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ARE WE SHILLS?! Responding To Fantastic Four Trailer Comments

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Title :  ARE WE SHILLS?! Responding To Fantastic Four Trailer Comments
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Comments ARE WE SHILLS?! Responding To Fantastic Four Trailer Comments

Leave A bLIKE/b On This Vid Peeps!!brGet Your bMulticon/b Tickets: shorturlat/2B9l4brGet Your Fantastic Four RR Inspired Shirt! wwwrejectnationshopcom/
Comment from : @ReelRejects

Great convo Greg is a great mate from the weekly planet crew nice Coy not wanting to experience other people's opinions about art while acknowledging how his opinions on art shared to us expand our minds and perspectives is psychologically very funny and human Been thinking about this convo a lot with Captain America recently I really enjoyed it but feel like I have to justify that nowadays which is bull I feel like the metrics have skewed our ability to be open to unique pleasure outside of the mass opinion It's the same instinct to value the "mainstream" less the longer it remains, without analyzing and appreciating the globally unifying themes that must have resonated with the greater populace long enough to dominate the shifting zeitgeist, even for one brief moment in history I dunno Like what you like and know the value to others that which you dont
Comment from : @mlfinseth

0:40 that catch was smooth
Comment from : @gibbiska

I just think it looked way more for kids than for me
Comment from : @SirRockXIII

"Are we shills?" Yes, you are
Comment from : @confucamus3536

Comment from : @LMshady14

Equity not equality in DEI
Comment from : @Deadpool-yn9mg

1:48:20 Molecular biologist here: please take your own advice and do a little research before bashing something GMOs (done ethically with good science) are extremely beneficial to our society and human health
Comment from : @austinlapiana6691

In Greg’s defense I had that same defensive thought about the whole “I vs we” thing lol Must be some childhood trauma thing or something
Comment from : @SydneyPayne87

If nobody said already: it’s ebon miss-bachRACH! Not BackArack Not like Burt the musician Just fyi 😂
Comment from : @ILoveSlippers43

Coy literally lied and misrepresented what DEI is
Comment from : @Horridfilms

You cant really discuss complex subjects like human psychology and the internet in a youtube comment section Which is why i immediately ignore use of buzzwords like shill, woke, dei etc because they are a weak attempt to cleanly put in a box complex concepts brbrA butchered quote from a comedian im not a big fan of but i love the thought and i remind myself of often these daysbrbr"Right now there is a man in the woods staring at a waterfall who has no idea how scared and angry he is supposed to be, because he forgot his phone"
Comment from : @patrickmcdaniel5756

Only if you like that WOKE SpiderMan show
Comment from : @Default-gf4zf

I like The Marvels a lot
Comment from : @kblixt

I respectfully disagree with Coy's thoughts on listening to the critics If I'm understanding him correctly, he says nothing is taken away if you watch a bad movie as this is dependent on the individual For me, watching a bad movie in theatres is losing money and time, and sure, there is a chance that I would have loved Red One like Coy, but I personally don't find the risk worth it the way Coy does
Comment from : @ki-seonpeck9069

Talking about paid reviews, it reminds me of something in the bible about bribes blinding the clever, and it's said that a judge should never take a bribe, even if it's to judge justly, because once a bribe enters the picture, there is no way to be unbiased, even if your inclination to begin with was correct
Comment from : @almogdov

