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#1099 How I learned electronics

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Comments #1099 How I learned electronics

If you're trained in physics you already have the skills needed to learn electronics You're not really a beginner
Comment from : @bobweiram6321

Can I learning it?brIf l don't have any an ideabrAbout?brI just like it brBut I am too bad in math and physics
Comment from : @jbz_8

I graduated as naval architect and now do programming for mobile and web, now I have started adventure in electronic Your video is great, school and university just teach equations and very low combinations for practical work and understanding I learned a lot from youtube and book by doing experiment as self taught
Comment from : @EagleEye404

Comment from : @nikikonomi4472

I'm trying to learn electronics What's a low (or high) pass filter?
Comment from : @ForvoQuizlet

Yeah I'll just stick with machine learning
Comment from : @yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum69

Perfectly explained
Comment from : @samwhite3236

now do the inverse process video, i've got a bachalor degree in electronics but i want to learn real physics:c
Comment from : @angelarriaga4978

Sir, I personally think that you have done a wonderful job and not only have you been able to teach a better approach to learning and teaching, but also how to navigate life Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart
Comment from : @duvelr

I want to calculate the values from the electrical signal
Comment from : @Rehana_Al-Thuwar2008

I love this
Comment from : @cigaretteandy

Physics doesnt teach you circuits? Not so sure about that one
Comment from : @SSfreedomartist

I wish you would have explained how you connected the scope to the circuit
Comment from : @joseyWales80

Using the "you'll learn it when you need it" method I just made my first fuzz pedal Too bad they tried to use the "memorize everything without practical context, and we'll grade your ability to recall random things" teaching method 20 years ago and made me believe electronics is not for me
Comment from : @drwhave

💯 5:10 Greek education
Comment from : @johnvlahidis_google

As an upcoming EE, as well as someone who puts a ton of value in knowing how to fix things, this was a valuable lesson on how to properly (with minimal hassle involved) immerse myself in topics I'm genuinely interested in - but also one that gave me the motivation to delve even deeper in the long run Because that's what I'm studying for: to design these things, not just learn how to fix them Nonetheless, your input really opened my mind for future learning A sincere thanks
Comment from : @bacaw2856

The real issue is the theories and how its taught Humans should've never used Volts as a unit All it did was confuse everybody more
Comment from : @capulater

I have an engineering degree or two and after many years (and getting into ham radio), I am finally learning how to DO I've always been disappointed that I did all that book learning, got excellent grades, and couldn't DO anything when I graduated I am slowly working my way backwards from "how does this radio work" to "how do I make a crystal oscillate"brbrOne thing helpful about that cutoff frequency example you used is not so much memorizing the equation, but understanding which components determine the frequency response Now I can look at that circuit and say "Okay, R1 and C1 are what play together to make it roll off" How? Well let me look at a book and find the equationbrbrGreat video
Comment from : @toddhowell2299

Sorry mate, but your explanations are just as bewildering as all the others on u tube Simple its not Why do experts think everyone understands them?
Comment from : @patrickryan5048

14:16 yup how i've always looked at things
Comment from : @jose4167-i9v

Let me figure out how I can learn Electronics
Comment from : @Engineering-i1f

It pretty much flies under the radar in the video, but I think the most important resource by far that you use in teaching yourself is interest So many things can be interesting on so many levels, but I feel like particularly young people aren't truly interested in anything
Comment from : @markus30000

I feel like doing this cool, my guy Subbed!
Comment from : @Engineering-i1f

we'll know when AI is conscious when it makes us an offer we can't ignore or refuse
Comment from : @Maurice-ud5jn

thanks bro 4 good idea
Comment from : @jonhsonkuria

It is true We were never taught how the equations were derived and worked I have a HAM license and learnt electronics from ARRL publications
Comment from : @rabindrasingh6270

Oh no you did a good job I can relate I'm 75 now but I started my electronics the same way I had a room in my folks basement and more than one time I blow the kitchens AC circuit Mom was not impressed but I learned passed my technicans license and made a good career as a power plant technician I wouldn't do it any differently
Comment from : @stevehauser7486

The thing I always hated is op amp: that triangle with some resistors across Can't stand it
Comment from : @kairysisKrantas

