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How Much Is Enough To Retire Comfortably?

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Title :  How Much Is Enough To Retire Comfortably?
Lasting :   10.13
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Comments How Much Is Enough To Retire Comfortably?

Why x 25?
Comment from : @marionexley7355

In most countries that give out pensions it's minimum wage is (40 hour week wage)
Comment from : @rogersmith89

I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either
Comment from : @DonaldMark-ne7se

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @Fatihu-nq

The magic number is as random as the GBP FX rate after BREXIT
Comment from : @luckyshaqqq

Considering the increased complexity since the 2008 crash and COVID, I suggest diversifying your financial portfolio I hired a manager and successfully grew my assets by over ($150K) during this turbulent market using defensive strategies that protect and profit from market fluctuations
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

You waste too much time getting to the point
Comment from : @bobb7918

I love these videos Basically they're screaming out to 90pc of the population you're fucked
Comment from : @stevebloomer7027

Depends on what you need to feel comfortablebrSome people feel comfortable without a car
Comment from : @patrickstarnes2355

Hello,Tried using the calculatorbut I got this £ NaNundefinedIm destine to be poor,but hopfully happy and healthy 🤣
Comment from : @je7028

Thanks very much 👍
Comment from : @gjh997

It's easy work for a company for 40 years they put in double what you put in get made redundant draw you pension 😊
Comment from : @keithchegwin1604

Thanks for the advice
Comment from : @gavinstrachan1373

Keep still man!!!
Comment from : @AK-ru3sg

How much? Lots and lots and lots, plus a little bit more
Comment from : @majorlaff8682

Pete Matthew walks on water
Comment from : @maltesetony9030

You are either not a car person or you have not been taking your own advice 😂
Comment from : @BF1GUN

I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $300,000 ' John Steven Barr' is among the most accomplished portfolio managers in the industry, widely acknowledged for his outstanding work I highly recommend taking a closer look at his impressive portfolio
Comment from : @denizpaull

I really like your videos However, the 4 rule does not work a lot of the time I appreciate that you are simplifying this for educating the mass auidence, but it would be really good to see you also talk about the risks or this strategy, how it compares to others, or even mention a disclaimer That would really drive the beliveability of your advice Just a suggestion toward a more informed auidence Much love
Comment from : @rorycorcoran9339

Need to invest rearing kids with old good morals (( honour your father and mother)) And they will look after you like you looked after them including financially
Comment from : @raniakme

Most Americans find it hard to retire comfortably amid economy downtrend Some have close to nothing going into retirement, my question is, will you pay off mortgage as a near-retiree, or spread money for cashflow, to afford lifestyle after retirement?
Comment from : @tonysilke

Had to stop watching it because of the terrible noises
Comment from : @mikewilson6128

Rental property ?, that doesn't count for the vast majority for us !
Comment from : @mirola73

Gulp i need 226 milion
Comment from : @slabbygabby

Flat 5/sparrows nest 40 leopold rd Felixstowe ip11 7 np there’s a big fat women who stays there u can’t miss her she’s oniy there from time to time she worked in pensions all life and robbed the elderly get back what she stole everybody in Felixstowe hate the bully women
Comment from : @darrenmclaughlin3028

I’m going to off my parents and seize their assets and retire at 50 Going to buy a field put a shed on it and live in that This way I can live a quiet life with nobody to bother me and live away from the ravages of immigration!
Comment from : @mylestubedayz5613

Thank you that was great
Comment from : @BelindaHanson-dz6mr

So, as long as I can: brPay my rent brBuy some basic food brA few smokes (ciggies) brThe odd drink brThe billswater, electric, ,etc, things like that I'm finebrPeople who say: "I want hundreds or thousands of pounds for holidays or fancy cars" Are just plain greedy
Comment from : @DrWho-vc2go

May i ask what glasses you wear ? they seem to get darker and lighter depending on the light, and the frame looks good, thanks
Comment from : @RobinPhillips

It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time don't think I could retire with less than $3m in income generating investments and i'm not talking 401k, maybe $2m at the very minimum I plan to work until I'm at least 45
Comment from : @AlbertGReene-p8w

Hi Pete 51 yrs old, no savings, have £1500-£2000 per money to invest or save, each month Would appreciate your guidance to help turn my potential retirement into a comfortable experience Probably worth doing a video on this and watching my progress over the coming yrs? Would love to hear your thoughts 😊
Comment from : @Rashbains888

