Title | : | Grant Funding 101: Crack the Code to Grant Funding with Insider Strategies for Start-Up Success! |
Lasting | : | 14.35 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 107 rb |
thank you beautiful Comment from : @tokelaugurl |
Hi Stacey, we are prelaunch and would like your assistance I look forward to hearing from you Comment from : @trivoshop |
Hello there: We own a chiropractic clinic for over 26 years now We need grants and funding and not loans to expand and move and help with cash flow? Are there any grants for my sitiuation We are not a start up Comment from : @moshake2303 |
Hi could you send me a link to apply for these grants Comment from : @user-boydwink41 |
Can i get a grant if I wanted to start a business in American samoa we are a territory of the United States i have so much land ???please help Comment from : @paulinetuiolemotu |
Grantgov does not provide start up grants She is a liar On grantsgov opening page of the website It states no start up grants are provided Liar for YouTube ad revenue ! Con artist ! Comment from : @realityrealestate5755 |
Wow Fantabulous thanks Comment from : @lisabaxter7786 |
New business I need your help to get start up funding Comment from : @NomvulaMtebele |
i need application forms to apply Comment from : @lucasklass9828 |
How to contract you Comment from : @tsheringpem-o4z |
This is very educative I love it however one needs to be very smart when it involves money, if you don’t treat it right it will definitely depart from you… Find new ways to multiply your income, that’s the only way to keep your money Special appreciation to BusinessFuBsnsFunding ndingUSA for get me a startup grants and financial advice for my business to keep growing! Comment from : @aamnarizvi4545 |
Please allow me to express my gratitude for the extra time and effort you put into helping get approved for grant BsnsFunding I recognized all your hard work, and I say a massive thank you I think I have never seen such a reliable and trustworthy individual like you for a long time Excellent work! Comment from : @ramataprasadsingh5276 |
Honestly, we need more people like you BsnsFunding if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time I love that you are helping the victims, too it’s ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for getting ours approved Comment from : @mindlessgamer05 |
Honestly, we need more people like you BsnsFunding if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time I love that you are helping the victims, too it’s ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for getting ours approved Comment from : @surendrasinghrana9545 |
Absolutely thrilled with BsnsFunding! They helped me secure a grant effortlessly Professional and efficient Comment from : @Crazyvideo423 |
The time and efforts BsnsFunding had put into this grant approval job is beyond excellence Take my cordial thanks! You are really an efficient, organized and result-oriented person Thank you for all the extra hours and extra effort you had to put on for getting this job done I appreciate every bit of your effort Thank you for fixing my completely ruined credit score Comment from : @MdJanu-rv5lt |
Big thanks to BsnsFunding for guiding me to get my business funding Fast, reliable, and a total game changer Comment from : @ParthDandekar-bo4hu |
Thank you! I really appreciate your knowledge you help me realize that help is available I have been trying to get a grants for the North Carolina area for minority women for start up and for Non-profit businesses Special thanks to BsnsFunding for getting me approved for acquisition grants for apartment and duplexes business development projects in my area in NC Comment from : @poonamdwivedi340 |
Honestly, we need more people like you BsnsFunding if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time I love that you are helping the victims, too it’s ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for getting ours approved Comment from : @mixcricket567 |
Your out-of-the-box thinking and unique perspective turned an otherwise mediocre presentation into a fantastic one, BsnsFunding You did a good job of catching the mistakes and keeping us from wasting time and by taking the wrong path Your attention to detail really sets you apart from the crowd Great work! Brandon, Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to me You’re a force to be reckoned for doing all these beautiful things to my grant Comment from : @Gam977 |
BsnsFunding exceeded my expectations! Their guidance on grant applications was superb Comment from : @krishnayadav-mp6kr |
At 44 years old I finally feel ready to settle down long enough to buy a house Unfortunately due to previous horrible stupid life decisions, I’m forced to start with a zero balance in my savings account On the bright side, the huge amount of debt - consequence of those bad decisions will be paid off next month! 🥳 It’s never too late to start saving like there’s no tomorrow, and I’m really REALLY excited and motivated Oh and TODAY, fyi my emergency fund is also a done deal! by BsnsFunding lol, I didn’t make it myself Comment from : @SurprisedBasket-yg5mo |
I dunno… I was one of those people that didn’t care about a credit score, didn’t get any education about how important your credit score is, and I racked up debt like an idiot I worked really hard and educated myself and I’ve brought my credit score from 480 to 752 and I’m still going up with BsnsFunding on youtube I feel like the government blaming credit reporting companies instead of the lack of financial education in their own public education system is foolish Comment from : @AmarWagh-tj4sp |
