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Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students

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Information Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students

Title :  Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students
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Frames Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students

Description Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students

Comments Why The University Of Phoenix Is Refunding 147,500 Students

I found it was the least shadiest
Comment from : @marionentwistlexyz

Comment from : @marionentwistlexyz

What is admitted with conditions
Comment from : @BGETBACK

From what I've heard, University of Phoenix doesn't seem like a scam in the sense that it's a fake college University of Phoenix is a real college, a legit college, etc that's accredited, but it has a bad reputation among employers in the sense that many school principals won't hire teachers with teaching degrees from University of Phoenix, many engineering employers won't hire people with engineering degrees from University of Phoenix, etc, and University of Phoenix also has a bad reputation due to it being more expensive than many collegesbrbrThere's lots of engineering employers that hire people with engineering degrees from University of Phoenix, but there's lots of engineering employers that don't hire people with engineering degrees from University of Phoenix There's lots of schools that hire teachers with teaching degrees from University of Phoenix, but there's lots of schools that don't hire teachers with teaching degrees from University of Phoenix Many employers don't think very highly of University of Phoenix since it's a school with extremely low academic standards that are lower than most colleges, courses that are required in specific majors at most colleges aren't required at University of Phoenix, etc
Comment from : @bikerboy9010

I enjoyed it, paid for my degree with no student loans, now I own my own company and considering a Masters with them I do not believe they are a scam Sure they had some scandals but lets look at WGU and other online schools, and some other for profit schools that made similar mistakes Now they are going non-profit so we can only see
Comment from : @nbailey9391

The University of Phoenix was a sham from day onebrbrAll they had to do was bribe some politicians and purchase a few judgesbrbrThey are true parasites
Comment from : @tigerscott2966

College has always been a scambrThey only prepare students to be employees - and over charge them in the process
Comment from : @tigerscott2966

$50 million dollars for 147,000 students comes out to $338 per student It wasn't a "refund" as in they got their money back They got their application fee refunded
Comment from : @binarypower

This place has had horrible reviews for the past 20 years and people still go there for a half ass degree
Comment from : @socalgolf9978

I made $$$ just by going to UOP! Gi bill BAH and covered tuition FTW!
Comment from : @avoidrealnames

This is for profit school They promise you job placement through companies they are affiliated with through their student web site after graduation When you register with UOP Not so!!! If you're thinking of going to UOP RUN AWAYFAR AWAY!!
Comment from : @roycenedeleff6775

My first year in college was online and I learned a lot and studied courses applicable to my field and was well worth it My second year I took courses necessary to get my associates degree, hated the courses, didn’t do well and was a waste of time and money Lucky I decided to start my business instead of going for a bachelor’s Guess it gave me the knowledge I needed and motivation to work hard at what I enjoy so I never have to do things I don’t
Comment from : @zacharywissinger3996

The primary function of modern colleges in the US is debt enslavement, not education Education isn't a bad idea, neither is higher education, but the overly-subsidized unsustainable hellscape we call the current iteration of the US college system is simply a scam
Comment from : @sunderkeenin

I think the point is a public education should extend to higher learning and not be limited to families who can only afford an up front $250,000 tuition cost when the student turns 18 If every single student really thought about it they would not be able to have an education because financially they do not have money to afford it? Why do that to a smart person who is honorable but not able to pay out what they are deserving of but cannot afford?
Comment from : @Misserbi

College becomes a scam when it stops being a right and starts being a business
Comment from : @KoltPenny

The top brass of this organization belong in fucking prison!
Comment from : @bulgingbattery2050

Having high-salary employees or an endowment isn't what makes an institution for profit Having shareholders who expect ever-increasing revenues is
Comment from : @EyeLean5280

This video is a scam! Lol they have not done anything more shady than the other private schools or university we know today… almost EVERY UNIVERSITY IS FOR PROFIT! It is laughable that you actually believe the points you made in this video are significant I transferred from SJSU after covid, and the business program I am taking through Phoenix online is stellar And I hate to be the one to say it but I am getting career opportunities regularly via LinkedIn Stop with the lies Focus on doing something that actually has value
Comment from : @Mister_Merzen

My only criticism with this video is that it does not refer to student loan forgiveness in the case of fraud University of Phoenix is not only is required to refund money to students, but they also are required to forgive loans due to their FTC violations I think the narrator miss characterized that point Students who have been defrauded by UoP are urged to file for student loan forgiveness for that reason
Comment from : @aj2thamaxx742

