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How to Think in Spanish (and Stop Translating in Your Head)

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Title :  How to Think in Spanish (and Stop Translating in Your Head)
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Comments How to Think in Spanish (and Stop Translating in Your Head)

Omg this is me trying to learn Spanish It frustrating because I feel like I’m the problem 😅
Comment from : @zakwatene1583

I'm on the spectrum Guess I'm cooked
Comment from : @1chumley1

ahhhhh! I finally GET it! I have a spanish speaking friend who is constantly telling me in her very broken english, 'stop thinking in english, just speak spanish!" and I always thought well one, ella esta loca, pero, how do you, just speak in spanish when I need to understand it first in english to make the appropriate connections THANK YOU SO much for explaining it this way 🙏 I guess shes not so crazy LOL 😂
Comment from : @ToesIntheSand03

I find the literal translation FROM Spanish only really helpful regardless It helps me understand better Such as ‘?how many years you have?’ That is, how the language is constructed fundamentally, ‘I want’, ‘want I’
Comment from : @JayDeeChannel

Very helpful!
Comment from : @SoyBroo65

You are unbelievable right !!! My native lang is Greek so Im always wrestling understand POR and PARA and about SER and ESTAR Sometimes Im using eg PARA without thinking, but because I get use to use it in a specific pattern and gues what,, Im right :) 1000 better than spending 1000 hours by thinking with logic brMuchas gracias !!
Comment from : @diastasi

9:00 we have something similar in German with the word "machen" (to make) and "tun" (to do), but tbh I can't really tell you what's the difference 😅 I just use them without thinking I mean, German is my mother tongue, so it's a little different from when a learner uses this or that I would say "machen" in German is rather used for "creating" something So e g "Ich mache heute einen Kuchen" (I'm making a cake today), bc "Ich tue einen Kuchen" (I do a cake) would sound wrong Or for "tun" smth like "Tust du mir einen Gefallen?" (Are you doing me a favor?), although here you could use "machen" as well, I think, although the sentence sounds more right when using "tun" brThat's very interesting, because I've never thought about that And I guess English and German are pretty compatible with their usage of "tun" and "machen" so maybe it's because of that I've never had struggles differentiating "make" and "do"
Comment from : @nickyg7557

Podrías decir "cual es tu edad" en lugar de "cuantós años tienes" también?
Comment from : @nickyg7557

Thats how i understand french and englishbrbrI think of them as entirely different pathsbrWhen you wanna learn, lets say "Monkey" in frenchwhich is "singe", don't equate monkey with singe as if its a mathematical formula Just think of it as an emoji or picture or sound of a monkey
Comment from : @KRhush-iy3tv

I've been learning spanish on duolingo but I still can't hold a conversation How long does it take for your brain to learn the pattern? I'm not giving up though
Comment from :

Wow, you are so spot on😂My head is wrecked always trying to find and understand the logic of the sentence, I need to rewatch this video again, Im over 60 trying to learn spanish but ive a head like a sieve😂new sub🤗
Comment from : @carollucey111

This is the first video I'm seeing from you and I subscribed immediatelyI love your way of teaching much love from trinidad🇹🇹❤
Comment from : @chevywoods16th

yup, just takes time and exposure I experienced it first hand while learning keep at it everyone!
Comment from : @michaelhockus8208

SHUKRAN !! This is so helpful
Comment from : @pkmnbvc2692

Good day like this channel do you have group courses or one on one pricing or website
Comment from : @jerimodel

I kind of disagree with you about estás and ser You further confused me I would like for you to explain and give examples so I can better understand That would be so helpful for me Everyone learns differently Especially language Because there IS logic behind languages Otherwise there is no point for grammar, context, syntax and spelling That’s how we learned our native languages, not only by our parents and family speaking to us but mostly through school and reading/writing classes, practicing, and further English classes I do agree with not asking why I think the better question is to ask How How can/do I say this in Spanish? or how can I explain that? How can I express myself? How do I say I feel embarrassed? And also what What words can I use? What does this word mean in Spanish? What are some other ways to say the same thing? (Like come on… está bien for everything?) What do I say? What can I say? How do I say it? How can I say this? Let’s not jump the gun here and throw out all logic Just the why part Because understanding why something works or why something isn’t this way or that can crush the childlike curiosity and excitement of learning in general especially a language :) <3
Comment from : @M_butterfly788

Comment from : @FYEAHHH

The difference between "despues de que" and después de ---- how do i think about these differences?
Comment from : @sherrivaca

I kind of get what you mean about thinking in Spanish, however, wouldn’t that mean that you would need to be exposed to and learn every possible example of how words are used in sentences It seems that this would be a very long process
Comment from : @KimberlyWynants

La palabra hacer messed with my head estoy aprediendo todos mi solo
Comment from : @paulsauta1806

Awesome video
Comment from : @Williamlearnsspanish-ey8wv

That's why you need to listen a lot to the language you are learning how natives are speaking it
Comment from : @Deri_Seh

