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Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler

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Information Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler

Title :  Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler
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Frames Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler

Description Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler

Comments Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler

>All water is in opaque containersbr>Spill water on floorbr>Look in reflection
Comment from : @Staeve64

Maybe there is something i'm not understanding but "At least one of you has green eyes" isn't any new information, the information also isn't that it's being told to everyonebrI see 99 people with green eyes, and i know the person next to me sees at least 98 people with green eyes, and that goes for everyone
Comment from : @cuentamicrosoft9841

He said they wouldn’t know their own eye color, but who said he taught them colors at all? 💀
Comment from : @TotallyNotACannibal2

The water???
Comment from : @eddyvxc

crazy how they didn’t just make up their own sign language
Comment from : @danielorozco521

One of the conditions for the visitor was not to provide any new information, yet she told them in her one statement that only one of them had green eyes
Comment from : @jefflindsay42

The comments are better than the riddle 😂
Comment from : @S4RG3N7

is it okay is we say "you all have the same eye color" because you would look around and see that all 99 people have green eyes, so you must have green eyes
Comment from : @evabsja

“Everyone you see has green eyes”
Comment from : @gunshins

Couldn't you just say "all prisoners around you that you see have green eyes?"
Comment from : @KelceProductions

Imagine there are 100000 people on the Island and you still said at least One of you has green eyes ro not make the dictator angry😭🙏
Comment from : @giovannigregorelli2073

It's interesting that, according to the narrator, the speaker actually cheated, and DID give them new information
Comment from : @greg55666

I just wonder if any of them own doghouses
Comment from : @BobbySacamano

he could have said every person on this island thinks thats everyone except them have green eyes
Comment from : @anuragchhallani3488

Why not just say "every other prisoners you see has green eyes"?
Comment from : @BeakerPD

Look inti each others eyes theyre reflective
Comment from : @LoganLikesStarWars

A fun exercise would be to find logic for 3-prisoners case, rather than using 2-p case logic for 100-p case 3-p case logic is the one to be applied, 2-p is simplified
Comment from : @billtensus

Can you say also "all your mates have green eyes"?brIndividually that wouldn't grant new info but im group you would know that also you have green eyes
Comment from : @pepitolospalotes1183

“What about a person with only one green eye? Do they only get half a chance to live?”
Comment from : @user-7jf78kc2b5ilo

“If there’s a psychopath who knows that no one has green eyes and never leaves until those people die, what should I do?”
Comment from : @user-7jf78kc2b5ilo

I like the idea of perfect logicians not being able to figure out their own eye color when they could just rip one of them out
Comment from : @magnumtrooper17

They are forbidden to speak to each other And so on So: brThey don’t know how water looksbrThey don’t know each other’s namesbrThey don’t know what each other are thinkingbrThey do know: THAT AT LEAST ONE OF THEM HAVE GREEN EYES!
Comment from : @yangxue1694

“Everyone around us has green eyes”
Comment from : @lunaklovegood33

Why Not just say everyone around you have Green eyes
Comment from : @levintarakci3868

But wouldn't the logic still apply without the statement?
Comment from : @fedorboendermaker1536

The biggest question is why are these 100 prisoners on the island in the first place?
Comment from : @erinthedemonhog2090

You can say “you can all ask the guard to leave if you have green eyes” Technically this isn’t giving any extra information because you say if and all the prisoners know that you want them to escape they know you will give them a good clue , so that means they can assume that you are saying that everyone has green eyes and everyone leaves day 1
Comment from : @ThatGamerGamingOffical

wait! i’m confused bill could ALSO think that his eyes were brown if she saw adrias eyes were brown, right?
Comment from : @pinkdoesstuff

This is wrong It doesn’t work Obviously it does when there are only two But I don’t think it does when there are three brbrIf both the people you see have green eyes and you know “at least one of you has green eyes” you cannot derive meaningful information out of them choosing not to leave They could not choose to leave confidently, regardless of what your (unknown) eye color is, because they are seeing either one or two other sets of green eyes, either of which satisfies the statement “at least one of you has green eyes”brbrThis is just wrong brbrI’m not saying I couldn’t be wrong And my intelligence and training pale in comparison to others But I don’t buy this
Comment from : @jasonhobbs2405

I went with "your neighbours have green eyes"
Comment from : @bigfatlyingrat

Can’t you just say “all of you have green eyes”I mean, it’s not wrong so it doesn’t change anything right?
Comment from : @salmonking2710

