Title | : | AIG: We Own It |
Lasting | : | 13.16 |
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Views | : | 228 rb |
Américan internacional group inc AIG engana brasileiro e não paga seguro acidente do brasileiro em Charleston SC Estados Unidos Brasileiro vive doente ate hoje com todas costelas fraturadas depressão tudo pir causa desta AIG caloteira enrolada nem as despesas médica do hospital musc medical universyt de Charleston SC Estados Unidos está AIG enrolada tambem nao pagou puor segurado do mundo Comment from : @marcoaurelioaraujo2378 |
9:18 vivo doente no Brasil ate hoje porque AIG roubou meus sobhos meu seguro acidente de trabalho porque AIG me enganou nao pagou meu seguro AIG so paga os governos e ricos vivo doente com todas costelas fraturadas depressão manchas no Basso tudo por causa da AIG claims service américan internacional group inc AIG pior seguradora do mundo 11:30 11:33 Comment from : @marcoaurelioaraujo2378 |
AIG claims service inc worst insurance company in the world AIG only pays governments I suffered a serious work accident in the United States and I never received my work accident insurance AIG did not pay my rights😊 Comment from : @marcoaurelioaraujo2378 |
Américan internacional group inc AIG é uma caloteira enganadora sofri grave acidente de trabalho em Charleston SC Estados Unidos e AIG nao pagou meu seguro acidente de trabalho nem pagou minha indenização nem pagou as despesas médica do hospital musc medical universyt de Charleston SC Estados Unidos ate hoje depois devanos ainda tenho todas costelas fraturadas por causa do acidente de trabalho machad no Basso e depressão vivo doente ate hoje em Brasíl por causa da aig claims service inc nem as despesas médica do hospital musc medical universyt de Charleston SC Estados Unidos aig tambem nao pagou pior seguradora do mundo AIG paga so os governos só paga os ricos agora os pobres AIG engana Comment from : @marcoaurelioaraujo2378 |
não fazem seguro com american internacional group inc AIG esta seguradora AIG clarim me enganou no meu seguro acidente no Estados Unidos pior seguradora do mundo ate hoje vivo doente no Brasil por causa do acidente que sofri ai no estados unidos AIG nao pagou nem o hospital musc medical universyt de Charleston SC Estados Unidos pior seguradora do mundo Comment from : @marcoaurelioaraujo2378 |
The Default ? Comment from : @mariarahelvarnhagen2729 |
I just don’t get why and how these banks fail Man U would think if the government run anything it would be the money flow Comment from : @ronaldwilliams4053 |
any relation to G Gordon Liddy? Comment from : @mt_gox |
We paid for AIG, but we don't own it brProfits are privatized while losses are socialized brAlways have been, always will be brThis video is pure propaganda, as always Comment from : @UltimateBargains |
Total waste of taxpayer dollarsbrThere are no heroes in the fleecing of the American people Even the Bonus King here You break the bonus contracts and tell them they're not getting paid Just like AIG broke the trust of their clients Comment from : @ask_why000 |
Hank hoocked him up Comment from : @m7md4x4 |
HART-/C-MarfKieTY //ndD Comment from : @iceyred6668 |
And we the taxpayers paid dearly for it; which sends out a very bad signal to other businesses Comment from : @geraldstephens6612 |
Saw this at my local Alcoholics Anonymous Changed my alcoholic life #savetheturtles Comment from : @heedfulnewt6625 |
GIGO Great object lesson for our increasingly algo-driven economy Comment from : @jkholtgreve |
6:47 Um, how does that guy not take any responsibility? Comment from : @EvernhamNo9 |
Oh is this Mr tRump's Father? dark vader? "i'm your father" Comment from : @iampatoshi4537 |
I just don't understand one thing (someone please explain me) brbrIf the government bailed out banks and these securities companies, why did the people lose homes? brWere not their debts with the bank effectively written off? brbr(our government recently wrote off some debts by paying the banks what people with blocked account couldn't) Comment from : @DataLog |
Hopes for the best Comment from : @waseemsamdani9965 |
Came here in 2020 to see the future of Boeing Lol Comment from : @shawn544 |
Can I sell my share please lol Comment from : @MasterMoose04 |
if anyone should figure out risk, it should be an insurance company Comment from : @dougmphilly |
between saving aig or lehman, it had to be aig Comment from : @dougmphilly |
We need regulation I've worked with and talked to people betting on subprime mortgages, most of them didn't think they would fail They rely too much on financial models and also they have so much power that when they make a mistake they cant just learn from it and move on with minimal damage, they wreck the economy Comment from : @matth23e2 |
