Title | : | How Lean In Gaslit A Generation Of Women |
Lasting | : | 50.03 |
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Views | : | 179 rb |
I agree that it’s not useful for lower level people I read lean in for graduates early in my career and would have been fired if I applied the advice Comment from : @Buzzing_around |
I hate this book so much It gave unscrupulous women license to be just as rude and insufferable as men in the workplace Comment from : @runawayshay6409 |
I'm 40, and like most of my peers, I grew up almost without parents They were always busy, working until 7 pm or partying on the weekends, I was mostly with my grandparents and older sister It was a disaster for her, because she was not only without parents guidance, but burdened with a little kid Parentification is a huge thing brPeople my age knows already how painful it is to not see parent, so they try to spend more time together In smaller cities, mothers are expected to stay home until children are around 10, which is kids of crazy My kid has special needs on top of that, so I'm getting ready to get back to work only now, when he's almost 9 I now have my spouse that helps me a little with everyday stuff, so I can go to the doctor when my son is sick, while in the previous years, I just neglected myself a lot brHis father is very selfish and doesn't help at all Having the right partner is very important, but also other kinds of support, like grandparents, extended family and friends I didn't have any of those because we moved when we had our baby Comment from : @niebieskimotyl3308 |
I love woman leaders The ego situation is so different Comment from : @jesssandra6069 |
22 days off being considered "abusing the unlimited PTO system" is crazy to me That is the minimum PTO required by law in my country (Portugal) and most companies also offer your birthday off on top of that (so make it 23 as the standard) Comment from : @anactualbea_r1547 |
Saying what meta did was ethnic cleansing is the most deranged behavior I have ever seen You and anyone who thinks like this is in for a very rude awakening when you realign with reality Comment from : @dariatass9561 |
Do you still have a podcast? That format is more functional for my life than watching an hour long video, thanks Comment from : @aletheavanalstyne3747 |
This sounds like aspiring to be Robert California Comment from : @matthewsawczyn6592 |
Thank you for everything exposing that Cheryl Sandberg stands very clearly for genocide and exploitation of the poorest people on earth Comment from : @mariamkarjiker301 |
This podcast is rough to listen to Would it kill you to stop repeating 'like' and 'totally'?brEvery time I think you can't fit another 'like' in there you guys continue to surprise me, it turns out you can add it after every other word Comment from : @luthor24127 |
One time at this place I was working at, the lady I was working for as an EA told me after I asked for advice on a particular subject said to me--- LEAN IN! and with an attitude brI was so confused What exactly does this mean? this lean in as a response does not help there isn't any details given just some catchphrase that isn't even clever brAny by the way, ladies in this podcast, leaning in isn't avail to others who don't open themselves to allow for that lean Prob white women and thats it Comment from : @marig9236 |
Cheryl Sandburg reminds me of Charolette pickles from rugrats Comment from : @2FINE4YOUBABYGIRL |
Men are not pissed when a woman is not feminine We just don't want to marry such women If we want to marry an unfeminine woman we'd marry a man We are completely fine with Unfeminine women in the workplace, and we are completely fine with feminine women in the workplace too Comment from : @vira1340 |
I wish there was more diversity in this book club Comment from : @EboniqueBoyd |
As a woman who had to escape an abusive husband on foot and live in a homeless shelter with a 7 year old daughter initially, and who worked her way all the way up to a Google company starting with low paid asylum work -after 10 years, I don't really care about the trad wife movement If there are less women to compete with maybe it's better What I do care about is an abused woman's right to divorce and recieve some kind of support, and so much abuse is overlooked by the legal system Those are the things I think we should focus on And why are there so many abusive male partners in the first place? High schoolers should recieve more education on abuse and men who are abusive need to be recognized as having mental problems that when unchecked are a problem for society rather than just the women who partner with them Comment from : @mpixley8413 |
Unfortunately, I was not able to continue listening to this presentation One of the two guests (the woman or girl, with the sleeveless top), on the show talking in the lame, Valley Girl way intoning Really? Like, oh mah God, how old are you?! Like gag me with a spoon! Comment from : @stefaniemore3203 |
The ERA was never passed That seems like that's something important for someone to know when coming on and discussing this very topic Comment from : @julia0917 |
I'm leaning all the way out Comment from : @personneici2595 |
❤ Comment from : @andreav2175 |
