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The Fallacy of Biblical Literalism

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Title :  The Fallacy of Biblical Literalism
Lasting :   1.51.47
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Comments The Fallacy of Biblical Literalism

Reality and Bible stories are not compatiblebrThe Hebrew god character is man madebrThe flood never happenedbrJesus never returned to gather up his followers
Comment from : @JamesRichardWiley

Why is it hard for many people to comprehend that scripture is both literal and metaphorical? brbrIt's not soley one of the other
Comment from : @marymikel9193

You are expressing so eloquently what I have been trying to communicate to others for many years Kudos to you! 🤔👍
Comment from : @paulmatolsy4593

Columbus wasn't very bright He just got lucky Otherwise nobody would be talking about him today The vikings were in North America 500 years prior and never made such a big fuss about it
Comment from : @veganbutcherhackepeter

There is also something that goes completely counter to this, that is scientific literally We saw a lot of that during COVID
Comment from : @erikhesjedal3569

Everything about creation has physical evidence br This is nothing but you saying people are stupid because you say so br Absolutely nothing new except your opinion br You still forgot the beginning Avoid t all cost br Your starting point Is way past all laws of the universe br This is a very complex universe adjustments that is finely tuned And tiny adjustment would completely destroy it br It clearly shows a designer
Comment from : @spikenomoon

Hi John! The bicameral mind theory, as proposed by Julian Jaynes, suggests that early humans may have experienced consciousness differently, hearing commands from one hemisphere of the brain as though they were from gods Do you see any evidence of this psychological structure in the writing of the Bible, particularly in prophetic experiences, divine commandments, or the way figures like Moses, Samuel, or Ezekiel describe hearing the voice of God?
Comment from : @Whirlpooldude

Important, interesting & informative 👏
Comment from : @rsfaeges5298

Most everything in the bible is Literal fact
Comment from : @Joebob23-x4q

Noah's flood was literal
Comment from : @Joebob23-x4q

Protestant nonsense
Comment from : @arnoldvezbon6131

So your options are reject reality with a literal reading or engage in cognitive dissonance and acknowledge it isn’t true, while claiming it is true
Comment from : @gary_stavropoulos

wait a sec Noah’s arc has been found and varified In fact, the more we find the more the bible gets backed up by evidence all the time
Comment from : @sunrayrosin7181

The story may be literal if the words used had many meanings, which they did The thing is many words in any language have multiple and often metaphorical meanings
Comment from : @doraemon402

God is Love Jesus pointed that out The Holy Spirit is Love manifesting through people in their actions The end
Comment from : @rodneyhatch56

Stop! Hamer-time!
Comment from : @justinkindler9682

If you ever visit the ark John, send me a message and I'll take you to lunch I live close to it
Comment from : @standandelivery

6:47 (and which would differ greatly from people observing from much more northerly latitudes!)
Comment from : @DeadeyeDaily

Another interesting talk John's divorce of literal/historical from spiritual raised in my mind a new and strange idea: could a Christian believer be mythicist? (denying the historicity of the human Jesus, but accepting some theological notion of the Christ)
Comment from : @exoplanet11

Another excellent lecture John Hamer Thanks for sharing your knowledge
Comment from : @markanthonycoliinson873

like a scanner darkly
Comment from : @eldraque4556

you're a great teacher, you never loose touch with the importance of compassion and how it is the only real way to bring us together Like Meta and the divine abidings in Buddhism, it is through non hate, non greed and non ignorance that we can realise how we are all deeply connected, like Indra's net and monadology
Comment from : @eldraque4556

Well done, John Hamer!
Comment from : @RifMilesOlsen

"The earth is flat" the Bible never said
Comment from : @prasadpalayyan588

Extraordinary lecture
Comment from : @garymahone1583

WOW, flat earthers in the room?
Comment from : @theupdraftchannel48

around 1;04 28 he says "Bibles" here the text says "disciples " mis-spoken
Comment from : @racine09

This gets close at times to Carl Sagan's view on spirituality While he was an agnostic / atheist, he believed in the compatibility of science and spirituality He believed that science could lead to a universal morality and cosmic religion And that science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive but complementary paths to understanding the world
Comment from : @hantms

