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Do you NEED a Travel Agent? Are they WORTH IT?

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Title :  Do you NEED a Travel Agent? Are they WORTH IT?
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Frames Do you NEED a Travel Agent? Are they WORTH IT?

Description Do you NEED a Travel Agent? Are they WORTH IT?

Comments Do you NEED a Travel Agent? Are they WORTH IT?

I'm thinking about becoming a travel agent and came full stop to ask: Is there even a demand? Thank you for answering that question!
Comment from : @TheWanderingSarah

Travel agents get rates at discounted prices and they pass some of those discounts to their customers too This way win win situation for both
Comment from : @msrtoursandtravelsmaheshra6883

I need travel agent for solo women travel Because other women will be traveling
Comment from : @Lazy-bliss

Yes, travel agents are still very much needed in spite of in arrival of the internetbrbrThe internet serves as a great tool 🔧 for oneself or one's purpose (quite easy) Now, add others to that picture who have desire to join the pair brbrEasy Okay! Now, let's say, that additional person wants to leave the destination later than the original flying pair Ok, still easy brbrNow, someone from another city wants to join the party of 3 on the chosen destination, and has to fly on a different airline to meet upbrbrWhat it takes to accomplish all of that to happen is time, AND WHOSE GOT THAT?
Comment from : @UrbanSipfly

Great video, very helpful, Thank You!
Comment from : @Jones22_

Thanks! Very informative!))))
Comment from : @shannonmurtha1941

I’m more confused than ever! Thx!!!👍🏽
Comment from : @richbart64

I need a travel agent asap can I get # or email
Comment from : @itzmeorozco2602

Lots of lazy boomers can't be bothered to use a search engine
Comment from : @alexander5207

How can a travel agent find cheaper prices and not pay for hotels?
Comment from : @ayoubnn1811

These are some of the reasons travel agents are needed Follow @Truewavetravel on instagram Shes good!
Comment from : @Lyricsbabe18

Travel agency will give a best deal Used it before on my trip to Europe best decision ever Never had to wait in line Will never forget when we went to go see the Vatican while there were millions in line waiting we walked right through it Took a solo trip with my friend to London super expensive a lot of stuff that I wanted to see I didn’t get to so for me travel agencies work best :) new subie :) great video
Comment from : @lamulata1azuquita128

Great video 👍
Comment from : @BlackPantherStudios

So far,after 2 weeks of going back and forth via email,my travel agent hasn't done much of anything,in fact,we've never even gotten to talk to them on the phone or in person In fact,you can't call them directly I thought they would interview us or something to help us find what we're looking for,nope It's taking longer and I'm more confused than if I'd booked it all myself
Comment from : @jeffsartadventure3634

Never use a Travel Agent Preferbrmaking my own arrangementsbrTour groups spend so much time breating and waiting for other peoplebrto use a loo or
Comment from : @222-q7w

great advice
Comment from : @zacgrazier3244

Very useful info, thanks for sharing 😊
Comment from : @reservationazalea280

It’s a myth that working with a travel agent will automatically cost you more; most get paid via commissions from the hotel or outfitter Sure, some travel agents do charge a fee for putting together an itinerary, but most will credit you that fee if you end up booking the trip through them Make sure you know all the potential fees before you use a travel agent, and do not hesitate to negotiate away
Comment from : @jeffuehrer

Many travel agents do not charge a fee to their clients for planning standard vacations; they earn money from commissions paid to them through partner vendors
Comment from : @jahllanjustitia

I’m a travel agent😄
Comment from : @LivelovetravelNl

Hi welcome Egypt Luxor city am tour guide send me and get help 00201003691748 whatsapp
Comment from : @osamanofal9454

I think all passionate people towards this industry should watch this video This information is helpful before I start online travel franchise I want to share this information with youtube/YGV8gUDOIvk for all the people
Comment from : @davidnu6118

Follow @srilankadiaries for more travel stories and please brWatch our travel website srilankanexplorercom brbrWe are ready to give great service brAirport drop/pick up , srilanka toursbrSrilanka guiding, private tours , Round tours , day trips, Transport, brbr1 No any hidden charges br2 100 guaranteed servicebr3 excellence service and safebr4 vehicles and driversbrThank you for Following us 😊
Comment from : @dinithrandunu

On my honeymoon to Negril, Jamaica we went through a travel agent Our departure flight on American Airlines was cancelled due to a technical issue with the connecting airport So AA wanted us to wait until tomorrow to fly out So we called the travel agent and he switched the flight to Delta at no extra cost The peace of mind and customer service made me not regret using a travel agent
Comment from : @thejoehillexperience