Im 45 in a few months have 116k in company and private pensions pay combined £449 a month into it inc tax relief my state pension age is 67 currently so i have 23 yrs to retirement i was looking at 25k a yr income with state and private pension combined what ideally do i need in the pot ball part figure to not have to work in retirement , i intend to put payrise in to my pension as i dont want to pay extra child maintenance and when my mortgauge comes down i will put 50 in to the pension pot each month
Comment from : @davidlester2176

Luckily I am so called working class, and have enough in pension funds to support myself and my immediate family Most genuine working class people are not concerned owning a Rolex watch, but rather existing without bs luxury that matters notbrStill trying to figure out if you are genuinely trying to help, or just profiting
Comment from : @billblunden1549

it appears I require an additional 215k (without including state pension) to retire at the right age May have to delay a little lol
Comment from : @minimad8793

Are you going to stop working when you reach retirement age?
Comment from : @PaulHardingham

Peter, thank you for your videos
Comment from : @nazz0007

£275,000 is not enough Inflation will destroy that overtime In 25 years £275,000 in todays money will probably worth £70,000 in 25 years
Comment from : @deltaechomusicnh555

I have enough money to live an extravagant lifestyle for as long as I livebrbrProvided I die by the end of the month
Comment from : @andrewcarter7503

Hello Pete Love the content! Do you mind me asking what equipment you use to make the videos? Camera, mic, lighting? Am thinking of doing a few videos myself - wouldn't be a rival, I'm a tax professional 🙂 - but haven't a clue about these things
Comment from : @andrewcarter7503

I am just about to retire and getting serious about what to do with my various pensions A bit late I know, but there is something that almost no one seems to take into consideration: One off large expenditures that can hit you after retirement Examples could be replacing your car, central heating boiler, or house roof It can be very difficult to deal with these events when you have a fixed income
Comment from : @PeterCross-pr9ke

The only way that we know your fund can last (you must work to infinity because you don't know when you are going to die) is if your fund is accruing more than the (in this example) £11k per year, we are drawing out
Comment from : @dudeatx

Hopefully there is no morg when you retire so to me what you spend now minus the morg
Comment from : @terryj50

nice video, if I get 1M I am out for holiday :)
Comment from : @issamituk4365

This guy has a calculator This means he is good with money
Comment from : @jamesjoyce5962

And make sure your life partner has a good provision; if self employed and especially if you are a higher rate tax payer, paying him or her and investing on their behalf can give very good returns
Comment from : @tonykelpie

Is your state pension dependent on your income in the UK? In Australia we don't get the State pension once our income is over a certain limit
Comment from : @karenley7356

Is this calculation from aged 60 or 67? Aged 60 you'd have no access to State Pension and DB pension would be reduced
Comment from : @joekeown4169

Horseshit how many ordinary working people can afford a rental property this channel should be named “Only the rich need watch “
Comment from : @gc8074

Of course in this example we need more than £275k if we're 40 and wanting to retire at 60, because we won't get the state pension until about 68 The defined benefit company pension might start slightly earlier, but unlikely to start much earlier unless you can take early retirement, at least without actuarial reduction
Comment from : @mlj9931

The Twingo just got cool, I think your Yaris makes the list And personally speaking I think seeing that you own that car makes me have much more trust in you Odd huh
Comment from : @gonnahavemesomefun

The answer is simple 2 million dollars
Comment from : @johnz446

Great video, thank you My circumstances are different to most people's and because of my circumstances I won't be retiring at 66 I would love to chat with you, at your convenience
Comment from : @johnrichardson4583

Excellent advice
Comment from : @brucecollie6892

I feel like cryingI have been saving a modest amount for years in a workplace pensionmaking a contributionsalary sacrifice and my employer paid tooleft my pension in the schemejust got my pension statementin none year my pension pot has dropped substantiallyI feel sick
Comment from : @jeanpaice2021

This man is excellent
Comment from : @k14ser

Watched so many of these videosbr Thank you, wish I learnt this stuff I’m school!brMy husband is sceptical of the safety of pensions and schemes given the ever changing rules, ideas, schemes and laws of a messy selfish government
Comment from : @i_h2081

