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Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires

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Title :  Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires
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Comments Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires

It’s wild how eye-opening Invisible Laws of Prosperity by Oliver Pierce is After reading it, you realize how much you were blinded, but it’s never too late to change
Comment from : @JamesSmith-r6n

Lol This is a load of crap All the teacher I know are broke Also f**k teaching
Comment from : @Boardfishingphil

Their husbands
Comment from : @andrewreneau6100

I'll be honest You guys lost me for a minute But I get it now Don't think outside the box! Do what you already know will work! One should not reinvent the wheel Not only because it's a waste of time since it's already invented Also because you would probably fail miserably and hurt yourself in the process
Comment from : @dantheman8441

I am a retired teacher Pay teachers more like other professions BUT like the other professions , take away the pensions and summers and time off You can’t have it both ways!!! The other professions do not get pensions and time off like teachers
Comment from : @justsomerandomgirl

I am a retired teacher Pay teachers more like other professions BUT like the other professions , take away the pensions and summers and time off You can’t have it both ways!!! The other professions do not get pensions and time off like teachers
Comment from : @justsomerandomgirl

I am a teacher and hate it
Comment from : @Boardfishingphil

Dónde esta mi plata
Comment from : @eddiecaballero5184

This is AMAZING to hear!!!
Comment from : @JakeJon

If Allah wants to become a Billionaire you will be even if u don’t have a degree 📜…so study and work what you like not people want you to do
Comment from : @Mohammed-pj8ki

Every teacher I knows in debt it calls me stupid for listening to Dave Ramsey😂 except for 2 that are in their 80s but these modern-day teachers seem to be not very smart
Comment from : @plber694

After listening to this, I’d still rather be a doctor than a teacher!
Comment from : @marshallhiroshi

Comment from : @marcusmobley5411

GREAT ANALYSIS on the relationship between people's jobs and their personality and how they handle money issues
Comment from : @mine1685

Principles, systems and processes are different thingsbrbrThey matter in that order
Comment from : @AlbertoSalviaNovella

dave ramsey survey is a fraud to sell baby steps millionaires book, teachers being millionaires supports the idea that you too can become a millionaire on low salary lke teachers by being good with money using baby steps
Comment from : @criticalthinker-ys7vt

I am a Canadian teacher 50 yoa and will retire a millionaire I own a million dollar house that will be paid off at the start of the 2025 school year; otherwise, no debt I have maxed my registered investment accounts contribution room and will have a fully defined benefit pension at age 55 after 30 years of full time service That being said, my net worth should be double at my current age due to divorce, bad financial decisions like car loans, and not getting systematic about investing until a decade ago Good luck everyone!
Comment from : @medwayhistory3101

Teachers save and invest in their 403b plans Easy, consistent way to save over a career
Comment from : @imsure5453

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @LilyClark-g3q

If you are set up for failure from the very beginning , you're never gonna make it
Comment from : @remotetrekker-dg3re

If you are set up for failure from the very beginning , you're never gonna make it
Comment from : @remotetrekker-dg3re

They get a very nice company match in many cases in their 403B plans
Comment from : @waxpackbriefcase3673

It would be interesting to see how many of them are married in the field compared to be single
Comment from : @JacobLAChristenson

Live below your meansbrAlso, Teachers have access to many excellent investment tools that help them to save and make wise investments
Comment from : @BlackBroadwayLady

Title: Employment today VS the 60 years before the mid-90's - let's talk about it! br brIn a nutshell, leaders coming out of the great depression of the 1930's, wanted to proactively build a middle class in the United States IBM, J&J, HP, Merck, Standard Oil, Mobil, are just a few examples, driven by 5 tenents (below) which allowed employees and retirees to establish their careers, families and retirement - it was that simple: br br1 Pensions and comprehensive health care for life, even in retirement br br2 Employee lifelong training, and company nurturing of those with the ability to take on higher and higher executive positions br br3 Full employment as long as you worked hard, with merit based compensation, depending on an employees level of competence on the job br br4 A decent work environment and in some companies an exceptional set of policies and surveys that ensured employees were "happy" regardless of the level of their job br br5 Opportunities for growth within the company taking on completely new positions or the opportunity to grow in a 40 year career that was in one job category, eg, driving a truck for Standard Oil br brThe sad truth nowadays is that young employees, with few exceptions, have none of this support from their companies Just take the opposite of the 5 points above and you have what young employees face today br brQuestion #1: do you agree with this assessment? Question #2: assuming these 5 tenents will not come back, how do companies create a motivated creative, and productive workforce?
Comment from : @calebschutz4095