People say we don't have two to be verbs or two past tense But technically we do brIt's just that spanish breaks them out into separate headings brThey just exist as a merger 😊
Comment from : @jursulinburton1330

We do use "which is your name in english?" Just not in the same way as the spanish or same circumstance 😊
Comment from : @jursulinburton1330

One of the reason I wound not subscribe to the repeating the "cuál es tu nomber" 100 to a 1000 times logic Is bc it would not work brThink of the other thousands of set phrases and multiply them by that number (100-1000) a day brThere would not be enough time to speak even your native tongue 😂brbrAs one advances in another language, the more often phrase like: "cómo has estado" "cómo le/te va" etc will stick naturally without much effort brbrThanks for your video thought brYou have highlighted some good information br😊
Comment from : @jursulinburton1330

The great philosopher of our time, Lil Wayne, once said, "Why that, why this, why you on that why sh*t?"
Comment from : @sandile-esp

Ser and estar just illustrate how differently people think because of their language Spanish speakers don't use the two words consistently
Comment from : @purdysanchez

The more Spanish I learn, the more I like English!
Comment from : @laingman0727

I speek portuguese and I like to study othes laguages The answer I found to all these why´s is the title of the song: "That´s just the way it is" I agree with him I think the best we can do is knowing the (very very) basics of the grammar of the language not to commit some terrible mistakes, some vocabulary (vocabulary is cumullative) and face the apprenticeship as an adventure For example: I´m used to attending films in spanish and I don´t get worried if I don´t understand every single word: the whole idea is what really matters
Comment from : @marcussoares4871

Estoy intentando capturar mi propias ideas, expresiones y pensamientos de la cabeza Luego los traduzco a español Esta me ayuda pensar en español
Comment from : @Travelswithlalandotherstories

Estaba bien Agustín lara, wache el video y dije, simona la cacariza
Comment from : @pacheckko441

i´m brasilian( the brasilian people speaking in portuguese for those who don´t know) and i have to understand english and spanish in the same video to understand what he´s talking kksksksksksk
Comment from : @RafaelFranco-th5ji

Complaining helps me remember haha
Comment from : @TheZayzoo

For me, the permanent vs temporary works better
Comment from : @katrish786

At the end of the video:brbrWhy the hell would you talk about height in Spanish but refer to cake in English You’re going to mess some people up
Comment from : @roclog6313

Habrdo lunch is AmericanbrMake lunch is EnglishbrHave a seat is EnglishbrTake a seat is American
Comment from : @amarillasolo5864

Thank you for opening my eyes to learning I have been watching and listening to Spanish classes for a month or so and not retaining much Now I know the secret! Really enjoy your video's
Comment from : @deantiffany1856

eso se logra solo con el tiempo, cuando tienes un nivel C1, C2 por lo menos
Comment from : @bantorio6525

Comment from : @nightlion606

Well said
Comment from : @ianmatthews137

Recently, in a Mexican podcast, I heard ¿Cómo es tu nombre? New one for me, but that's the fun of it
Comment from : @jhersk

Bang on!
Comment from : @Omeomy

My frustration is the inconsistencies in spanish In some cases, you use one sentence structure, but in other ones, it's a different structure AHHHH!
Comment from : @gtberg

I have only just discovered you and your channel You are the first spanish teacher I have met who understands exactly what I have been thinking You get it Muchos gracias
Comment from : @AnthonyDilloncrossroads

Thanks for the reality check I was asking 'why? for almost the first year, and sometimes I still catch myself I started helping people in the town I'm living in to learn English and that's when I realized some things in English don't make sense either bcough/b phrasal verbs *cough* Now I more or less accept that I just have to be patient with myself and keep trying to learn, and sometimes there is a formula, and a lot of times I just have to memorize
Comment from : @jessm5809

Love this video
Comment from : @PayneTrain904

Question: how can you explain the meaning of the things Mexicans made "look/sound" smaller but/and/or cuter? For example: chuiquito, poquito, chaparrito, muchito, despacito, rapidito, etc etc I mean "poco" means "little" but in Spanish people can say "poquito" that implies to say "poco" but in a way that you can't/won't find in any dictionary or book that can explain why people say like that or how can be explained to people who's not Mexican 😅brThanks!
Comment from : @Thatit777

¡Exactamente! ¡Usted dio en el clavo! Exactly! You hit the nail on the head! Saludos desde Bolivia, en el corazón de Sudamérica
Comment from : @kittyschmidt7139

I think simple greetings like mucho gusto are actually absorbed into your native language lexicon just with an astrix that they're Spanish They're so useful you can mix them in with English when appropriate So people don't have to study them to remember them They'll just remember them easily
Comment from : @paulwalther5237

Precise pattern recognition for real 😊
Comment from : @serajacob8278

Andrew please tell me what to say, as I’m an older student I don’t care what NOT to say I just want to focus on the correct idioma Gracias Tomás
Comment from : @Teriffic-K2

