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Does the IRS Know How Much You Make?

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Title :  Does the IRS Know How Much You Make?
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Comments Does the IRS Know How Much You Make?

I'm not even here for tax advice This chick is smoking
Comment from : @njstorozuk

I dont think a person files a w2 in addition to their employers w2 You get a w2 from your job and submit it to the irs
Comment from : @BronsonOrr-uf6zm

I know this might be very specific but if hypothetically speaking Can you ask your employer to see what they put down for your own W2 they send to the IRS and is that even legal or no?
Comment from : @gogameing5657

When the mob boss gives you tax advice, maybe don't take it but also maybe tuck it away??? 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
Comment from : @dagnabit27851

Until they about all those extra deposits are from in your account😂
Comment from : @Doc50cal

Never thought I'd have Joey from FRIENDS giving me tax advice
Comment from : @FRodriguez_

“Until you go under audit” is definitely the operative phrase in that last bit
Comment from : @ffafum

Great accent I feel like I’m watching a mafia movie 😂
Comment from : @samgeurdi6351

Unless you can convince your boss not to report the W-2…
Comment from : @Sharpshooter649

Bro Tik tok is just pure brain rot
Comment from : @WtfReal

You are the cutest tax attorney ever
Comment from : @pauloconnell1515

They wouldn't know about the fat envelope that Paulie gave to Tony Soprano for his points BADA BING BADA BOOM! 😂😂😂
Comment from : @chrisguli2865

Won’t accessing your transcripts set a flag?
Comment from : @modquad18

In all honesty, what's the potential gain to loss ratio a couple grand max at the risk of a long prison sentence it's an easy decision for me at least
Comment from : @johnfijnvandraat

does requesting your transcripts automatically flag you for an audit?
Comment from : @laurent90210

Yes, because when they see your name and $0 income for the year they're just gonna think "Nah, he's good"
Comment from : @fedbia2003

I know a lot of people who got into the county illegally who do side gigs like cutting hair and other things, they are safe from never paying taxes
Comment from : @TheBoxingNinja

I worked for federal magistrates and judges I saw every imaginable crime charged I cant count on the fingers of one hand how many ended in acquital And the one crime I never saw an acquital for was tax evasion When I saw Helio Castroneves win his case I thought that guy has no idea how lucky he is or how good his lawyer was at picking jurors
Comment from : @porscheoscar

This guy definitely knows a guy that knows a giy
Comment from : @keeseagainsttheworld2106

I have deeds they have never been brsold
Comment from : @ladypilliwick8179

At what time of the year should I get my transcripts?
Comment from : @hashi856

What happens to someone who has worked minimum wage for 5 years and never filed them in those 5 years??
Comment from : @alexanderlyndon8393

How do you turn in someone who needs to be audited?
Comment from : @della1451

I'd let you tax me!
Comment from : @AmbianceRealEstate

Don't banks report to the IRS?
Comment from : @shekharmoona544

Wait there is an IRS transcript? Why am I 25 and just hearing of this for the first time?
Comment from : @majormushu

Doesn't the IRS get bank reporting for transactions > $600 - I have to imagine they have algorithmic oversight for people whose transactions don't match IRS reporting Am I missing something?
Comment from : @TheLostMedici

This crazy cause in the UK its justdone, automatically I remember growing up thinking about how I'd have to do taxes because of American shows and how much that'd suck yet It's just done automatically lolbrbrEven income, it gets reported by your job, the government knows what you're earning
Comment from : @0Bennyman

Does IRS transcript show all the 1099 and W2 you receive?
Comment from : @walkingconifer

Quite famously, the best way to hide illegal funds are to file taxes on it 😂
Comment from : @EdgyShooter

Is this the same for CRA?
Comment from : @codezier2738

His voice tells me “he knows a guy” 😂
Comment from : @sdzyde7482

Some Arab told me they have tools for finding out
Comment from : @Thinkingnamesishard

They guestimate but have a few tricks They average from bureau of labor snd statistics of truthful citizens to get a base Own a laundromat they check the water bill
Comment from : @edwincolon7782

befor you file 😂 nice try
Comment from : @tubathecoolkid6919

Here's the thing How are you not going to get a 1099 or W2 filed by your employer
Comment from : @bp900

… unless you’re dumb enough to tell them 🤦🏻‍♀️
Comment from : @WhackBytch256

That’s why absolutely should be filing anything to the irs
Comment from : @phillip4833

He sounds like he's straight out of a Godfather movie
Comment from : @NiuqelaNavi

1099 dont get reported?
Comment from : @MagicNutritionWorld

If you can avoid paying taxes and get away with it, good on you Do it You deserve to keep your money Just because something is a crime doesn't always make it immoral
Comment from : @connor-zx2rd

What a joke
Comment from : @BatM-l6j

Yeah this country is F’d brgreat work accountant & banking scum
Comment from : @Ghostanon404

Living in America is like playing Russian roulette with Taxes, insurance and paying at gas stations 😂
Comment from : @CelineShiko

