Title | : | Al Gore is a fraud and refuses to debate global warming |
Lasting | : | 10.44 |
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Views | : | 131 rb |
Al Gore is a fraud Comment from : @jddonovan4325 |
Climate Change is Junk Science CO2 is not a pollutant! All of Al Gore predications failed Comment from : @johnrm9 |
endoftheamericandreamcom/archives/45-population-control-quotes-that-prove-the-elite-really-do-want-to-dramatically-reduce-the-number-of-people-on-the-planet Comment from : @richardraymond7775 |
It's like the Nurumbourg trials Comment from : @annechester770 |
Fat Al Gore and his leftist liesbrAnother Obama fruitcake brYou can add Tim Flannery to the long list of climate change liars $300,000 to be told a bunch of lies Do you think this is about making money???? Comment from : @darylyounger6793 |
I love this guy He is on point Comment from : @rustypwnismo7384 |
All religious faiths are "Dopey" all based on bullshit and Monckton you're wrong there are plenty of Atheist's out there that will debate you on religion give Matt Dillahunty or AronRa a callTheir easy to find! Oh and I'm very "Right wing" Comment from : @NZCombatTV |
What more do you want from Al Gore he invented the internet Comment from : @jimmcdowell657 |
I laugh at all that fell for this conI was laughed at for not believing global warming,now my turn Comment from : @legneil |
Dr Dan Britt, Prof of Astronomy and Planetary sciences - The history of Climate - Orbits and Ice Agesbrbr youtube/Yze1YAz_LYM Comment from : @siyeducation |
People get really angry when you tell them everything will be okay the world will not end in 12 years Comment from : @truthwarrior122 |
"Will only debate if no one challenges him" Pretty sure that's called a speech and anybody, given a minimum of preparation and no knowledge on the subject can do that A debate on the other end calls for actual knowledge of a subjetc and intellect I guess that explains why All Gore and David Suzuki won't engage in debate Comment from : @alainbourgault1937 |
1960 air pollution is gonna kill us all br1970 acid rain is gonna kill us allbr1980 ozone hole is gonna kill us allbr1990 rainforest depletion is gonna kill us allbr2000 Global Warming is gonna kill us allbr2010 climate change is gonna kill us allbr2020 Trump is going to kill us all Comment from : @PInk77W1 |
The bogus papers mentioned should also include how the math for the supposed greenhouse effect projects the earth as a whole doing all the calculations based as if it were flatbrbrSo, if they agree to the math; they also agree the world is flatbrbrIf they admit the math is wrong, the science is wrong and a fraud Comment from : @amg9856 |
Gore said most of the United States would be under water by a decade ago, which of course never came truebrMeanwhile during that period he had a new beachfront house builtbrbrHe's a conman, and gullible small brained liberal slaves enable his billion dollar scam Comment from : @Rob-dp3vr |
Al Gore belongs in prison Comment from : @PatrickWilliamShaw |
No, Monckton was NOT a Science Advisor,, and has NO Science training AT ALL!! But Gore was tutored by climate scientists who represent the view of the 97 consensus, and Monckton just pulls shit out of his ass Comment from : @rstevewarmorycom |
Lmao Science advisor to Thatcher? Rofl!!! brSo now he claims to be an economist? He claimed to be an architect on a different video The interesting Wikipedia article on him has him down as a ClassicistbrI reckon he is just a posh fraud- with a savant like memory Comment from : @jimjones8736 |
Al Gore is a scam artist Comment from : @wilmahestepigen8340 |
Oh dear what a sad individual Comment from : @NealeUpstone |
Another old saying, "if your going to tell a lie, tell a big one" Comment from : @dave_yeg3898 |
If we don't change our light bulbs the north will disappear? The north will never disappear! The north will fight and live on Comment from : @MrMooagi977 |
Yup - what Lord Monckton says Comment from : @markfox1545 |
Guess who wasn't science advisor to Thatcher, old bug eyes Monckton, so that's a lie Comment from : @harrywilson1223 |
Al gore is a scama globalistnwo propaganda Comment from : @skyego190 |
Lord Monckton is a champion Who just lays out facts Facts that are going to save us money, and give government the Finger! Comment from : @julianandjoysadventures6944 |
Well its 2018 nowLet's hear what the plonker Monkton has to say now in denying reality! Comment from : @terencefield3204 |
LOL! Love this Al rarely leaves his 17,000 sqf mansion Comment from : @laughtoohard9655 |
Climate Fraudsters are cowards Failing to debate any real cl8mate scientists! Comment from : @ncwdevine |
I give you the Democrats folks Comment from : @darwindwelle5267 |
😂😂😀🤣Al Gore is a Joke and even worst the people that gave him an AwardREALLY? OBAMA GUSSET GOT AN AWAR D FOR BEING THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT Comment from : @nitzamunoz9113 |
Debating whether global warming is real is no different than debating whether gravity is real Everything Al GORE said would happen is happening He said that there would be extremes in weather and temp We have melting glaciers and rising sea levels and even worse we have a president denying global warming but managed to get the IRISH to build a wall around his sorry gold course to protect against the rising sea Time has proved Al GORE right Comment from : @tomsawyer8525 |
That guy's got two bags under his eyes Hideous No wonder Gore didn't debate He'd be scared to death! Comment from : @motsmada4758 |
The video suddenly cut off at a most interesting place Does anyone know if there's a 'part two'? Comment from : @grahamlyons8522 |
