Title | : | Social Security Disability For Kids | Payouts for Minor Children |
Lasting | : | 4.18 |
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Views | : | 24 rb |
Information is wrong😂 Comment from : @jimboslice5303 |
As a disabled mother, my kids are eligible for ss benifts Since ssdi pay me only 25 of my income i was getting rest of the 25 from my long-term disability benefits Now long-term stop paying bc my kids money from social security Is that right ??? How ssdi benefit for my childern effects my own long-term payments?? Since long-term not offering kids benefits?? Comment from : @saheefaa6850 |
😂❤ I have a question so there's this lady that she get SSI behind my back and my partner and I didn't know she was getting SSI with all my permission one of my daughter's Comment from : @chulaloca7613 |
Was told I made to much for my kids to run off me Their account is suspended how is this right if I never received any thing Comment from : @Missbnatural |
Im disable parent i have 2 kids 7 and 14 i add them they approved but no payments for them i ask them why she said im getting max which is 1000 no funds for them i think do i need do anything? Comment from : @JamesSmith-el7tt |
I was disabled as a child and my dad worked as long as he could and your video helped me obtain the full 75 percent that I was entitled to! Thank you for all of your help, God bless! Comment from : @RickeyFerlandJr |
I have a question,i received the noticed and already approved the application for survivor benefits for child from her dad deceasedbut until now my child not yet get the payment Comment from : @JeanDosdos |
how much can i make without losing my son's ssi payment? i'm planning to move near family so i have more of a support system and my son is going into kindergarten and i can work soon while he is in school but i won't make enough to keep up with the costs because i can't work fulltime Just trying to find out before I go and risk losing it Comment from : @JenS-xn5ci |
Kids can’t ssdi even if they’re 30 yrs old If their disabled child Comment from : @amandalongman737 |
What if you don't have enough work credit? I became disabled young, before enough work credits I now have a newborn and am considering trying to work cause I am poor af and don't want my baby to suffer because of me Comment from : @petergriffiinbirdistheword |
I started getting that at age 19 2019 bye and was working bye lol Comment from : @Awabdanelthompsos |
Byeeeee thank you Comment from : @Awabdanelthompsos |
Plus I get benefits im 24 now Comment from : @Awabdanelthompsos |
Thank u im a disabled adult child bimes😂❤ Comment from : @Awabdanelthompsos |
Will “working” minor children still get benefits under qualified parent’s ssdi? Comment from : @Val_tini |
if an adult is retired and has 2 adult children that have been disabled from birth one living at home, one in a care facility would the amount of disability for the oldest child be reduced by the 2nd child drawing disability? Comment from : @moviemakerwannabe |
Me and my ext recently separatedwe both have two kids with disabilities The social security office told her in order for her to receive help from them she needs to put me in child supportis that correct? Comment from : @neobeats420 |
Hi I have a question I was just awarded social security disability benefits I have a daughter she is 7 I have joint custody with her mom My question wiil I or her get the benefits for my daughter? Comment from : @JesseWalker-r7t |
Terrific video! I would love to talk with you about this topic and about raising minor children during retirement I am starting a channel directed towards foster / adoptive,/ kinship care parents to bring them information that isn't easily found I have found that grandparents raising their grandchildren are often left without easily found resources Comment from : @UnBiologicalDad |
I am so confused because ss is saying my kids don’t qualify for more $ only get 64 a month and father ssdi 1k w is that Comment from : @MrsBlackPeach |
My 2 children received a nice amount of backpay and my son is only 14 so still has years to go Both children say if I use"their" money that I am stealing from them They do not believe that one cent should go to me to be put towards rent, food, clothes etc My daughter went as far as saying that "her money, $23,000, has/had nothing to do with me and I have absolutely no rights to any of it at all even though I'm a single disabled parent and can't afford the rent They just look at me as lazy and a failure and if I were to use absolutely any of their money that I am mandated to pay them back and that it's my job as a parent to figure out how to provide for my kids, even though seriously disabled, they say it's my problem to figure out Oh, did you just think the same thing I was thinking? How did I raise such entitled selfish children that would rather see me suffer than to "suck my own kids dry"br absolutely disgusting, cruel, selfish and absurd thinking if you ask me Comment from : @aliciacappon2871 |
When the child of a disabled parent receives payments what is it to be used for Comment from : @aliciacappon2871 |
I have a really important question Do both parents have to be in the form when i apply for child disability Comment from : @monkey9332 |
Yet we spend billions on military every year hundreds of billions Comment from : @patsmith378 |
Thank you for posting this video Comment from : @angelinamodesto |
So do you get less money or more money? Comment from : @XoNARDO |
I and my 2 kids on SSI and 2 years ago I became my children’s CNA caregiver how many years I could work as a caregiver before I get SSDI? Comment from : @maryameshraghy7204 |
What about if i have a baby while im on ssdi?😊 Comment from : @leoportela1869 |
NO ONE talks about disabled children for people who are NOT retired!!! brI’m 20 years from retirement, I have a son who is severely autistic that turns 18 this month brNo one discussed this topic, and I’m getting the run around from the social security office!!!! Comment from : @bradthompson2243 |