Hi from Greece, great talk, amazing, syllable/vocabulary session !😍I grew up reading the Greek periodicals of the FF comics in Greece back in the mid eighties Please allow me to disagree regarding The Thing's voice, u simply can't change that, it's a basic, personality/character trait not to mention a standard, characterization attribute, same goes for his Yancy Street backround When I hear Ebon Moss Bachrach's voice as The Thing cooking with Herbie, Ben Grimm could have easily pass for a Miami, Florida native for all I care, he's just not good, ol' blue-eyed Benjy any more ! You just can't have Galactus having a way cooler voice than Aunt Petunia's favorite nephew, it's as simple as that ! I won't even touch the CGI aspect of it ! Same goes for all changes I see in the characters I try to sugarcoat Reed's mustache by thinking ''Oh, it's a nod to Stan Lee's portrayal of Mr Fantastic in the old What If comics from the late seventies, I get it now !'' but it's clearly not the case Many Disney vibes hover over me and I think I'll catch the next train to Smallville faster than a speeding bullet if u get my drift ! I hope as Hades I'll eat my words after watching the movie in a theater ! I'm really sorry if this looks as a rant, it wasn't meant to be one, honest, I try to think of it as a fan's cry of despair, that's all ! P S I only see one Greg here and that's Coy ! 😇(Gregory means fast in Greek)
Comment from : @EvanArapis

1:47:08 🙏❤️💙
Comment from : @ace360

The "I"/"We" conversation reminded me of Abbot and Costello
Comment from : @sacredlunatic

Are you disney shills!!!! YES YOU ARE PAID BY DISNEY 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @richardqiunn1473

53:20 the reason i love watching and listening to Coy speak his opinions is because he is so articulate about what hes trying to say not only does he spread positivity, but his upward attitude toward everything gives light to a dark world With this new age of technology and internet, art is viewed in an entirely different way than it was 30 years ago (i wasn't alive but i can only assume because of how i was raised (by people whose parents grew up marching for civil rights))br I'm able to form my own opinions on things but listening to coy has helped me be able to articulate what i'm feeling Its the same reason I love watching Blind wave, they all have differing opinions but they are able to have a conversation about it rather than try to "prove each other wrong" brSo much discourse on the internet is "im right and you're wrong" when in reality it should be "here's why i like, and even though i can't see your POV, your feelings are valid"
Comment from : @Spbatt

call it “The Shill Rejects”
Comment from : @mementomori013

People actually expecting an inherently weird THING to look normal 🤦
Comment from : @mrsubtlemouth6838

1:29:06 That’s an interesting take on Johnny Storm and depictions of him I’d love an episode topic just on masculinity
Comment from : @No8Named8Shadow

You're not allowed to enjoy things! 😡
Comment from : @tru-vice

The best we can do is ignore the haters, as hard as it seems Sometimes I feel like we give too much attention to them or their opinions and thus, keep them in the conversation
Comment from : @LichosPTY

Coy is very misunderstood in the issues involving DEI
Comment from : @bradenthomsen8529

Brightburn and Chronicle both share a bad and/or abusive dad trope If Greg hasn't watched them, I think he'll get a kick out of those bWhat If Superman is bad/b films
Comment from : @johnnyblue07

Bro I can’t handle a race swap!brbrThat’s about the stupidest thing I’ve heard 😭brbrI’m just attached to the character okay!brbrOkay… but please remember That character is made upbrbrYour love for the character is real to you but it’s not really a criticism it’s a non starter I can’t argue against your love and your idea of a characterbrbrIdk dude Pedro Pascal is Mr fantastic bc he’s an actor bringing this version alive But if I was like Coy this just isn’t how it works
Comment from : @marketingIdeaslol

I didn't come up with this, but I think it's relevant "If you're drowning in an ocean of saltwater, what is the benefit of dumping more salt on top of you?" I guess it's a more inquisitive version of "It costs nothing to be nice" It's exhausting when everything is negative
Comment from : @johnnyblue07

And I’m one of those that considers Jurassic world dominion to be the third best Jurassic movie
Comment from : @nickbraleystudios132

I don't know who this Ryan Right person is sitting across from Coy and HIS podcast, but he sounds like a commie talking about OUR show like he started the channel or something Get off the mic ya normie /sbrlmao I love this podcast Greg has the funniest tangents and Coy is insightful as usual
Comment from : @johnnyblue07

This Fantastic Four look crappy, like the 90' movie crappy, also is full of patriotic bullshit because in the Sixties with retro-futurism, because the U S loves to brag how they reached to space and the moon, even that the Soviet archived much more
Comment from : @TheKeyser94

