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Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators

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Information Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators

Title :  Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators
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Frames Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators

Description Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators

Comments Amazon Affiliate vs Amazon Influencer Program - PROs u0026 CONs For Content Creators

Requirement - misspelt - TWICE - go figure videos are OK - better than U of Amazon that's for sure!
Comment from : @BetterCallDocAcademy

This was very helpful, It answered all my questions and doubts Thank you so much for that
Comment from : @thefocus24

I’m in the influencer program and I’m curious about how people make $ with video reviews on Amazon Is that part of the influencer program? I’m really not very good at figuring this out tbh
Comment from : @ChristineBarger

Thank you soooo much for this no nonsense informational video! I have seen so many videos on this subject, trying to learn all I can and most of what I've seen are liars These people tell you to get a website and use this or that search platform so it benefits them for the referral Thank you again for keeping it real I plan to apply for the Influencer simply bc I don't have a website rn I don't want to go through the expense til I've made some money as an Influencer to justify my investment
Comment from : @ejdadj69

Thank you 👍 So the influencer program doesn’t have one link (geo tracking)? Is this information still current? Because I really need one link, so the associate program is better for me?
Comment from : @mx1299

say what? slow down!
Comment from : @rickoliver5684

So can i pay someone to make the first 3 sales without it being known that i did? Im assuming people do that
Comment from : @steveday2868

I just want to clarify If I become an affiliate that I am not allowed to share my affiliate links on my socials?
Comment from : @sherrbearone

Thank you very helpful
Comment from : @monifagrey4006

Thank you I signed up as Affiliate and kept getting denied for influencer, I was accepted once but didn't know what I was doing I will keep Affiliate
Comment from : @christinelouisec6869

It has been weeks since I applied to join your FB group, still waiting
Comment from : @MoLtenMetaL7

This Video helped me SO MUCH Thank you!! I was so confused at first and thought I had joined the wrong one I just have one question: If I join the Amazon Influencer program, can I still send individual product links without linking to the store, or only the store links?
Comment from : @VeriBeautiful

Hi Ana, this video was super helpful Has any of this information changed since you posted? I started with the Influencer program but now I'm starting a blog, and I seem to be pulling individual affiliate links for that and putting them in my blog posts (at least I thought I was doing that correctly until I watched this) Are influencers now able to share individual links? Or should I now apply for the affiliate program as well?
Comment from : @makeityourselfmama

Hi am a beginner and i just started and i need help on how to post 3 products before they kick me out of the program
Comment from : @luisgarza8636

You mentioned the influencer account they give you a link for your storefront to share on email list for example can you go within your storefront and get a link to a specific product and share THAT link on your email list or in a PDF from my trial and error I believe yes but wanted to verify Thanks!
Comment from : @crystalkosakoski2554

I have a blog and a social media following - if I want to share links in both places and via email newsletters can I just get the influencer account and use my storefront link in both places?
Comment from : @courtneyschrank5680

Question, I currently just got approved for both associates and influencer Now, here's my question, I deal with a lot of potential customers in person These customers always ask me about certain products they can buy in regards to whatever they're working on This requires me to do research and often times I find products on Amazon using my phone It's give me an option to share the link but how do I get credit when sending the products through text message to a customer who wants them??
Comment from : @nevrstriptools3418

This was so helpful! Thank you so much <3
Comment from : @lizethandalon6568

Can I share my amazon store front link with anyone? I am part of their Influencer onsite paid program So if I have a link to my Amazon storefront on my YouTube or Facebook page what is to stop anyone clicking on them and buying thru said links? If they are public viewed pages They say you cannot share with family, but what is to stop someone going thru your store if it is a public viewed page?
Comment from : @AllThingsFishingandOutdoorsRev

So a friend of mine has an influencer page as well but he has just two store IDs the omnaz one and a store front one like cptmike-20 However why does he not have a third one like I do for his affiliate account? I have store front id an omnaz and an affiliate one I see almost everyone has three store ids:
Comment from : @captaindrewcavanaugh

How do taxes work as a UK citizen when it comes to amazon USA, Canada, Australia, etc? Do you have to pay each countries tax Or do you just pay the UK? Or do you get double taxation
Comment from : @shaunod6745

so quick question, in terms of being an affiliate and not an influencer, and the new image issue with Amazon products, are you saying that affiliates can use the sidestrip link for products and the image that appears using Lasso?
Comment from : @TheHauteHouzz