You showed great composure, experience, and thinking while dealing with the issues I had about my credit Your level of quality work remains unprecedented, Thank you for all your help Without your hard work, patience, and agility, I wouldn’t have completely gotten approved before the deadline You rock BsnsFunding!, Thanks Comment from : @KishanKumar_690 |
Secured the perfect grant for my business, all thanks to the amazing team at BsnsFunding Comment from : @tassarvaiya321 |
First of all, Thank you for making the work environment so friendly and taking your responsibility seriously and completing the work gracefully! You deserve so much He does what he says he is going to do and his ethics are of the highest quality BsnsFunding on youtube Comment from : @Panka-pp4yq |
BsnsFunding literally gave me a fresh start Before, I was stressed out and exhausted from being turned down from lender to lender As of now, I’m currently in the phase of purchasing a home I’m more confident and I feel more secure I want to extend a very big THANK YOU to Brandon Comment from : @gayatri6994 |
Honestly, we need more people like you BsnsFunding if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time I love that you are helping the victims, too it’s ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for getting ours approved Comment from : @keegannoronha4605 |
I’m beyond grateful to BsnsFunding for their fast and effective funding services They’re the real deal Comment from : @BidyutTalukdar-uo9su |
You rock, BsnsFunding, on the internet! My son showed me your page I’ve never commented on any YouTube video, but I appreciate what you do because I despise these people Comment from : @pankajmishra7793 |
No matter how big the crown may get, you with your amazing skills and dedication towards your work will stand out anyways Great times lie ahead for you BsnsFunding , of that we are very sure I love how you don’t wait for opportunities rather step out and take every challenge No wonder you are a winner Thank for getting my application approved Really appreciate your enthusiasm Comment from : @Lokeshtimlilover003 |
I’ve been having a concern about the SBA loans other than EIDL When I checked them out they require 2020 and 2021 taxes to qualify For those of us who needed EIDI, most of us probably don’t qualify for those loans because COVID impacted our businesses so drastically that we barely made an income from those years All thanks BsnsFunding for his grant method I got approved and finally got funded with no delay Comment from : @vinayakmanchalwar2734 |
They will not delay your payout and will not waste a single minute to have it processed, this is something I truly admire about BsnsFunding Comment from : @RmclDevendla |
Efficient, professional, and successful - that’s BsnsFunding for you Got my business grant faster than expected Comment from : @paragvaidya8723 |
This message is to recognize your contribution to the team’s grant approval success Your commitment had been exemplary and your hard working is an inspiration to everyone around you You’re a professional BsnsFunding Comment from : @pooja-mq6 |
Big thanks to BsnsFunding for guiding me to get my business funding Fast, reliable, and a total game changer Comment from : @aashishkumarrathod5546 |
I have 2 chapter 11’s that are dismissed The reason I have 2 is because I did not use an attorney I was trying to stop an eviction, but when I went to try to add another month’s rent to the bankruptcy, the guy filed another one About a month later, I ended up losing my job They are scheduled to fall off in January and March 2023 Since I’m looking to purchase a home soon but still there, I am currently enrolled in BsnsFunding, and I must say, I am loving it thus far I’m doubling it up with your podcast videos and learning A LOT! Thank you I’m ready to join the millionaire club!!! Comment from : @ArunSolanki-ob1xf |
BsnsFunding team are grant wizards! They made the whole process smooth and successful Comment from : @MRLEGEND-444-king |
I’m honored to have BsnsFunding around me during pandemic time thanks for all the support you’ve done for me and my family so far for getting me this startup grants for my logistics business Comment from : @WIXIFIR7X |
It’s never been easy to get approved for business grants and loan applications in my area and I have been working and struggling for years to find my business at the highest possible level in my area so much several denials and rejection of applications Thanks to BsnsFunding who helped me secured my application and got me funding to get my business going again God bless you man, I’m really grateful!!! Comment from : @sourav_gaming421 |
To be honest, I will always be productive and appreciative to you BsnsFunding for getting me approved for a $60,000 small business grant for my furniture business What I could not do myself, you did it all in just a few days as you promised! You are magnificent and God bless you for your good deeds Comment from : @gautamkarmakar9564 |
Big thanks to BsnsFunding for guiding me to get my business funding Fast, reliable, and a total game changer Comment from : @keegannoronha4605 |
It’s rare to find a grant approval program like that of BsnsFunding with such a good heart who’s ready to help you out This dude is a rare gem, I hope it’s a miracle that announces a new bypassing path, not the last goodbye to Thank you for being with me with good skills getting me approved for a grant Comment from : @KuldeepBind-g6k |