Gore said ice would completely melt by 2014 Just a lier Comment from : @fabiomand |
Lord, are you good! Just love the way you use truth to defeat the collectivist propaganda It's no wonder none of the Global warming gurus will agree to debate you: they'd be fried in their own grease! Comment from : @dougbeaulac8768 |
Any farmer knows heat above normal is a problem for crops and livestock, doesn't matter if it has happened before nor what caused it, to say IT had happened in the middle ages implies IT is happening now, you still have a major problem Comment from : @muddywater8839 |
Excelsior! Comment from : @clydefrog2658 |
al gore came out of the same shit bag as obama and the clintons and anyone who would believe anything that any of them says has got to be one of the liberal losers GO PRESIDENT TRUMP BUILD THE WALL NOW! Comment from : @bowlweevil4161 |
Because he knows he lied n will be sued n fired by our president trump I'm sure u 1 all know n got piece of the action Hmmmm???? Comment from : @namiesnaturals3557 |
Goebbels said tell a lie often enough and make it bigger and tell it over and over and it becomes the truth is Monckton ‘s Mantra Still lying despite all the facts to the contrairy, Joseph is proud! Comment from : @michaeldautel7568 |
For a thorough discussion of the lying leftist urine nations { un! } scam hoax: nextaxprowordpresscom/2008/04/21/the-sorcerer-shrinks-press-tv-do-not-want-you-to-know/ Comment from : @nextaxprorescuefromirsrock1191 |
link that show w the pr person Comment from : @sarikatimmi |
Does anyone with an ounce of discernment look at Bunkum Monckton and see an honest man with integrity? Comment from : @jamespyke6764 |
This is really sad Comment from : @turtleman5111 |
Al Gore took one college course in something to do with climate change and got a D Almost failed Seriously Look it up Comment from : @prissylovejoy702 |
"Al Gore is a fraud" ?!?, we all knew that, that is nothing new But I'm glad he is the one responsible to creating the internet (right), ha Comment from : @ericmcdowell5762 |
The dark agenda of All gore is the occurrence of chem-trailsbrGlobal warming is a hoax It is actually new way to enslave the tax payersbrLook at what is going on in the sky's! They are spraying chemicals in the sky with neurotoxins brEverybody can see this phenomenon every day happening in the sky’s While military planes are making chessboard chem-trail patterns in the sky’s all over the planet, spreading around neurotoxin’s with only one goal! To serve the extreme rich, who possess all in the world, not being satisfied to make them even more richer! Their goal is to enslave people (like in George Orwell’s book “1984”) to make the sky’s so polluted that they will ask the taxpayers more money so that the taxpayers can breathe fresh airbrWe all have to stand up and protest We should not pay any tax anymore until these basterds stop spraying toxics in the sky’sbrIt has been proven that the occurrence of Alzheimer diseases is exponentially exploding all over the world, that organisms are dying with a speed unprecedentedbrAll of that due to chemtrailsbrStop this chemical cleansing and stop paying tax! brJoin the movement of Patrick Roddiebr stopsprayinguscom/ Comment from : @JohnSmith-eo7te |
Massive Arctic Ice Gain Over The Past Five Years REAL CLIMATE SCIENCE – TONY HELLER Arctic sea ice extent is up 40 from this date five years ago realclimatesciencecom/2017/09/40-sea-ice-ice-gain-over-the-past-five-years/ Comment from : @dansaver8247 |
I went to a stage dissertation by David Suzuki back in 1975 when I was in college His opening line was that Earth is dying and would not be able to sustain any form of life by the year 2000 There is lion tamers and lying bastards Comment from : @marcusreed3841 |
Al Gore is a total fat slob that pushes his snake oil ideas to the idiots that will listen to him Comment from : @marcusreed3841 |
Please everyone watch Potholer54 channel and see his series of videos debunking this dishonest liar Monckton is a total charlatan Put aside your view on climate change and watch what a deceitful prick Monckton is Comment from : @Orgoneblue |
Al Gore is not gonna debate anyone that knows what they are talking about Comment from : @freedomfest2741 |
they use emotions too push their bullshit agenda Comment from : @thomasfrotton5273 |
I'm an atheist who knows that global warming is a hoax I just realized this was published 8 years ago so I guess whoever reads this it shouldn't be a revelation that we are entering a period of global cooling, so buy some warm socks Comment from : @Eugensdiet |
Right now our c02 level is way too low!They only show a graph showing 1,000 years but before that it used to be much higher and plants were much healthier and our primates grew much healthier OUR PLANT THRIVE ON IT!!There has been 60,000 scientists that sued Al Gore for lying about it! Comment from : @LennyParker |
There is saying that its easy to debate and win with an intelligent person than with a total idiot What's there to debate with someone who doesn't understand science, someone who doesn't look at evidence presented by scientists When a doctor says you're sick you take his advice, when a mechanic says you car needs work you take him seriously but when scientists (97 of them) say something you try to teach them science with your high school degree What a world we are living in Comment from : @nukestrom5719 |
Al Gore is an embarrassment to the human race and to white men in general He is a deplorable greed fiend who will sell any lie to the public for a paycheck Comment from : @Sharonnecs |
