Title | : | Writing Left Handed |
Lasting | : | 12.09 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 470 rb |
Watching in 2025 brmy God this is actually quite triggering! You are bringing up memories from 46 years ago!! Teachers trying to make me use the right, gripping the pen so hard I got a callous Blue hand, blue page Impatient, ignorant teachers No wonder i hated school and closed down They couldn't understand how I continually passed IQ tests between 127 & 136 yet struggled with so many things like this Thank God things have changed for today's kids Comment from : @stephenfarmer7724 |
I write with my left hand I do not have a problem Comment from : @rickynaidoo2921 |
and i suck writing in cursive only time i write in cursive is when i gotta sign a paper lol!!! Comment from : @esthervazquez-j8v |
as a left hander i rather write in pencil instead of pen any day Comment from : @esthervazquez-j8v |
When I was in first grade my teacher made me write right handed and practice as homework When my mother saw me writing right handed she got mad The next day she had me with her brsa we went to office she told the school that if I'm going to be Lefthanded they had to let me and had to accommodate me When I enlisted in the Marine Corps I was the only Lefty out of 76 guysbrI wasn't treated differently except on the rifle range I was given a lefthanded shooting jacket and glove for my right hand I shot 212pts sharpshooter Comment from : @richardnelson317 |
Lovely voice! 😌 Wonderful explaining 😃 after 53 years I finally understand! Never heard of mirror writing except by dyslexics It is not common in my country at all Comment from : @lifewords4161 |
It sucked Comment from : @subterrasailor896 |
It will never happen but I wish Americans spoke like this woman Great content Comment from : @AdventuresAwait123 |
Holy cow is this the second video uploaded to YouTube?! Uploaded 17 years ago?! Comment from : @DanielWSonntag |
This was brilliant I made all of the mistakes in the video, but I learned how to write the correct way under my own steam But I was probably about 18 when I eventually did it, no training, etc In my early years, I spent many hours in Friday detention ("detto") at my Grammar School in north-east England in the 1970s LOL! Brings it all back! I now use a fountain pen for all my (non-computer) writing I remember when I was about 10 my Great-Aunt was mortified that I was a "sinister" - she was, too, but she got it hammered out of her as a child in a rural school in the Highlands of Scotland - "We'll have no Catholics here" she used to say Comment from : @MarchMeadow |
Why not just learn and train the brain to write right-handed from youth Comment from : @diggerpete9334 |
I'm from 2024 Comment from : @SanoyaVinod |
I can write both left handed and right handed, moving the paper really does help, brgood video, Comment from : @dannypitt2817 |
I was born a lefty Will be one till the day I die Comment from : @pamelaharnage |
That's why I'm practicing writing with my right hand to avoid hand and shoulder pain Comment from : @kheyzelcombalicer |
I’m telling the truth, because left-handed people are better than right-handed, because right-hand people don’t have a good handwriting Comment from : @jamalxasan-io6pe |
Anyone from 2023?🍷🗿 Comment from : @Polar_beariscool |
Outstanding! Thank you Comment from : @Stewart5225 |
Last week at work at the age of 32 i really payed attentions to someone write left handed and i was amazed at how he was even able to see and how frustrating it is to push instead of pull words Comment from : @PavethaWay |
I'm an elementary teacher I make it a point to show my left handed students how to write comfortably I was born right handed but wanted to be ambidextrous I saved this video many years ago Now I'm a teacher and I am able to help my left handed students in ways most teachers aren't able I also teach cursive so it's especially important that the students learn to tilt their paper for better cursive Our curriculum comes with differentiation for left handed students and even a separate set of paper because the cursive letters are writtne in "backslant" I instruct all of my students during cursive to tilt their paper away from their pencil This works for both lefties and righties Comment from : @misskpyle6885 |
Anyone have a link for the euro pen Comment from : @Cvb_Scoop |