You showed great composure, experience, and thinking while dealing with the issues I had about my credit Your level of quality work remains unprecedented, Thank you for all your help Without your hard work, patience, and agility, I wouldn’t have completely gotten approved before the deadline You rock BsnsFunding!, Thanks Comment from : @sajithfaraday2229 |
This message is to recognize your contribution to the team’s grant approval success Your commitment had been exemplary and your hard working is an inspiration to everyone around you You’re a professional BsnsFunding Comment from : @pooja-mq6 |
Absolutely thrilled with BsnsFunding! They helped me secure a grant effortlessly Professional and efficient Comment from : @GovindRai-pu7sr |
I just received the confirmation for my loan approval and I can’t tell you how overwhelmed I am for your this great feature This was a very crucial moment for me as my deadline for paying my college fees was nearing I have never experienced kindness and help like you displayed BsnsFunding It’s difficult to believe that anyone can could be as nice as you are to someone like me God bless you I am a scholar in college and I have high hopes for my future, thanks once again man Comment from : @baldaubarman9767 |
As an advisor, investor and partner, I’m impressed by the thoroughness and professionalism exhibited by all of principals of fixing bad credit In particular, their depth of knowledge in diverse disciplines as construction, operations of grant approval service is highly advantageous Their focus, integrity and attention to details make us very comfortable doing business with them and keep my man in check!… BsnsFunding is the dude Comment from : @gauravKumar-tl8bd |
Now I understand the reason why people keep recommending BsnsFunding because he’s a good man and legit when it comes to getting people approved for a grant His attention to detail and drive to produce top-quality results has proven extremely valuable in the process of getting my grant form approved Comment from : @santoshyadav1038 |
Now I understand the reason why people keep recommending BsnsFunding because he’s a good man and legit when it comes getting people approved for grant His attention to detail and drive to produce top-quality results has proven extremely valuable to in the process of getting my grant form approved Comment from : @OpChauhan-w4g |
You rock, BsnsFunding, on the internet! My son showed me your page I’ve never commented on any YouTube video, but I appreciate what you do because I despise these people Comment from : @progaming-rh7on |
You rock, BsnsFunding, on the internet! My son showed me your page I’ve never commented on any YouTube video, but I appreciate what you do because I despise these people Comment from : @surendrasurendranishad295 |
BsnsFunding turned my dream into a reality with their swift grant assistance Truly life-changing Comment from : @catman3661 |
Thank you for your incredible result and outstanding achievement I feel blessed to have you BsnsFunding You are intelligent, smart, hard-worker, and I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal This is not just a team; this is a family to me Words will not be enough to tell you how grateful I am to have a fantastic team I love working with this team My beautiful pleasure for raising my credit score Comment from : @ILOVEMYINDIA2 |
This man spends hundreds of thousands of time just to help us He helps those in need while also helping us He always puts a smile on our faces, and we should appreciate it Hats off to Him! I love you, dude Crazy I’ve never paid attention to the BsnsFunding on youtube movement when I say ancestral you’re a gift to our people Comment from : @Rohit_vahadane |
Your out-of-the-box thinking and unique perspective turned an otherwise mediocre presentation into a fantastic one, BsnsFunding You did a good job of catching the mistakes and keeping us from wasting time and by taking the wrong path Your attention to detail really sets you apart from the crowd Great work! Brandon, Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to me You’re a force to be reckoned for doing all these beautiful things to my grant Comment from : @AdrishMoulik-ex3tg |
You rock, BsnsFunding, on the internet! My son showed me your page I’ve never commented on any YouTube video, but I appreciate what you do because I despise these people Comment from : @D4__daljeet |
Efficient, professional, and successful - that’s BsnsFunding for you Got my business grant faster than expected Comment from : @JaishanBadhan |
Your dedication, dedication, enthusiasm, and insight are shown in your work Keep on doing great works like this, and there’s no looking back for you! The way you gracefully pulled off the work – I am so proud of you BsnsFunding, Thanks for going through all the hassle and making them worth it Congrats and best wishes for a promising future Comment from : @mohade-6 |
BsnsFunding personalized service made getting a business grant a breeze Truly exceptional Comment from : @srikanthmudiraj2984 |
Your dedication, enthusiasm, and insight are shown in your work Keep on doing great works like this, and there’s no looking back for you! The way you gracefully pulled off the work – I am so proud of you BsnsFunding , Thanks for going through all the hassle and making them worth it Congrats and best wishes for a promising future Comment from : @Shining-q8m |
You’re the best BsnsFunding! Thank you for sharing the knowledge I’ve actually gotten a few loans that you’ve suggested in the past You bring so much to our tables You’re just full of great helpful info You’ve taught me so much in the past few months and I’m grateful You’re an angel in disguise! Keep doing what you’re doing my friend Thanks once again BsnsFunding Comment from : @Devmal-jt4kt |