My sons mother is stealing my sons ssd? How can i stop it Comment from : @GreenEyes-no7zb |
I get SSI how can I draw check off my SSI check to raise my three kids 8,7,13 Comment from : @Cutlassboi |
I’m only getting 684 a month total for 3 kids under 18 dad is on ssa disability why is that? Comment from : @Blacklovematters |
I have a 3 year old goin to 4 n 2 weeks hes autistic non verbal i applied last year around august an I finally got a letter back sayn he qualified well he get back payed since the time i applied or when he was born? Comment from : @gloriajuarez7520 |
Can u be audited Comment from : @jerrycanty1 |
I have a question so I have a family of 8 my 2 kids, get ssi I’m the payee I just started working for the state and was wondering can I only make $2000 a month or is it based on size of my household and those factors too? I see things saying 3000 for couple for for a family of 8 and factors like that do they count that Comment from : @joshuaboulanger1561 |
Unless I missed something, this is actually incorrect information If there are three children receiving Social Security disability on behalf of their parents disability, and the oldest child ages out, that child’s $500 does not just disappear It is put back into the family pot to be divided amongst the remaining two children the overall benefit the family receives does not decrease until the youngest child ages out My husband has been on disability for 15 years due to losing his legs and Iraq and this has certainly been the case for us Benefits never decreased when a child aged out unless it was the last remaining child, the only thing that changed was the way that money was divided Our children’s benefit is currently $1250/mo shared between 5 kids If 4 of my kids age out, my youngest would get the full $1250 for himselfbrbrAlso, each child does got receive 50 of the parents benefit ALL children must SHARE 50 of the parents benefit For example, my 5 kids share $1250/mo (50) and my husband gets $2500 (100) The children’s combined benefit will never be more than 50 of the parents benefit ❤ Comment from : @shaniquaAK |
My sister who's now divorced for two years now but her X was on disability since their two children were born now 11 & 12 originally she asked him to see if she could collect anything from SS He said he asked several times and that they weren't able to get anything "he thought it would come out of his "very selfish obviously " she went last week to update her info and asked the person about her children if they were able to get help ? And she told her that they always were eligible to receive 300 per child all of these yrs So is it possible to get back pay for some of the yrs "9 yrs " ? Or maybe a few of those yrs? Thank you in advance for your thoughts Comment from : @jiminlasvegas3986 |
I have a 4 year old non verbal son, and have been denied SSDI because we make more than $15,600 a yearYou literally have to be living on the streets or lie on these interviews to get your children the help they need So sad Comment from : @JaySpoonn |
So if your approved and children get paid all the same Would they receive back and if yes how far back would the kid back pay go back Comment from : @aparucker7539 |
What is the cutoff date for a qualifying child that is NOW graduated hs BUT may have been eligible depending on the date SSA will determine if they qualified or not for benefits on your claim for ssdi? Do they use the date they determined you became disabled by theyre rules or do they go by the date from which you will be first paid froms date? Comment from : @John_doerg6rs |
Can you please provide a link on a video regarding DAC Disable Adult Child? Thanks Comment from : @rayray9184 |
Hi four of my kids r disable ages 10- 12 -14 - 18 they r hard of hearing annual income is net 40000 wil they qualify if yes how much will they get pls let us know thanks Comment from : @riazmughal4477 |
I have a question? My daughter is disabled when she was born, ssi didn't pay her until 2021, she got her back pay this month for 2593501 They said that we can't touch the money the money only pays for what they approve But I lost my job for 6 years taking Care of her now I can not use it for me Comment from : @donavanlee0710 |
I have a very complicated question I am receiving SSDI and I have two minor children I was told that each of them were going to receive 50 of what I am getting but I see that they receive 50 combined Is there a way to check this information, please? Comment from : @edgardoaponte7914 |
I'm on ssdi an they said my three girls don't qualify Comment from : @RobertSmith-dz7pe |
My sister in law had cancer Her son recieved a check while he was in school till he graduated How was this possible? Comment from : @irenecornelison4417 |
Luckily I’m upset because I got shoot Comment from : @floydfulton86 |
Thank goodness 😅 Comment from : @floydfulton86 |
Hello, I have a question regarding my disabled child My disabled child was receiving SSI before I became disabled in 2017, I got back pay but she didn’t, was she supposed to receive back pay too? brI would appreciate all your helpbrThank you Comment from : @lucyodum4989 |
Question, Is it required that you claim your child as a dependent on your TAXES to qualify? The child is the son of unmarried parents who all live together Father has SSDI, but taxwise, head of household status and child deduction would be more beneficial to mom Comment from : @accountinglavidalaguna2384 |
Thanks so much for your advice! I have a question my ex husband is dead however we were married over 10 years He is 5 years older than me so at 62 when I claim my SS he would have been 67 Can I still draw from him at his will be 67 rate Also I remarried and divorce again does that affect my drawing of my first husband who died? Thanks 😊 Comment from : @wandaclemons7367 |
So what if they don't graduate? Comment from : @cristinagarrity9799 |
The Post you blocked is fixed it in my divorce papers Comment from : @johnjohnson3602 |
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