As a left hander I was told by my teachers to either learn to write right handed or face a life of rejection and disappointment I didn’t I created a design/build company that hired left handers for their creativity I retired very rich and the teachers are still all broke So much for a life of disappointment huh? By the way… Left handers are few and special There are millions of right handers What’s so special about that? Comment from : @barrysmith8193 |
Well I have the oposite problem Comment from : @RevenSkinn |
I am a 63 year old lefty, Comment from : @williampeer9564 |
Please guide my child how to write with left hand with the table fixed with chair on his right side Comment from : @jaishreechoudhary6012 |
I’m watching this in 2023 and wish teachers had to watch this in 1983 Comment from : @ericm3791 |
I can write with my both hands since 3rd grade, I also saw the challenges described in this video but I hadn’t no one to help me to understand how to fix my left writing I never stopped writing with my left but when I was 19 I started to mirror writing Comment from : @patriciademchuck |
I found this style of writing by myself intuitively as soon as I learned how to write Even though I know I didn't create a new writing technique, I have never seen another left handed in real life who writes like this To this day people who see me writing for the first time are left in awe and think I'm crazy lmao Comment from : @basetoace3951 |
nice Comment from : @treelineproducts |
I am writing like option #3 0:45 (more feminine that way) but option #2 0:38 is also cute I never tried this way "(^ ^)" Comment from : @azumi-osaki |
Just found this & at School went through all the bad stuff, a teacher in real writing nib dip in ink, used to rip the paper & she would go nuts, shows how some should not be teachers, I do not take notes, due to my bad writing, But I was a Underground Train Driver, without taking notes in the training( 1985 ) Comment from : @seanhammond4034 |
Whenever i used to write with colours etc had some of traces of THAT colours on my finger knees:) Horrible!! Everybody COULD easily notice what i did!!! Still have THAT same problems sometimes!!!Moreover when i have to write or make notices quickly!!! Comment from : @filizilhan6495 |
3:35 as a kid i used to hold pencil Just lise that!!! Comment from : @filizilhan6495 |
新幹線のアナウンスの人みたいな声だ😍 Comment from : @松竹梅-j1u |
Yeah that smart bring the paper to yous Comment from : @nataliepuckett2672 |
I hold it a bit tight but I have better handwriting than most Comment from : @nataliepuckett2672 |
I have no problem and don't write like that or hold my pen like that I have nice handwriting Comment from : @nataliepuckett2672 |
I'm left-handed and found it easier to write using a regular fine nibbed fountain pen No need for left-handed fountain pen I can mirror-write, write upside-down or write in upside-down mirror I do it for fun Comment from : @spyam23 |
At this point, it's more efficient to just learn to write with your right hand Comment from : @FluidEnjoyer |
I’m left handed Comment from : @Saffronwhite05 |
I love the Voice! Comment from : @Brisssp |
As a lefthander when I was learning cursive & penmenship in the 50's my teacher would hit my left hand hard with a ruler, turn my paper and force me to hold the pencil in my right hand I told my dad after just a few days and he came to school with me and straight to the principal's office From that day forward i could use my left hand but was relegated to the back left corner desk and the teacher stood in front of my desk so she couldn't see me I am so so glad that being left handed is no longer a stigma Comment from : @nadine6518 |
My writing has a pronounced back slant as the paper is rotated clockwise It hasn't entirely eliminated smudging, but that doesn't matter I regard smudging as legitimate part of my writing, when I use a pen I've also revived my ability to mirror write, since it is our natural writing as left handed writersbrMechanical 2mm pencils are my preferred writing stick, though 07mm mechanical pencils are my other preference, so I don't need to sharpen them All this has largely been replaced as mainly I touch-type Comment from : @channelsixtynine069 |
This was made in 2007 and right now it’s 2022🎉 Comment from : @xolexiandbella |
I've started welding with my left hand And using my left foot I've slowly begun to use left more It really is a right hand world Writing is a bit of a struggle for lefty Comment from : @AlphaFlight |
Im left handed but I want learn to write with the right hand Comment from : @FrenchImperialist |
