Title | : | Weddings Are A Scam |
Lasting | : | 17.06 |
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Views | : | 127 rb |
I just want a wedding photo shoot and have basically a birthday dinner vibe after changing 😂 just some good pics for the gram so she can get shown off and that's it 🤷 Comment from : @ChihiroDave |
It’s all so insane Comment from : @ryancouture2508 |
Instagram and TikTok and Facebook Epitome of social validation Cost of weddings will only keep going up Because of social media there will be more debt and divorce Lawyers will stay employed Comment from : @MrBurberry486 |
good job! weddings are stupid marriage is misunderstood Comment from : @JGULLIF |
Most men are involved in plan the wedding or at least pay a sort of party planner for the wedding After all if the couple or couples family isn’t splitting the bill is payed by the dude Comment from : @-obamium5320 |
I’m currently planning a wedding with my fiancé brMe, I want a Braveheart type private ceremony, but supposedly that’s “not traditional” On the other hand, my fiancé wants everyone there, catering, the whole 9 yards I love her, and she’s perfect, but I’ve never wanted to drive off a cliff more in my life I would rather spend the whole check on the honeymoon, and do a JP/Ceremony at the house like my parents did Comment from : @S_Patty0331 |
like Monica said to Chandler "I don't want a big fancy wedding anymore I want a marriage" Comment from : @ΕυαΜακρυνιτσα |
I am a dude planning my weddingbrGive me my props!😂 Comment from : @airdog13 |
I’ll come now I love weddings They’re one of the most important days of your life a day that you will remember and all your friends will remember I know some people go overboard, but a wedding is worth every dime Comment from : @edwardslizewski717 |
9:10 Bull SHIT! Society doesn't see weddings as "women's work" because it exists "in the domain of feelings" What a load of bullshit The vast majority of that labor is taken on by women BECAUSE SHE'S THE ONE WHO WANTED A BIG FUCKING WEDDING IN THE FIRST PLACE, and she's so pathologically and insanely invested into making sure everything is "perfect" that she becomes Bridezilla and WANTS TO micromanage every aspect of it So F off with this bullshit narrative "that the labor falls on the bride" because the "patriarchy" has deemed it women's work Stop with the bullshit You turned a perfectly good undressing of an empty American marketing-driven tradition into gender-war bullshit Comment from : @zoomingby |
My wedding such as it was ended up getting planned by my future husband …he literally wanted to have a big drunken party at a local bar and invite a lot of people (most I didn’t even know) mostly so people would give us (him) money to pay for it It was horrendous I spent the entire time with my new in-laws not drinking because I was pregnant Fortunately the marriage ended as it was as miserable as the wedding, I reconnected with my true love high school sweetheart and we have lived in unwedded bliss for nearly 2 decades Comment from : @laurachristianson1688 |
Weddings are like funerals with cake - Rick and Morty Comment from : @BlazingNChilling7s |
Married in 2023, wife and I planned it together Split the responsibilities to our strengths and how much we actually cared about, say, how the linens are folded (not that much) Comment from : @HiYesThisIsJake |
I got married to the courthouse and had a fifty person luncheon at a local restaurant I saved so much money It wasn't even nuts The license was a 100 bucks and the dinner was 500 I never wanted a weddingI want a marriage Comment from : @ishkacarreon3079 |
Married 22 years ago I recall the marriage filing with the state being like $50, paired with a cerificate that looked like something for a grade school spelling bee Comment from : @Megan777a |
There was a study done and they noticed that the more expensive the wedding the higher likelihood that the couple would break up Comment from : @theorderofthebees7308 |
Every reason that people want marriage is selfish!!!!! Comment from : @chadguindon6909 |
Wow I didn’t even get a haircut for my wedding… Nor a facial I had a pimple the week of my wedding thankfully it died down on the day and my makeup artist managed to cover it up Comment from : @rainecolubio |
Husband and I planned our wedding together He did the things i didn’t wanna do (logistics, keeping track of the budget, paperwork, choosing the music etc) While i did the things i wanted to do (choosing the venues, choosing the vendors, designing invitations, backdrops, etc)brbrBut i think we are also lucky that we have different interests, we were both invested in the wedding prep, and have great communication We were very aligned with what we wanted, in the end, i’d say we had a perfect wedding The marriage is going great so far too! Comment from : @rainecolubio |
don't let the wedding industry plan my wedding or convince I must buy something for itbrbrGot it! Comment from : @generalhorse493 |
I love my fiance Your channel lacks faith You miss the point of marriage and therefore your lack of morals is what scams you out of a good marriage Comment from : @Mike-sp7zv |
You're a scam Comment from : @Mike-sp7zv |
There is literally no benefit to getting married besides some minor tax benefits 😆 Comment from : @c_n_b |
weddings are great but capitalism ruins everything eventually Comment from : @TheCreepypro |
I didn't even know cloud bursting was a thing How sad Comment from : @winterrobot9605 |
We got married and skipped the wedding entirely It was a massive relief mentally and financially! Comment from : @DemonSilverHuskey |
If I can't legally be married according to the US law, to more than a single spouse, yet can marry one person from eather gender, something is wrong here I get my country has actually illegal laws their enforcing thanks to The Church of Jesus Christ Of Later Day Saints, but come on, it's time to repeal those laws Even Illinois that gave us the same legal status as a deer saw that it was time to correct those mistakes Comment from : @macekreislahomes1690 |