Love from Belgium 🇧🇪♥️
Comment from : @eliechaya9690

32:39 human stupidity consistently stems from irony And ignorance Love this conversation
Comment from : @SteveMcT

It just hit me why I love this show (and reel rejects in general) so much It addresses my favorite pop culture subjects (super-hero movies, movies in general, etc) through the most nuanced, thoughtful & emotionally intelligent lens possible It’s like an ethically-sourced, gourmet burger It’s familiar and comfortable (mainstream media topics) but with the utmost care, consideration and heart Magic Cheers, boys!
Comment from : @brianoblivion8966

1:12:15 Superman looks like a catfish to me ngl
Comment from : @deemurdock_

I think the fantastic 4 teaser looked like poop Hope its not though
Comment from : @TeamEvil84

Vanessa Kirby was my top choice for Sue Storm
Comment from : @ryananderson6894

“You’re a shill” the least insulting thing you can call someone😂
Comment from : @KianGunner

I'm the same about Val Kilmer, and to a certain degree actors like Clooney, Affleck, the cast of Fant4stic etcKilmer is a phenomenal actor but he's not Batman or Bruce Wayne Clooney is a very good actor but he's not Batman or Bruce Affleck is a very good actor but he's not Daredevil (ironically, perhaps, he was a good Matt Murdock, the cast of Fant4stic are all really good actors but they were badly cast there Maybe it's a script issue, maybe it's an actor issue, but whatever the core issue, those (and many other) casting decisions were terrible By that same token, I'm not gonna shit on the cast of the new Superman movie or the new F4 movie because I either just haven't seen them play those kids of roles or I haven't seen them play a great range Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Joe Quinn, and hopeful that he has a great future in acting, I'm a fan of Pedro Pascal in general, I'm a fan of Ebon Moss Bachrach in The Bear and hopeful that HE has a solid career in acting, I don't know Vanessa Kirby and I don't know the cast of Superman (beyond Nicholas Hoult) very well so I'm gonna try real hard to not be negative about them in their roles there, but because I haven't seen any of these actors playing a lot of range I AM cautious
Comment from : @DavidGowers

Great video
Comment from : @NadeemShekh-uy9zn

A Snowflake is a person who is very easily triggered, fragile, and emotionaly driven
Comment from : @AnimeKing-xj2xl

The answer to that question is Yes, absolutely
Comment from : @timg6176

Yes big time But that's ok 😊 don't let it bother u lol
Comment from : @PhrankJWhite

i trust marvel again, agatha was something i was quesitoning on why and they exceeded expectations, cap 4 i think they will do the absolute best with what they had, thunderbolts looks incredible, fan4 took incredible, daredevil looks incredible, spiderman show is amazing, feige has his power back since iger stepped in and its really cool to see how the brand has turned around
Comment from : @Queue22

Greg always downplays people's actual intelligent moments, or when they branch into a conversation they are naturally going in- and laughs it off as him being funny He always laughs at it or repeats it and says "sorry its just funny" "wasn't expecting that" "remember this is our show" "coi you're only talking to this person" you can see cois visibly annoyed at times with Greg The crew never say anything tho cause he pays them from this channel Greg does it so much in all the reaction vids too when they break stuff down Notice how none of them ever downplay what Greg has to say, tell him what to do, or poke fun at him in any videos Coi checks him at 1:35:40 and 1:38:55 on it and you can tell Greg arrogantly picks on people but never takes anything in himself PS watch how much Greg belittles John and his comments, in all their reaction vids during covid lockdown/spiderman rumours and how down John looks
Comment from : @jeffmcguinness

Take a shot every time Coy says art lol
Comment from : @egarci1010

Y'all should put the podcast name/title in the video title I thought it was a live discussion replay
Comment from : @egarci1010

