Title | : | I spent $7500 on gold! The bank tried to shut me down! |
Lasting | : | 20.57 |
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Views | : | 126 rb |
Many of you make some great points but let me say this:brbrWhen you put money in the bank, you loan the bank your money and they must pay it back upon your request How much could certainly be in the fine print However, it’s not the bank’s money at any point and it is always your money If you loan someone your car, if you loan someone a pen, if you loan someone anything, it never becomes theirs during the loan Now, granted, they can do what they want with the money, car, pen, etc but at some point that loan ends and it goes back to you That said, if the bank fails you could be in some trouble getting your money back If tons of banks fail, all the FDIC insurance in the world won’t save your money that’s why they scare mebrbrMany of you wondered what bank this was and it was Bank of AmericabrbrAlso I’d like to give Donna a message: buy silver and gold also, take a vacation please!brbrIt is and was my money in this scenario and I’m sticking to that :) I appreciate you all watching! Comment from : @Spegtacular |
I buy gold online through the 3 big dealers No cash involved Comment from : @StreetFighter2010 |
Those spots are simply a VERY crappy job when smelting the 01 of copper/silver and failing to adequately blend the liquid All they had to do was run the pot hot enough to melt the silver & copper into the gold Comment from : @robertjones-iv7wq |
Copper spot arrghh! Comment from : @Bluebird590 |
How old is this? Comment from : @jimgoodreau1245 |
The banking system is bankrupt - the only way they prevent it crashing is restrict the cash flow out They use money laundering laws as a cover they are also blocking transactions to bullion dealers etc claiming they are protecting you against scams Comment from : @properjob2311 |
Which bank or is in the same with all of them ? Comment from : @ddlago |
Love the Maple leafs myself Comment from : @daviddavey1727 |
In California we have to purchase $2,000 per purchase yo avoid State sales tax Comment from : @daviddavey1727 |
Just call ahead to the bank if you need cash These policies are to make sure they have enough in their drawers for everyone Comment from : @ajswital |
May I ask how do you make that much money ey to be able to buy gold? Comment from : @juliourena859 |
Buy gold and silver, turn in that worthless paper Comment from : @5265vic |
Screw Donna I don’t like her Comment from : @jaredwhite489 |
I agree with all your feelings you experienced at the bank BUTone thing you should know that not many people realize, once you deposit money in the bank that money is now possessed and OWNED BY THE BANK! This is in the paperwork we all sign when we open an account! UNBELIEVABLE but true!brI had never seen a copper spot on gold before Thank you for showing that! Comment from : @bobturner3388 |
How ironic is it that I'm watching this video 2 days after the SVB collapse in 2023 🤔 ps I never keep more than $10000 in my bank for just this reason Comment from : @jeffd3660 |
Confiscation brisbrcomingbrsomeday Comment from : @GBP15 |
I've been aware of my bank withdrawal limit, I have a daily and weekly limit Slightly different depending if in person or from ATM Different from spend limits It is easily visible from my bank app When making a big purchase I paid for a certified check and I didn't get any hassle But I'd always assume I'd run into trouble trying to withdraw too much cash at once It's why it's always good to keep some cash and gold outside of a bank Comment from : @EagleLeader1 |
0k Comment from : @sherajeemkhankhan9672 |
They want u to leave your fiat with them for when they need the bail ins 🤐 my first stimulus was used to do the timing chain in my car The other stimulus I got all got invested Into silver and XRP Comment from : @jazenblunts1998 |
donna must have been new to your bank im glad all my tellers know me Comment from : @Logan0o |
Thankfully the masses do not try to get their money out, as well They wouldn't be able to supply it Split money between several banks to ensure a large daily withdrawal Whenever they hesitate giving me the money, even if over the limit, I always threaten closing my accounts (works every time) brbrIt's crazy how using cash for purchases has become so unnatural for tellers Most purchases are made with cards these days I still primarily use cash, because I dread the day we no longer can Comment from : @coonea1 |
This recently happened to a buddy of mine He bought 27 grand cad worth of silver and gold from a reputable dealer here in Canada Everything was going good until a week later when SGB called him to ask if he was going to pay for his order and he said that the bank should have paid it,they didn’t They put a hold on his payment and even stopped everything on his account without even calling to confirm that he had indeed done the order It took a couple weeks to straighten it all out which is bs because it’s his money SGB honoured the three week old rate and shipped his metals to him but it was an ordeal Needless to say,he closed his account and pulled the rest of his money out Comment from : @Whateva67 |
Bank bitch deserves to loose her job Should not have any right to give her opinions and show attitudebrCheerz!!! Comment from : @gutsanglory1 |
Man that's as good as gold Prity Comment from : @judymichaud4081 |
at the ATM you could have done 500 three times Comment from : @larry-the-weekend-explorer |