The part about engineers is not right I'm a Software Engineer and there is always more than one way to do things That's true for all engineering fields
Comment from : @ryanbrown31

As an Engineer, we dont get to be creative with numbers We have to look at things as they are This carries over to our finances for many of us I know many engineers and the vast majority do not live super lavishly
Comment from : @caribbeanbound8357

Over paid
Comment from : @GETLITUP69

Hahaha I’m a teacher as are many of my family members Dad was a millionaire after he retired from teaching, be cause of inheritance Teachers make so little money that some of us barely get by
Comment from : @TexasTrosper

Be a teacher in NJ, you will make 6 figures a year in no time
Comment from : @t206kid

I do see young teachers with whom I work who are struggling under $60K student loans, delaying their goal-fulfillment People like myself in our 60's had a different road to success
Comment from : @kevinlawrence3105

Nonsense I know several career teachers and non are even remotely close to being millionaires
Comment from : @Paul-jp8zz

Side hustles Us teachers work 187 days a year (at least in TX) and get off early enough to work an extra shift
Comment from : @JJRatko

In teaching, the money sucks So, you get creative
Comment from : @nosi9167

They don't have to work summers Paid for a full calendar year There ya go
Comment from : @NotAllWhoWanderAreLost641

Teachers become millionaires by leaving the profession
Comment from : @chezwickcheese139

As a teacher, I was just talking with a coworker the other day about this The same principles we must follow as teachers serve us well financially We must be conservative in our actions (not necessarily politically conservative) --- well-behaved, intentional, and forward-thinking Apply this to finances and you will win every time
Comment from : @arvia1984

I'm a teacher - Doctors have more stringent "processes" that they MUST follow I think that Doctors are also just as "Mission" oriented as teachers What's the biggest difference between teachers and doctors? - Doctors have a social expectation to "look rich" For teachers, it is exactly the opposite
Comment from : @ervinmiracle

Why teachers become millionaires? Because most teachers are women and probably marry a high income man
Comment from : @DeportillegalAliens

Lawyers & Docs ranked 5th & 6th?
Comment from : @SG-xb7de

I know many college professors who couldn't retire until they died on the teaching stage That's really not true for all teachers lol
Comment from : @eliza6722

Most high school parking lots show very modest cars driven by teachers The flashy cars belonged to the students
Comment from : @BonaKim-hd8ec

2:44 systems/structured//procedures/principles, follow/submit to the path/methid exactly
Comment from : @wesfin

Best quote ‘’You can’t out earn your stupidity” I love it
Comment from : @insightfulfellow4975

The Ramsey Show Highlights of Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires is a deep and persuasive feature The references to process, instruction, the median salary, and the encouraging implication of how a teacher can have plenty of options regardless of their money income I intend to look into and apply to some college programs related to teaching within the next couple of months for ideally next year enrollment and I am glad to have found this Why Teachers Consistently Become Millionaires feature
Comment from : @stellacarrier8341

Doctors must become comfortable living with debt (over 10 years of education, making almost nothing; they have accumulated so much debt) They make enough to quickly pay it off in the first 5 years of their job - but they often don't because they've become used to having debt and are comfortable with it, and that's a bad thing for building wealth
Comment from : @matthewxcountry

This point is fascinating Systems people Wow Great point
Comment from : @dereknelson4860

Like what kind of Teacher??? Like including all those profressor at high end private school? I simply cannot see how my highschool teacher become a millionaire until they are retired at age 70
Comment from : @iokwong1871

It is not about the field It is about the habits You can make a million dollars a year and end the year not knowing how the money went
Comment from : @enod9746

In my area, 2 married ppl both teachers at good schools are in the top 10 of income
Comment from : @mrsh2167

They usually have a pension, excellent Health insurance; and summers off to have another job
Comment from : @joefran619

I'm surprised that I don't hear about more RN's and APN, RN's being millionaires I think the starting wages for nurses can be low but that is true for other professions I have been an RN for 31 years and saved 10 to 15 of my pay (with a 100 match up to 5) until age 45, and from 46 on I've been saving 20 to 25 maxing out my 401k I'm 55 and my unrealized balance in my 401k is a million as of this summer I also have some investments outside of work in IRA's and brokerage accounts bringing my liquid net worth over $2M
Comment from : @educatedwanderer9293

