Title | : | University of Phoenix Review | Best Online Colleges for Busy Adults |
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5:41 It does require alot more work on "your" part and maybe a couple of fees from other schools/websites for the transcripts, but they (UoPx) will give you an overall review of what you can expect to transfer before attending This actually saved me a few hundred dollars as I was able to drop a few courses (in community college attending before transfer) that I was retaking because I didn't think they would transfer Also I might add, they are alot more upfront about how they operate (if you ask the right questions over the phone) which is much better than many private colleges Comment from : @logicalcarnivore |
All of my classes transferred and it cut off two years for me to get my BS in Business! I’ve loved my experience there!!!! Comment from : @JosieVanDeKer |
I’m currently a student a UOP and I was glad to find an online university that works for me Unfortunately I would not recommend this school for anyone who actually cares about an education Traditional college courses don’t work if you have a work schedule and online schools don’t but the education from online schools can never compare to in person which is strange because online should be better If you just need a degree fast go here but you won’t learn anything Comment from : @omarm-510 |
I graduated from UOPX with both my undergraduate degree in business and my MBA You can absolutely double up classes however, you must maintain a certain grade point average for them to allow you to double your classes Comment from : @LordGreedtheEmperor |
So I thought I remembered HLC being a National Accreditation Is it regional? Is UoP actually regionally accredited? Comment from : @trekster9269 |
I attended UoPX once upon a time ago for a couple terms I was young and didn’t understand financials All I knew was that I wanted to go to college and they preyed on that They told me that my financial aid covered for everything LIE They served me for ≈ $15k unpaid debt which I didn’t know what was for when they blatantly told me everything was covered FinAid couldn’t give me a breakdown of the amount Paid it Was able to get my fed student loans forgiven during their settlement, but never received the funds back from that judgement Classroom experience was not the best Discussion posts sounded like nonsense It felt like nobody knew what they were doing My advisor was nice but in a “nice to your face, but not behind your back” kind of way with his passive aggressive remarks Had a terrible experience overall Lol Comment from : @KaleaVy |
Once he pulled up the Wikipedia page he lost me citing a source of information from Wikipedia is a big no no for me😅 Comment from : @mr-mfker2u29 |
I attended community college and ended up alright Comment from : @tonynasaofficial |
I need your help Comment from : @JohnBaxter-v9q |
Wow! Comment from : @LarryBanks85 |
I am graduating from the UOPX with an associative arts degree in criminal justice in September of next year brbr I have a 39 GPA Comment from : @scottysblog7317 |
I’m currently enrolled in the BS Computer Science and graduating in 2027, also working on a Cyber Security cert with them which I will receive in like Feb 2025 My experience has actually been good here, never had an issue and I appreciate that they call you here and there to make sure you’re doing ok and check on you in case you have any questions I read reviews recently and felt a little off based on people saying it was not a accredited school and that it will be hard to find work after graduating but honestly it is what it is I’m already here and I’m going to finish! Comment from : @Thy_Shrimper |
They mess my whole aid up an refund Comment from : @Randallmaultsby |
I don't understand the bad press My experience has been great, and I have many job opportunities now It's a good school and regionally accredited At my work my job covers the cost, so I guess I don't have to deal with the financial issues a lot of students are having As far as the education, there is no difference as far as the education you receive when comparing to other online universities like SNHU and others I was looking at a couple classes my buddy is taking at SNHU and its literally identical Anyway, good luck and you'll get what you put into it If you want to skate on by you can I guess, but if you want to get smarter Phoenix can do that for you Comment from : @briangrace7387 |
Hi, I am a working adult looking for an online DBA from UoP The admission process looked quite smoother and no hassles whatsoever What do you suggest ? Also could you please share your thoughts on Columbia Southern University and Franklin University too? Thanks! Comment from : @prazna4eva |
University of Phoenix’s education model is replicated by all universities I think University of Phoenix’s success is self explanatory Comment from : @proudpatriarch9341 |