Ok question: If I want to post a link on my YouTube Channel in a video description that leads people to my Amazon Store Front Do I use in Site Stripe the store ID for the Affiliate program or the ID for the Influencer program For some reason I see in my affiliates reporting data I had last 30 days 36k clicks but no sales So, I want to make sure I am doing the linking correctly Now in my YouTube videos if say I list an individual product I go to Amazon and use in Site Strip the affiliate link Thank You
Comment from : @captaindrewcavanaugh

Should I copy the link from my amazon store or affiliate store when I post a video on YouTube from Site Stripe that is?
Comment from : @captaindrewcavanaugh

I wonder does she respond? & is it better to set up things on a iPhone or a laptop?
Comment from : @Snatcheruhp2P

Super helpful information!
Comment from : @Shetta

I am going to be doing the affiliate I think right now that will work out the best for me 😊
Comment from : @joyce6235

Newbie here, thanks for the info!
Comment from : @BattleOneMedia

Question! brWhich one do you get commission on when you do reviews for products?
Comment from : @MsLisag27

thank you for helpful information
Comment from : @GlamGuideforYouths

This VIDEO ACTUALLY HELPED THANKS! It took 10 videos before I found something that actually answered my question lol
Comment from : @rajpatel6632

Hello! Ana, I have a question I'm confused between the Amazon Influencer and Associate programs Which one is better for generating more leads? If someone goes to the product page through my influencer storefront under these conditions, does the influencer program generate a cookie for 24 hours and he add to cart the product does cookie duration extand to 90 days or does only the associates program has cookie feature ?
Comment from : @AFZAL_PSY

So didn’t Amazon just change this rule and now you can add an affiliate link to an email?
Comment from : @workspacetherapist

How do you disclose on Tiktok?
Comment from : @NaorGershon

This was so helpful thank you!
Comment from : @lauren_huntriss

If I have a storefront is it safe to say I have Amazon Influencer?
Comment from : @lalarokera21

Comment from : @evehanlin

Ana, I need you Im starting as an Affiliate but will be an Influencer Help Me :)
Comment from : @AestheticLocs

Can you tell me if you can upload the product videos as an assiciate and still make the comission, or do youneed to have an influencer account? Im fine as just an associate as i link to specific products i use in YT videos but would like to earn commissions if people watch videos on the Amazon page
Comment from : @mikezupancic2182

Thank you for making this video I'm still figuring out how to change the vanity URL since I changed my YT channel name Do you know how to?
Comment from : @pilotvlogbook

Your videos are all so helpful thank you Question: I signed up as an influencer giving my IG account however, on the top left corner of my amazon page it states 'Amazon Associates'? On my storefront I've been able to set up different idea lists and have just posted my first blog on my website linking both my storefront as well as individual products However, I've also posted a youtube video with a link to a specific product Am I an affiliate or influencer? Lol
Comment from : @Celestinaando

Ana thank you for your video Need to know the basic, beginning steps for Amazon Affiliates Thank you ma'am!
Comment from : @cspec52

Have both but just starting
Comment from : @WEAREPONDSTARS

Thank you but I thought you had to make 3 sales too within 180 days for the influencer?
Comment from : @BarbaraLauderdale

Hi, that's great info! Thanks! But I have a question? As an Amazon influencer could you be a part of Amazon Associates or you have to apply separately, and if you are Amazon influencer do you have to make those 3 videos review to actually keep your storefront, and just have only Products without videos for that you won't be kicked out Is the 3 videos must to start? If not can I do those videos for later time and for now just create my Amazon storefront with the products? I hope my question makes sense if you could replay please! ❤thank you!
Comment from : @GaliNeuro

👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
Comment from : @BlackBeltSantiago

I got both but didn't know Lol When i sign up for US amazon associate, I got email about And so I forgot about it For the influencer program in Canada, I sign up with linking my tiktok account and got approved fast I created my store front and put the link into my 3 platforms For both Amazon , how come I'm given 2 different ID account between the two? My storefront has strip hop links in it
Comment from : @tanyahorncastle3197

Can we use those Amazon videos on social media like Facebook, YouTube?? Is there any copyright issue? Please guide
Comment from : @decentguy51

Can we add associates products in influence store?? Can we earn double commission for same sale??
Comment from : @decentguy51

I just got approved as an associate but I really just want to be just an influencer Do I start all over with the application for influencer or can I apply from my associate acct an actually get approved
Comment from : @AmyKietzmann

thank you so much
Comment from : @chantegirl282

So, when we make 3 sales, are we instantly in the program?
Comment from : @bizcraftzone

Thank you soo much maam 😊
Comment from : @shiri63

Hey brI want to know what is the difference between Amazon associates and Amazon seller
Comment from : @Travelogue1121

I just joined Affiliate but should be able to qualify for Influencer , too I like the idea of having a store front
Comment from : @simonedaysanchez1407