Loved this video! I’m actually with an airline but recently teamed up with Luxury World Travel as an independent travel concierge/agent to start my own travel business Travel is definitely my passion and I’ve been following you and Hopscotch for years! Love your content! Keep it up!
Comment from : @chrisfaver3116

I have a registered travel agency in Maldives brContact me :brMaldivesbookingservices@gmailcom
Comment from : @maldivesbookingservices8451

Thank you for such a positive video I am a travel agent and I couldn't agree more with what you've said ♡
Comment from : @Breltron

Found you from Eamon & Bec, now subscribed 💓
Comment from : @autumngilbreath7819

On our recent trip (US->Frankford-->Salzburg-->Zurich) we did everything on our own via the internet Everything worked out fine but it took a lot of time and research to figure everything out!brOur next trip to Sicily is going to be through an agent of a major travel company We will see which we like better Thanks for all you travel trips Nadine They helped this year!
Comment from : @TravelwithNJSteveandSue

Travel agent may plan a perfect trip, but we love planning everything on your own as it gets us all excited about our trip 😍😬🌍 we recently created a couple channel, would love if some of you guys can subscribe to us and support us !! 👍🏻
Comment from : @theimperfectcouple494

My dad is a travel agent :D
Comment from : @DzekoVelez

Very cool video I have AAA, but i have never tapped into their trip planning I did want to try their grand canyon TRAIN transport, but never went through with contacting an agent
Comment from : @caridel-rio4460

Glad this video was made! I've been to 45 countries and never used one! Complete waste of money! ❤️
Comment from : @Travelwithchris

Nadine, can you recommend a Travel Agent?
Comment from : @carriebateman4465

I used a travel agent for my Skate America trip Everything worked out great They saved me a bundle!!
Comment from : @jimmbboe

Great words Nadine As a travel agent I often get the “why should I book through an agent?” question And I think, I could do my tax online if I wanted to, but I choose to see a professional to help with my tax return just in case I’ve missed something I feel it’s the same as seeing a travel agent Some might have time to research, book and organise everything themselves but we may be able to offer some pretty rad suggestions to take your itinerary to the next level, plus be there if something goes wrong and help with those tricky things like visas It’s a win win if you ask me
Comment from : @monaltrielane9074

Can you please make a video on how to cope in countries that doesn't speak English or doesn't speak the same language as you Thanks
Comment from : @RockPhonic

Never used a travel agent But useful information in case I do with a big group of travelers, Nadine Keep up the great work!
Comment from : @MrGovindaJiva

I travelled to Europe, 4 countries in March, alone and did everything myself through internet😎 #solotravelling 😍
Comment from : @arsheyakhan

Just watch a travel blogger and make informed decisions
Comment from : @noelsoong777

YOUR way of speaking is very annoyingDo you play in theatre or something?
Comment from : @paweleciejewski8333

I have booked my first big solo trip to Europe through an agent and after she messed up one of my hostel check-out dates I haven't been able to not go over all of her work Now I only have my flight booked through her and am sorting all the accommodations myself Make sure you proof read people :) Yes it was human error and it got fixed so all is okay
Comment from : @kylemartin1211

I normally book everything on my own when I travel and just do my own research But while I was planning my wedding I had no time nor energy to plan my honeymoon as well So I booked and Travel agent and it was literally the best decision of my life (other any marrying my Husband of course 😝) My travel agent was totally worth it and I can’t rave enough about her and her business
Comment from : @MeShonkers

Some travel agents got really good connections that can save you lots of money, some can be shady
Comment from : @EyeForSights

I was asking myself the same question! I'm not a frequent traveler, I wanted to organise and book myself a trip to SE asia, but I think I'll let my travel agent work for me 😜
Comment from : @Pseudochick01

I've contemplated getting one to go to Greece
Comment from : @mirandaalexis

We used a travel agent for our first international trip to India I prefer to do everything myself but with BIG trips to very (in my opinion) foreign destinations, I am more comfortable with a travel agent
Comment from : @nicolenhayes

i recently tried to use an agent to book a cruise from brazil to chile it was super slow to book very unreliable and could only show us packages that were hundreds of dollars more than ones we found on our own and not as inclusive so im jaded about travel agents to be honest
Comment from : @gracehaul6622

Being full time RVers on a super tight budget, we’ve never used a travel agent, but definitely see how there could be benefits brbrHey Nadine, did you use a travel agent when you came out to Winnipeg this year?
Comment from : @justinfutros

I would trust experienced travelers such as yourself, the Conitiki People, Tim Deegan, Kara and Nate Buchannan and Josh and Ashley Brown Their vlogs and tourism is also great
Comment from : @dannydanny9875