The thing about UPOX that folks need to understand is who it is truly for It’s not optimized for the 18 yo fresh out of high school with no experience The school has been trashed-deservingly so, because it prayed on this group It lacks the acumen and resources to support young learners while prioritizing profit This is true brbrHowever, UPOX, especially at the Masters level, is designed for professionals who ALREADY have established careers and want to legitimize their skills with an accredited degree Again, ACCREDITED degree-and the school has never lost accreditation The degrees are also applied degrees, not theory based, so there is practical applicability to jobs or careers one already has brbrA working person with a spouse, kids, and a commute to a demanding job has zero time to be in the best program in academia, walking around somebody’s campus UPOX graduates also populate Fortune 500 companies the most-so clearly, there is an applicability and usability to degrees from this schoolbrbrIs a $100,000 MBA degree worth it from a top university? Like, actually? brbrTo maximize UPOX, one should already be established and demonstrate the desire to upskill Professionals at this level leverage the degree to fortify skills , while networking brbrIt’s essential to understand what this school is for, and leveraging it based on those very specific factors The bang for the buck is not there otherwise Comment from : @STR00m482 |
I haven’t had any problems with the school, but I understand the context thanks for all your research I’ll just be sure to polish my personal brand so I have something more Comment from : @ravenluna1650 |
I would love to talk about DigiPen Comment from : @georgehennen |
I just got my MHA from UOPX I had a great experience, most professor were communicative and responsive via online messaging and text, yes most provided cellphones and personal email addresses for student to reach out if they needed help The staff reached out to check in on you periodically Overall excellent experience, they don’t hold your hand but you get what you put in and if you are dedicated and a self motivated person this is a good option Comment from : @Pelgab1 |
My program at the University of Phoenix [online] has 8 classes You can take one class a month my program cost is $10,91200 You do the math I'm almost done with class five at this point I am to invested to quit Also what books? Comment from : @charleneclay4942 |
And WGU is a certification mill Sooo whats the difference In tech, a degree still trumps lame ass theory based certifications If i saw someone with no experience, but 12 certifications, against someone with just a bachelor's degree and REAL hands on skills You bet id throw out the certification junkies resume Comment from : @justinkassinger8238 |
I just applied to UOPX They have a teacher preparation program As long as I can get my teacher certification, that's good enough for me I already have a BA Comment from : @annealissa |
U of Phx sux! What a waste of my money! Comment from : @sl6574 |
I made a mistake Comment from : @Sarah-ov8ok |
Thanks for the review Just curious It appears that the majority of UoP legal issues involve marketing and financial deception While that is never a good thing to reflect on a school, I have yet to see any legal issues concerning coursework or the value of education
brDo you think the focus should be on whether or not a degree will help you get a job after you complete the program? I am only asking because I am considering a master's degree at this school (more likely CSU Global) however I do enjoy how UoP learning format as an undergraduate student FYI - I started UoP when I was young and did not understand the importance of school choice and already completed 90 of my degree and decided to go back and finish my undergrad
brI work in Tech so degrees did not matter so I stopped attending after landing a great job as a web developer Anyway, I am considering moving into their master's program in Data Science only because I like the format of the school
brOne major reason is the fact that the University of Idaho is acquiring UoP and as you stated, it will take time for that to reflect on UoP however it has to be more of a positive than a negative for the UoP graduates at the end of the day
brI hear people say that HR will through your resume in the trash, however, there are many alumni in top Fortune companies and I have never had any problems referencing my coursework with my former jobs I don't expect nor do I want to work for companies that employ the top tier graduates, don't need that stress
brAnyway, thought I would get your advice if you see this Thank you! Comment from : @tgc117 |
Every single person I've talked to that went there said it was a total joke They didn't learn anything and it's basically just a diploma mill Comment from : @TheHaratashi |
I start University of Phoenix Jan 30 I had no idea they had such a reputation I use chapter 33 GI Bill How difficult do you think it would be and how quickly would i be able to transfer to ASU? I'm going for a bachelor's in computer science Please, your imput would be a huge help Comment from : @Kermit_E_Frog |
Oh my God I've made a huge mistake Comment from : @Kermit_E_Frog |
Anyone sign up for an Accounting Bachelors degree for them? Comment from : @deny49676 |
Can you recommend the best option for a competency based doctorate program? Interested in Organizational Development Comment from : @4cornersnutrition932 |
Can you review Trident University International for MBA program? Thanks Comment from : @artaguilar7338 |
My advice as a former recruiter, is don't go to a for-profit university Comment from : @RedStickHistorian |
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about I attended University of Phoenix University of Phoenix is a good school University of Phoenix is very challenging You must apply yourself to graduate Many people sign up there thinking that it’s an easy school When they can’t make it there, they start making negative comments and writing negative articles about the school I think that other schools are threatened by University of Phoenix People need to stop speaking on University of Phoenix when they’ve never even taken a single class there Wikipedia is not a credible source Anybody can go on Wikipedia and write whatever they want Comment from : @MultiDonald29 |