How can i learn Automotive ECU repair ?
Comment from : @pantelis241

Glad I came across this video I'm actively teaching myself a lot of this, found a few books through ermm other sources aside from a book store due to lack of funds And all of the formulas and theory makes me occasionally hesitant to want to dive back into things Good to know not everything is absolutely necessary
Comment from : @carriongaming744

i fully agree with ur thoughts on the education system high school physics doesnt teach you the inverse square law, and they just throw the equations for the laws of gravitation and electromagnetism at you without explanation on the constants or anything
Comment from : @rslashontario

Your absolutely right about formula, i still struggle today Transposition of formula, substitution, converting formula into a end result, still FUBAR today ❤ from Yorkshire
Comment from : @simonruddy8265

I like that you played with it, but also went back to the math to explain what you saw brbrYou're right its much more intuitive and easy to learn the math if you know what the math is suppossd to do
Comment from : @ryanmiller154

I enjoyed the video!
Comment from : @BobFrostV

Excellent video,brBy the way i love your HP calculator, they are great with the actual feel of buttons that somewhat click as you push them I had a similar model i think i need to locate one again
Comment from : @josephlieberman3027

4th year Electrical engineering student here I'm just getting started I found this video to be extremely reassuring and comforting, so thank you There's always so much more to learn
Comment from : @Att4ni

You're making a difference, one video at a time
Comment from : @poolservicesnewcastle4391

I am a BMW and BENZ technician I learned how to read electrical diagrams, what parts are, what they do, and what they SHOULD read I have done pretty complex electrical diagnosis for some fancy cars But I cant even build an overdrive pedal without a guide There is a huge difference in know how to repair and design Diagnosis and replacement is typical I have also argued with some engineers about cars Because sometimes what it SHOULD be and what it is, are 2 different things
Comment from : @dudarino666

Now is a good time to learn electronics This is because it is so easy to get almost any part you can imagine Resources like Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, Mouser, Digikey, Adafruit, and Sparkfun make sourcing part so easy Excellent tutorials like this one are all over the net No need to get buried in the math because there are so many good tools and apps available The math will come later when your curiosity drives you to dig deeper
Comment from : @makerspace533

I learn it when I touch it Quick
Comment from : @xXxGamingaddictxXx

FYI you don't need to go to school to do professional level engineering I got a degree, and am retired now, but over my career I've worked with several 'self taught' engineers, a couple of them extremely good The big thing that school will give you is toolchest of techniques, of only which you will use a few But those few will be valuable I'm a mechanical, and in my field the stuff that I used was stress analysis I can do it on paper I can figure out if things will break That's hard to teach yourself at home But you don't NEED to do that You can just eyeball it - some guys are really good at it, even better than me with my fancy calculations
Comment from : @horrido666

First step get a 2000$ osci xD
Comment from : @Dinco422

0:57 fellow physicist here, solving for the infinite potential well, wave functions, fermi solids… it’s all so useless for me personally Electronics is sick I BLE spam my gf’s phone all the time
Comment from : @humanvoicemail5059

Liar They don't push math soon enough in education The world runs on math, not your skydaddy or your bizarre world view
Comment from : @OceanusHelios

This definitely helped! Great video
Comment from : @joshuarowe8410

I am learning soldering right now on my own, and I deeply appreciate you making these videos to dispel the myth that you have to bankrupt yourself and seek the approval of out-of-touch institutions (read: fancy grifters) to learn a valuable skill br brAmerica's obsession with absurdly expensive education-based gate-keeping is disgusting and so very wasteful Wasteful of time, money, potential, etc It reminds me of Stephen J Gould's quote: "I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops"brbrThe secret is that the wealthy have designed things this way to keep the poor and minorities from advancing themselves or becoming a threat to capitalist hegemony (this was turbocharged by Nixon attempting to "address" the "problem" of Viet Nam war protests at universities) The barriers and endless steps that are erected to gain entrance into most fields are so absurd (like the example you brought up of over-emphasis on background of mathematics to get into electronics engineering) And it has gotten worse and worse these days with the trend of most companies forgoing any form of training or apprenticeships in favor of requiring ridiculous prerequisite qualifications right at the door (to cut costs on the altar of investors, of course) Pure greed Pure selfishness A barbaric opposition to the equitable realization of human potentialbrbrAll this to say: brSOCIALISM WHEN????
Comment from : @aaron5364

The best way of learning electronics I hope universities have the same system of learning and not just waste time and make money
Comment from : @KhalidGhani-y5p