Michael Bluff went to Phoenix while his son George Michael attended UCI
Comment from : @benjaminlibertarianscorpio

Comment from : @bensoncheung2801

Who would ever pay to attend the U of P anyway? Even as a kid I knew it was a scam
Comment from : @TomikaKelly

Garbage school lol
Comment from : @EldePHX

this is why this scummy university is making money with their hidden tacticsbralso, please like and share this video if you think the students should receive more financial help
Comment from : @odellescorcia-puente3420

I worked my ass off to get a scholarship to ASU online my dad thinks I’m an idiot and that I’m actually going to university of phoenix it’s stupid
Comment from : @MrAutodelete

The community college offers bachelor’s degrees now So, those are the best places to go to
Comment from : @cindyeisenberg8367

Stop beating around the bush 3 mins into the video and you're still giving background info
Comment from : @424legacy

After the huge fraud that Theranos was & now University of Phoenix you would think that Arizona would start to implement some regulations & standards Nope, everything is cronyism in the state Credentials & competence mean nothing there Even in laboratories It’s really sickening
Comment from : @craigmak

Nice I got my master's degree in 2004 from U of P I loved the online program and learned a great deal It sucks to know this will be frowned upon if I ever leave my current position Well, I have a ton of experience in my current role and a winning personality, I sure hope!
Comment from : @lanchparty

There are some inaccuracies in this video The real problem is the federal government student loan program That program set people up for failure University of Phoenix has really great financial educational counselors compared to state schools Counselors called their students all the time let them know the status of their financial aid let them know the consequences of their actions For example if they dropped a class or they weren't getting passing grades what the Financial penalty would be with student loans or grants The University of Phoenix gave you a team financial adviser and educational adviser that would call you during every class and check up on you and see how you're doing other schools did not have this
Comment from : @juicycouturecollectionsam3473

Devery university they made 100 billion cheating us citizens brITU university CA
Comment from : @senatorofutah

Steven's henager colleage 1832 utah salt lake city they cheated 200 billion from 2008 till 2016
Comment from : @senatorofutah

that, and dealing with greedy textbook publishers
Comment from : @ghb323

It depends on what people expect out of a college I was a waiter when I started UOP By the time I was done at UOP I was a computer technician Now, 15 years later, I'm a Data Scientist without any further formal education UOP worked for me because I'm a self learner so I just needed the Bachelor degree piece of paper which UOP gave me after two years (some work done prior at community college) Everything I learned I did on my own because I chose a topic that's actually interesting to mebrbrThe moral of the story is people will be successful if they have the work ethic People will fail if they don't A University just provides the piece of paper to back you up This goes for ALL Universities, not just these for-profit ones You need work ethic to go along with the shiny piece of paper
Comment from : @Letsberealish

You should be embarrassed to put down you attended the University of Phoenix on your resume It's not something serious people even entertain
Comment from : @beforeyourimmigrants8471

I joined the Air Force hoping it would improve my life What I found was that it is an elitist institution that favors those with an education brFor nearly 4 years I watched my academic progress fall further and further behind, even taking college courses in my spare time brAs soon as I got out I tried going back to school at age 23brBut schools like USC and UCLA don't accept everyone that applies They'll take your $100 for that application, but all you'll get for it is a reject letter 🤦‍♂️brAt least DeVry accepted me People make fun of it today, but used to be a good school My courses were tough
Comment from : @SciHeartJourney

I feel like this company pushed back online education by years
Comment from : @rootoftheproblem

Stadio is the same
Comment from : @odinponzi9224

Went for a masters Got my undergrad at reg college U of P was a total joke Quit after 1/3 into program Was like are you kidding me? It was a rushed program Learned nothing You are forced to work in groups and hated that as there were so many that rode your coattails and you were stuck with these groups for an entire class It wasn’t my job to help others graduate
Comment from : @hiccadoodledoo6545

I heard the Art Institute is a scam too , I read a lot of complaints about them Out of like 100 reviews, there was maybe 1 or 2 successful reviews
Comment from : @rogersepeda

I am a grad of U of Phoenix, MS Accounting, worthless
Comment from : @PhantomOfManyTopics

