Title | : | How To Become A Police Officer - Training And Education Questions |
Lasting | : | 9.17 |
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Views | : | 53 rb |
Is this true that if you have knock knees you can not be police officer? Comment from : @SatinderSingh-v9i |
I got into some trouble as a young man Im not sure if id make the cut but its always been my dream to become a police officer I have some questions if youd be interested in a phone call? Comment from : @dennisfillion3069 |
Awesome video Randall Loved it Comment from : @johnkropf1564 |
I'm 18 years old sri lankan boy can I join Comment from : @YulanNimdiyaEkanayaka106 |
I needed this video Thank you sir Comment from : @nickshepley2566 |
Hi I am 40 and want to be police officer brHow to start my applicationbr Working with Canada post brFitness test no issue Comment from : @muhammadkhan9773 |
Would joining the CAF co op program possibly help me with becoming a police officer in the future? I figured it would be a good opportunity to go out of my comfort zone, have leadership opportunities, physical health etc I’m planning on taking criminology and psychology when I’m out of high school, and after watching this most likely police foundations as well Becoming a police officer in York Region has always been a dream of mine Comment from : @BoogeyMan12 |
Oh I forgot they will help you and you help them you have to work hard every year Comment from : @Quietkill23-i2j |
It my rule not her and she not my mom she my old teacher I don’t get a f*ck what she said me it everyone rule and don’t what they did said to you do everything you can be 😡🤬 Comment from : @Quietkill23-i2j |
I really want to join the army or be a cop, thank you so much for this video!!brbrAlso, may i ask what if you self harm? How will/does that affect it? Comment from : @Person-v4b |
Could you make a video on the bad side of the job? Comment from : @BLXCKOUT1 |
Do I need a driving license to be a policeman Comment from : @yamatanoorochi3149 |
I’m an international student in Canada would you recommend bachelor in police studies if I want to pursue a career in police work Comment from : @Rayan-bg7tl |
damn! Comment from : @MegaRan1 |
Being a cop sucks dont do it Comment from : @TR-uw2sp |
Perhaps you guy shpuld save money and just drop off application to the bullies in the playground that beat up other kids and take there lunch money That your target Comment from : @Stew666able |
I was just accpected for police foundations for Conestoga college always had a passion for policing did police co op in high school and I’m 18 gonna do my best thanks for this video hopefully I get in Toronto police or Waterloo police service! Comment from : @modeathkill |
I want a job Comment from : @HhshvsDggdgdsv-h4r |
I recently got this experience with opp I applied and my file process was going good I submitted everything what they wanted documentation and physical activity videosbut after all of this I suddenly got a email from them they closed my file that’s it Comment from : @SatwinderDhillon-j1z |
Hi officer, thank you very much for the video! I've been wanting to become a police officer here in Halifax as an immigrant, my biggest concern is my age im 32 this year but do you think it's kind of late to apply for a police officer job? Thank you! Comment from : @Kevin-up8bz |
I’m men 52 years older , do you think I have chance to came police officer Comment from : @CarlosOliveira-tk3yw |
Hi Randall, I have a name tattooed on the left side of my neck Would that be an issue for me when going through the process? Comment from : @northsideconnections1719 |
I'm 37 and in good shape Lots of work experience in sales and as a handyman/maintenance man I just applied to be a police officer in Arizona and these videos have been helpful I don't have a degree Never taken criminal justice classes All the departments are short-staffed out here Hoping I get hired, it would be the honor of a lifetime! Thanks! Comment from : @jamoe4802 |
the canadian police has a big culture of nepotism so does the government continue this bull shit and you will eventually collapse Comment from : @sahildhillon562 |
Hello Sir, im 33 I've worked for a good company for many years, but I am looking for more meaning in my life and was thinking of becoming a police officer In my youth and early adult years, I've been im trouble with the law, and I was a sinner I have completely turned my life around, and I believe I am capable of doing the job well and honestly Is it possible for someone like me to still have a shot at becoming a police officer? Thank you for the video! Comment from : @jordanwalters7898 |
Thank you sir Comment from : @AhmedHashmi-b4z |
I’m 27 can i apply to became a police officer? Comment from : @rafael_bryant0294 |
Can I still become a police officer without going to college? Comment from : @FazemongraalMongraal |
Hi I just applied for Police constable preparation & this is my first tryAnd I am confuse with submissions of documents Can u plz guide me?Thank u Comment from : @kishorthapa5127 |
Your saying the wrong age when messing up videos Comment from : @zacharybusch377 |
Hello Randall, I'm from the south eastern Ontario area growing up my dream was to become a police officer But the harse reality of it was I wear corrective lenses I was told that I needed 20/20 vision Ny dreams went down the drain at that point Laser eye surgery was just becoming a thing in 2002-2003 Im 38 now And im in the trades as a civil construction supervisor brbrMy question is Are they still stern about the 20/20 vision ? I understand the logistics of it all brbrThank you for your service and your time! Comment from : @SkyhightechYGK |