Thank You Sirbr#1FOKUS #GHOSTWRITER Comment from : @dennismiller95 |
AFL-CIO failed to do their due diligence and is so bought off by big government, I do not give them any credibility Comment from : @watchthe1369 |
SELL IT! Comment from : @ricktimmons458 |
should not have bailed them out Comment from : @jessicaquick6411 |
There's so many anti-corporate sentiments in the comment section It's almost as if people absolutely believe that they'd be better off without them Let's try that one day and see what it gets you Comment from : @mactastic144 |
bbaby voice/b it's so haaaaaard running a billion dollar bank why does the government bully meeeeeeeee? We almost destroyed America but we said we're sorrrrrrry Comment from : @8bitpothead |
This is what happens when rich lawyers on the Supreme Court say money is the same as speech Comment from : @johnryan3102 |
HILLARY 2020!!!!!!!! Comment from : @Forever_Bestowing_Incompetence |
how does anyone have the nerve to give bonus after loosing $61billion Comment from : @ricktimmons458 |
nothing is to big to fail bringing down our economy is reckless endangerment sell off AIG the pieces are worth more than the whole Comment from : @ricktimmons458 |
PHEW! I thought CBS was saying it owned Answers in Genesis and I almost threw up my lunch Comment from : @atheistangel007 |
As if I wanted to watch CBS propaganda starring a dead-manbrWrong, Al Gore ithymbrThe sun drives climate Comment from : @SecondComingTwice |
They said AIG was too big to let fail, I say just too damn big and too big to not let fail Either way the average person gets it in the rear I would rather take the hit and have nobody get rewarded for the corruption that that caused the mess Comment from : @jeffb5785 |
The DEFENSE statements mean NOTHING to me without witnesses and documents to back it up Undoubtedly they are liars just like their client Comment from : @Trish-fv7ck |
Thank you Mr Romney for your pledge to vote for witnesses and documents You are truly living up to your oath And you are a good man Comment from : @Trish-fv7ck |
Thank you MrBolton for releasing your manuscript to the NYT Before this I was going to start a BAN THE BOLTON BOOK movement Now I will be a HUGE advocate for your sales Yes QUID PRO QUO Comment from : @Trish-fv7ck |
if you have a car crash with an allstate customer--good luck! Comment from : @nathanmoak1515 |
i didn't get a damn thing! not a penny Comment from : @nathanmoak1515 |
Never trust a skinny chef and never trust a selfless CEO Comment from : @normanspratling8303 |
Bonuses for those responsible for the mess? Funny way to proceedmore of the same? Comment from : @lynnrussell467 |
When can we expect payments? We can certainly use the added finances LOL !!! Comment from : @lynnrussell467 |
The executives that brought this company down should have been fined and had their assets taken, just as many pension plans lost so much of recent and current retirees fund's Comment from : @mdlclassworker3384 |
I there there are a lot more layers to this than surveyed in the 60 Minutes program Comment from : @jimhendricks88 |
Outsourced to India Incs That’s what really caused it Comment from : @tenminutetokyo2643 |
Just let the Gov bail them out, so that they can embezzle the money and so the tax payer can do it again, again, again, again, and again You know Like Chrystler Comment from : @ottonicator2106 |
Bailouts are bad This is NOT capitalism, just the opposite Comment from : @harshitmadan6449 |
it's socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor Comment from : @tibchy144 |
And 80 of Americans think we don't have socialism in America Comment from : @joejones1154 |
I'm glad Trump is president! Comment from : @michaelrichardson1898 |
“It far safer to steal large sums with a pen than small sums with a gun”- warren freaking Buffett Comment from : @ompens |
I wish the Federal Reserve will help bail me (A Law Abiding Citizen) Out of my Student Loan from 2008 Comment from : @Michiganian8 |
What a liar the new CEO is! He is defending the AIG executives in the whole video but not giving straight honest answers to questions! He was answering the questions as if he was a part of the scam toowhy can’t he be straight up saying 18 of 20 ppl responsible for that scam are still with with company, AND they will retire with millions and millions of dollars he is making $1 salary annually! Who knows how much he is paid underneath the table! It’s almost government is part of the scam too and letting these people get away with this! Sucks Comment from : @enginyagmur |
How do they feel when they were spending the public money ? That was call thieving ! Comment from : @georgesingh826 |
People who should have faced huge humiliation , personal bankruptcy and jail time instead walked away with $32 MILLION cash leaving packages !!!brIt's unbelievable Comment from : @blinkyblonk4912 |