My father took online course with them taking advantage of some deal they had with the military He took a break because of deployment leaving 2 classes pending to get his degree and when he came back the degree he was studying didn't exist anymore and they wanted him to start that degrees replacement/equivalent again, unwilling to transfer credits and what not So he threw in the towel but still had to pay of course
Comment from : @horchatatee5407

My mom graduated from this university She went on to be really successful in her career She has a lot of really positive things to say about her time there; however she did say it was expensive She graduated around 🤔 I want to say 1995, before the bulk of the allegations
Comment from : @solesoulsorrow

Yep ALL 'higher institutions' are a SCAM!! Become a plumber or electrician instead, as our aunt, a paralegal with no BA would say
Comment from : @rbk57000

I didn't get a refund from them
Comment from : @ad6417

I was involved in a military base closure brSeveral of my laid off coworkers went to U of P becausebr1 Govt grants would pay tuitionbr2 Easy to get "accepted"br3 You get Unemployment benefits and other stipends while going to schoolbr4 Some courses required zero effort to "pass" (The easy courses were well known)
Comment from : @tomrobla8981

Are you whispering, speaking or breathing? Please get a better voice over or narrator
Comment from : @bobatking7985

All colleges are a scam, look at them and what they have done No person who isn't woke should pay for this stupidity Unless you want to just blow your parents money, act like an idiot and find your future ex
Comment from : @arguewithatree4921

Aren't most universities low-key scams? Like they are not going to teach you how to succeed in your job if you don't take the initiative to learn
Comment from : @ondari90

ITT Tech was a scam as well I went there in 2006-2008 thank God my Federal loans are being discharged The whole student loan system is designed to take as much money from you as possible
Comment from : @fredlandry6170

Wait, is this Dylans college😂
Comment from : @sarahj7283

I worked in Engineering from 1975 till I retired in 2017 at various companies in the Silicon Valley I've been invited several times in choosing prospective new employees and interview them I can assure you that if we see on the resume that the applicant graduated from a few well known "fake Universities", we just discard their resumes
Comment from : @nga-suuquan2736

Back in 2011, my Ex-Wife was over $130K in debt 💸 after earning a Bachelor’s and Master’s from this Sham University
Comment from : @SIGNALFREQ

Glad, I transferred to another psychology graduate program 😅😮
Comment from : @valenciawalker6498

one thing I have noticed in the last 20-25 years is a correlation between the increasing cost of college and the fewer number of blue collar jobs(that one can make a substantial living)outsourcing and inability to compete have led to a proliferation of these so-called "cut rate" colleges It has also led to a disappearance of our middle class
Comment from : @tomloft2000

All colleges should refund their students…
Comment from : @Wolfdogs_US

Fact check the Stadium is owned by the Arizona Sports & Tourism Authority the U of P only leased sponsorship naming rights
Comment from : @mimusic1853

Online edu sites do a lot better than college
Comment from : @EmuEmuchu

Today you are still expected to meet recruitment quotas and are compensated based on how well you do Do well and you get to keep your job
Comment from : @FinanceNation

definitely big scam lmao
Comment from : @5Melons

I went to a public university and graduated with a business administration degree in Finance I’m currently employed for a bank that services Institutional clients and you are absolutely correct about endowments which we treat very differently from a charitable organization I think college in general is overpriced and does not deliver the value it advertises to be I do look back and see it as a waste of time and a poor investment decision The business school I went to was named after an alumni who became a billionaire and constantly donates money to the school If I became a billionaire I would not donate a penny to the school and would probably focus on other charitable causes that actually are more impactful versus filling the pockets of greedy corrupt board members
Comment from : @jon6309

I went there and when I would help with my assignment they told me they aren't teachers they are administrators So I didn't go back and now so to a different school and with a school that actually helps I hold a 40 GPA
Comment from : @DIYRobotGirl

Everybody know this college is a scam from day one
Comment from : @brucenome989

Yoooo I go there
Comment from : @galacthicc693

I literally got an ad for U of P when I clicked on the video 😂😂
Comment from : @dre4208

Colleges make you take electives not related to your degree just to pad out your plan, increasing the credit requirement, and therefore increasing their revenuebrYes that part is definitely a scam very scummy and you can't do anything about it
Comment from : @xenxander