Well if you move your pensions to PensionBee like I did in 2021, you'll have nothing to retire on as they have decimated mine by a fortune, any advice on how to report them to see if I can get compensated for it They are abysmal to be quite honest
Comment from : @richardtaylor7829

As someone 7 yrs into retirement now (July 2022) my biggest worry is the cost of heating my home If you're a young person it may be sensible to include provision for unforseen pressures such as we're heading into this Winter within your retirement income plan
Comment from : @essanjay8604

Hi Pete, just started watching you Thanks for great & and helpful videos Apologies if you've been asked this before Could you say as a guide to having enough pension what percentage that is to what we currently earn? Seems an easier way to gauge as we currently manage that finite figure
Comment from : @geoffbilson7593

I was fortunate enough to retire at 24 Best decision I ever made
Comment from : @rumelahmed4539

This is really helpful for me Peter, and you've got a good comic style Much thanks
Comment from : @lennytheleopard

The US Social Security number is more generous My wife and I will receive $72K USD or 58K pounds in today's dollars adjusted for inflation each year when we draw it in 4 years Not counting her teachers pension or my part time consulting income I project a 1 withdrawal rate I guess we oversaved but we can't seem to spend more than $100K USD though we easily could afford it Very clear and entertaining presentation
Comment from : @cuz129

You haven’t taken taxation into account when calculating income!
Comment from : @stephenwalton2633

This is just a frikken advertisement People in the UK can't even afford their heating bills Shame on you
Comment from : @brianpan6453

Brilliant advicethanks Pete
Comment from : @bigcook3279

But do you take into consideration how long that pot will last? Is that why you x 25 because you assume 25years? brIve already reached 275k in the pot at age 33
Comment from : @Senseigainz

They always assume income from a rental property when you retire Last thing I need when I retire is the hassle of maintaining a rental
Comment from : @Google-Earth123

The first 2 minutes are a bunch of silly antics What a waste of time
Comment from : @dsm19581

Great vid, though is the 4 rule for everyone? Even the person who created that rule has since said his rule was flawed
Comment from : @A_friendwithoutbenefits

Well I’m screwed… I’ve never saved in my life, I’m terrible with money … I have an ok pension from the RAF abut it just about covers the flamin council tax, the fuel bills and the food But won’t keep the car on the road or do much more… probably not bad considering But I have a handful of other pensions from jobs like the Civil service of which I had 7 years, 18 months in a different civil service pension scheme a couple of years in another private company plus another of just 6months …trouble is I haven’t a clue, I can’t get my head around understanding pensions,,, I don’t trust IFAs because they don’t just want a fee they want a frigging cut for life … and they never sell you what you need they sell you what they want … such selfish greedy parasitic t**s …
Comment from : @buffplums

You joke about the car, but really it is cool If cool means driving an economical, affordable and reliable car!
Comment from : @wonderingthoughts926

Unfortunately the war in Ukraine has decimated most pensions and investments Plus 7 inflation
Comment from : @alrightdave6135

For me the only answer to this question is 30 years NI contributions xD
Comment from : @bennymarshall1320

My plans have just radically changed ,new job with ups
Comment from : @BobBob-uv9fq

wow look at it every 3 months ok that's a challenge i will accept
Comment from : @BeautifulEarthJa

I'm 60 My first wife died at 52 I'm very conscious that you need to get the balance right in all this You need to enjoy life when you are younger but put some aside Also you need to be aware that after 80 you are not going to be able to enjoy the proceeds of your savings as much You actually need the money for say 20 years at age 60 and plan accordingly
Comment from : @mattwright2964

Rental properties Most of us are struggling to buy one house
Comment from : @streamleazefishhouse

Already got net 1 million (not Turkish lira 🇹🇷) in 8 x bricks and mortar, so we hope that'll be enough
Comment from : @andrewrobinson2565

Too many stairs for a retired person 👍
Comment from : @andrewrobinson2565

Great video Question What happens if you calculate your expenses (or desired) is less than the target income?is that still considered a shortfall?
Comment from : @shadowz4780

How longs a piece of string
Comment from : @mikedempsey1496

Having no one to leave an inheritance to, my house is a big chunk of my pension Whether that's by downsizing or equity release More people should do this I think You've worked and sacrificed all your life - just to leave a big pot of money to the next generation? No thanks
Comment from : @andrewcarter7503

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