I've watched so many videos covering these topics, you've done such a brilliant job at breaking it all down and not making it seem complicated or difficult to understand for beginners Great work and thank you for all the great tips! 👏🏻
Comment from : @ayshaafaraz

Thanks for your time! This is the first video that I found that explains exactly the difference between both accounts
Comment from : @marianapicks

Thank you I just started organizing my influencer storefront I didn't know there was a difference, now I know Thank yoiu so much I am new to this and not really sure what I am doing So I started doing research
Comment from : @rheam5580

Great info!!!
Comment from : @Indeewoods

Thank you for the advice and explanations
Comment from : @Jackpotstat

Can I do an affiliate link to the Amazon Coupon Site or deals site or is it a violation? Thanks for the video!
Comment from : @dataforfree4648

reallyI just had a landing page and a website address hooked up, to get in to associates/affilaitewhat she says is true, thats what they want im just saying that you can still get in without a blognow this was about a years ago alittle less, happy life✌️ also you have to tell them your already a affilaite for other places im pretty sure,
Comment from : @mikewarnus

If i were to create a blog in order to qualify for the amazon affiliate program, could i add the product links to rheels that i create about the product on my instagram?
Comment from : @MarieDelaCruz-l9u

Comment from : @AltafMalikVlogs

I went to the FB group and waiting to get approved :D
Comment from : @HsiehSanchez

Thank you Ana, you Could I share my shop link on IG or Tik tok without disclamers like in affiliate? If so, how? there is not space
Comment from : @Cine-Cultura-TV

am in Rwanda And i have created the account on amazon but it is impossible to proceed because Rwanda is not on yr list help me i need to be part of affiliated marketing
Comment from : @habimanavalens

OK so I am an Influencer, does that automatically make me an affiliate? Seems like it does I have access to the links just like an affiliate does but no one can answer this question for me
Comment from : @brittneyking3

I like the amazon affiliate for me better, this video was helpful, thank you Ana i got the answer of what i was looking for
Comment from : @whatsuphelen6190

can I have the both of them HAVE IT THANKS, YOU ARE AMAZING
Comment from : @lidijatorres

Should you use your personal Amazon account or create a different account?
Comment from : @sharonfrancis4719

What is the criteria to making it in the program
Comment from : @allure54-s6c

Hi Ana! Do you know what the rule is for graphics on social media? I see a lot of influencers post graphics with the photos on Amazon but when I did that on affiliates, I got kicked out But now I'm an amazon influencer, so I'm wondering if it's allowed there?
Comment from : @tnr4847

Great video! I have an influencer program however, is it possible to also use the onelink for Amazon associates?
Comment from : @DemyWelten

Personally id get the Influencer store front option, but i only have 600 followers on YouTube and about 200 on twitter and 200 on Facebook so i don't really have the numbers so im trying the Affiliate programme and building a website using Google Sites, but although i now have about 200 items listed and I get majority of views from US along with UK in second place and Australia, followed bt India and Russia, but as yet, 3 months in I still have no sales, I even bought a URL, Paid someone to set up backlinks to my Affiliate Website and still I have No Sales Affiliate Marketing is really hard when setting up a new Website as google wont push your site unless it gets views and you wont get views unless Google pushes your site so your in a catch 22brbrFunny thing is i tried Affiliate marketing about 3 yeas ago, and it wasn't until month 6 when i finally started to get sales, I had 2 sales but as i missed the 6 months cut off for the 3rd sale my account was closed So this time i tried creating a website to show all the products that i have used in a hope that it makes it easier my followers to find and save me having to keep sending people my individual linksbr😃
Comment from : @endeavour2968

very helpful video!! Thank you so much!
Comment from : @LydiaKeenOfficial

Thankyou so much for clearing everything
Comment from : @longbraidediva-pj2qc

Great insight Thanks
Comment from : @mbellishbymir5499

I want to have a storefront for the reason you mentioned at the end, I want to be able to say "check out all the books I recommend with this link" Is the influencer program the only way to do this?
Comment from : @fionatymm6549

Hi Ana, great video it's very informative I am a new Amazon Affiliate and have my own website I created a front store selling male, female, and beauty products from Amazon (3 buttons) For example, the female fashion button has ten pages and each page contains 10 items eg, shirts, active, wears , the same for the others Is that allowed for Amazon affiliates or just for Amazon influencers? My account was Frozen recently with the right to reapply One of the things I have to be compliant with is the URLs for the 4 social media I am registered with, how can I have access to them? Many Thanks
Comment from : @YousifHasso-ol2hb

Can I do affiliate and influencer?
Comment from : @fayeveuys1819

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