Manipulate, Manipulate, Manipulate Excuse Me I Meant to Say Marketing that's what that Degree is For Comment from : @victorvictor8587 |
The frauster lives in London nowaaaawww Comment from : @bellamarley9455 |
They should've let AIG drown like Lehman Brothers Comment from : @ruzzelladrian907 |
AIG bought from Freddie and Fannie Freddie and Fannie were overseen by congress The fault lies with out congressional representatives whom did not do their jobs Comment from : @normbograham |
The Bonuses should never been paid Legal judgments could have prevented these pay outs Comment from : @jamesparker6876 |
Look, AIG was/is TO BIG TO FAILget over it and live your lives Comment from : @dwightsmith4226 |
116,000 employees had no role in AIG's collapse? No one went to jail Charade Comment from : @tommathew7684 |
FYI, Michael Burry took all their money, that's why they went bankrupt Comment from : @sean3533 |
How do we own them again? These crooks gang r@ped us all and we never saw a penny, had to bail them out and now are citizen owned? You couldn't make this stuff up Comment from : @np494609 |
Combine black swans with greed and nitwit leadership , Sullivan , and voila you have a Disaster Comment from : @BRuane-pw6xq |
Well it is called American Intl Group This worked out in the long run Sometimes Govt should intervene Comment from : @BRuane-pw6xq |
Wealth transfer in disguise RICO laws violated Comment from : @Mishmicks1 |
Ed Liddy to congressman: "I take offense, sir" Comment from : @panographic |
All Jews Comment from : @hughsmith4008 |
Thanks for targeted my Jewish family my daughter at age 10 and my son at age 10 with threats from anti Semitic people Faro's killing my family and my father We were also targeted by Iran Africa Iran sick 60 percent of Jews these Anti Semitic people killed and took our family names including my name dictatorship leaders in AMERICA and Terrorist my family stays quite and peace but disgusted your business targeted my Jewish family Comment from : @checkerzzzgaminghi6523 |
I dunno who made the decisions regarding who and what they would insure Most people have no clue How many people know who insured the Deepwater Horizon? AIG Not a good record Comment from : @WoodedAcres |
Crooks all of them Comment from : @douglaschavez532 |
I’m still waiting for the 30 thousand I lost in their stock from fraud Comment from : @dondressel4802 |
I don't know why people are mad about the bail out they had to pay back with interest what were you hoping the government to pay for your personal losses? people who lost their home was because they couldn't pay Sales people will always try to convince you to buy but think about what your're getting yourself into The reality this mortgage debacle was a plan to take China's money by having risky invests sold to them in a bundle made of mainly risky bets while putting a few good on top to appear safe to foreign investors, this case China Now, the American people loves to hear Zero down payment, low interest when is not completely real Comment from : @mrsalviboy94 |
Lie cheat steal welcome to aig Comment from : @clemnewton9995 |
How does 30 or 40 people bring down an entire company? Greed They were greedy, and the people that were supposed to be watching them were greedy Comment from : @mayhem7455 |
Well, he can afford to work for a dollar a year cause he worked at Goldman Sachs On the board no less! How much did he make while Goldman Sachs was bankrupting the country right under his nose? See, he didn't lose a thing in the collapse How'd he manage that when so many people lost everything? Comment from : @mayhem7455 |
Ed Liddy did a great job, stabilized the company and put a plan in place to repay the government and tax payers after his departure AIG paid the entire 182 billion back with interest in 2012 Comment from : @marktwine1833 |
He is so so handsome from his actions Comment from : @voranartsirisubsoontorn9010 |
'THANK YOU MEMBERS OF THE US Congress AND CONSTITUENT OF THE US SENATE', GREETINGS today is 07/14/2019 I stand herein the State of Oklahoma 73507 to Rebuttal the Debate waiting for a Senator to Speak to answer " Technically No Writ Henceforth "Thomas Jefferson Attorney " Case a Claim to the XIVth Amendment , US President 310 Said I Don't Recognize them herein the US Residency 27 Neighboring States of Matter 220 HRS PST 'What do you Mean hereby 2x' ???!!! Comment from : @presssitreasvincientjam8257 |
The Credit Default sales are a large area of what goes wrong ina bank tgar size Tgese foreign customers kmow Americzn insurance companies fund the loss and liabilities Comment from : @charlespappas9917 |
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