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15 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health with Languages

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Title :  15 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health with Languages
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Comments 15 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health with Languages

Can learning a new language change your personality? 👉🏼 youtube/NZDGYKQSd1k
Comment from : @storylearning

I really really love ur videos, you explain yourself really well and the topics are always interesting! I’m not an English native speaker but I understand you perfectly
Comment from : @edittutsandsounds

Wow ,that is amazing I have been suffering from panic attacks that ruined my life and thanks to cbt therapy i have managed to reduce them And now im learning a new language as well
Comment from : @DeenForEver14

i feel like i got happier when i started learning russian idk
Comment from : @TheUnderscore16

Learning languages makes happy to such a degree that I will never stop It keeps me going in many areas, exercises my memory, concentration on one target for a long period of time, expands intelectual horizons, gives access to the world and it's a skill for life
Comment from : @agathachristie8064

I've been learning languages as a brain puzzle or exercise it seems I believe I've benefited from learning but am aware I might not be ready to manage to read or communicate as yet outside of the app Weirdly though I do enjoy language learning
Comment from : @endthetrafficking

Actually I lost my mental health after learning germanIt has been 2 yrs I have been learning German and still can't go to Germany for my higher studies All my hopes have been gonee Now I am not good in English and also in German
Comment from : @Anand__066

5:20 as someone learning 3 languages and struggling with mental health issues i can relate to this I find myself wanting to express my emotions more in dutch or portuguese compared to english or even korean And when i do, It feels like every negative emotion leaving my body I also find that i'm much more receptive to relaxation or meditation vids more when they're being presented in my target languages Or just listening to the language spoken also helps me relax and calm my mind
Comment from : @wereldvanriley7

Parabéns pelas habilidades com o violão! Und nun zum meinem Deutsch Unterricht
Comment from : @henriquespinella1211

Love those brooming sherry brosoms
Comment from : @Alec72HD

Je regarde ta chaîne YouTube depuis longtemps et je viens de réaliser que j’ai acheté ton livre de « Short stories in French » Il est incroyable, merci beaucoup d’être un super professeur
Comment from : @liamgallacher9011

I ve had the same feeling Some kind of happiness english, american, italian, french , german all have more or less beauty in themselfsbrTo me it is a happiness you know i am from montenegro and my understanding of your english is 99-100 of procent the same thing is to german , italian , french and american i could say i feel as a superman in mental sence brYour story is a full hit ; exactly as i see it
Comment from : @АлександарЈовановић-ъ6н

You are awesome, Olly I have been listening to you for a few days You are so knowledgeable and inspiring What you say here is so true, and it is inspiring to hear someone describe what I've discovered this month by starting to learn Russian at the age of 57 My mental health has improved so very much It is such a buzz I enrolled in your Russian Uncovered course yesterday It is perfect! Everything I ever hoped for, and more than I expected Thank you so much for enriching my life, and for being so positive and sharing your skills
Comment from : @lynndocherty6743

I read a bit in swahili book and now I just see oh thats a verb in the present tense but I have no idea what the verb means
Comment from : @excancerpoik

I'm passioning with English ( British) after I've seen "Harry potter ( that moment when he spoke on snake language 😅 was like light bolb moment))
Comment from : @zh3294

I tried many times but I cant get the story telling kit on my email 🥲
Comment from : @KoKoLight

You should speak a little slower since you are talking to people who are learning English and not native speakers, this speed in your speech does not help at all! 🤷
Comment from : @cesarcosta7577

This is HIGHLY interesting I have experienced a couple or so abusive relationships (nothing physical) This explains why I do feel Happy when I am In Language 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Comment from : @californianorma876

The brain is not a muscle, nor is it the only organ you have that is made of musclebrbrThe heart is made of muscle The brain is made of neurons which are lipid (fat) basedbrbrIt is bsimilar/b in that neurogenesis is a thing and, yes, your thoughts and intentions affect how neurons develop or decay But calling it a muscle is categorically incorrect and further confuses the incompetent western population
Comment from : @danielprotaganist7551

To be honest learning of different languages help me feeling really awesome when I'm achieving something what ethereal for me in that language which I'm learning to, and to be honest I really like this feeling, because this makes me continue learning more and more information about different countries and their language and like this I started go into languages more and more deeply and that awesome because I really love study different languages, this makes my brain encourages me for each successful step in one of different languages which I'm learning at current time
Comment from : @КириллЛасточкин-с6ь

You lost me at the brain is an organ and a muscle I can’t rely on the scientific accuracy of the rest of the video after hearing that statement
Comment from : @DrMarionBilich

Being bilingual has done absolutely nothing to help with my crippling depression and anxiety
Comment from : @haritc8462

A fellow ADHD'er I follow said that using BSL (sign language) helped her to slow her brain down enough to allow her to fully articulate the maelstrom that is her brain as she was having the translate it on the go So she became fluent quicker as it was a huge coping mechanism for her that actually made her life easier
Comment from : @emmafaulkner8468

I loved this video, thank you
Comment from : @marionexley7355

Immersive translate will help you learn foreign languages It's a great and incredible app for learning foreign languages
Comment from : @-nf9vt