Jesus said to love those who persecute you, and yet the Holy Spirit can be grieved away and Jesus is supposed to send most of humans to hell someday? Whatever Just be more loving than the God of the Bible, and who cares about the rest I'm so tired of this world's people hurting and killing each other over nothing
Comment from : @justrosy5

I don't know about you guys but I live in a dome
Comment from : @RichardGeresGerbil

The Bible is not errant It is the pillar and ground of the truth And, all scripture is profitable But not everything is to be interpreted literally Nor, however, is everything to be interpreted figuratively Jesus was born, for example
Comment from : @AdrianWhyatt

The Institution of Creationist Science has over 10,000 members Creation happened Macro-evolution, one type coming from a completely different type (which is something broader than an individual species)
Comment from : @AdrianWhyatt

A great flood is extremely widespread, as an idea For example, the Hawaiians believe that there was a Nuah that survived it It is a fact, not a myth and the remains of the arc have been found on Mount Ararat
Comment from : @AdrianWhyatt

Adam and Eve are not a myth That is why there is mitochondrial Eve And Christ´s geneaology
Comment from : @AdrianWhyatt

The only True Church, the TRUE Orthodox Church, has always known the Earth to be round, not flat, and to go around the Sun
Comment from : @AdrianWhyatt

I agree that it is a mistake to read the whole Bible literally But parts of it do seem to me to be meant literally and historically In particular, Paul and the Evangelists seem to want to say that Jesus' resurrection actually happened in a historical literal sense So what do we do when the authors of a text indicate that they mean things in a literal historical sense? Do we say they were just mistaken?
Comment from : @ast453000

I like your desire to examine Scripture objectively Few people do so brbrIn actuality, all Scripture across all cultures essentially transmitted the same message, to meditate and to engage in spiritual practice brbrReligion is theology, with political endsbrbrScripture is wisdom, and not everything that is called Scripture is Scripture
Comment from : @daodejing81

Awesome lecture
Comment from : @jayhooey9961

It takes faith to love one another Keep studying people and seek God with all your heart I hope the best for all of you ❤
Comment from : @bobinch4835

Thats an interesting belief system you have got It isn't Christianity but it is interesting
Comment from : @stanstarygin6622

One can see reasons why Columbus might have pressed the underestimation of the Earth's circumference to further his agenda, perhaps not fully buying into it himself He needed backers and sailors to go along with his plan, the accurate distance would have discouraged that
Comment from : @PraiseDog

Comment from : @stevenstormaugustusgolie

It’s an idiom
Comment from : @stevenstormaugustusgolie

Many people believe comics are real and make videos what happened after
Comment from : @jussikankinen9409

1493 farmers could not or needed to read, doctors heal
Comment from : @jussikankinen9409

Columbus wanted find india to get money for crusaders
Comment from : @jussikankinen9409

We call earth earthball but i dont know what 1825
Comment from : @jussikankinen9409

Maybe flood story was about pole shift
Comment from : @jussikankinen9409

The US is fundamentally a Protestant country; Protestants are more likely to be literalists than Catholics and Orthdox
Comment from : @kyleelsbernd7566

Excellent discussion Plato fought the literalists and materialists of his day (the Sophists); by the time of Occam/Aquinas/Scholastics/Nominalists, Plato somewhat takes a back seat to Aristotle, and materialist science starts to rule the West, culminating in the Protestant revolution Basically, a return to Plato would open our minds to the literal power of symbolic thinking To provide an example of what I have in mind, nobody believes that Superman is real--yet he symbolizes so much that he is in a Platonic sense more real than any mortal person
Comment from : @kyleelsbernd7566

awesome, The Wisdom Tradition for those with the eyes to seethank you!
Comment from : @canisronis2753

Comment from : @James-ll3jb

Huge props to John H for being such a wonderful teacher! Although I'm generally agnostic, I so appreciate and benefit from your lectures
Comment from : @TisEYEthe1

Put 2 pairs of roadrunners on the ark
Comment from : @ExxylcrothEagle

I haven't watched all but I have watched most of your Vids, and I would place this one in the Top 3, just outstanding in so many aspects
Comment from : @cpamacjd

Comment from : @laARTstream

Thank you for a wonderful lecture Thank you for clearly showing the evolution of literalism into figurativism
Comment from : @michaelhenry1763