do supervisor have to train other cop and how do supervisor get train to train other cops or can they choose if they don't want to do training Comment from : @Drak420 |
Do you have to be a citizen to be a cop? Comment from : @aracelybarrera6046 |
Please how will I get the forms to buy once am in Ghana Comment from : @SarahAboagye-ri8sc |
Please how will I get the forms to buy once am in Ghana Comment from : @SarahAboagye-ri8sc |
Do you have a video about how to become a detective Comment from : @ThatOneGuy16878 |
Please am from GhanabrWhat should I do to become a police officer Comment from : @SarahAboagye-ri8sc |
My doubt about the requirements if I am a citizen of the US, what happens if I don't have this requirement? Still, are they gonna accept me without being a citizen? Comment from : @moonsulqueen1728 |
Thinking about culinary school if becoming a cop failsI been thinking a lot about law enforcement thank you Comment from : @michaeloliveira8135 |
follow your dreams kids Comment from : @kyle-b4n |
I also want to be a police officer, but the main problem now is that I cannot apply for police college because I don’t have a PR or I am not a Canadian citizen I have currently applied for the police foundation, but I don’t know what to do next😢 Comment from : @shiho52hz |
1 have a back upbr2 get life experience Comment from : @AstmnA |
I just wanna be a cop to help people and be respected, am 17 wat age should I be Comment from : @Slappy_joe1 |
Hello I just recently came across your Channel for the first time When I first started college two years ago my counselor advise for me not to major in criminal justice because she said she knew a good amount of people in her life who majored in criminal justice and ended making into law enforcement but some of the people she knew got injured on the job so they had to do school all over and start again She told me major something other than criminal justice but I don’t know I don’t want to create that comfort just yet I don’t want my mindset to be “well if becoming a police officer doesn’t work out I can fall back on ___” which I know is a very smart thing to have planned out but I feel as though it just gives me an excuse not to put my 100 just for my first goal I told her thank you but that I still want to major in criminal justice, I don’t want to go blind into a career I really want to pursue in She told me to major in Sociology instead So now I am getting ready to transfer to a University now from a community college and out of the five classes I need to finish before I transfer one of them is Intro to Sociology If I end up liking the class I’m thinking of double majoring when I go to University Hearing you talk about a backup plan is making me think maybe I should have one just in case things don’t work out when you said “if you couldn’t be a cop what would you want to do” my mind went blank My mind is police officer and has been for a longtime I don’t have a second passion but I will look into having one just in case Comment from : @jocelynbejar2311 |
What if I have epilepsy what stop it Comment from : @Flightspeed89 |
So ive been wanting to be a police officer for a while now and im going to be a freshman in college this fall I was struggling whether to major in criminal justice or business finance and whether to get a bachelor's degree or an associates degree My state requires police officers to at least have an associates degree before being hired So i guess im looking for some advice on which degree to get I'm very excited about being a police officer and want to get into it as soon as possible but i know that with more education can come more opportunities for advancement Please help if anyone can! Comment from : @hexistrash6702 |
Will im 14 years old i wanna become a police officer im coming from Haiti Comment from : @JadenJeffy |
Can u become a police officer if u have a criminal record but got pardoned for it and it was a minor crime? Comment from : @antorhoque3463 |
Hai,how about someone for other country? Comment from : @AdwaithSuresh-sb7oj |
Watch the channel Here's the deal before thinking of being a cop Comment from : @stanleykania7184 |
I did want it ask how old do most states require for you to be a cop? Comment from : @qiqisaunders-vi2ic |
If I became a police officer in Ontario and if I get green card in the states Can I be a police officer in the state? Comment from : @varghesekuriakose1978 |
Oh shit did not know, I have done lot's of gta 5 RP as a cop, Me applies anyways Comment from : @Sisko1500 |
I recently spoke to a Toronto cop who informed me of most of what you just said I have an advanced diploma in business marketing and small part-time security experience He told me to apply so I did last week but was told I did not meet the minimum licensing requirements This is mainly related to having an OACP certificate Can you confirm that this is required before I apply again? Comment from : @cloutanime |
Do you know how I can get help on the simulation ? Comment from : @TI_AR_UK |
I wanna be a cop but I have to go to school I don't know why that's a thing it makes no sense to me Comment from : @Silvabross |
Hi I am in 12 th grade I really want to be a police in Canada can I take police foundation ?is it a good course? Or criminology is best?pls reply Comment from : @XS_ELLA356 |