I've always been interested in languages It can be a struggle, but it's so rewarding On top of that, I think I'm most likely at risk of Parkinson's, and I want to to prevent it as much as I can
Comment from : @corinna007

I like the way my brain feels when I'm speaking Spanish
Comment from : @monopolfilms

I speak like 5 languages but my memory sucks soo much (short-term memory especially)
Comment from : @Tamère353

Bro, How cool to see you singing in Portuguese hahaha ❤
Comment from : @andresouza5237

Learning & acquiring a new language is the best decision any1 could ever make 👏 👏 Try it
Comment from : @jesusalejandro8248

Albanian language is my 🥰 Crush I feel in love to learn Albanian, even after so many gaps of days in my learning session I still keep the language close to my heart ❤️
Comment from : @jasonjacob402

Next stop: Hungarian😂❤🤍💚
Comment from : @mellisugahelenae

Would you publish short stories in Esperanto, or Latin, please?
Comment from : @Forsthman64

Se há alguns brasileiros aqui que gostaria de trocar línguas por favor diga me Eu sou americano e quero falar ao fone but ninguém quer fazer isso comigo Please let me know for a language swap (talking on the phone) :))
Comment from : @gamingwithpurg3anarchy157

5:36 I find that when talking to my friend in Portuguese I am very open with her But in English I don't tell or show anyone my emotions Well besides if I'm happy became best friends with a person in a different continent all because in a game I saw her and thought "wow this is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" and decided to message her 😂 and from there I started learning Portuguese (almost 3 years ago) still not fantastic with itbut I can read and understand most things she writes and I can respond Sometimes needing the translator for a word or two, but not always life has changed so much since messaging her and deciding to learn this language ❤
Comment from : @gamingwithpurg3anarchy157

Thank you from Moscow
Comment from : @nataliya2641

Nice video🎉🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @EnglishElevationByOjasvi

Thanks Ollie, very helpful video It's true, I'm way happier when I am learning a new language
Comment from : @elainepotgieter9403

Yup Totally agree Whenever I pick up a language book, life always gets joyful
Comment from : @priyatishan8397

As a 63 year old, this video really reinforces that I need to get more serious with my language learning (been slowly learning Russian for several years)
Comment from : @davidsthoughts60

What does he mean the brain is a muscle? It isn't And there are definitely other organs that either are muscles or contain muscles
Comment from : @DANGJOS

You look really handsome and attractive when you speak Korean
Comment from : @nicoledansby1805

After getting diagnosed with MS last year, I decided to get more involved into foreign language learning so that I can get my brain exercised and keep my cognitive skills at top formbrSo far I feel it has helped me significantly
Comment from : @lenamafalda

Does she talk in English when she is brBjörking it
Comment from : @M0rshu2

" orca whale "? Orcas are 🐬 not 🐳Americans are so ditzy
Comment from : @christopherellis2663

Not gunna lie it’s done the absolute opposite I’d be much happier not trying to learn another language
Comment from : @dangerwayne8634

Comment from : @yellowflowerorangeflower5706

Not sure what chakras have to do with language learning but I'm happy to see your B-roll visuals (I teach on the chakra's) Love also that you feature Robin M he has some of the best lang learning content on Youtube in my opinion
Comment from : @YogaBlissDance

Comment from : @yellowflowerorangeflower5706

Parabéns! Muito bem cantado em português e bem tocado no violão! Talentoso!
Comment from : @andrefmartin

If my understanding is correct, the monoamine hypothesis, which attempts to associate depression with a deficiency of serotonin, norepinephrine, and/or dopamine in the central nervous system, hasn't been proven even though it's been advocated for long This is not to say the hypothesis is completely irrelevant but it's been seen as a bit obsolete for a while nonethelessbrCorrect me if I'm wrong though
Comment from : @Jumptohistory

I got my LDS mission call to Germany, I’m do excited to see the effects of language learning and experience the famous MTC language course!
Comment from : @MusselPump1

Muchas gracias por el video😊
Comment from : @eloravanwaldkatze4594

I’m one of the 30 million people who joined Duolingo and Busuu during Corona
Comment from : @annettg1202

Comment from : @squaretriangle9208

I speak 5 languages quite fluently That means that my mental health should be over the top - but thats not always the case :-)
Comment from : @svenlima

im on a german course and my brain is fried and broken now
Comment from : @EvilBearSkirmish

Comment from : @MarianoObr

The 2nd language learned and onwards helps view things more logically and not an emotional reactive response compared to the mother tongue
Comment from : @alanguages

Governments across the globe should tap the idea of institutionalizing teaching two foreign languages simultaneously from the primary school level (Spanish for the Philippines for example) if they want their citizens to be mentally sound in their 80s
Comment from : @JosephSolisAlcaydeAlberici

I thought the heart was a muscle and an organ
Comment from : @benfuller7816

I was literally thinking about this earlier
Comment from : @zerop4110

I am from Pakistan you have changed my mindset how to a new language
Comment from : @ZohaibKhan-es2ld

learning languages helps my brain become good at clicking on videos really fast
Comment from : @israellai

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