We read this at my men's group at the factory It's important for men and women to come together to share the secret tips and tricks on how to compete in the modern workplacebrbrMaybe there will be an equal righta amendment with Trump in office As a feminist, I'm not sure what opinion I am supposed to fall in line with? A lot of feminists opposed equal rights amendment because it would remove special protections for womenbrbrNow we need a constitutional amendment to say women should be allowed to use women's bathroom! And there is nothing unwomanly about trans athletes, and if all records for women are held by amab, the only people who would notice are agitators, and afab extremists Comment from : @jayvander7156 |
10:40 What “third thing” do you think we can build? There will always be a “boy’s club” for as long as there are boys, and learning to play nice with them will always be a winning strategy Comment from : @grumpy_hedgehog |
Another book recommendation for this series would be Kelly Cutrone's "If you have to cry, go outside" Unless you were the one that did that can't remember who recommended that Or a fun one recently for Xmas was "The financial wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge" Comment from : @mart2037 |
"Like, like, like, like " Comment from : @egr113 |
Taking it on the chin or carrying it on their shoulders Comment from : @AbiCroCro |
You guys need to do a collab with If Books Could Kill podcast! The Venn Diagram is a circle Comment from : @bethanybsoprano |
There is a lot of misogyny in the comments People are criticizing the verbal tics of the hosts but not doing so gently… fun fact: communication is a skill that is learned Shitting on someone does not teach them skills brbrSo yeah I liked the opinions that were shared but a lot of the video was hard to watch because of the lack of 1, sound equipment, and 2, communication skills from the guests, but I can get over it because I used to speak those ways too Blue shirt likes to bite out her words as quickly as possible which lends a sense of insecurity to her opinions that make the listener shut down to dodge the tone, and the other one is speaking before she’s collected her thoughts so that her sentences change pace by speeding up and slowing down irregularly, and particularly slowly, with too much “thinking out loud” via filler words and zero steady pacing This also turns off the listener from hearing the message because the message, frankly, isn’t formed by the time it’s being shared I used to do both of these things I still do, but at least now I know what they are lol It’s hard to communicate bruh! Like literally people get degrees in it brbrI loved everyone’s opinions so I’m guessing it was a long shoot and this was at the end of the day? Caffeine wore off? Or maybe there just wasn’t a sense of comfort between all three of the hosts but I still enjoyed the show I felt that the opinions about how the author took and addressed criticism was a take I had not heard before on this book so I found it enjoyable I haven’t read the book and don’t plan to Read the Rick Dad Poor Dad etc and many other stupid finance books, some woman giving me respectability politic is off the table for my valuable reading energy lol But thank you all for your opinions and I’m sorry for all the assy comments in this comment section You deserve better, and it’s ok to have room for improvement Comment from : @chelseashurmantine8153 |
Yeah Rhode Island!!! Comment from : @AaronMartinColby |
If i took a shot for every "like" in this video i would be drink in the first 10 min How do you think that affect how you are perceived? Comment from : @alaakela |
I do wish you had brought in women of diversity, since the fact of how book targets white women only is one of your critiques Comment from : @Noor77838 |
A woman had to write a full report on how pope francis promoted and protected priests who covered up s abuse of kids😮men wanted women to praise pope francis and women are told not to question men in power But the sad result is abuse iscovered up in these male dominated spaces Comment from : @ExtraIceNat |
A terrific podcast, but one note: Ladies, I am begging, BEGGING you to stop saying "like" multiple times in every sentence Practice into your phone, play it back, and work on removing that word from your podcasting delivery It makes all the difference in the polish of your message What you don't notice becomes a verbal tic that makes the podcast much harder to digest Really glad for this conversation and appreciated you raising the impossible double standards that get attached to women in the quest for corporate upward mobility Comment from : @knittingdoula |
Love this conversation I’m a 60 year old electrical engineer When I was in college (in the 80s) 3 of the electrical engineers were women, it is now up to 10 I’ve always been aware that I am invading the men’s treehouse If I didn’t follow the rules they set for me, I would be kicked out— not necessary fired, but not invited to important discussions and meetings or not assigned to the priority projects I understand I capitulated and put up with a lot of crap I shouldn’t have, but I desperately wanted to prove women are capable of doing tech jobs (a whole lot of people think we aren’t) in order to open doors for the women who are entering the treehouse after me — which I couldn’t do if I got kicked out Honestly, I have no idea if anything I did helped at all, but I’m not done yet even though being a old woman in tech is a whole new adventure Comment from : @lisapt6702 |