Hllo sir, I done my high school and know I’m enrolled in administrative professional diploma in portage college and I want to become police officer what I can do plz help Comment from : @DeepKaur-jx2fi |
I pray I can become a police officer, I want to serve my community in a BIIIIIG way and I am having a hard time because of past financial mistakes and my current job not paying enough, which I’m hoping my agency still works with me on, but it’s so strict that you almost need to be a good boy your whole life at times it seems Comment from : @trojanthebarber2688 |
So I can’t try to enroll the police academy if I have a GED? Comment from : @ThegirlG98 |
i live in sri lanka i also want to become an american police officer how can i become an american police officer i am an arts graduate in sri lanka Comment from : @Slyfoxes-ht1rs |
I am turning 29 in the next few weeks, I am f, 5'3 only 120, and I want to be an officer so bad but I was told I never could because of gender and size my question is if they would even consider someone this small or old?? I worked in trades for years so I know what work is but I want and deserve more!! Also I have family member's with addiction issues rades workers, I have expirince out the ying yang with hard workhard lives I just need a chance Comment from : @bruceleesh4064 |
How does it make sense that applicants need to have perfect vision and cannot become a police officer if they wear prescription glassesbrbrHowever at the same time police officers that have been on the job for a while can continue working if they need prescription glassesbrbrSo unfair and this keeps out many people from being able to apply as not everyone can get LASIK Comment from : @jiraiya1231 |
Do I need to have lived in Canada for the last 10 years as a permanent residence holder? Thank you! Comment from : @rostikgoma5251 |
This is so great for my project too see what I have to prepare for even if it doesn’t work out for a while n I would love to be a state pd I going to police academy but if it doesn’t work this is something great to look back on n remember this great advice thank you Comment from : @Nono_G42075 |
The Best Advice I have got from you is to have a plan B Comment from : @aryansandhu3768 |
graduated high school and heading to trade school but I always seemed to want to be a police officer so Ima just go for it I would regret it more if I don't and I'll always have my trade to fall back on, but I mostly want to peruse a Carrer as a police officer I'm 20 right now still finding my way but this might be something I'm more passionate about Comment from : @anthonymorales1499 |
Hi This is krishna from India, I'm 27-Male, I have good Tech and Cyber security skills(i have certs to back my claim), And I'm interested in moving to canada and to join the police force, is it possible and if "yes" can you please tell me what are my options Comment from : @abk072 |
What should i take after high school Comment from : @technicallyrics-fy2mh |
Hello Officer I am Very intrested To Become a Cop brPlease Let Me Know How I Prepare For My Policing Tests either it's Written Exam as well Panel Interview While I Doing My Diploma Program brI Don't Want To Waste My Time brPlease Help Me To Become Successful Cop Comment from : @tussharkumarchangotra3718 |
You just have to follow a few rules Escalate, Fabricate, and Retaliate It's as simple as that Comment from : @helifynoe9930 |
I Have always wanted to be a cop this will help me a lot thank you Comment from : @Garry-ux3wf |
I found this video after 2 months and it s very important for me Comment from : @Editbyparth |
i see blood or gore i dont even feel the need to vomit all i do is stop the bleeding to what evers bleeding Comment from : @OfficialLefnot |
I took Criminal Justice couple years ago and dropped out of it What's the point of having it when most police institutions in Canada don't require it I remember I went to an RCMP info session and the constable told us that after 6 months of the Police Academy we will be offered a Police Science Degree that's the main reason why I dropped out of college and I don't regret Now at 24 I'm completely lost don't know what I want to do so I went into trucking hard to find someone to take you in for apprenticeships nowadays I've tried for years Comment from : @tuneunleashed |
Could you make a video about which college and what program is good for starting a police officer Comment from : @behzad2798 |
Have you ever seen someone from the military working as a cop even though they didn't go to college after high school? I don't have any college education myself I went straight into the army reserves after high school But my ultimate goal is to become a cop Right now, I'm in the reserves as an infantry soldier I don't have a job besides that, and I mostly just go on training exercises with my unit on the weekends Comment from : @andyfeng9469 |
I always loved psychology, and humans are the worst animals Comment from : @AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables |
What do you think of kamikazes? LolbrbrTrick question ain't it? Comment from : @AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables |
In Britain I am studying an BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminal Investigation after that its a 2 year training as police constable in Britain I would be 57 during training Weight training and fat blockers for 4 years 6 Cs of nursing?
