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The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current~ Fr Ripperger

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Title :  The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current~ Fr Ripperger
Lasting :   1.08.19
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Frames The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current~ Fr Ripperger

Description The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current~ Fr Ripperger

Comments The 6th Generation: Generational Spirits: Lost Generation to the One Current~ Fr Ripperger

45:37 Do you guys have a prophet there or something?
Comment from : @garybrown2039

I am not so sure that Gen X and Y are exactly the same But sometimes even I despair at the millenials Through them I can see how I was duped into this torpor by the secular world I put as the centerbrbrEdit, I am 46 by the way Consider myself Gen X I watched them slowly erode Religious Education from the curriculum
Comment from : @lukas_jay243

could someone tell me Fr Chad's email please? thank you
Comment from : @Karenmccaff

As well as this issue there is the psychological aspect of intergenerational trauma passed down: parents with unresolved trauma from their own childhood have had their ability to deal with stress compromised As a parent they will have to deal with stress and do it poorly and behave in unloving ways which stresses their infants who explain their parents' behavior as being their fault, the child's own fault as being unlovable and defective This sets them up to repeat the cycle when they become parents in their turn
Comment from : @RoundSomeStuff

Trivial note: The posting date of this is in 2018, but a questioner at 49:00 refers to "the debates" which I'm guessing were the ones telecast in 2016 Maybe the date of recording was in that year This gives us an approximate timeline for his witnessing of devotion in small children
Comment from : @360decrees2

I always listen to his podcast cause I learned a lot from it just wish that our generation will come to our sense one day
Comment from : @blessingani9746

God bless you Father Ripperger
Comment from : @PaxDeorum77

0:32 - 2:45
Comment from : @RestoreChristendom

31:07 "The baby boomers are hallmarked by an inability to be led You can't correct them, you can't tell them anything"brbrThis is so incredibly true There is now a long list of health, political, and other issues that history has proven me right about that I've tried to warn my Protestant boomer parents about It doesn't matter how many times they're wrong, they don't humble themselves Please pray for them
Comment from : @americanhealthcaresurvivor

17:55 I don't think wanting to go hard against austerity isn't a bad thing It's unfortunate that they didn't keep morals, but bucking against a bland and boring life isn't unreasonable
Comment from : @abaker4692

Sounds like the 7 churches
Comment from : @TheLorraineclelland

Born in 1961, as of this year, I’ve been seeking the Catholic religion, this is not what I would have previously thought I’d do Loving this journey so far, God is up to something I know it❤🙏 And, discovered Fr Ripperger, wow what a major God-send🫶🏼✌️
Comment from : @hannahk1129

Gosh, I’m glad I was raised in a strict, religious household Yes I have my defects (Gen Y here) but only the Lord knows how much more damaged I would be without a Christian foundation
Comment from : @HeidiKnits

So generational sins are the ORIGINAL sins, and why we have Baptism? Can you explain about this?
Comment from : @christineplaton3048

Comment from : @moniqueaubin4696

Lord, protect this man from evil
Comment from : @Forward13-13

His joke at the girl who questions him is one of the fastest, smartes ones I've ever heard His sermons are priceless
Comment from : @CaaPoraSpirit

Not necessarily a critique of his presentation, but he was completely silent on the Silent Generation (between Greatest and Boomers) I know he’s probably lumping them in with Greatest and Boomers, but it should be pointed out that they are there
Comment from : @A_Saucerful_of_Secrets

I forgot to add Fr Ripperger, after 6th is the 7th generation I would like to add that the next generation is the generation of Seth And during that generation, would it be alright for me to conclude that the 6th commandments, actually from first to the 10th , it will be fully irradicated? May you have more teachings concerning generational curse
Comment from : @mrynaperez1243

Wow, one teaching that only the father had the knowledge to impart and something to think about Interesting
Comment from : @mrynaperez1243