I love ❤️ how u think 💭 I think the same way
Comment from : @elmundodfrany

Laughing right at the outset "I am going to be very honest today" Meaning on other days you are not?brAgree that the majority of former technical "education" is high in theory of operation, and designing circuits but low in practical troubleshooting of modern PCB arrangementsbrThe immediate frustration here, is opening up some device, seeing a PCB or two or three, and not having one speck of documentation or information on exactly how to troubleshoot thembrHave often wondered why manufacturers do not design PCBs with a bit of self diagnosing circuitry and indicators of proper operation Guess that would make it too easy
Comment from : @dc-wp8oc

OK, Let's be honest Most kids today aren't going to sit down with an old book to learn electronics, and it's understandable why There's a valid argument that they shouldn't have to While we appreciate that you learned from books in your day, the reality is that young people are more likely to engage by exploring their curiosity, asking AI questions, and learning interactively In many ways, this approach is actually more proactive and suited to how they learn best today
Comment from : @thadonis

Great video 👌
Comment from : @CamilioOcasio

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from not and make a brand new ending
Comment from : @GuyScott-g6d

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself
Comment from : @RoryCharlotte-i1v

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities
Comment from : @ClaraHutt

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart
Comment from : @VincentCamp-nr5fo

It had been sixteen days since the zombies first attacked
Comment from : @CarrWilde

Great explanation
Comment from : @vaseekrehman2996

What's your favorite electronic device
Comment from : @MediocreDeficit

This man is fantastic
Comment from : @WastedSpecimen

That's a very expensive osc for newbie
Comment from : @thanatosor

This is exactly how I learn things I think the public education system has failed many of us because their methods are not really compatible with this way of curiosity led learning
Comment from : @nathanielhale5726

I graduated high school in 1960 I spent most of my life as a manual laborer In 2021 I passed my technician license in amateur radio As I wanted to advance in the hobby I realized how ignorant I was about electronics so I got books and studied In 2023 I passed my amateur extra I find electronics almost magical Thanks for the video
Comment from : @lapinebob

So surprised when I see that an elderly is much dilligent than me
Comment from : @cylam9188

I just found your video and wanted to say thank you for encouraging me to read and study this hobby and not get discouraged I’m 38 and always wanted to understand electronics and do projects as a hobby I’m starting at the basics
Comment from : @stringbean107

6:57brWhat is it?brLike 10k ohms or something?brbrbrHOOOLYYY SHEEEAAAHHT!!brIT ISS 😱😱😱😱
Comment from : @doragonmeido

As a current electrical engineering student when I heard you say “I have a physics degree” my jaw dropped Sure it doesn’t teach you circuits but man it definitely helps you understand 100x faster You practically tackled half the battle with your prior physics degree
Comment from : @maddzep

The way you learn anything! Read, watch hands on
Comment from : @HDDREAMIN

I like your approach My worry is ill pick the wrong base resistor for a transistor and break my 3 amp power supply lol
Comment from : @rittol2365

This very much resonates I finished my degree in electronic engineering without learning anything about circuits It is just now that in lockdown I used the time to get into the topic again Also i made my ham license which I think is a High motivation Also availability of equipment and software makes things much easier and accessible Thanks for this great vid
Comment from : @tav9755

Sir, before it you should know electrotehnik perfectly brThe bookis top I might need it brEto oficer
Comment from : @АлександарЈовановић-ъ6н

This guy did not teach himself, he was taught by the authors of the book, through literature
Comment from : @lowlightevangelist9431

Vant O factor❤
Comment from : @spectre5815

good video, here 2 books that might help people out, " complete electronics self- teaching guide by Earl Boysen & Harry Kybett" Encyclopedia of electronic components" these 2 books are good, there other books out there as well hope it help people out colin uk
Comment from : @colinmann3480

You got the "knack"
Comment from : @montanadan2524

Talk to the hand
Comment from : @ben4518

Facts bruv
Comment from : @kubricksghost6058

Great video, thanks
Comment from : @jean-pierrebuttet9438

Self taught too It wasn't easy to learn it all by ourselves
Comment from : @puiaturuburu906

Subject i loved and what i'm good at since high school become what i hate in life later University teaching materials with no relevant skills in RL working environment prompted me to work and trained in the subject what i once hated and what i'm poor at in high school
Comment from : @Lalala9244fin

Nice, is a new version of the book, or you recommend the 2015 versions ?
Comment from : @carlosa809

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