My Grandma, My Dad and I are born left hand writing Comment from : @mikeymarino2002 |
Thank you so much!❤️Love this video and it's very helpful for meIt's really a struggle to write as I am used to this hook style and this should be a bit difficult to change my style still I hope it would become easy for me later on Comment from : @ashiqsr5751 |
I was thinking as I was the only one who wrote that way 😪 Comment from : @FabSikkim |
Spiral notebooks are the devil Comment from : @loganwilcox4037 |
I was just writing one day and suddenly thought "how do left handed people write?" suddenly I became incredibly confused as I had never really thought about it or witnessed it Comment from : @snsopmilk8353 |
As someone who is learning how to learn with his left hand, thank you so much! This video was exactly what I needed, and the techniques clicked with me so well that I can actually write something that's not ugly relatively comfortably Comment from : @dunkeykung1162 |
My hand writting is a chaos Comment from : @waterlemon-c5x |
youtube/UG8puVM2v-0brAmbidex Comment from : @ehsanoke8921 |
So true about gripping the pen/pencil 🤦🏽♀️ I like fat pens and pencils for this reason 🥺 it hurts my wrist writing with some pens and pencils Comment from : @MsHill79 |
I am left handed Comment from : @Gigachad-ms8pb |
I think these people are just morons I've never had these problems, just the smugging Comment from : @ivansvalker7025 |
I use a fisher pen model call clutch , its like it was made for lefties Comment from : @Robert-ug5hx |
What is this reverse writing sorcery?! I've never heard of that before Very interesting thanks for sharing Comment from : @bariswheel |
I'm wondering now if the alphabet was designed by right handed folks The answer is most likely yes The letters are shaped as such that it might be easier to draw the letters with a right hand Comment from : @bariswheel |
At the end of the day, lefties are just as capable of handwriting I'm right-handed and I still write with ballpoint pens brI am planning on buying the BiC Gelocity sometime which is said to be the best gel pen for lefties One thing for sure, is that BiC really cares about their customers Comment from : @luciusirving5926 |
I remember when I was in Kindergarten up to grade 2 , they tried to force me to use my right hand because I also wrote from the right side of the pagebrbrI learned how to right with both hands, when my left was tired I would just switch, except I would start from the right side of the page, with my right hand, and left side of the page with my left handbrbrIt drove my teachers crazy, they even got my parents to make me switch at home My parents told them, "if he wants to use his left he'll use it, if he wants to use both hands he can" Eventually they threatened to hold me back, even though the work was correctbrbrUltimately they came to a compromise, and I continued to write with my left hand Just to throw it out their, I also went on to skip grade 5, and was transferred for a time, to an enrichment class Comment from : @cndbrn7975 |
I searched for this technique as it may solve one of my greatest problems, especially i had my both hands with allergiesbrbrI forced myself to write through left, trying to achieve the letter M but my trials are not as perfect as expectedbrbrI used my right, through focus and determination i might able to work even i had my skin allergy on my hands Now, i learned something: Believing to something will make you achieve it more Comment from : @marcusantoniotan5814 |
A great video Thanks for sharing Comment from : @gillianmoore9087 |
I'm a lefty but I have had to adapt to a right handed world, so not only am I ambidextrous now, but I can write with both hands at the same timedifferent words Comment from : @ChildofGod1430 |
Very helpful Thanks Comment from : @wethepeople2067 |
Was born using my left hand for sucking my thumb, parents kinda forced me to use my right to write Got my hand fractured in in 3rd grade, had to use my left to write So by high school, I was fully ambidextrous Can literally do everything with both hands, throwing, eating, writing, and it looks the same & I write from the bottom up so I don’t smudge when writing either Comment from : @Davy19Jones93 |
That's not how to write with your left hand, you simply angle the paper slightly in a clockwise direction!!!!! Comment from : @dorothymckillop992 |