I’m sorry but this lecture is 💯 Lacking balance and as for the elephant in the room that nobody is addressing 🙄🙄 The corporal punishment which was meted out by these psychopathic savages called clergy, who destroyed the lives of children, was in No way, Shape or Form honourable or for the child’s own goodbrJust Stop right now Fr Rippergar ok !brI’ve spoken to people who were traumatized for life! Shame on their parents who were uneducated ignorant and brainwashed into believing these self appointed superiors brI was never touched by nuns because they were smart enough to know that my parents would have given them reason to regret ever having been born, but not all kids were supported as I was brA healthy resistance to authority that is not truly Godly is a righteous way to be , oh… and how convenient here for the priest to explain that God allows it all for the greater good , with no questions to authorities eh 😅 oh please 🙄 brMy own children were never in danger, but nevertheless we encountered seriously flawed teachers in the system’ who were bullies to those who were vulnerable Again these jobs attract the good and the bad, and I as a trained professional knew in advance as to what I should look out for, re red flags, in my children’s educators I brought up my children to respect all elders and they were well behaved but God would not help any of those psychopaths who came to my attention for the wrong reasons A lot of cognitive dissonance here in these comments as to the ‘good ol days’brNot say it was all bad, and society has deteriorated for sure, but thankfully the days when children were created but not treasured , are overbrOh and the moon landings were fake and humans never left this terra firma, More innacurate information there
Comment from : @Alfieruben-j1l

No one talks about it this way Thank you Very good
Comment from : @bardoface

I wonder if there is a generational spirits in my family or in other members and their families How do you know?
Comment from : @ohoh5668

I deeply appreciate the direct way you speak the truth That and the way your talks have impacted my self and my family
Comment from : @paulsponsel258

40:04 47:55
Comment from : @TheStudioManila

It's hard to hear criticism of yourself, even harder to admit that it's true GenX here and almost everything he said fits me and all the people I know to a t Some of us grew out of it, some of us took a lot longer than others, but the spirit is still there if you don't fight it constantly Sorry to all those in the generations who came after mine for failing you so hard, some of us are working to fix it
Comment from : @YTmoney88

Look up “social engineering” Tavistick Institute You can’t blame all the mistakes and evils on parents who were up against a tide like that, like one that had never been seen before
Comment from : @angelwings7930

Not in my experience !!!! My father was in WW2 My mother born in 1930 also knew the Great Depression (she was younger than my Dad) I do remember very much what you said about only really owning what was necessary while growing up, yet that supposedly applied to my parents only My mother’s “indulgence” was a very large, built-in bookcase full of books I recall she ordered from a book club My dad liked to build things, make things of all sorts He retired early and enjoyed that plus gardening and raising pets But my parents were frugal and didn’t buy a lot of stuff And their kids were FAR from spoiled or pampered My siblings and I weren’t pampered
Comment from : @angelwings7930

Pray for all of us trying to raise our little Gen Alphans/6th gens as God would have us We have our work cut out for us
Comment from : @Reepicheep-1

Sometimes breaking of generational curses & oppression starts with one person saying, 'this behavior is wrong, I don't want to pass it on' Hopefully their next step is to pray to exhibit the correct behavior, even if they don't know what that looks like brbrGenerations continue in sin because they've never had a model of Godly behavior, or only had it exhibited by hypocrits
Comment from : @Reepicheep-1

Fr Ripperger is the Man! Hands down End of story Case closed 🎉
Comment from : @cem7535

The Angels
Comment from : @adelinaleon4745

Oh Lord this was 5 years ago It fits like a gloves now It is bad
Comment from : @adelinaleon4745

Oh Boomers
Comment from : @adelinaleon4745

Amazing We sure are paying for it
Comment from : @adelinaleon4745

My mother did some terrible things as a narcissist, one being doing exactly what Fr describes although for different reasons She had been a doctor before she met my father and it's a long story but when it came time for her to stop working, she refused HOWEVER, even tho she was part of the (not)Greatest Generation, and claiming to be 110 "American" she was able to pass on the traditional Italian values she had been raised withIronically, at least one generational spirit came thru her There was a lot of "do as I say, not as I do" My father did as well so, now hearing this, I fully understand why I never fit in and why I don't think or feel American The home of my heart is Southern Italy which, while changing, has for the most part, held those values I was very glad to see in my most recent visit of a month, many men of all ages in the Church
Comment from : @tinalettieri

I don’t think us Gen Xers are particularly unmotivated My experience as well as my peers has generally been to watch our parents throw themselves into their careers at the expense of spending time with their children, usually to pursue bigger and better material goods My wife and I went the opposite route We’re thrifty, we bought a small house well below our price range, and we don’t build our entire lives around our careers We actually spend time with our kids and guide their spiritual development far more closely
Comment from : @idahomie7003