I am using a travel agent as a friend is having a destination wedding at a resort They had been very helpful as I wanted to stay and travel the location after the wedding and they were able to work it out easily for me (didnt think it was possible even)
Comment from : @bbrdodger32

If anyone wants to talk to a travel agent or get more info about how it works to go through one, I am one for AAA and you can email me at Barryvanessa@aaa-califcom AAA is a great and reliable company that many people don’t realize offer travel services and information
Comment from : @vanessabarry8312

We actually just used one for the Alaskan cruise I'm going on in a few weeks
Comment from : @Kirbykfed89

I don't use travel agecies, but I spent lots of time to do research Travel agents save you time
Comment from : @mansoureh

You can't go to some destinations without a travel agent There are few but they exist
Comment from : @mansoureh

I worked for a travel agency for over 25 years I agree with everything you said People often think booking with an agent will cost more Not true Occasionally when just booking airline tickets, they do charge a fee because most airlines don't pay them commission, so they have to charge a fee Booking tickets on your own and online is the better way to go for just airfare But, You will almost always get an equal or better deal for air/hotel packages, tours, and cruises Plus most are very knowledgeable and can give good advice and info that the average traveler will have a hard time finding on their own Good video!
Comment from : @MGABBYB

My family used a travel agent for a 2 weeks, 4 countries vacation this summer It was so nice to not worry about searching for hotels or plane and train tickets
Comment from : @butterflyer44

Given I have more needs than the average traveler, absolutely Just depends on your circumstance For most people, probably not
Comment from : @QWERTYOP80

thanks so much for this video! im a disney travel agent and i get asked all the time "they still have those?" and the answer is "well i hope so other wise i'd be out of a job" lol with a complicated place like Disney world its very easy to get completely overwhelmed espoecially if youve never been there every single one of my clients has either never been or hasnt been since they were little and dont know whats there Travel agents are still a thing and they can be VERY helpfulthanks again!
Comment from : @CoffeeandaCompass

I think using a Travel Agent is wonderful! I remember not having to do anything but relax on my 12 day trip in China a few years back The people in met on the same tour were amazing as well
Comment from : @WanderwithAwe

I was so scared for this video I'm studying to be a travel agent (or tour operator, something like that) and this is true that this is not a good time to pursue this career but as you said, it is still useful and I'm very happy with your video, thank you!
Comment from : @beautiful9512

I am not a believer in travel agents I believe you have everything at your disposal and you just have to put in the work
Comment from : @TheJourneyest2016

This is such a perfect overview and explanation of the continued value Travel Agents can bring to almost all travel situations even today! We not only bring the personal touch back into travel for our clients but we are constantly learning about the newest information, trends, and destinations so we can always share this information with our clients who may not have the time available to research on their own - Andrew Walker // wwwascenttraveldesigncom
Comment from : @ascenttraveldesign3152

Great video like always! Not to go off on a tangent, but I love your voice! Its like a big, cozy blanket for my ears
Comment from : @mauriciocorrea5674

could you add subtitles please in english?
Comment from : @bbc953

Hi I am going away to Michigan in November from Scotland uk, am I best seeing a travel agent because it’s the first time please
Comment from : @magsmcmichael4167

Used a travel agent for the first few times I went to the philippines But since the day I am travelling together with my wife, I am always booking hotels and flights on my own Sometimes it's good to have a travel agent Most of all as you said when you get in trouble
Comment from : @chrisbrehm

Thanks for this Nadine! Travel agents rock!
Comment from : @mandelgrooveiv5676

Great video!
Comment from : @toyag638

Great video Nadine - as a Travel Agent who specializes in Tahiti I can tell you my clients save money, time and get access to an incredible amount of info and insight on the destination from all my trips there (usually twice a year) But agree - for simple and basic flights and tripspeople who are comfortable can do it on their own Just remember all the little things like insurance, travel visas, vaccinations etc :)
Comment from : @TahitiByCarl

Great Video! Thank you for sharing the importance of a Travel Agent—we are definitely not "dead" due to the internet Our businesses are thriving!
Comment from : @JeanieMarie

Thanks Nadine for this video I am am travel agent and I am always surprised how many people are still going to travel-agency but still I know all the background information of the travel-business I would recommend it like you do Thanks
Comment from : @tanjaauberson4540

I travelled around Europe with a friend of mine in 2016, and we planned the whole thing ourselves 😊❤️ I still feel like travel agents are useful though! They can definitely help lessen the stress of trip planning!
Comment from : @christinamariemoney

First comment!!!!!👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾Love you Nadine♥️♥️
Comment from : @nicolew3993

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