I really can't stand how much the commenters are hating on the guests There is nothing wrong with the guests, and if you don't like their style, you do you, but you are not the final arbiter of podcasting style Smdh Comment from : @aplden570 |
These days - with regard to the fame of the trad wife content - the question is if it bodily possible for some women (especially disadvantaged ones, poorer ones) to lean it You have to have a certain amount of status and ressources to do so Comment from : @mariayo4284 |
Hard to like watch because the host like could use some like speaking lessons Consider Toastmasters to learn how to loose the filler words Comment from : @gunnysloan4103 |
This book gets way more hate than necessary I feel like a lot of the criticism is from people who didn’t even read it She addresses that she could not write for people without some level of privilege because she doesn’t know what it’s like As a woman who used to work in a male dominated industry lots of her advice is legitimate The reality is that anyone is successful has to understand and speak the language of those in power It is not perfect and she has admitted as much which is more than any guy in her position ever did Comment from : @teenindustry |
I just wanna say that 22 days off in a year is standard in most countries Europe, no one would question you taking advantage of that, most people just use it Comment from : @justynawisniewska1213 |
I loved seeing the differences in opinions about the book in the discussion One thing the discussion doesn’t bring up about why the advice doesn’t work is that it doesn’t consider other dynamics in the workplace like race As a non-white person in a tech role in a tech company that thinks of itself as very progressive, I know that what I say is viewed differently than the dozen white, male peers I have I have had to put in way more effort into getting taken seriously than I should have to “Leaning in” does absolutely nothing to change that Comment from : @Napti435 |
Why is it okay for this book to be acceptable for a specific demographic but not that rich dad poor dad one? Comment from : @jennym6167 |
If we all asked, "What am I doing to make the life of a single mom of color easier?" we'd end up with a better answer than the questions Sandberg raised in her book Sure, some of us work in male-dominated fields, but I'm not convinced it's the maleness that's the problem so much as the focus on dominance (which men have generally been raised to bring with them) Doing an unusual and useful thing really well is, in the end, what will win Comment from : @JanisFroehlig |
Like you ladies says, this book had a lot of good stuff for a certain demographic brbrI guess I could see thru her odd aspirations and take the good brbrI think it was good to tell women to speak up for themselves and let them tell you no before you talk yourself out of an opportunity Another gem was talking about how men may be 30 qualified and will apply for a job but women want to be 150 qualified first brbrI thought it had more helpful tips than notbrbrLooking forward to part two brbrThis book was way better than Rich Dad Poor DadbrbrEnjoying this seriesbrbrThanks ladies Comment from : @tacrewgirl |
21 days is taking advantage of your leave? Yikes That's only a day over basic annual leave here I think a lot of the toxicity seems to be coming from workers fighting for scraps The company is the enemy here, not other staff Comment from : @sjwashere |
Loving this collab❤ Comment from : @gianinapapetti9803 |
Like, like, like Comment from : @lisgridcarranza1008 |
Why wasn't the book called Rich Mom Poor Mom? Women struggle in a patriarchal world not because they ask for less or are less competent but that the environment is rigged Comment from : @soumyajoseph7429 |
I felt relieved it this episode seeing all three of you having slightly opposing to opposing views depending on the section of the book, and how all three of you gently stood your ground on your ideas and on your facts Separate from that, i dont like the idea of bribging your full self to work Listen, I have mental health issues and other drama; I am okay with leaving that at the door and trying to show up as my better smaller self when im at work; when ish is too bad, I have and take the privilege of wfh; I wont be the one quitting with vacation days pending, because like y'all said, the company will still give me the boot if the economy goes South I dont expect or judge everyone to compartmentalize themselves at work, but I do find it easier for me to bring only 30 of me, the easiest and better part of me, and steel myself for the other 70 when i clock out Comment from : @wen6519 |
Loved this pod and content! Yall are excellent but, said with the most amount of love, the amount of, 'like,' in the conversion makes it hard to take in at moments Comment from : @rankincreates9500 |