I am a leftie and I write without issue I can use pens without getting any ink and I can see what I write And I can control what handwriting to useslanted left or straight or beautiful cursive slanted right The tip I always position the paper 90 degrees to my right ☺brbrWhen writing essay I just move the paper higher to reach the bottombrbrHaving 90 degrees paper position means you need to read vertically brbrPerfect for writing on blank white paper without lines, because my line height is always perfectly aligned Comment from : @izounokuda5461 |
I became disgusted by in my education was the fact I was being encouraged if not "forced" to write with my right hand utilizing those old stencils with the letters It didn't work Don't folk know that once you begin writing a particular way it is becoming muscle memory and cannot be forgotten That factor needs to be taken into account Comment from : @Shahowhunter |
Educators and child psychologists now know that forcing someone to be opposite-handed to their natural inclination can cause stuttering and learning problems because the brain is forced to work in a way not natural to it Now that we know this - and have for a long while - anyone forcing a child to write unnaturally and yes, that includes with a hooked position, is committing child abuse Straight up Comment from : @morganeoghmanann9792 |
I used to love to visit the store when it existed in London, my mother also bought a book on how to teach lefthanded children to write As such I’ve never developed hooked hand These are great tips and there are far more resources out there for us lefties nowadays Comment from : @catfinkuk |
Yuh 14 years Comment from : @elmart1 |
14 YEARS AGO?! Comment from : @sft_bamazing862 |
Idk why but it looks painful watching left handed people write Comment from : @cooktip10 |
Any time I write I always turn the paper 90 degrees, it means I can see what I’m writing and it doesn’t smudge It does look odd though snd everyone always comments on it if it’s the first time they’ve seen me write Comment from : @michcookies |
I'm inden men Comment from : @monikamaheshwari6855 |
This video has touched my heart I learned how to deal with being a lefty Everything from my first couple of years from school makes perfect sense now This video should have more views Comment from : @Kenshin19K |
Every parent should be punishable who doesn't teach the right grip to his or her child in time Comment from : @jlu3ai |
Can't they just use there right hand? 🤚 Comment from : @emiljansson |
This was BS but I liked the voice Comment from : @pepijndewit69bambom65 |
Went to a Catholic school, those nun slapped my hand and would repeat, "THE PENCIL MUST REST IN YOUR HAND!" Because even though the devil is an idea of spirit, and lived far before pencil and paper, he was left handed Lol jesus the people who work with children in the Catholic arena should be looked at closely They've ruined many a lives (shame being used as incentive) Luckily i come from strong stalk And was Empowered by God outside of the church, which allowed for God not to become my enemy like it can for those "punished by God" by these nuns A false reality is instilled None of what they say is true Being overtly Mean, isnt God The Needless pain and suffering type of punishment and shame, is not ANYTHING that Jesus would do That being said I now write without a curved hand Straight up and down like a right handed person "The pencil must rest in your hand!" Seems to have worked Comment from : @rlc5727 |
and! Comment from : @sandeephansdak314 |
I am left handed but was forced to write with my right hand as a child So i never learnt to write with my dominant hand Now I am teaching myself to write with my left hand I can so relate to the kids in this video Comment from : @katzkid1 |
If writing left handed promotes mirror writing, does that mean Jews and Arabs are statistically left handed? Hebrew and Arabic both read right to left Of course, the answer is no, so why DO they read right to left?brbrAlso, I can't believe it took those right-handed idiots so long to figure out that Leonardo Da Vince wrote mirror "Must be some kind of code", they said "To keep his ideas from getting stolen", they said Comment from : @jjohnston94 |
0:42 “and we have to adopt” do you mean adapt?- Comment from : @beccalol1691 |
I am both Handed😁 Comment from : @omiti |
That voice scared the Hell out of me! Comment from : @88marome |
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