Title | : | Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) | James Lindsay |
Lasting | : | 1.52.13 |
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Views | : | 58 rb |
U said ,,,, communist event to break up the family Like our history with native American and blacks indeed an old play book Comment from : @tamracook-o1s |
Con fusing message Please define communist For this talk also your dictionary Comment from : @tamracook-o1s |
This is so accurate - we need to pay attention! Comment from : @marypiffath3984 |
Obama, the “Community Organizer“ who fervorized people into activist fodder I had no idea his presidential administration had sabotaged the education system so completely to basically Marxify generations of kids and educators He truly was the beginning of the end of America, what a absolute demented scumbag Comment from : @ericm3089 |
Watching this right before my SEL psychology class Now I know how to push back and why Comment from : @namehimhuman5500 |
Keep fighting the good fight sir! I'm vigorously researching this topic Just read The Marxification of Education Feeling overwhelmed as my kid starts kindergarten next year But I'm trying to be informed enough to fight against this indoctrination Comment from : @kurtsmith2265 |
This is the best argument for calling an Article V convention and restoring the checks and balances and decentralization of the original Constituion brbrSome quick items off the top of my head are repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments, ending the federal reserve and fiat currency, and adding an amendment directing the courts to interpret all constitutional questions striclty as understood at ratification This is just a starter pack of a larger list of items to restore the Constitution brbrThe federal government would simply be too weak and decentralized to make this happen and short circuit it outright, which is exactly the intent of our system in the first place brbrIt isnt enough just win elections We need to dismantle the structures that deviated from the Constitution that allowed this much ppwer to centralize in the first place Comment from : @WhydoIsuddenlyhaveahandle |
2:40 / 1:52:12 Comment from : @almaisaks |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) | James Lindsay Comment from : @almaisaks |
Thank you James for teaching a Swede about this Keep up the good work, you're actually making a difference! I could never have argued with people and tried explained things to them without you, Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad and a few others Comment from : @arcticmentor7452 |
This is amazing work Comment from : @jeremyogrizovich3247 |
Got a job cleaning an elementary school and found an SEL text book Comment from : @aaroncoffey2109 |
Thank you! Are there links to the documents mentioned? Comment from : @zvi__shalem |
31:15 For math, it sounds like a waste of time Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
30:25 In Stephenson's Snowcrash, there's this book that's empty but writes itself while interactivitely communicating with someone of any age, who picks it up You write a question in it and it gives you an answer, and there's no real limit to what it can teach you I didn't mind this idea It's not a centralized algorithm, it's autonomy beyond our flawed human teachers and parents Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
27:16 Pre-K might be the narrow window of time when this type of bintervention/b is okay imho Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
15:00 So we'll experience a retracement -- those are good! Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
14:00 They were wrong Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
13:15 The tower has no ceiling? That is unsustainable but this is an assumption The Market works as naturally as a jungle is we knew how to let it grow and self regulate Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
13:00 Earth is a stage of fast paced learning We forget as quickly as we learn too -- I wouldn't worry about THIS Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
Who is HE to decide which of MY needs are false? Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
By circular, I never assumed there was no waste -- 🤔 Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
A circular economy? What's wrong with that? We need multiples of those overlapping each other Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
Marxist religious ? Aren't they atheists? Comment from : @zareenwilhelm5811 |
Support your local Moms for Liberty!! Comment from : @CrysLuv27 |
I definitely oppose any person or group deciding for the rest of us what we are and are not "allowed" to eat However, I have to push back on this scare tactic of "They want to make your kids eat bugs" This is just silly 80 of the human population, including wealthy countries with plenty of access to the same foods we eat here in America, voluntarily eat "bugs" as part of their regular diet In much of the West, we suffer from a completely arbitrary and artificial "ick" about the consumption of things like meal worms and grasshoppers and other fully edible iand delicious/i food animals Again, I will not abide anyone making my food choices for me, but it's not legitimate to act like the consumption of these foods is some kind of punishment or denigration Comment from : @t3tsuyaguy1 |
