @pepegahaus4133

Ta Ha 20:124brوَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِى فَإِنَّ لَهُۥ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُۥ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ أَعْمَىٰ brAnd whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind"brbrTa Ha 20:125brbrقَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرْتَنِىٓ أَعْمَىٰ وَقَدْ كُنتُ بَصِيرًا brbrHe will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?"brbrTa Ha 20:126brbrقَالَ كَذَٰلِكَ أَتَتْكَ ءَايَٰتُنَا فَنَسِيتَهَاۖ وَكَذَٰلِكَ ٱلْيَوْمَ تُنسَىٰ brbr[ Allah ] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten"brbrTa Ha 20:126brbrقَالَ كَذَٰلِكَ أَتَتْكَ ءَايَٰتُنَا فَنَسِيتَهَاۖ وَكَذَٰلِكَ ٱلْيَوْمَ تُنسَىٰ brbr[ Allah ] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten"
Comment from : @sakaria744

Money don't bring happiness money brings sadness bc when u spend it its gone for ever XD hehe ;-; cyi
Comment from : @thanosgautlet1037

Money doesn't buy happiness !!!! Buy gold digger
Comment from : @mohammedabbood7062

How Being Measured On Success And Money Only Is Turning The World Into A Terrible Place edtimesin/how-being-measured-on-success-and-money-only-is-turning-the-world-into-a-terrible-place/
Comment from : @rosh3610

Fack u money can uy
Comment from : @Tribalhealer

I live in a well off community houses around 300,000 to 500,000 or more People are not happy straight up Not all the time we have down time But I feel they are not happy Old seniors majority but even young couples and families are consumed, you walk by a simple hello nothing more really Your health is your greatest wealth Workers are being destroyed by workplaces I live in Lebanon TN, middle TN is growing so much, I really dont like living here anymore, The pollution is high I feel a rural area is best My Dad has been all over the US and says the grass is not greener on the otherside
Comment from : @murphyy277

Comment from : @louisborselio8608

Comment from : @louisborselio8608

Money is the real happiness
Comment from : @lolhehexd6552

I still want millions of dollars
Comment from : @millevenon5853

Check out MY take on this youtube/uEftkNVgMKM
Comment from : @theadopinion

Whoever said money can’t solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve embrbrNot a big ari fan but like facts baby
Comment from : @eveinred5427

Money does make you happybrbrLet’s say, you’re passionate about going around the world and learning new cultures and all that stuff brbrBut you’re poor so how you gonna do that? brbrSee It does make you happy If not happy, it at least makes you more comfortable Imagine not being able to pay bills That would make you so stressed, right? But when you have money, no worriesbrbrSee Money, in fact, bdoes/b make you feel better [If you use it for good (Like not wasting it and losing it in bets, not buying drugs and anything bad/illegal you can name)]
Comment from : @eveinred5427

The first guy got greedy cause every 100th coin gave him a 1-Up
Comment from : @AlPootis

"Money spent make happiness"brMr Beast:bet
Comment from : @amberburnett283

Idc what anyone says, if I got 50M per year I’d be VERY happy I’d get to go places I’d never gone before, but a mansion, get a huge pool, buy things I’ve always wanted and more!
Comment from : @GHOST-vu6ux

YesbrYou can't live without money
Comment from : @migz5995

The video is not entirely on point
Comment from : @abdixsimplix2582

Money would solve all my home and family problems
Comment from : @abdixsimplix2582

Unless one is not terminally ill, the statement "money does not bring happiness" is just ridiculous How can a person not be happy if they have 25 billion dollars in their bank accounts? I meanok there might be some concern with privacy issues and evil or wretched people following the person with that money but at the end this constitutes part of being smart enough not to expose one's self and not to show off If I were a billionaire, I wouldn't be extravagant in my life style nor would I be too much exposing about it It could also be that a person might live in a very tiny town and a change of life style might be resulting in the other people in that town realizing that the person became rich, since everybody knows one another in those environments and there's a little risk of being attacked too for envy or whatever, BUT one can prevent this thing by moving in a big city like NYC and buying a house in one of those skyscrapers present there Having taken these precautions, how can one possibly be known if they conduct a pretty much enjoying but anonymous life?
Comment from : @abdixsimplix2582

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