Great lecture, your reading of Paul and explanation against the literalism is almost talmudic, under that light that part will get along with the theory that Paul was into Merkhava mysticism, and it make this sound talmudic So the misteries he referred are about the views beyond the literalism which was common in Judaism on the second temple as is still today
Comment from : @gusduenasArt

Religious Literalism gives the idea that man was made for the sabbath as opposed to the idea that the sabbath was made for man
Comment from : @robertjustinoff845

The world is not round, it is spherical brRound means that it is flat like a plate
Comment from : @robertjustinoff845

Comment from : @jimhuggard5398

Unrelated question: Has John seen he miniseries 'American Primeval' on Netflix? Although the story is fictional it's set against a historical backdrop The main villains are basically the LDS mormons, especially Brigham Young Has John seen it and if so, what are your thoughts about it? Also there's more than a passing resemblance between John and the actor who plays Brigham Young in the series; a fantastic villain 😅
Comment from : @hantms

It's interesting how the 1978 Council on Biblical Inerrancy affirmed for " the literal sense is the grammatical-historical sense, that is, the meaning which the writer expressed" but tell Jewish people their interpretation of the Old Testament is wrong
Comment from : @JUSLOFI

Didn’t even the Assyrians and Babalonions write cuneiform tablets explaining the cosmos and constellations and that earth was round? Didn’t the Hebrews pick any of that up from them during the captivity?
Comment from : @elodiesalgado4739

Comment from : @elodiesalgado4739

John Hamer presents the perspective of the Medieval RCChurch as supporting academics This is but one perspective of Church history Left unsaid are information on the populist Christian movements suppressed by the RCChurch and the fact that mass was in Latin and not understood by the common people The RCChurch did not teach secular knowledge to common people Most people didn't have any idea about the role the RCCChurch played in the academic world during the Medieval period
Comment from : @glenbsmith1863

It has all pretty much become a house of mirrors to me This lecture is well done and well intended but it kind of reinforced the sentiment
Comment from : @dantallman5345

Man we’d be so ignorant of the past if those people didn’t copy all those manuscripts
Comment from : @LayneCobain88

Why does it look like there's hundreds of people on the deck of the Ark when there' s like what 20 or so, just Noah and his family?
Comment from : @yellowrose0910

John Your ability to address the truth and facts of religion with such an even-handed approach, is what keeps this non-believer returning to sit in your virual front row
Comment from : @soonerarrow

I'm not religious just very interested in the history of religions and this channel is amazing it taught me so much, including that religious people are not automatically opposed to science and progress as I was taught by reading a lot of atheist books in my teens
Comment from : @clockworkcookie

I am spreading the truth about you and your little Play church with your little boyfriend John
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

You're people treated me so badly I've never seen a group of more miserable, close minded, un spiritual people in my life!
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

FALSE TEACHING they are actually atheists
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

Don't bother with these people, they are actually atheists and this is not a true church by any stretch of the imagination
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

Warning to Christians this is FALSE TEACHING
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

There are truths and non truths in all religious texts 🙏 but the existence of Christ and that he resurrected is the truth Your people have been so cruel and closed minded to me I tried to tell them
Comment from : @Eric777-r1h

26 min in I have always thought that a reason why most creationists are not flat earthers is that a globe earth was so well affirmed before the literalism rise in mid 1800s However Evolution was the first Big Fight for the new literalists when Darwin published soon after them; and that made creation and the flood something to be defended with all their beings as both were challenged by the age of the earth and time required for animal development including humans
Comment from : @helenr4300

What are his pronouns? He forgot to say
Comment from : @Dar123abc

Missed the live stream Thank you for yet another fantastic lecture!
Comment from : @crimson90

If you want to actually understand the texts don't rely on literalists, apologists and fundamentalists
Comment from : @LanceHall

John Hamer, a Biblical history savant aggregator and an all-around nice and humble person, rings in 2025 with another serving of outstanding and informative content Thank you very kindly, John, and all the wonderful people of Centre Place!
Comment from : @davidfolts5893

Ooooooo a new Centreplace! Woohoo!
Comment from : @betsysingh-anand3228

Everything in the bible should NOT be taken literallythe bible is insane
Comment from : @joycesky5041

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