Hmmm, Whats this stuffy Brit Lord Monckton got to say?brLord Monckton in his opening statement: Paraphrased: "If Al Gore were asked anything slightly more difficult to answer than his own name, by someone other than a sycophant, in a debate, which he will not do, he's fucked" Hmm, I'm liking this Monckton fellow Comment from : @hulaganz |
Rather late, but a short transcript of the radio debate mentioned above can be found at:brbr wwwheartlandorg/news-opinion/news/lord-monckton-thrashes-desmog-blog-editor-in-high-profile-global-warming-debate Comment from : @barryfortier6377 |
You can see the chem trails IN THE SKY, and Al Gore profit he WILL lie to allHe will kill his own mother for money Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
you A LOOK UP AT SKYS Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
F ck public schools Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
He is a TRATIOR TOTHE CONSTUTITION Apeice of _hit Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
I back public trials and public hangings for AL Gore Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
gore has no clothes Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
ALL GORE,IS A NATZIE/ Comment from : @g1up1our1r |
At least people start thinking about alternative kind of energy and amount of people on the globe Comment from : @tibortruba |
Love this guy Comment from : @paynelcasey |
Now we know what this con was leading up to - trillions of taxpayers dollars going to the Paris Treaty Comment from : @clivejames5058 |
Al Gore need to be in jail for stealing money from American tax payers Comment from : @pedroquinonesjr4038 |
What is Al Gore afraid of? 0:15 Comment from : @johncole5286 |
Funny how people revert to name calling when they know they dont have to see anyone they are abusing Just shows their ignorance Comment from : @daveallan8730 |
What's this guy's angle anyway? Creatures like these are in the game of playing good cop bad cop sht But in the end the gores and the "lord's" of this world are on the same page All about achieving control of your mind It's a game they play They are the "masters of the universe You and me? The common man have been played by the likes of him for century's Comment from : @marydavis6405 |
Attention nutbags who think that this jackass Monckton is credible, sorry, but he's a lying crackpot He claims he was Thatcher's science adviser That's a ridiculously blatant lie, he was never her science adviser He was merely on a larger team as a junior political adviser, nothing to do with science He also claims to be a member of the House of Lords (but, hmmm, funny, he isn't listed as a member, and the House of Lords has officially issued him a demand that he stop making that claim) He also claims to have personally invented cures for AIDS, Graves' Disease (which, looking at his eye sockets, he probably suffers from himself), MS, the flu, etc But, he submitted these cures for patenting and testing, but never paid the fees So now he gets to claim that he invented the cures, but they have been "denied" processing He has claimed to have won a Nobel Prize (he never won any such prize, so when people call him out for it, he says he was only joking) He intentionally misquotes scientists in order to twist the data in his favor He writes papers that he claims are "peer reviewed," but none of them are actually in peer reviewed science journals He's a complete quack I could sit here for 20 hours and not even scratch the surface about what kind of garbage this idiot is spewing Of course Al Gore refused to "debate" this idiotic quack Why would anyone give this jackass the time of day? Comment from : @rockethead7 |
Al Gore is such a BORE Comment from : @davidm2688 |
What the fuck did global warming have to do with atheism Comment from : @gregkhatchatrian4918 |
Surprising, Owl Gore never mentions the specter of Fukushima poisoning the Earth and its oceansbrbrIf you want to be worried about something real, worry about that! Comment from : @alexp3752 |
Scams are the best business of the 21st century ! The bigger the scam, obviously the better Brain washed, scared people, can be plundered with ease Al Gore and his co-scammers have become very rich people, why should they care if there is any man made global warming or not !!!!??? Another exemple ; Europes welfare state governments are salivating at the prospect of collecting more and more CO2 taxes, and at the chance to dictate more and more of their lifestyle ideologies to their sheeple Comment from : @giorgiocooper9023 |
over and over again I see all of these climatologist refusing to debate other scientifically minded people on the merits of climate change being caused "primarily by humanity", I for one do not gain confidence in their arguments if they're not willing to debate their evidence and logic before The people their claims will affect the people and how we live our lives Once controls get into place that they advocate ,a trend would be created in the style of control that would be needed to accomplish the goals desired to stop "human made" climate change, resulting in a dystopian, hyper controlled , prison camp for human beings to live in no thank you, I would rather diebrwe've tried to let these smart control freak intellectuals run things before, Hitler, chairman Mao, Stalin , Pol pot ,Millions upon millions upon millions of humans were murdered, millions more suffered in life under a controlled utopian idea Comment from : @hossskul544 |
Lord Rodney Dangerfield Comment from : @nelsonx5326 |
Global warming is a hoax How much is everyone getting paid for posting by the way? Because I don't think I'm getting the going rate Comment from : @yggdrasil9039 |
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