Deposit and withdrawals don’t take too much time The investment process is very comfortable I highly recommend BsnsFunding team both for novice and professional traders Comment from : @atanujoardar2339 |
Your dedication, enthusiasm, and insight are shown in your work Keep on doing great works like this, and there’s no looking back for you! The way you gracefully pulled off the work – I am so proud of you BsnsFunding , Thanks for going through all the hassle and making them worth it Congrats and best wishes for a promising future Comment from : @Blider_ff354 |
It’s amazing what you do BsnsFunding We need a lot of people with your skills and set who have good intentions and spread love to the world We need to show the word that good will always defeat evil Thanks for getting me approved for a grant 💝 Comment from : @brijeshyadav-mg3ky |
Honestly, we need more people like you BsnsFunding if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time I love that you are helping the victims, too it’s ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for getting ours approved Comment from : @surmilasunda5408 |
Good job deserves recommendations Honestly, we need more people like you, BsnsFunding, on the internet If you had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total losses in no time I love that they helped us with our credit, too It’s ultra gratifying when you are able to save people in real-time like you do Thanks for fixing my credit Comment from : @NITINFF16695 |
So grateful to BsnsFunding for their relentless effort in securing my business grant Highly recommend Comment from : @StarGamear- |
Your out-of-the-box thinking and unique perspective turned an otherwise mediocre presentation into a fantastic one, BsnsFunding You did a good job of catching the mistakes and keeping us from wasting time and by taking the wrong path Your attention to detail really sets you apart from the crowd Great work! Brandon, Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to me You’re a force to be reckoned for doing all these beautiful things to my grant Comment from : @Neerajkashyap-pro550 |
how to get it Comment from : @sutrisnotrisno |
Great information you sharing with us thank you so muchGod bless you Comment from : @douglassoza7219 |
I noticed there are several questions about grants for businesses There are several grant programs and sources, including apps/software that can generate a grant proposal for you in minutes brbrIt will conduct research that takes months for you and generate the appropriate proposal peculiar to your needs and meet the grant requirements Comment from : @davidnoye99 |
Can you help me get a grant in how much do it take Comment from : @edmondbrown9405 |
Any grants for profit business? Comment from : @tonyallen9025 |
How much does it cost for your service's Comment from : @Thomas-o9h |
I need Grants for a startup tech company please assist! Comment from : @rodgersgasper7006 |
I have been looking for sbir since 2011 The government got shut down at that time Comment from : @ChrisAlford-i6e |
Help me grant madam Comment from : @NdayambekwaKashilula |
Hello, Stacy We have a Tech startups company I like to know what you charge for your service to apply for grants for our company Jim Comment from : @dij9839 |
I need your help, if you can I'm from Nigeria please help me Comment from : @IreneChigbu |
I will be most grateful to get grant for me to start business Comment from : @IreneChigbu |
are these grants available for or to startups in Africa?? Comment from : @ErnestGyimah-j1q |
I am Kenyan can I really access a grant for starting a business Comment from : @VivianIngaso |
Startup in the Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure What can I do to get a leg up Comment from : @Isaiah2vsMicah4 |
How much would you charge to apply for the grant? Comment from : @djmajestic2196 |
Great content, thanks for sharing I'm a member of a community who help each other funding that you don't have to pay back It's by invitation only, I can only invite a fewDM if interested Comment from : @MyJourneyThrough777 |
I'm so excited to apply is my first time, can apply I'm from iraq Comment from : @AhmedKakhdar |
I have tshirt s I make by hand, n other things Comment from : @nancydemers6398 |
Thank you for the informationbrYou are doing a good jobbrPlease I need Educational grant or full funded scholarship to study in the US(Biola University) brbrOlushola, from Nigeria Comment from : @olusholaaransiola8682 |
I'm so excited to apply at the first time All Thanks to Patricia Tanner and her channel the Grant writers I hired I was qualified and approved for my Grant funding to startup my new business from her service Comment from : @Leroy-Barkley |
Grant money are miracles!!brI submitted my business plan & docs for a grant program few months ago with the help of Grantdocks After submitting the application, I never received any response from the grant donors for two months Not until few days ago, they sent 2 of their representatives to come interview me in person at my business address and also discuss the grant terms They were impressed and could see my vision Today I received my approval and in process of clearing my funds My business will be fully sponsored & funded for 3 years If you are a startup or in business and struggling to get finance for your business I will argue you to keep your hopes high and never give up Comment from : @eastermachoc1337 |
I live in Pa I am looking for someone to help me write a grant Comment from : @nuearthhaulingandrecycling6523 |
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