Trump Republicans! Less taxes It is our money!
Comment from : @Jack51971

Damn! Nurses didn’t make the list
Comment from : @ecmrealstufftv

Maybe because teachers have better access to good financial advice than the average person At the same time, I too believe that if you love what you do, the money will follow
Comment from : @selflessman

"You can't earn yourself out of stupidity" Love it
Comment from : @jamesdeng5395

This is pish-tosh! No teachers I know are millionaires! Also I chose my career based on highest income potential (Business) and my wife hasn’t had to work now for close to 15 years She has stayed home and attending to our family, the way God intended You have to learn to love the right career that will produce a successful life My joy is in providing for my family, not going to work every day
Comment from : @drtheosphistjmcintyre7876

millionaire by 38, including a 220k stock portfolio I strived and saved hard, some relatively okay real estate investments in the past 16 years worked out well for me
Comment from : @tanpingyi4771

It's because we are life long learners Being a good investor requires that you consistently explore and learn the best possible investment vehicles
Comment from : @bencentanni4394

I’m a fiduciary financial advisor for teachers and public employees I have yet to meet a teacher who is a millionaire Their finances are generally a mess and they don’t know anything about Roth IRA’s or other ways to supplement their pension
Comment from : @SelfMadeConservative

Teachers? Because they BARELY have a PART-TIME JOB!!! SIX hour days, ONLY 35 weeks a YEAR!! NO WONDER they can work SECOND jobs! And they have MASSIVE BENEFITs, allowing their SPOUSE to ALWAYS take the BIG HOURLY jobs!
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @DanielMose-s7e

Because they're constantly lying about how little they make
Comment from : @d_all_in

When the channel does their own study so the narrative goes their way lol
Comment from : @Last_I_Checked

With my husband being a doctor it makes sense now why we are not millionaires 😂
Comment from : @cojut

They marry well
Comment from : @kylequintana

It’s because they know they can retire after 20 years and if they don’t plan well they won’t be able to Same for police offices, that’s why the love marry to each other Financial security with state pensions and 401k Never marry anyone for financial reasons
Comment from : @Yeschannel2326

Teachers become millionaires because they are REQUIRED to contribute to their retirement funds they don't have the option of opting out And since teachers stay around for 20 years to get the pension they also had 20 years of forced contributions of 5 or 10 (or whatever is mandated) to their retirement If government mandated everyone would do that, everyone in the country would be millionaires! lol
Comment from : @sassysusie9243

This dude talks up teachers because they are the only ones who will buy his BS
Comment from : @hdgarcia

Many millionaires are/were teachers because many people are teachers
Comment from : @Ozymandias-r2v

Find your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life 😊
Comment from : @lfuentes4098

Can vouch, engineer here My $870k mortgage has only $120k left, and I plan to pay it off in a few years, no other debts I got 892 credit rating and only 1 credit card ( paid off in full every month to build credit with) It's unfortunate that most people don't have common sense anymore when it comes to finance, I find a lot of great things Dave Ramsay teaches are just common sense
Comment from : @XMG3

Teachers work 9 months out of the year They all have a side gig that goes 12 months Also, many coach, and good coaches make big bucks They also have low premium health insurance
Comment from : @dougB4454

It’s their state pension plans
Comment from : @illinois_b

Yup, we are always planning and counting up the cost!
Comment from : @HybridMusicians

I'm a teacher of 22 years I am trying to get on the path to being a millionaire I'm 44 I want to do it before 65 so 20 years is enough time
Comment from : @deebee7601

The fear of I CANT AFFORD TO BE WASTEFUL ORLAVISH creates a sense of "I DARE NOT TRY CHILDLIKE, BUY ALL U SEE, JUNK BUYINGS" and therefore I MUST DO SOMETHING or may end poor,brSo the fear becomes a guide and precaution againstInferiority complex of buying everything not needed
Comment from : @Learnersense

I've worked as a teacher for ten years It's a punishment to pay us so low How the hell does one do it on $35k/year? I grew up eating PBJ and ramen, and not much changed I have to wait until I retire to have money? After kids threaten my life with weapons daily and get away with it? There's gotta be better
Comment from : @jenniferstitt8506

Is your top 5 relative to the number of people in a profession? In other words: what percentage of teachers become a millionaire? What percentage of engineers, etc?
Comment from : @Pihlalorjoone

"they are missional" I love that! It explains in 3 words why they are successful in building wealth!
Comment from : @Pihlalorjoone

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