I was in the USAF for 27 yearsI have an Associates DegreeI now work for the DoD making over 110K a yearExperience trumps educationMy son graduated High School, attended a trade school, and now works for BAE making electronic componentsyet a co-worker of mine paid for both of his kids to attend FSUone works as a kindergarten teacherthe other works at AmazonCollege used to be importantbut now it is a scama money making scam
Comment from : @Hillers62

Yes, I do think college is a scam in the respect that positions requiring a college degree are oversaturated A college degree no longer guarantees you a job, a clue to the oversaturation, if employers can afford to pick and choose which college their applicants went to The technical market, however, is struggling! Good luck getting a timely appointment with a plumber, building contractor or electrician! But there's still a great living to be made in the technical trades! And not only that, but the educational programs are shorter and less expensive than 4 year degrees as well!
Comment from : @RD9_Designs

Or 3: College is a scam because the grand majority of colleges are run by Leftists Leftists have no morals or principles Scam refers to students coming out of college stuck in the Leftist bubble and unable to become useful members of society, while also being very deep in debt
Comment from : @noslentocs

Sounds like a classic case of what the road to hell is paved with Either that or it was a scam from day one
Comment from : @lafeelabriel

phoenix huh are they graduated from the ash ?
Comment from : @k0c1l

I went to UoP I was unemployed, vulnerable, and stupid I graduated with classes that was just defining words and not actually learning the IT field Jobs would turn me away promptly after seeing which collage I went to They lied and mislead me to push these student loans on me If I known the truth of the loans I would have walked out before they screwed me
Comment from : @RoMayDrako

Wish there were somehow incentives for universities to serve more students Harvard, for example, has an endowment of fifty billion Yet enrollment at Harvard and the other Ivies has barely increased over the past forty years If these schools are truly adding value and care about educating people, they should be striving to serve many more students
Comment from : @chriswaldorf1560

The thing is a university of Phoenix degree should atleast actually mean something because only 5 of the students actually graduate
Comment from : @fawkewe

I went to ITT technical institute in the early 2000s and obtained a degree in computer science Currently my degree is unaccredited It's basically a worthless piece of paper I paid $70,000 for I'm currently a groundskeeper at Texas A&M University
Comment from : @ZeginMakesMusic

"Every institution is for profit [in the USA]"
Comment from : @BriefNerdOriginal

This video feels like a scam just like the university It's all stock video Yuck
Comment from : @SuperToughnut

this is sad but i would pay a diploma mill for a decent PHD
Comment from : @SavageScientist

99 is scam made to keep shepple (normies) in check mf's can't read a book so everyone is forced to attend a nonesense cult that can very well destroy lives as it wishes (withnessed forst hand when my university rejected to give someone their diploma due to political reasons)
Comment from : @user-ro1cc8tz6d

I worked for a large aerospace company in San Diego that offered to pay tuition for higher education U of P was several blocks down the street an MANY of my uneducated colleagues got degrees (there was a $10k incentive to get a degree as well)brI know of TWO shop floor mechanics that “received” MBA’s but are nearly illiterate That is NOT AN EXAGGERATION Many other colleagues would tell me about “group assignments” that was at the level of a high school in-class assignmentbrA degree from U of P to ANYONE looking to recruit talent is IMMEDIATELY trashed (my sister in the VP in HR for a Fortune 500 medical device company)
Comment from : @callmewheels4806

I think jobs should learn to stop looking at college as this magic place that will teach you what you need to know to start working That’s the real scam, so many people start working at my job from college and are pretty much useless and can bearly operate a computer Note these people are coming from big name universities
Comment from : @RhythmGamer

I completed my degree a few years ago and I only really have good things to say It has its purpose I already competed a 2 year degree at a community college and I had a pretty good understanding of the subjects that I really didn’t need more college but my job wanted a 4 year So I went there to get the 4 year degree and I’m happy I don’t think it’s a good place to go to start but it’s a fine place if you already have a degree and are working
Comment from : @RhythmGamer

"But that's just what I think" come on mate, they're not going to sue you
Comment from : @illuminatedtiger

The University of Phoenix offers something the Elite University does not, the ability to improve your education to the best you can do as the Elite will not allow you to participate and receive recognition for what you are able to accomplishHurraybr for them !!
Comment from : @regdor8187

I remember as a kid I used to see ads for the school and I just thought to myself what chum would enroll there when there’s literally so many public schools with accredited online units and professors lol
Comment from : @pokegan52

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