It's later than you think Even homeschooling, and taking your children to church, can't protect them from the brainwashing They are literally driven insane They lose their healthy maturity level and regress to the level of 13 years old This is a horrible, real world effect of the internet propaganda It's too late for my daughter She's literally gone She was the brightest, most emotionally mature, competent, realistic woman She is a complete stranger now, and we haven't seen her in months I feel like the mother of Patty Hearst Until you see the adult child you love so much, and had so much confidence in turn into a monster, alienating everyone who loves her with wild, delusional accusations of racism and being crazy for not supporting the alphabet agenda etc, you won't believe it can affect you 😢 Comment from : @valerieprice1745 |
The Kingdom of God? or the kingdom of Satan? Comment from : @lyndaniel3369 |
The notion of "Social Emotional Learning" only became a thing since a "Parent" was forbidden from "Educating" and "Disciplining" their children, that forced out a mother's Divinely given role to "Prepare" the generations for "Learning" and "Harmonius" living Things prohibited in the Commercialization of the Ten Commandments called new age "Democracy" Especially when mother and fathers wasn't so educated themselves All in line with the structured ignorance fostered by "Academia Comment from : @virgilioblanco |
Omg how did her watch know she was masturbating???!!! Comment from : @JJtvee |
James is his own true classic T's commercial 😅 Comment from : @JJtvee |
I’ll say it again and again this man literally picked up the Baton from bill cooper , God bless Comment from : @Uraphole |
I highly disagree with you Comment from : @faithfulpoet2810 |
Summary of the video, care of ChatGPT:brbrThe video discusses the concept of transformative social emotional learning (SEL) and its implementation in educational systems It addresses the shift from traditional education to a model that emphasizes social and emotional aspects, focusing on changing students' thought processes and attitudes The speaker asserts that this transformation in education is part of a broader agenda driven by large entities like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations The goal is to create a new societal system incorporating economic and social models while simultaneously shaping a generation to fit into this new world, thus enabling a seamless transition through initiatives like the "Great Reset"
brThe speaker critiques the push for SEL, arguing that it's being used for purposes beyond its original intent, like data mining and building social credit systems They express concerns about SEL being a vehicle for ideological indoctrination, replacing traditional education with a focus on social and emotional aspects that align with specific agendas The speaker also discusses the historical development of SEL, its various models, and the potential dangers of its systemic implementation
brAdditionally, the video highlights the need for careful consideration of school choice initiatives and emphasizes the importance of local control over education The speaker calls for action against the misuse of SEL, suggesting legal and policy measures to protect children from indoctrination and to preserve the integrity of education
brIdeological Bias and Indoctrination Concerns: Critics argue that SEL can be used as a vehicle for promoting specific ideological beliefs There is a concern that under the guise of teaching emotional intelligence and social skills, SEL programs might introduce concepts and values that align with particular political or social ideologies, rather than remaining neutral This can lead to what some perceive as a form of indoctrinationbrbrParticular criticisms:
brData Privacy and Surveillance: SEL programs often involve collecting data on students' emotional and social behaviors Critics raise concerns about the potential misuse of this sensitive data, including privacy violations and the possibility of creating psychological profiles of students for future use in ways that might not be transparent or ethical
brShift Away from Academic Focus: Some argue that an overemphasis on SEL can detract from the primary purpose of schools, which is academic learning They fear that time and resources spent on SEL might come at the expense of core subjects like math, science, and language arts
brTeacher Training and Expertise: Implementing SEL effectively requires teachers to have a skill set that goes beyond traditional teaching methods, including some level of psychological or counseling expertise Critics point out that many teachers are not adequately trained for this role, which could lead to ineffective or even harmful implementation of SEL programs