Thank you, Father for adressing the truth about the "greatest generation" I get tired of us boomers being blamed for everything They are still in our government pushing communism and selling us out and won't retire! Alfred Kinsey came out of that generation too
Comment from : @themysteriousdomainmoviepalace

Really interesting ❤
Comment from : @Faithisfitness

Dude lost me when he started to act like pedos and gays just showed up in the priesthood in the 70s
Comment from : @spoonysmalls

We're not a democracy We're a Republic So there is hope
Comment from : @edwardedward8139

Absolutely disagree with your bSWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS/b I thought you were learned now I guess not so much Will have to reassess my initial perhaps prematurely positive evaluation of the precision of your historical insight and spiritual guidance
Comment from : @rezzer7918

The young ones: STARTLED when greeted hello and don’t know how to react, do not know how to knock (soft tap tap tap) either wrenching the door mightily, pounding, or standing outside fuming expecting the interior party to know they’re there, generally do not know how to use handles and grasp leaving fingerprints, an unbeatable sense of entitlement, SICK obsession with dogs which they impose on everyone inappropriately, ugly tattoos
Comment from : @satinginger

I am the gen z/millennial exception Bringing my many children to TLM I am raising the future church!
Comment from : @forehead949

I used to be skeptical of spiritual warfare despite my Catholic faith, relying on medical science instead! After seeing and myself suffering from how screwed up the human race is today, much by the encouragement of the medical science community, I have turned to the likes of Fr Ripperger and he makes much more sense about how the world is so incredibly screwed up! Needless to say I am now a serious believer in spiritual warfare (though I still have questions about it and hopefully will be answered) and no longer believe in the medical science like I used to though that doesn’t mean I don’t believe it at all! I completely agree with Fr Ripperger on the generational problems as he explains in this video! I hope and pray he’s right about today’s toddlers that they are and will continue to be holy when they come of age and straighten out the human race with God’s grace of course!
Comment from : @spencermarkham1


Comment from : @ankaduznovic1456

I'm hoping Father reads these comments or is there someone here who has his email address? I like to request him for the definitions of the virtues
Comment from : @daviddsouza735

Everything Fr Ripperger says in this video about the raising of Generations X, Y, and Z children is absolutely true! My adult child is a Generation Y'er (Millenial) but I absolutely did NOT raise my child as described I never put his teachers or any authority on the defense when I received a report of his shortcomings or misbehavior, and always held him accountable for his actions, commissions as well as omissions That is not to say I permitted him to be treated unfairly by authorities, but his calm, disciplined behavior has tended not to attract such The one thing I still find a bit difficult is instilling in him is how dangerous people raised as Fr Ripperger described can be That's because the current liberal society pressures everyone to accept everyone's behavior, no matter how dysfunctional or sociopathic/ clinically antisocial, as comprehensible, if not tolerable The Millenials are passing the baton in overindulgence their own kids and putting teachers and other authority figures on the defense for their kids' bad behavior and poor choices
Comment from : @brindageorge701

Comment from : @colleenwelsh2397

I would pray continually as a child with no knowledge of the Lord, thank you Lord for bringing me into your Holy Church!
Comment from : @Zoeyelizanelson

All these screenshots are overdone
Comment from : @michaelciccone2194

What's with the BLM informercials?
Comment from : @michaelciccone2194

Father Ripperger has helped me return to the faith of Christianity from New Age beliefs I am so grateful to him Thank you father so much
Comment from : @Robbie-Kom

Thank you
Comment from : @annasyl12

This is very enlightening Thanks for sharing your wisdom and understanding
Comment from : @leonaheraty3760

I want to be like Fr Ripperger when I grow up
Comment from : @yourcousinwini

Pretty sure you got GenX mixed up with Millenials GenX were ignored, sent out to play on their own They were the first generation affected by widespread divorce They fly under the radar, which makes some “slackers,” but not all
Comment from : @jebeau83

bless you Fr bryou were so accurate about when trying to have a discussion regarding some offense, the offender exclaims 'stop attacking me!'brthere may be slight differences within the generations, but the lack of conscience or care for others is pretty much the same, as ppl have aged with the times and been conditioned as culture evolvesbrmy heart is really broken i am suffering this life and the actions of others the best i can
Comment from : @sardonyxsky