11am PST, 10/13/2023 Respectfully, when one refers to hair length in Spanish, "ser vs estar" sounds awkward The correct verb is usually "TENER":brbrTENGO el pelo largo / corto (My hair is long / short)brbrOther verbs can be used, pepending on the context of the expression / conversationbrbrSir, English accent is very pleasant; it could be British🤔?brbrGood day😊
Comment from : @anasanchez2503

You're amazing I don't know how long you've been teaching but I wish the guy would have been able to have you as my Spanish teacher🎉🎉🎉 I used to be this student asking why why why like every language didn't have the right to be its own hahaha😅 I am following you now you are going to get me to my next level😢 thanks for all you do thank you for all you do
Comment from : @cymonesinspirations

This is one of the reasons kids learn new languages faster than adults They don't think logically and just repeat what they hear
Comment from : @galaxyskyzziy2438

Great video! And you're so right I found that listening to Spanish radio, or any Youtube Spanish speaker (I love Español con Juan, por ejemplo), that I remember words and phrases more readily after hearing them spoken I noticed, for example, that "pero bueno" (and "pues") is like a filler the way that "um" or "well" are in English that might be more in Spain as I was listening to RNE(Radio Nacional de España ) a lot via the app on my phone (and I just subscribed!)
Comment from : @tobyo99

Really good comments y insight on translating-chunk based phrases!!!!
Comment from : @jamesfreese4700

For the hair we don't use "ser" o "estar" we use "tener" "Tengo el pelo corto"
Comment from : @alejandrojoselizano

so how do we stop translating in our head?
Comment from : @itsscaeleycx

Great video and your advice on the “why” can actually be applied to many things that sit outside of language too Sometimes it’s better to not be burdened with the logic and just accept and move on
Comment from : @RemofRenaissance

The translation can be done between French and Spanish but not from English to Spanish
Comment from : @Cataleyasweethome

This guy is good!!!! Really really good at teaching Spanish!
Comment from : @Bangs_Theory

As usual, your lessons are excellent! I have been studying Spanish for many years, and I love the language, but I'm still not fluenthowever, I'm better off than when I first started Practice makes perfectlike learning mathematicand there is no way getting away from that Though you don't speak Spanish like a native, that's okaybe patient with yourself We're all different You're getting better as time goes on
Comment from : @jdozier3459

Maybe your answers to "why?" just are not good enough?
Comment from : @fareloz

tl;dr Eat what has been served by the good teacher, don't ask questions (repeat calmly x 1000 times/dias)
Comment from : @user-vg7zv5us5r

So much help Thank you
Comment from : @renetorry7654

Actually, it's not just not how we say it, but it's which what is your name
Comment from : @peternorton5913

Is it Cual because its about you and not an place or thing?
Comment from : @4everrbrooke

Gracias! Molto interesante
Comment from : @clairelcmartin4549

Except if it was a Cheese cake🙄 English! Why?
Comment from : @jezwarren-clarke2471

I would bake a cake!
Comment from : @jezwarren-clarke2471

Thank you for this, it was very very helpful
Comment from : @Connor-on4eo

Mi pelo está corto… is perfectly ok, depending on the context
Comment from : @1111post

Spanish aussie accent 😂😂😂
Comment from : @Jaujau933

Dude I don’t even speak english without constantly assessing the logic behind my syntactical choices Abandoning logic feels like I am forfeiting the autonomy necessary for meaningful communication
Comment from : @rsand7261

Thank you! This lesson has changed my "logic based" approach to learning Spanish Your simple reasoning for memorization makes perfect sense Thank you!
Comment from : @lawritzmann

if anyone asked me que es tu nombre, I'd probably think that person is from mars - literally
Comment from : @Juanee31

I remember having a Spanish class and my classmates started to complain and whine (like it was going to change anything) when my professor said there was several irregular verbs that we had to learn with all new endings I remember laughing and being like “ It’s hard but why are they complaining? He cant change the rules He didn’t come up with the language?!” 😂❤ Poor Professor
Comment from : @michellestokley3734

MUCHAS GRACIAS por tu explicacion de ser y estar!! (I think I got that right) I get really stuck with the excessive logic-based decision-making and this has been a struggle to grasp
Comment from : @LadyVooDoo

Me when i do a cake
Comment from : @jamaicanmequip

When I asked my language teacher “why” She told me: “I’m not teaching you Spanish in English, I’m teaching you Spanish” I thought it’s a great explanation and stops the “why” questions
Comment from : @beesely1762

Those sentences like :" Cual es tu nombre " " Mi pelo es corto" , even though they are absolutelly correct gramatically , are not the ones that a native speaker would probably say We probably would say : " ¿Cómo te llamas ?" " Tengo/ llevo el pelo corto"
Comment from : @TheMaru666

I already know how; when you learn words, just associate the word with the action, or thing, directly
Comment from : @24DaniS24

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