brOne-Size-Fits-All Approach: SEL programs are often criticized for applying a uniform approach to emotional and social learning without considering the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and individual needs of students This can lead to programs that are not effectively tailored to the student population they are meant to serve
brParental Rights and Involvement: There are concerns about the extent to which SEL programs encroach on the domain of parental guidance and values Some critics argue that teaching certain aspects of emotional and social behavior should be the prerogative of parents, not schools
brLack of Consistent Evidence on Effectiveness: While there is research supporting the benefits of SEL, critics point out that the evidence is not uniformly strong or consistent Some studies suggest mixed results on the long-term effectiveness of SEL programs
brPotential for Misuse in Behavior Modification: There's a concern that SEL could be used for subtle forms of behavior modification, shaping children’s attitudes and behaviors to conform to specific standards or norms without a critical examination of these standards
brIn summary, while SEL is designed to enhance students' social and emotional skills, which are crucial for personal and professional success, the criticisms focus on its potential misuse, lack of neutrality, impact on academic learning, data privacy concerns, and the need for careful and culturally sensitive implementation Comment from : @nocarrier1 |
Dr Lindsay, you are misinformed about SEL Read the research! Comment from : @drcschannelsharingseledte7789 |
The “mysticalness” is very attractive to people, especially young people, and children The “occult” has been used to further it, also, along with “witchcraft” Comment from : @rochellecaffee1417 |
Basically, its a new “Play”, and they will provide the “new script” that YOU WILL LEARN Comment from : @rochellecaffee1417 |
Don’t let anyone make you or your children “feel” like a “victim” in life, and lead you to being a “discontent” This is something they do, to MAKE YOU ACCEPT AND WANT THEIR “CHANGE” Comment from : @rochellecaffee1417 |
Stop going to “mental health counseling” which is a first presentation of it, to pull you in Comment from : @rochellecaffee1417 |
This guy is ridiculously paranoid and hilariously alt right masquerading as a deep thinker Comment from : @TacosYBurritos8P |
Very unique how he has figured out the religion of the globalist- Comment from : @brianbeergah7649 |
Bubba the love singe said it was the pussification of America 15 years ago My sister in law questioned if she could discipline her own kid How did it get to that Now we know Comment from : @scoobtoober2975 |
Communists Euphemistically speaking, of course Comment from : @thebarkingsnail |
Thanks James! Comment from : @Chris-hq7nl |
The grand Soviet never died Comment from : @Yotaciv |
I find it very difficult to believe that I actually blew someone’s mind with this very obvious take on another aspect of this corporate governance that’s happening I mentioned to someone in passing the effects of the intense flooding migration from polar opposite regions into the West… the fact that it was criminal a crime against humanity, genetic genocide cultural genocide and that proper assimilation had been taking place in the United States for sometime however what’s happening now is not that… this girl responded as if I was being hyperbolic and she went quiet I think I forced open a very obvious to me conclusion it should be to anyone this is meant to bring chaos as well as destroy the unique people we all are and not in a natural way or sense whatsoever this IS FORCED… we didn’t vote on this and it is going to bring atrocity and suffering and conflict between people who are polar opposites and need gradual assimilation to be healthy mass numbers is a shock and pure unadulterated hubris… the HUBRIS… they want all out conflict and chaos another excuse for their monopoly on violence their monopoly on everything… I do not know if there is a path to victory for us, I do t know if there is a right or wrong anymore the crooked and corrupt win he who cares the least wins kinda like relationships… I can say this with certainty as far as communism there is one answer Comment from : @kevinlawler3252 |
speaking as a hate viewer and hate subscriber, congratulations on you 150k subs! 🎉🎉🎉 Comment from : @trevorleake2010 |
I'm not surprised James is against social-emotional skills Comment from : @trevorleake2010 |
The state of Missouri wants to implement sel in schools Comment from : @personalpandemicstoriesorg4707 |
Damn that’s crazy fr Comment from : @Xxcyclonexx44 |
Keep fighting, brother Comment from : @davidleehurt333 |
Insidious is this evil agenda! GOD bless you for the work you do! Comment from : @dwightdonnelly8662 |