just skip marriage skip divorce court give half of your money to her and move on Comment from : @thebigbold6257 |
Working at some very expensive weddings in Australia had me questioning the opulence, my parents never wed and I'm glad, our material conditions could of been alot worse if thousands were forked out in a pointlessly extravagant event I struggle to understand the obsession and the desire Comment from : @MrPsychochickens |
My aunt got married at a courthouse Said courthouse has a few places for picture taking and even have other book to take your wedding pictures after submitting the papers It only cost them a total of 500$ with the dress and suit, as well as the small party and its location afterwards Comment from : @Burnlit1337 |
Guess as a fat, ugly, single guy a wedding is something I never have to worry about Comment from : @hinkhall5291 |
I had a friend that asked his wife if she would be okay ok doing a cheap wedding and puttin the money towards a house She said wedding He wasn’t the happiest person in the world with that answer😅 Comment from : @iankear736 |
excuse me, cloud bursting services? Comment from : @Mikhail_the_great |
Why does most of it fall in the bride? Because women don't want it any other way It's THEIR DAY as they will constantly say So the groom's opinion isn't wanted, needed, appreciated, or asked for Comment from : @Egeslean |
I would go as far as saying what's the point of marriage , relationships in the modern world seem to all operate on the easy come easy go policy not happy about it but I am pretty sure marriage in all its formality just makes the whole process expensive, paying governments, churches, wedding organizers seem to be a waste of money 🤣 🤷♂️ Comment from : @thenobody9755 |
My husband planned our wedding with me He was involved with each step of planning We also were able to spend less than $3,000 (US) in 2019 Comment from : @amie6165 |
Brides-to-Be usually plan their weddings cuz most dudes are good with "We gotta couple card tables, a couple table cloths I gotta suit, you gotta nice dress We're good to go" You can suggest that a predatory industry is built up around The Wedding, and I'll agree, but to say that men FORCE women to develop elaborate plans on their own is horseshit When I got married, my wife leafed through an ever-increasing pile of overpriced magazines trolling for things that she'd feel bad about if she didn't include, despite efforts to stop her In the end, it was a simple loving affair and we were happy with it Thank goodness her Mom talked her off the ledge Comment from : @guyjperson |
or u know just make weddings cheaper bc in my country we spend a lot for marage bc that usually involves around 250-200 family members with friends and neighbours accounted so yeah there is a lot of ways to make wedding cheaper from wemen of innter family (mom's sisters grandmothers) making foodbrto plasing whole event in your backyard or in some places even road with big shelter on top of Comment from : @savosavic1222 |
Stupid Comment from : @roberto8650 |
I have genuinely lost respect for people who throw big weddings that they can afford Especially if they start asking guests to help pay for it Comment from : @animalluver4ever9836 |
I dont see how you can call the modern wedding as the definition of feminism? brAll the preassures of the wedding and beauty seem anti-feminism as it is no longer a choice how you do it and how you look, but a debilitating preasure on people, both men and women Comment from : @babybander |
My parents got married in my grandparents' backyard with just 20 people in attendance, plus a couple of stray dogs that were drawn by the small of BBQ ribs and sausages 40 years later, they're still going strong Comment from : @kinghenryxl1747 |
So you have yet to point out the scam Which is offering something and not providing what was promised Now are weddings ripping people off sure but they are not scamming them They have a product or a service and charge a certain amount They are not tricking people into paying for a product or service and not providing it Comment from : @lostboy8084 |
My wedding was 65 dollars 13 years ago my dad paid for it it was the best decision of our lives we’re still happily married and we only have one more payment till we own our home Comment from : @ScottTuckerATX |
how do you spend 600 Dollars by simply attending a weddings? brbrthe only costs are travel and a gift, right? Comment from : @Zardichard |
It's my day! Comment from : @0o0eM |
Marriage is a scam Comment from : @johnmcgrew7128 |
Women make most of the sacrifices and unpaid labor before and during a wedding Men make most of the sacrifice during and after a divorce Comment from : @youtubeviewer4472 |
Hold on a sec You roast the wedding industry, but give a shout out to men who help plan the wedding To write out the implication, men not helping in wedding planning deserve shame for not pulling their weight Isn't that totally backwards? If you're complaining the wedding industry is a giant rip-off, shouldn't you be crediting men for trying not to participate in it? Comment from : @SamBrown-g3o |
"Falls on the bride" lol The brides are the ones who want all that expensive bullshit and get super picky about how everything gets done Brides do this to themselves Comment from : @kenmoretoast |
Never agreed more I HATE weddings and never attend Distgusting splurge of money, while people are dying who can't afford the medical bills Want to throw money out the window? Donate it People do nothing but get full on degenerate on them Getting sh**faced and molesting each other Dumpest tradition ever IF I'd marry - which I won't - I would do a little cute garden party with my closest people NO ALCOHOL Comment from : @morikurogawa7936 |
