Title | : | Did You Know This in AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER? #shorts |
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I HATE RONAL IN AVATAR! 😡😡😡😡 Comment from : @KhoaNguyen-fl7g |
Like giving life isn’t enough… I mean every pregnancy is diferent and every women live in different ways… if you need to see this in a movie to not feel that pregnant women aren’t boring pfff wtf! we go through much, is like a second adolescence (“matresencia”), we are strong enough an we don’t need to be on a battle to prove it 👊🏼 Comment from : @KarenDaniela-ic2bk |
Pregnant women don't stay on the sidelines because b*they*/b are weak and unimportant, they stay on the sidelines because b*their babies*/b are vulnerable but **important** more important than your own glory and attention This video is making everything all about you being seen and noticed How narcissistic Comment from : @NamelessAnon |
Umm it's not because she's weak since she's pregnant it's because you can't go around fighting people with spears and superpowers with a baby what if it gets hurt🤔🤔 Comment from : @22Crimson22 |
Ronal is my favorite character from avatar 2 but due to her pregnancy Her belly grow bigger She will give birth in the next one, I think Comment from : @KhoaNguyen-fl7g |
Well yes because pregnant people should not be on the frontline of anything No one said that they are unimportant The importance is the reason they are relegated to the side Comment from : @billydamis4056 |
Did they took permission from the baby tho , Comment from : @lozo708 |
Ok so now I have to feel like less of a woman if I can't go to war whilst being pregnant? Thanks Kate Comment from : @MessyLittleFoodie |
Amen Comment from : @theordoretheshark |
no one thinks of pregnant woman as weak or unimportant, it's literally the opposite, even complete strangers will go out of there way to help out a pregnant woman Comment from : @jermwerm2575 |
She's not human soooooooo Comment from : @trevorwear9086 |
Unfortunately it's not humans brI'm here for the good of humanity Comment from : @enigmagrieshaber5555 |
I'm glad they didn't make her on the sidelines they used her character really well and it is good that they didn't make her swimming around running around at least she still fought in the battle so that's good definitely better than the Last of Us Part 2 Comment from : @swift2512 |
Jesus pregnancy Comment from : @devinngeorge |
who let’s a pregnant women go to war? that shouldn’t be encouraged Comment from : @BananaGuards |
I don't understand why everyone thinks that a pregnant woman sitting out an intense battle, is weak Why is it weak to try and protect the life that is growing inside of you? Why is it weak to know what your limited to when pregnant? Why is it weak to stay back with the other children and protect them from the sidelines? Yes there many physical things that you can do when pregnant but if it risks yours or the babies life, it isn't worth it This women empowerment sh*t is absurd and Hollyweird ALWAYS takes it WAY too far In my opinion, It's weak to put yourself and your wants before the little life that is growing inside of you It's weak because it's selfish and reckless It takes a lot of strength to set aside your wants and desires, especially the ones that put others in danger That baby in her belly is her responsibility Being pregnant and birthing a child is about the most honorable and respectable thing a woman can do Her fighting in that war is of course noble and honorable, but not when shes pregnant Unless of course she ABSOLUTELY had to join in But she didnt There are plenty of other ways to show your strength when you're pregnant I find it pretty ironic how feminists bash men and their "toxic masculinity" yet literally act those same ways THEMSELVES Comment from : @Goats_and_hoes |
Pregnant women are not out here doing anything other than being tended too most times and they are an inconvenience most times Comment from : @onlypacks7033 |
Man gtf a pregnant woman shouldn’t be doing anything dangerous people are such crybabies these days Comment from : @onlypacks7033 |
The dark blue girl's name is actually kiri Comment from : @maldescendents9700 |
Pregnant women can fight wars , pregnant but can’t stand in the subway Stfu Comment from : @Cat_banana69 |
I at least like the fact that in the film her husband protested against her wish to fight because she was pregnant Clearly logic was placed when writing the script as pregnant women, especially in that stage of pregnancy, normally shouldn’t be very active Comment from : @tallerwarrior1256 |
Its all fun in games until a pregnant lady falls now what Comment from : @tolanitv2695 |
Moral of the story: You can still be tough whilst up the duff Comment from : @TheLondonForever00 |
Who said a women who's pregnant is not important? They are one the most important people in our society Comment from : @agent4239 |
Because having pregnant characters is needed now, oh gee golly Comment from : @unoriginalhazard |
Yeah Ill never understand this modern concept of "stay of fyour feet and don't lift anything heavier than ten pounds" That sentiment really only makes sense to me if you have a high risk pregnancy, otherwise a healthy pregnant person shouldn't be treated like they're disabled It was so annoying when I was pregnant, everyone was always treating me like I was this delicate flower and like if you blew on me too hard I'd die I was just as mobile and active pregnant as I am not pregnant, never strained myself or hurt the baby And if anything, I think it's healthy for the baby when mom is active and mobile Comment from : @jennabell7992 |