It is 2023 and I am just now listening to this as I work from home WOW I am a woman who has no children, but man oh man, do I understand exactly what Fr Ripperger is saying Wow
Comment from : @laurenlee961

Father, with all due respect, it isn’t good for a seven year old to fast! They need proper nutrition for growth and health If you men the giving up of sweets or a favorite snack it’s a good discipline, but otherwise I wouldn’t encourage fasting in childhood
Comment from : @carolyncasey8960

As someone who straddles generations x and y Its embarrassing to admit that Fr Rippergers diagnosis of the overarching spirits of the generations are DEAD ON
Comment from : @Frankenberry

Oh my Spot on Exactly To a T
Comment from : @KittyM-

Just a thought about the greatest generation The best of them died in world war 2 hence the flaws you mention were those of the people left behind The great generation were actually dead they didn't come back to fight the evils you mention My father fought and always said that the real heros and saints never came back so that is what went wrong We lost the greatest generation They were culled
Comment from : @marymoloney5784

is it too late for gen X to be chaste?
Comment from : @lorrmarie7281

This is a great analysis I always had a question in my mind for those who glorify the 40's and the 50's as the perfectly moral time in history If everything was so perfect, why did the 60's breakdown of everything happen? Fr Is explaining very clearly what the Achilles heel was of that great generation that raised the boomers
Comment from : @silvinasi

Is there a way to obtain the list of virtues you mention the one audience member to email you about? It's around 1:05:30 Thank you!
Comment from : @jillmclean8626

The reason why people are living outside of marriage, having children, and otherwise is merely because they're human The effects of previous generations create an environment in which this will almost inevitably occur There is no "law" preventing people from being human - they will never be perfect until they totally transcend their humanity There also is nothing demanding a person attend a ritualistic "church" service at any prescribed time within a building with the inflexible doctrine and dogma which arose out of the very pagan institution which crucified Christ A compromise between the distorted teachings of Paul (influenced by Mithraism from TARSUS) and the roman mystery pantheon of nonsense Jesus warned his disciples his teachings would be distorted to form a worldwide religious cult which would shed more blood than all the containers on Earth could hold (can't imagine Jesus would ever say such things) He would return in 2 X 1,000 years to rectify this error (not the Pope, or and "cardinal", or "bishop", or "priest") in spirit, not in bodily form ( like everyone is expecting and "knows" will happen) "He" the Christ Consciousness has returned now, and as he himself said, few have noticed "The hypocrites and Sadducees precede you"
Comment from : @davidm1149

"There has never been a democracy that hasn't ended as tyranny" Look up the Tytler Cycle br Look up the prophetic series of 5 paintings by Tomas Cole, "The Course of Empire", a 19th century warning to America of their fate if they abandoned virtue
Comment from : @adrianjohnson7920

I would like that list of the 64 different virtues and their definitions which he mentioned as the 1-hour 5-minute mark
Comment from : @danielk6878

My extended family has examples of all of this Praise God, my three siblings and myself are all devout Catholics as are our spouses and children I don’t know how the Spirit is working, but Ge definitely is in some of our younger generations Edit: I’m from gen X and fight narcissism, intemperance, and fear Thank you, Fr Ripperger! I love how you’re putting history in context!!
Comment from : @mommyseastar5776

may we ask for your email address Father for the prayers please Thank you
Comment from : @mariatheresaevangelista7818

Devils always bugging me Are there any priests left that can help?
Comment from : @leejennifercorlewayres9193

What are the 64 virtues Please send Thank you
Comment from : @marthaannaszczerba8169

41:00 MK UKTRA?
Comment from : @tinadavy3990

I relate to this!
Comment from : @deborahmckinley4732

Why they say the 1969 mass of Anabal Bugnini is a Masonic Meal for a New World Order brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

London never had showers but Public Baths if you could afford it Once a week in the 1990's brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

Feminism and Careerism is 1930 in USA and the World brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

Cardinal Burke and Father Releya both said public masses in Warsaw brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

Was Eustace Mullins a Catholic?brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

SSPX Williamson Resistance group priests say only two days of Fast, brAsh Wednesday and Good Friday but my 1950 missal has Ember days before each season hopefully in Advent SSPX USA corrects their position brAllan
Comment from : @cyrilsimoes8328

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