It's shocking to hear to the truth about the wedding industry from a woman The whole thing is about fulfilling the bride's childhood fantasy which is largely based on Disney cartoons The groom is there during the ceremony only because he has to pay most if not all of the fee, otherwise he is like a third wheel Comment from : @pragueexpat5106 |
Big $30K party before the coming divorce in 7 to 10 years 😂 Comment from : @dockdrumming |
A simple church wedding and a reception at home can be lovely and you do not have to break the bank to do it Comment from : @boboneill6554 |
It's become a status symbol in the age of poverty and scarcity Comment from : @ironknightgaming5706 |
My husband planned pretty much my whole wedding! I consider myself lucky Comment from : @genevienelim7725 |
I run a hotel that does big weddings often and I don’t get why people do it When I got married I rented a bar for my friends, saying it was a birthday celebration (the word “wedding” will make the price multiply) brI’m often shocked, that so many people actually dream of a huge expensive wedding To each their own I guess Comment from : @Tharrel |
In which "tradition" was actually made by companies to sell stuff As expected 😂 Comment from : @seekittycat |
I used to think highly of weddings until I developed social anxiety and shifted into a social isolation lifestyle Now I think that weddings are more for showing off for your guests rather than the two people getting married I don’t think I have more than 10 people would even think of inviting to one nowadays I just hope to skip the wedding and just do the honeymoon Comment from : @defiantlypinki1107 |
Man, I am bso/b glad that my wife and I were in sync about what we wanted for our wedding We both wanted low-key, family-oriented, and most of all, bcheap* Her dad decided to give us money for it, but he gave us literally 3 times what we were planning on doing if we did it ourselves, which was even still a *third/b the amount of an average American wedding at the time, so that became our total budget and we didn’t break that budget We both planned it together, and All of our friends told us it was the best wedding they had been to for some time, because we used our money on the fun stuff, not the shitty fake opulence wedding magazines sell you Comment from : @cheeseisgreat24 |
this is why wisecrack is the number one channel on YouTube in my opinion Comment from : @WHOPAINTEDDAT |
I am a guy and was the primary planner in my first wedding Comment from : @AmatMiguel |
Groom here, planned and executed our wedding for less than 3 grand Comment from : @pablols83 |
We been engaged for 2 years and the main reason is because getting married is expensive I female don’t want a wedding, but my fiancé does because he wants all this family and friends to come I honestly think is ridiculous to put any money on a wedding, but I have to make him happy It’s his happy day Comment from : @BetaBetaZZ |
Male dude here, currently planning my wedding with my lady partner We're splitting the planning work about equally It's not that hard to put in effort, my dudes Comment from : @niccottone8158 |
Marriage is a scam It’s a literal contract and every single contract has the ability to fuck people over regardless of the context Everything is a show from the wedding, to the white picket fence to the honeymoons spark It all dies down- why do you think everyone is always bitching about it Comment from : @totalbodyperformancefitnes4813 |
I feel it's the "specialness" of weddings that everyone put on everything from media, kinda like how people does "Sweet 16" birthdays You hear from people is "It's my/_____'s special day" when comes to weddings, and everything must be "perfect" like they see on TV (or the internet) brbrHonestly, I would rather just go to the courthouse, sign some forms, pay the processing fees, and hold a come as you are small party afterwards Goes from tens of thousands to a couple of hundreds Hopefully my future partner feels the same Comment from : @Blue2x2x |
I helped plan my last wedding: ok, more work was done by my ex-wife, but I planned the honeymoon all alone And yes, I agree this is all a big theatrical money sink I won't say I didn't enjoy, and it was an amount of money that didn't break me financially, but all those expectations, "must-dos" and "must-haves" are really a pain Comment from : @fernandosimao9997 |
I love watching and reading things on how the medding insustry is a scam Ive gone through my own rollercoaster for what i want in life, from never wanting to marry because i saw a messy divorce, to wanting a fairy princess wedding will all the bells and whistles to now just wanting something small, intimate, afforable and slowlynjust leaning torwards a potluck with family and saying our vows infront of close family and friends I hate large rings and I have lost so many rings i dont want an expensive one because i would feel horrible if i lost it Idk wedding culture is weird Comment from : @jessikat_17 |
I was involved with the planning of my own wedding, and I'm a straight dude I think that if you are going to start a life project together, the less you can do, is to be involved in important moments Comment from : @joeblack8312 |
This all the more true for indian weddings Fucking stupid as fuck People literally spend their entire life savings in it Comment from : @rsanghi24 |
Wokecrack Comment from : @eduardomacias233 |
Marriage is a scam Everyone should have equal pay and opportunity Comment from : @CamelxRavenNova2 |
Most dudes will just get married at the courthouse for barely any money My wife and I got married in front of our church Didn't cost anything and we bought the house with the money we saved Comment from : @noelsierra3465 |
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