The reason pregnant women are put on the sidelines is so they don't have a miscarriage And a movie doesn't prove anything That ain't real life Comment from : @ericstaples7220 |
I don’t like the idea of pregnant women fighting not because the woman is weak but because the baby might die it seems selfish for her to fight because she wants to when it could result in her baby’s death Comment from : @Jackmehoff716 |
It's not about the women it's about the baby The reason we don't do certain things is not because we are weak, and some can be like myself But that we are protecting a growing fragile human inside our tummy Now in reality we could do this but we can cause some serious damage even death Comment from : @savannahjones299 |
However, it endangers the life of the unborn child Comment from : @petrgordon2167 |
Woke Comment from : @Bronzesamurai7 |
I remember being pregnant and I just always laugh at such figures in todays movies and shows with their "feminist impower" and absolutely total bullsh*t bout being heavily pregnant and fighting Yeahhhrighhhht What a nonsense 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ Comment from : @artysplash5969 |
She should watch the spider verse movie, there a pregnant spider women Comment from : @be6386 |
She really should have been providing for the war efforts in a strategic position and not actively participating in hand-to-hand combat on the front lines brDon’t know if they based her reproductive organs on humans, but the human body has a protective sack around the baby, but that’s not a guarantee of 100 safety Even as pregnant as she is, there is still a possibility of knocking the baby loose Comment from : @taylorgazella6597 |
The reason pregnant women aren't represented isn't because they're weak but because they're too precious Comment from : @drakematsy7412 |
A woman does indeed get physically weaker when pregnant, not less important, weaker I mean, how do you expect someone that's eating for two and has all of is hormones mixed up and its body reacting in strange ways such as vomiting to not be considered weak during that time? Comment from : @gabrielcassimiroruas9332 |
"Yeah you go girl, way to show your lack of maternal instinct and put a life that has yet to see the world in the way of Gunfire" yall dumb as hell if you think putting pregnant away from battle is because "they're seen as weak" If my Wife was pregnant an saw she was in danger I'd say fuck this im taking my family outta here Comment from : @donovansmith6054 |
Of course you are not going to see strong, pregnant women because the "women" who can still get pregnant don't know if they are male or female, and cry at being misgendered, cry at not having in depth conversations with men in the men's rooms, and abort on demand Comment from : @thewordistruth399 |
"Pregnant women are sidelined because they are seen as weak and unimportant", sure, it couldn't possible be because they have a new live growing inside them making their safety and well being literally the most important thing, no not at all, gots to be because those darn men think they are weak Comment from : @GunnCarter91 |
Wait a minute!!!!????brDoes the world see pregnant woman as weak and unimportant?brDid I miss something? 😂😂😂 Comment from : @Whocares634 |
NOOOOOOO!!!! THEY HAVE LEARNED OUR SECRET! Comment from : @User47928 |
I was excited to see a pregnant Naavi as not only does it make the world they live in more realistic and lived in, I find pregnant creatures quite beautiful Knowing that she's a pregnant protective clan leader makes this character even more awe inspiring Comment from : @RaspberryStudios |
You honestly really need to watch your words before you say them A pregnant woman is carrying life inside her, how on Earth does that make her unimportant? Comment from : @joshuaokoro-sokoh2993 |
Even at the beginning when Naytiri was pregnant she was hunting and I imagine she would go to battle like that too Comment from : @tytania3545 |
I wouldn't put my child in danger thou Comment from : @jessicaingram5407 |
You mean pregnant people right Comment from : @Forcefulfrank |
Really This film has active rolls?😂 Comment from : @СергейДерябин-о9у |
Didn't the Warcraft movie have a pregnant warrior orc? Comment from : @cfowler7936 |
It absolutely does That's why women get time off when they're pregnant, they're more than useless, demanding accommodations Blue giants are shitty parents anyways, risking their unborn for ego Comment from : @AntifaareFascists-zv6xk |
What’s awesome about how they made her character is she isn’t just seen as the pregnant wife to tonowari she seen as the strong opinioned tsahik it’s only when we are reminded that she’s pregnant when we remember “oh she’s gonna fight while pregnant” Comment from : @karolinaquintero4328 |
Train To Busan also had a Pregnant Woman surviving at the end of the movie Comment from : @jouseignkiefer4271 |
She’s a badass bro Comment from : @michaelispunkrock |
Ok I got it butI REAAAALY doubt any pregnant woman that don't want to lose the baby would go in a fucking battelfieldbrPlus not everyone could EVER do that Pregnancy is delicate Just because you are expecting doesn't mean you could not lose the baby any moment Unfortunately until it's born tha worst could always happendbrNo woman should be ashamed if in that situation she woul prefer stay at home for you knownot die!?brBut ok Comment from : @missmoon0184 |