brCan be applied to policing
br1 Care
brCare is at the core of what nurses do and the care they deliver helps to improve the health of our entire community Patients receiving that care expect it to be specific to their needs and consistent throughout every stage of their lives
br2 Compassion
brThe relationships that nurses build with their patients are based on empathy, respect and dignity It can also be described as intelligent kindness and is central to how people perceive their care
br3 Courage
brCourage enables nurses to make the right choices throughout their career and do what’s best for their patients It’s up to nurses to speak out if they have concerns and have the personal strength to easily adapt to each new environment and overcome any challenge that is thrown at them
br4 Communication
brCommunication is essential to a nurse’s success, as it enables them to build caring relationships with their patients and work well with their colleagues as part of a team Listening is also just as important when it comes to caring for your patients, as they need to be kept informed about decisions but also feel they are being heard
br5 Commitment
brNursing professionals have a commitment to their patients and this helps them take the necessary steps to improving the quality of care they receive and ensuring they have a positive care experience
br6 Competence
brCompetence means that those in a caring role must have the natural ability to understand their patient’s health and social needs and have the relevant expertise, clinical, and technical knowledge to deliver effective care and treatments based on research and evidence
brRegister with us Comment from : @SkyMoviesPlus |
True Comment from : @Wavyboyangel029 |
Hi Randall, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about changing professions to become a police officer I am in my late thirties and have been in the electrical trade since 2006 I also started my own electrical company in roughly 10 years ago, which is still in business I’m a code 1 electrician in NL which means I am at the highest level for my trade I’ve accomplished a lot in my career but I still have this sense of un fulfillment, which is why I’m thinking about the change I recently had a child and my line of work demands a lot of time focused on business and away from family My question for you would be what the family/work life balance is like in most police departments, based on your experience Comment from : @corymahoney3081 |
As a young man myself, ive always wanted to be a police officer and i have recently applied too the local department, i may be young but i think there is alot of people my age(24) who also have experienced life full force, meaning experienced loss, learning family dynamics, interpersonal skills ect I hope my age doesn’t affect my application🫣 Comment from : @Zay223 |
Great video, thank you, i like you to help me, im currently in Florida Comment from : @briang2034 |
Remember police have no obligation to protect anyone from harm brIts all about social control , and revenue Comment from : @aurozappa305 |
To be a police officer you must be corrupt to the core Comment from : @aurozappa305 |
Ironically enough the first time I thought about becoming a police officer was when I was an HVAC apprentice and got laid off (as well as most of the company) Now I'm starting my process to apply as a police officer because I recently got laid off as a plumber (also, as well as most of the company Different company) 😂 Comment from : @jakeells66 |
I’m a security supervisor at a busy downtown area I’ve been working security for almost 4-5 years now and almost 2 of them as supervisor Note this is my first and only job I’ve ever had Do you think I have enough experience? I’ve also graduated from police foundational 5-6 years ago Comment from : @Merngus |
you did a good job brother Comment from : @amelakyawekal9321 |
Well, after watching this video, even though I'm too old now, there's no way I would ever have been able to be a police officer😂😂 Comment from : @keithbartholomew9433 |
Is there a height and weight requirement in order to become a police officer? Comment from : @carmram28288 |
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