Dude is a brokey That’s why he didn’t show all of his gold haha It doesn’t matter that the other YouTubers are richer And you don’t have to flash your 50s to prove you still have money It’s gonna be okay man You’re doing fine Lol Comment from : @XplicitNation |
Banks don't always have enough money on hand to give people that much so the lady you were dealing with was being stupid by not mentioning that, being rude for no reason and shouldn't be working at a bank brbrbrIt's stupid people like that which are the reason people like you and me don't trust the banks in the first placebrbrbrbrbrbrbrShe's also wrong about the weight cus a 1 oz coin in my pocket is gonna take up a lot less space than the amount of bills it would take to buy it and clearly doesn't understand math enough to work at the bank Comment from : @darronpattel |
You talk way too much brother!!!!brMaybe just show the Beautiful GOLD and save the conversation for another day!!!! 👍brYou sound like a coke head!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @brandonsandacz2863 |
I had to state to the bank why i wanted $400 in $100 billsbrI went to the ATM and it gave me all $20 bills so i went to the teller to give me larger bills and i had to state whybrI was like cause 4 $100 bills is easier to carry than all these 20s and that wasnt good enough The bank wanted to know what i was buying brI just made something up and said groceries brI just owed my mom money for a football square 😂 Comment from : @buffalobmf |
I also used all three stimulus for silver and gold!BTW when I had the $1400 stimulus I went to the bank and (didn’t know better but I did a wire transfer but I don’t do that anymore) Had them do a transfer for me and she also was not happy at all lol she asked me twice if I really wanted to do this Of course!! People really don’t know Comment from : @tiamat1296 |
If you call ahead you make a cash order you can order much more than 5k of physical crisp 100s Comment from : @good2goskee |
Legally, when the money is deposited in your account it is the bank's money & they can lend 10x that amount out (don't shoot the messanger) br Also when you purchase a certain amount of Maps, Brits, bars or Constitutional (basically all but US and Roos) within a calendar year it has to be reported to IRS by LCD I ask LCDs about all these things because if I lose $ I want the cap loss and evasion is illegalbrbrI'm told the reason roos aren't reported is because they haven't come out when the law was penned 🐥 Comment from : @goldcic |
Boycot the banks and the system Comment from : @keithkelso9872 |
Ask her if she knows anything about the bible Comment from : @keithkelso9872 |
SpegTacular, if you go to the “live teller” in the drive through there is a much higher limit When my bank limited me to 2k inside, I went to the live teller and was able to pull out an additional 8k Comment from : @sonnyanaya1877 |
I'm surprised at the teller not understanding why some people might want cash, and I'm surprised that you didn't know about bank withdraw limits or the reasoning behind them All in all, a surprising story Comment from : @Taegreth |
I'm poor, I've got kids, I didn't receive any welfare stimulusbrbrYuck Comment from : @YouTubeSukks |
American gold isn't pure Like all their produced money, it's trashbrbrI prefer 999 gold, not 90 Comment from : @YouTubeSukks |
Is it a $5000 limit on getting cash? I am sure you'd have no issue getting an $8000 Cashiers Check Point is, cash withdraw limits were in your TOS so you can't be outraged Find a bank that has higher limits Comment from : @iamintractable1805 |
Just was going to say,he got shot! You owe me a coke;the pop)! Comment from : @paulmcckain3420 |
YOUR SCREWED! IF SHIT HAPPENS! FJB! Comment from : @paulmcckain3420 |
Donna's real name is KAREN! Comment from : @paulmcckain3420 |
Ben Franklin once said,3 may keep a secret, if 2 of them are DEAD!🤔 NEVER TELL ANY ONE WHAT YOU HAVE! LOOSE LIPS STEAL YOUR $$$$! Comment from : @paulmcckain3420 |
I just tried to buy a half ounce of gold… My rent is more expensive and my card was declined Wonder why Comment from : @themissmay |
Are the buffalo gold coins mixed with copper, if so i get the oxydizeing, if pure, gold does not oxtdize, please explain Comment from : @stevelauda5435 |
Banks are foes who pretend to be friends Comment from : @paulsteel9127 |
The buffalo looks neat Comment from : @laupeter4594 |
the thing is they only do this to us bc if u was a celeb they would do it bc celbs go to party and spend seriouse money i hate these people so much fuk the banks Comment from : @mrhellrazor5162 |
donna needs to mind her own and stfu and give you ur money i would have flipped out fuk off lady this is why ur working a 9 to 5 and i ant these people need to stfu and give me my money this is my my my money blood and sweat i would have flipped the fuk out bc u never signed up for that Comment from : @mrhellrazor5162 |
Just dropped $20k for 10 coins… 3-4 premium glad to see there are other people in the internet love this yellowish metal too :) Comment from : @tomminatorz3963 |
I saw u posted this video a Year ago…👍decision Comment from : @Dhel-Tsu |
If I spent that much money on gold there better not even be a piece of dust on it lol Comment from : @milkspotscausemetospazzout6813 |
Donna the teller says “I don’t know why anyone would want cash anymore”brbrWell if they didn’t would Donna have a job? Comment from : @belvorn |