One day I’ll have & Find My/The Strong Wife Comment from : @abrahamissac5938 |
Rather than badass I honestly think that her going to battle is stupid as although it is considered brave, her dying means that two lives is taken instead of just one plus the risk of the baby being in danger during the battle is high due to her stupid action I get the message that was actually sent during the movie but it is a bad choice nonetheless Comment from : @mrakilllies6660 |
I don't like the fact that she went and risked her and her babies life to fight, power to women but that is stupid Comment from : @Typholing |
That was a steeotype? I thought it was common sense lol Comment from : @Mardoxx7 |
it was stupid for a pregnant woman to fight Comment from : @dontknowdontknow9769 |
Look pregnant women can do what they need to do in times of crisis but uh as a pregnant woman you aint about to find me do anything unnecessary Comment from : @noircat5 |
Oops and now its political lol Comment from : @tod557 |
Fun fact: catherine of aragon actually rode into war with armour 6 months pregnant Comment from : @Sc-eb3ds |
Eu adorei isso Comment from : @silverdunas |
But it can hurt baby Comment from : @bero4954 |
My favourite scene from the movie is when the clan is preparing for battle and Tonowari touches her belly and says "You should stay here," and Ronal just shouts "I ride!" and shoves him aside It's really beautiful how it portrays both of them - she is not willing to stay behind while her loved ones go into danger and he is a loving mate and father, but respects her decision once she makes it Comment from : @easternlights3155 |
And neytiri was pushed to the sidelines for it tho Comment from : @jankajokay9988 |
Woman's please do not try this in home 🙏 Comment from : @debjit_dev6181 |
I just noticed those that are living near the water have much bigger forearms Comment from : @mistyross8831 |
Excited to play a sci-fi representation Comment from : @redragon1990 |
Let me remind everyone here that all pregnancies are 100 different It is okay if you lay around or if you are active Don't feel like it's some standard to be active or be calmer as a pregnant person Everyone is different Do what makes you feel better and comfortable Comment from : @awesomespiritcat21 |
But ir really does lmao Comment from : @Tbenz559 |
I found it stupid and reckless how she threw herself into battle knowing that she was putting her baby at risk Comment from : @MitsukisWife |
Fake Comment from : @eduardcristian8151 |
Proving that they want pregnant woman to not care for their health and their child's welfare but continue to work like everything is normal for employers Comment from : @sparrowhawk5673 |
Lagetha fought while pregnant in Vikings but lost her baby as a result of her actions Comment from : @MindToPage |
Pregnancy Warrior done right, unlike The Last of Us 2 Comment from : @andersondawn3631 |
Stupid Comment from : @AZOOZ4A |
Cringe Comment from : @monkeywatch4916 |
Ronal's other babies were in danger from the same people who had already killed her spirt sister and her calf and threatening other villages within her clan She's a mother and a leader with a duty to protect her people Nothing was stopping her Comment from : @breezy3392 |
Pregnant women are already 'taken' and stuffed with another man's child And you wonder, why they don't have the same attraktion as a fresh and younger woman?brbrIt's just Jamen Cameron playing the 'Woke' game Comment from : @cartooningfanart |
What a ridiculous comment Comment from : @edwardagranovski443 |
Ronal was so determined I love how Tonowari tried to convince her to stay back cause he was just just trying to protect her and the baby Comment from : @petergresh516 |
Yes it does, pregos are el bozo- Comment from : @NotEHcop |
Pregnancy is a dangerous and taxing process for a human Ronal is an Na’vi They’re known to have better endurance, and be stronger overall Comment from : @daring6983 |
neytiri did a lot too while being pregnant, this is so awesome Comment from : @grxc51_ |
I'd like to bring your attention to Chicha, of The Emperor's New Groove Comment from : @thejavawitchiswhispering |
If I was pregnant, I honestly would only participate in war if I knew I would die either way or if I was part of the only group able to save my family I can run around and do whatever I want in the safety of the island and the protected water I have another being to take care of and I want it to survive Comment from : @metapredator87 |
That's a part of the long ongoing agenda of soft depopulation, abortions are cool and great, anything related to being a proper woman and wife, a mother is old school, boring and not popular Deep state knows what it's doing these MF's Comment from : @4Everlast |
Lmao blue people (still loved the movie and performances) Comment from : @bevin1609 |
She’s tough I’ll give her that Comment from : @neofulcrum5013 |
"underrepresentation of pregnant women" yea ok 🙄 never was it ever said that pregnancy meant the woman was weak and unimportant too much stress on a pregnant woman could cause a miscarriage or harm the unborn, so ofc theyre often shown on the sidelines back during prehistoric times and certain other eras, yes, sometimes women still had to get stuff done, pregnant or not, but that doesnt mean they necessarily should i'm speaking this as a woman myself it's epic, yes, but not exactly practical Comment from : @Mariewolf_94 |
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