The ERA was NOT passed!!brIt has FINALLY been ratified by the required states, but the White House has been refusing to push it through the last required step of having it published by the Parliamentarian! This would complete the ratification of this amendment to the Constitution! Women ARE NOT legally equal or directly acknowledged in the founding documents of our country!brThis is important information!!! And wrong misinformation spoken at 8:40 Comment from : @KDdevidasi |
actually nah i want a series on how each form of feminism ESSPECIALLY the 70's goddess feminism imagines both ego death and a gothic rebirth of human nature that mary shelly would get bogged down in GALVENISE COORPORATE CULTURE! RESURECT TECHNO AMERICANO IN ITS PLACE! Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
The ERA was never ratified Comment from : @skeptik-ci5xo |
i actually rewatched the begining and it feels like a rejection of the inherant violence of human nature even tho all competition is violencewierd😮 i need to read it Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
actuallydaaaaaaaaaaamb i wonder how the writer would think of her job if she was the captain of mouthwashing? thats crazy! now i want to read just to write my own fan fiction of how responsiblilty goes sideways from an older form of feminism does this person ever imagine themselves taking the sacrifice or taking the bet when being captianthat could be like a whole series just keeping track of the leadership in feminist roles and how often theres a forgive or a propotionate response or a take Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
how do people even get professional jobs with mental illness? i don't get it how do they even maintain sanity? Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
coorparate latters are a chaos?????????????????? it doesnt work in reverse 😢 Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
i do agree thats that how we should all talk to xqc tho 😂 Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
30 and getting a raise??????????????????? why? for wut? what are you doing? Comment from : @nuxxy_ |
Would you do an episode on Your Money or Your Life? Comment from : @malinullberg |
Connie Chung also had race issues to fight as well as being a woman Calling her a pick me feels… wrong in a different way Comment from : @MH-ku5kn |
Whenever folks start a critique of "Lean In" by stating that it didn't do enough to address unequal work conditions I immediately know that they didn't read the book That or they didn't actually absorb what Sandberg had writtenbrbrThe book literally starts with, and I'm summarizing, "The system is unequal and marginalizes women It needs to change This book isn't intended to address systemic change however, it is intended to address what you as a woman can do tomorrow to improve your professional situation"brbrThat's it That's all The book acknowledges the systematic inequalities, and explicitly explains that that is not what it's aboutbrbrIt's not perfect by any means Sandberg is a cold, hard capitalist who I couldn't relate to in a thousand lifetimes, but if you're going to critique the book don't go the "it doesn't address the systematic problems" route Comment from : @ArielLVT |
All the "like" made this like very like hard to listen to Like Really 😳🫣🙄 Comment from : @SmarandaC |
I can't feel bad saying the guests were really hard to listen to with their scattered and unfocused ideas and language, when you didn't even bother to give them a proper mic setup I normally love your content but this is grating, unorganized, muffled word salad material Comment from : @NeedMoreCoffeeOG |
Coming from a country whose native language is not English, I'm surprised by the number of fillers used in the conversation! All I hear is "like", "i think","you know" making the conversation less interesting and taking all the attention away from anything credible being shared! Comment from : @SheetalBelagali |
This series is so hot, please never stop it Comment from : @KittenCasserole |
I guess a silver lining is 'wow, we really have advanced a lot in the public nuance of the discussion in 11 years' Comment from : @FishareFriendsNotFood972 |
The spam comments are taking over this thread 😢 Please report it if yall see it Comment from : @ornenow4703 |
There’s a cun1 in this conversational podcast and we all know who she is Comment from : @andykjm |
Interesting how the woman on the left interrupted the woman in the middle to give an anecdote about interrupting Comment from : @haruspex0 |
What's in this Jesus Juice, MJ? Maybe Pfizer knows? Comment from : @GeorgeFloyd2023 |
The relentless false flag Everybody is very proud of them Comment from : @GeorgeFloyd2023 |
I kind of want to read this as a autistic woman who has more or less given up on the corporate world/realized that it has nothing for her that she really wants And just see how much I rage at itbrbrWell, at the same time, appreciate that there is some thing that got popular, but told women it was OK to take up space, which was something that was very discouraged when I was growing upbrbrIt’s complicated Comment from : @scootergirl3662 |
Not to mention Sheryl Sandberg is a thoroughly trash person Comment from : @freshfreshfreshfresh |
This book was inspired by Michael Jackson Comment from : @papi_sativa |
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