You need a better bank Comment from : @jf2mad |
If the bank limited me on fiat in person withdrawal would result in immediate closure of the account and all assets liquidated to me immediately Lots and Lots of banks out there who wont dick me that hard Comment from : @wenrug9418 |
why didnt i think of putting a dont steal sticky note on my stack? lol! Comment from : @Silvercrypto-xk4zy |
I also used all my stimulus money on silver and gold I actually started my stacking journey with my stimulus I still have all my original gold but have swapped some of the initial silver I purchased for fiat in order to purchase another bang bang I'm looking into my first 1oz gold coin today Im torn between buffalo and maple 🤦♂️ Comment from : @tackoholic2334 |
My wife had a similar situation a few years ago at her bank At this particular branch her, both our children and myself all had accounts We have multiple bank accounts for various reasons but she wanted to make a cash withdrawal which was over their daily limit according to them After the bank gave us a hard time we changed our tune and decided to close out all 4 accounts on the spot This was in the $30k range Boy did they change their tune and pleaded with us not to do so We followed through on principle Bottom line is banks never have the equivalent of cash on hand to cash out all their accounts This is why a bank run by the masses would cripple banks and make a lot of ppl unhappy and frustrated by not being able to withdraw their money Comment from : @tackoholic2334 |
What up, King of the Gingers?!?!?! Comment from : @timb4351 |
Story starts at 8:00 Comment from : @User98938 |
Love me some gold Comment from : @PlumberStacker |
Does piss me off the 5000 limit and the ATM daily limit its my damn money and if I want it why not? Has happened to me Comment from : @brianleonard6885 |
You're b!tching about having to fill out a withdrawal slip? WowbrI hate banks as much of you but filling out the amount and signing is not a very big deal brAs far as getting out cash just GO TO THE BANK 2 DAYS IN A ROW Comment from : @BlankSlate1111 |
If a teller ever ask me why I wanted cash I tell her because my hit man doesn’t take debit or visa Comment from : @1dilligaf |
Do not want to join my son hit it by mistake please cancel, do not agree in having my name out there Thank you Comment from : @mariasolivan3615 |
Good job with (please don't steal) sticker, it's definitely 100 secure Comment from : @saltymemesmith |
At some point in this story, I'm curious what would happen if Spag said, "OK, I'll close my account" Comment from : @drakesavory2019 |
Most big banks will charge you to cash a check written to you How do they justify charging you to cash a check from one of their account holders???? Comment from : @HappyBuddhaBoyd |
I would have IMMEDIATELY closed my account and demanded all my money in cash I don't stand for any of that bank crap I won't even use banks that put more than a 24hr hold on a check I am so glad I am with the bank I have now Comment from : @HappyBuddhaBoyd |
Best advice is to be your own bank and grow as your income grows Comment from : @bigbill74scots |
can't you americans deposit cash using ATMs? Australians can Comment from : @robertoh20 |
It's not just that I don't like the queen is that I'm American I can't have that b*b*/b in my house Comment from : @universalgaming4947 |
My local ATM has a daily limit of $500 per day! Comment from : @jsivco3sivco785 |
Would a goldback work on that test machine? Comment from : @mikelujanable |
I am 100000th viewer! That never happend to me Speg Regards from your subscriber Comment from : @polishsilverstacker3246 |
Actually banks can limit the customers to 3 withdrawals of their entire asset There are a great many laws that of course benefit the banks Stay away from large banks, deal with small locally owned institutions, develop a relationship with that institution and stack cash in other ways Besides it’s not like the interest rate they pay are going to kick you into a higher tax bracket I withdraw most of my check every payday and keep just enough in to pay my bills For nearly all gold and silver purchases I pay cash at my LCS The biggest drawback to stacking cash, gold or silver at home is of course security I keep several safes on site as well as storing small to moderate amounts at two other secure locations which are easily accessible for me This is going to worsen and the amount of financial control that is coming will amount to you working and earnings going to the government with the government basically giving you an allowance and keeping the rest Not unlike our current tax system but far more oppressive Comment from : @hypmotizedbysoles |
Had the same problem so i so took a week and drained my account to 500$ wont keep anything over 500$ in any bank from now on Comment from : @aptknifethrowerguy8342 |
That's why I don't have a bank account My money on my wallet Period Comment from : @vegassincity702 |
You have a lot to say; unfortunately, when you wing it, it just wastes time and goes on and on and onfar too long! Comment from : @brianbennett2397 |
You might wanna try calling 24 hours before hand and let the bank know Banks these days due to theft and not as many people carrying cash will only have x amount of money on hand If you call them they can order your money so you can pick it up This is how it works with my bank Maybe that helps Comment from : @miked7745 |
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