Thank you for this video I almost went with this school!! Your channel is amazing Comment from : @brisy3 |
I got a 60 day deferred payment plan with no problem Comment from : @badnuggets72 |
You can take 2 classes at a time and up to three if pre-approved Comment from : @badnuggets72 |
What a bad review Comment from : @arizonacolour8793 |
Hey there is a new school everyone needs to take notice ofit’s very popular in the southeast it is called “Columbia Southern” they have life pace learning, they are SACCS accredited, they allow 90 transfer credits and they are so easy to work with!!! Comment from : @BiblicalResearch777 |
youtube/pCh4yYNkEHI Comment from : @Koumondji |
He is incorrect about one class at a time In the undergrad you are allowed to take 2 classes at a time after you have completed your 4th class I did that for my bachelors and masters Currently I am in a doctorate program with UOP and I have NEVER had any issues Comment from : @jemelmay4974 |
I am a 25-year-old Army veteran and also a Bachelor of Science in elementary education at University of Phoenix I have been a student for over 2 years and have nothing but great things to say Customer service has always been helpful The professors do get back to you in a timely manner and are super helpful You can double stack courses if you don't want to do 1 course at a time As long as you show up for each course and actually put in effort, you'll be fine They actually have a bunch of classes that challenge you and I have learned a lot I am maintaining a 374 GPA and have 36 credits out of 120 I am still grinding but all you need is discipline and put in the effort So many people fail and do not graduate because they are not disciplined or show effort Not sure why people would waste money like that It's expensive if you going to pay it make it worth it Just show effort I have nothing but great things to say about the school I am on track to graduate in March of 2026 Comment from : @PeacefulRP |
I am currently enrolled at UOPX but its only for a certificate program for the company I already work for Im not transferring credits,im not attempting to get a bachelors degree and no one at my management level has a college degree Comment from : @williamsmith8041 |
I personally am a fan of UOPX I currently have 25 years to go I fast tracked as you mentioned those courses I could do on sophia which got me fairly close I am going to get a bachelor's though so yeah I did take issue with the people they have working the call centers as well but it is what it is Comment from : @jsharps1000 |
My GPA at University of Phoenix is 40, and I am considering transferring to SMU How likely is it that six of my credits will be accepted there and will my GPA be accepted? Comment from : @horimo8920 |
My wife goes to university of phoenix, they are TERRIBLEthey tell you things like, “you could mess up your financial aid” etcto scare you she’s transferring out to WGU Comment from : @BiblicalResearch777 |
The Univ of Phoenix was just acquired by the University of Idaho (it happened last week) Under U of Idaho, UOPX will become a non-profit institution The transition process should be completed by early next year Any thoughts on this development? Thanks! Comment from : @Leza1121 |
But I just completed my 1st week 😢smh Comment from : @This_is_Turpui |
They are accredited but they have a bad reputation I’m sure you can still find a job but some employers may frown on them Comment from : @missdesireindependance5194 |
Really nice content and thanks for the deep dive into this university 🦾brI read, that UMPI will let you skip the 40-credit-long "general education curriculum requirement" if you already have a bachelor's degree Can you please say something about this 😀? Or do compensatory courses have to be made in this case? I would really appreciate your opinion on this Comment from : @PhilippOsanna-en7pn |
Everything you said is exactly what happened to me I had 76 credits and they only let me transfer in 44 in 2013 I quit after the first semester The classes I hated because you have to do group projects and I had people in my groups whodid nothing but got credit for all my work because I didn't want to fail You have to check in each to to a discussion board which I didn't like Not happy and would never recommend this school I have a coworker that got her degree and paid $80k that's absolutely ridiculous and she's not even using her degree Comment from : @jenniferarmer106 |
I am not defending However, I have transferred general studies course with no problem In my case is all that I needed to do, and watch my course load shrink Comment from : @leeduhart105 |
One course @ a time is a dealbreaker for me Comment from : @mrmartywaring |
not a scam , but i will say ive heard some employers toss a resume with this degree in the trash I wouldnt mess with any for profit school out there They are seen as a joke Comment from : @davysmith8569 |
I know this is about university of Phoenix, BUT! thanks to you and your channel I got into UMPI yourpace program and finished two classes my first day ❤ keep up the great info! Comment from : @ufgrcatlanta |
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