Unless there's a glitch in their database, and they don't recognize your SSN brIt's impossible for them to fix that problem, apparently
Comment from : @K-Locke

Jordan Belfort advice
Comment from : @nebula1919191

What a trap of a public agency
Comment from : @gregorygan2077

They know exactly how much money goes through your bank account
Comment from : @marshall4759

People from Jersey… gosh!
Comment from : @Retler39

At least since 2016 they been doing that i know of
Comment from : @jenniferscott3176

Thats not true my aunt works at a bank and they send in irs forms of money that was deposited in ur account every year
Comment from : @jenniferscott3176

Imagine if youtube had community guidelines same as other platforms, almost all videos will be tagged as full of 💩
Comment from : @Tux0xFF

I was waiting, hoping he'll say "How you doing?"
Comment from : @adoptdontshop3916

I live in Texas and there is a MASSIVE underworld of non-reported cash flowing to latin employees that work for construction companies and home services companies Like billions of dollars in unreported income
Comment from : @davidfrey5654

Just remember that if you live in the current decade and are despositing cash into the bank and spending it via charge card the IRS can easily track what you actually made This only works for money you receive and hold as cash, and also wont work if you save that cash to buy anything notable (like a car) as they will have a pretty good idea you made an extra $30k under the table if you pay for it cash with $15 in the bank the paat 12 months lmao
Comment from : @Luckingsworth

He is so cute wth
Comment from : @amazingme894

If you know that why tf in the other short you said the IRS knows everything?
Comment from : @icroosing

They won't know the information, until someone gets interested Given that the Biden admin massively increased the staffing for the IRS AND started giving them use of force training like cops should be a massive red flag And suggests that being straight with your taxes is probably better for you long term
Comment from : @crispybatman480

As a musician, most of my less fortunate/less skilled colleagues probably wouldn't be technically earning a livable wage if they paid taxes on everything they earn lmao
Comment from : @alexjones4679

Comment from : @MwKShield1

More on: What school will never teach you
Comment from : @tracyphoenixx

This guys accent 😂 would love to hear him give a techical presentation on scientific stuff
Comment from : @Skellybr0

The more I watch videos like these the more I realise how stupid a tax system is and the american one even more so
Comment from : @shanthagopian7559

This is moronic, in my country the company paid my income tax since they already know how much I earn and how much I should be paying
Comment from : @neku2741

“That’s a dizzy bat joke”
Comment from : @nickjack1696

This lady is hot
Comment from : @christophermattheis1998

Why are we all taxed on our paychecks but the company is taxed on its income? Shouldn't I only be taxed on the money I have after expenses at the end of the year?
Comment from : @The-narrow-gate

Is there a law that says I'm required to pay taxes in the first place?
Comment from : @The-narrow-gate

What on Earth is that guy's accent?
Comment from : @GreenLanternCorps2814

Boston accent
Comment from : @Meta_Myself

some of you bozos act like you would've paid attention in a tax class in school when all you wanted was for the bell to ring so you can go home and play video games foh
Comment from : @LizaWharton

So when a friend says he nevsr filed taxes 🤔 he been telling the truth????
Comment from : @NoDayzOff200

Isn't it illegal not to file?
Comment from : @gjb1088

What is this, fansonly? Cover your chest Stop lying to everyone and yourself You only make these video to say, look at my chest But they are smaller than your nose
Comment from : @dickybufondja3892

Don't fall for that man's advice, don't mess with the IRS It's not worth it
Comment from : @troy7635

This is why you pay cash for any work you can, that doesnt need business insurance Let folks collect income without the theif taking something, and providing literally or next to nothing
Comment from : @siege2928

Im not certain but it seems a lot simpler in canada Not that its actually simple it's still the most confusing thing ive ever had to do 😅
Comment from : @clextechs

You should do a video addressing these classes that teach people not to file to avoid paying Plenty of people have won in court
Comment from : @EGGINFOOLS

So people if everyone in the USA just stopped paying taxes all together they won't know anything
Comment from : @dippermax8543

If you don't like life on regular hard mode, you can always go ahead and f with the govt to discover the hidden hard modes
Comment from : @wimvanleuven8992

Or do a 4506-T form to get your transcript
Comment from : @Mrmando369

Yup I got a Chinese CPA and he says, don't blab on yourself Find out what they know first
Comment from : @manilamartin1001

Your employer sends your W-2 in, so you'd have to nix that somehow Or if you're self-employed, the companies you do business with file 1099's in your name so they can take their write-offs It's not as easy as you just not providing the information Am I wrong?
Comment from : @vanderm49

the IRS now have 75,000 more auditors so expect that loophole to end
Comment from : @dave-in-nj9393

These days it won't matter if you're suddenly spending like you're a millionaire, the IRS just wants their slice Law and Order is quickly disappearing
Comment from : @flameguy3416

They'll get suspicious if you be buying expensive things like cars and a house but havent filed anything making you look broke So just file properly, people
Comment from : @KTSpeedruns

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