Since about 5 of humans are color blind, there is a problem with your logic
Comment from : @MarcBrewer-u1w

I don't understand you guys I mean I see 99 green eyes so I didn't leave and any other prisoner sees at least 98 green eyes so he also didn't leave
Comment from : @joe-sz7kv

Or you could just tell them only one of you doesn't have green eyes
Comment from : @joe-sz7kv

Why is that statement not considered new information? I understand the dictator let's it go, but how would someone trying to solve this puzzle realize that is not providing new information?
Comment from : @TheZreich

Wouldn’t it be easier to say “The person to your left and the person to your right have the same eye color”
Comment from : @vgrants1717

If the people can’t communicate, how do they know that the other 99 people are also perfect logicians? And without that information, how can they trust that the others are acting based on perfect logic?
Comment from : @verkuilb

Everyone around you has green eyes
Comment from : @laughingpenguin4748

What if I just said, everyone has green eyes
Comment from : @AlexTsekvashvili

the fact that this is basically the most parodied riddle in the ted-ed universe: it's like the staple of ted-ed's riddles
Comment from : @rosesgow

”gather in a circle and say the colour of the person’s eye left to you”
Comment from : @Rafu-uf8eh

Or just say "If you ask to leave, they will let you"
Comment from : @JoeR203

It's ok to choose first one first 🥇🏆🎉
Comment from : @OliverReeves-v5l

Id just wing it
Comment from : @oblivionobliteration311

any one can start making hand gestures , by looking at each others eyes , they can simply point out object with green color so they can brassume they have green eyes
Comment from : @TestDynac

I would've said, everyone you've seen has green eyes
Comment from : @JOHNNY-zx1lc

"Everyone stand in a circle and raise your hand if the person to your right has red eyes"
Comment from : @armyguy3

5 year old me got hella scared watching this😂
Comment from : @Weezlebee77

In my statement I would say "all of you should ask the dictator if you can leave"
Comment from : @mtcapetown1173

Tell me if saying the person you are looking at has green eyes wouldn’t worm
Comment from : @blnktboi5163

What if you know some people would to stay for compassion, depression, or enjoy the confinement
Comment from : @allen604

But who gonna start and be the first to ask the dictator according to this response to the riddle?brbrbrYou didn’t inform if the others would know if the person died in the volcano or flew away safebrbrAnd…brbrEach prisoner could just look at each other and give a thumbs up or downbrbrOrbrbrShe could say as the one statement there isn’t a new information :brEveryone’s safe!
Comment from : @jonasn1990

Honestly why wouldn’t they just risk it like even if they don’t know they have green eyes it’s not like you lose much from death when your stuck in prison
Comment from : @Drone_D125

"ask the guard to leave"
Comment from : @Vladimyrful

telling them there are at least 99 people with green eyes would quite fasten up the process
Comment from : @taylanilgazkaya3268

You can make one statementbrALL OF YOU HAVE GREEN EYESbrit can’t be new informationbrDang it
Comment from : @JaseHarraden

My statement would just be “ if you ask the guard to leave they will let you leave regardless of eye colour”
Comment from : @95underdog95

Why don’t they use gestures? Pointing to their eyes or something
Comment from : @pluvluvowo5882

*You may give them one statement with no new informationbrbrMe: There are 100 of you and only 1 dictator Do with that information what you will
Comment from : @AsobiMedio

Eyes are reflective, so no reflective surfaces is impossible
Comment from : @McNab1986

nah i would just tell them green eyes are a recessive gene
Comment from : @EvelimUnitednations

“You all have the same coloured eye” as all of them can see the others eye colour
Comment from : @zowieeelachimolala3364

I would've said "Attention everyone on the island I am 100 certain that if any of you were to try and leave via the dictator's rules, you would all be successful" I think that works?
Comment from : @izukumidoriya1766

Basically, he can say the sentence "You all see people with green eyes in the morning" This is a sentence that is a "description" of the situation and it is not new "information" The fact that they understand that the description of the knowledge they knew from the experience of their life now has an additional meaning, this is a logical conclusion that they created themselves and that the dictator did not forbid but only a statement of new knowledge
Comment from : @יעקבישראלקליין

personally i would have made the statement "The person next to you has green eyes" It's not new information bc from what I understand they all see each other during the morning call
Comment from : @rameenfatima9798

Plot twist:brThe guard that checks the color of eyes is colorblind
Comment from : @Guy-i7h

2:11 The puzzle is wrong because the prisoners don't know that other prisoners know how non-green eyes look like
Comment from : @DreamingConcepts

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