My son just came home from Pre-K with a sel permission slip today Had every buzz word and psychologically manipulative phrase you would expect from neomarxist indoctrination Wtf Do I pull him out? Comment from : @tipsytopsy12 |
God damn communists and their corporations and monopolies Comment from : @Moss-ec2hd |
Do these things apply in UK school system? I’m a bit ignorant Anyone please enlighten me Thanks in advance Comment from : @27sabia |
Hail Hydra Comment from : @aaronnelson6699 |
Exactly the info we need Comment from : @postalizeMike |
Glad the school trannyformation part missed me I had a decent childhood iPhones came out when I turned 14 it all went down hill from there Comment from : @Findmylimit |
Thank you so much for breaking this down The population is so ignorant… stay awake people search for the truth… remove your kids from the public school system 🤯 Comment from : @dionnefields1457 |
James writes a dissection for every topic It’s a little too much for me, and I’mbran intellectually minded human, but looks like it’s resonating with othersbrbrI’d appreciate some bite size synopses as well Comment from : @Jackjohnjay |
James is spot on!brTime stamp 14: 00brAlso could be called brHegelian dialectic brProblem, Reaction, Solution Comment from : @Neilzn |
"Struggle Session"brYou mean "how to exit a bougatti without flashing your hoo-haa" more like it br Haven't met an American Socialist with actual dirt under their fingernailsbr Not much to worry about when push comes to shovebrbr Admit itthey field a weak team Comment from : @allenanderson4911 |
As soon as my son's junior high administrators convince me that THEY are gonna be shoveling applesauce into my face and wiping my butt on my death bedthey can indoctrinate my kidbrbr Meanwhilef around and find out Comment from : @allenanderson4911 |
I would like to see the question and answer period Comment from : @brianbauer8761 |
Robert Ulich’s unequivocal means for unifying a highly diverse American society would rely on the emotional sphere of people, rather than schooling for the intellectual sphere Ulich’s emotional education surpassed what he may have imagined in 1954 Comment from : @samanderson6619 |
This makes me think about Demolition Man Howdy taco bell ended up buying everything Comment from : @oliveiraluis3540 |
From the text intro: Arlington, Va is NOT in Loudoun County Arlington is a county inside the beltway and EAST of Loudoun County Comment from : @susampson278 |
My child's school melts down when my kid rejects the programming & has me pick him up I used to be angered by it, but it's best he leave at that point he consumes 19th & 20th century history like a hoover & he's not even 11 I now know when he's having a "bad day" as the school puts it, it's not math or reading concepts he's not getting, it's his uneasiness around this crap he can't (or 995 of adults) put his finger on Comment from : @depnox |
Lol, I was also in the hard video games generation When you ran out of lives (we called them “extra men”), you were done Were you fighting the final boss? Now you can restart at level 1 😂 Comment from : @elusivemayfly7534 |
All these webs to trap us into being less human Comment from : @elusivemayfly7534 |
When James talks no matter what platform everyone goes silent and listens Comment from : @Jaryism |
So let me get this straight The "new needs" argument against capitalism is that people in a capitalist system become spoiled because their needs are met well enough to create an entire new set of needs? I fail to see how this is a point against Comment from : @urielthelesser |
I never belived Emotinal IQAfter that book released everybody started to put others down saying ohhhh you dont have EIQ-:) Comment from : @elvan5922 |
The racist baby study had less babies in it than Dr Andrew Wakefield had kids that he was studying measles in the guts of, and Dr Wakefield basically lost his reputation and job for even talking about it Comment from : @annabell3385 |
a Comment from : @AncientRylanor69 |
Religion is not benign Comment from : @VesnaVK |
In one of James previous episodes he spoke about liberation and the end of history Only those who hold and practice the ideology will be able to participate in the utopia This is why they want to reduce the population It’s going to be proverbial hell on earth led by these moronic zealots These people are anti-progress anti-science anti-human Crackpot is an understatement Comment from : @lalaboards |
Insanity Character is the issue Comment from : @kate60 |
SEL is just a new subject created to turn kids into state worshippers and against their parentsno? Comment from : @tensevo |
resilience in the face of brain-washing Comment from : @tensevo |
the reason "they" are so disconnected from reality, is that all the admin is fudged to give them the answers they want and need brThey have no interest in sitting down with a problem child, or solving a real world problem,bryet all their conclusions are based on the results from the fudged forms, questionnaires and surveys Comment from : @tensevo |
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