It’s crazy that Tyrone used to be part with us but now he’s not like the difference He gets so much politics every video that he posts he’s a Trump supporter He keep mentioning the word woke between marvel and DC well DC is getting a bit better by the way I used to watch and like him from years but now it’s so stressful to watch these Youtubers acting like the way what’s going on around the world like it’s very stressful that people couldn’t enjoy the movies shows and games
Comment from : @michaeljohnson-ug4gr

Never apologise for being passionate (and articulate) about who you are and what matters to you, no matter what it is, Coy It's a real pleasure being able to watch rational human beings just talk about things It's a balm in a time like thisbr(And "I'm going to die so young?"🤣🤣🤣 I thought that too, but I think you've also crossed the line on timing now 😉)
Comment from : @jollyrayda

Calling people a name that I'm assuming is a new generational word which people my age probably couldn't care less about is pathetically funny in its own way 😆👌 My only issues with the new FF4 is Pedro's casting and The Thing's voice StillI'm very excited to see it this summer! 🎥 🍿
Comment from : @sharker76m13

I'm a generally positive person who likes most movies/shows I see I feel in even my own personal life with friends and coworkers that I need to defend my enjoyment of something I can only imagine how Coy feels having that experience dialed up to a 10
Comment from : @joutcalt8241

Thank you for your talk (in the beginning) I think it is such an important topic I'm trying to be so much more positive thinking (about everything) I really appreciate you two and am glad that you guys are doing the Con I've wanted to donate to LA but am currently jobless and therefore can spend less
Comment from : @alexandrakorngut5197

ATTN Coy: Can we discuss why JWR seems to have a Rancor in it? that was one of the biggest turnoffs for me to be excited about the new film Why is Hollywood so hellbent on making their own monsters for a film that's supposed to revolve around previously living predators
Comment from : @R0NINnoodles

Imagine galactus having a cosmic shit in the post credit scene
Comment from : @tushar6324

Everyone is pissy about everything nowadays
Comment from : @ChrisJaeger-i3e

People got so angry because others made fun of supermans eye going in a weird direction in the trailer, but apparently it’s ok to be mad at the thing being quite literally The Thing
Comment from : @HaleyHearts

“are we shills?” yes
Comment from : @canonscott

The people that sell hate don't care if you call them a shill, but they can't stand being called a hater
Comment from : @abernathyrah3513

"Getting Real with the Reel Rejects"
Comment from : @TimWing23

Retiring this year, $82K biweekly, this video reminds me of my life in 2023, you have really inspired me in so many ways!!❤️
Comment from : @melinahl

Fantastic 4 looks amazing Naysayers are conservative hate bots
Comment from : @metalheadtribe

We all know what you and this channel is about No need to remind us
Comment from : @DRocRSS2012

How about calling it “A good time was had by all”
Comment from : @avalianteffort2114

Shill on Rejets! 🤘
Comment from : @MoramothHauntz

Loving this podcast 😁
Comment from : @Erick-es3ip

Love you guys man, been listening for years and i met Greg once in a grocery store when i was going through a hard time and he gave me some very inspiring words of wisdom Keep being you Greg you’re awesome
Comment from : @prestonrosenbaum744

You know whats funny I feel like coy would actually have a good conversation with Tyrone Magnus with Greg mediating it on certain terms and movies and Hollywood to see both of their perspectives on stuff
Comment from : @joaquinuribe807

I don't get it either with the things look and the complaints This is what he looks like in the comic and I think he looks great
Comment from : @natbrookes85

Can you guys react to the old Silver Surfer Series???
Comment from : @TBM_ENT

There's one thing that Coy has influenced in me, its to love what I love and ignore what I don't But also to not be ashamed of what I love, the man got me back to loving comics lmao Greg and the whole Reel Rejects team have actually brought back my love for cinema and increased my love for animation brRegarding the negativity I myself learned to stop giving a damn about the internet backlash whenever its something in regards to a superhero movie, I saw it with Superman and I knew it'd happen to FF but what can you do? Negativity and Hate thrive on the internet sometimes more than positivity The term "toxic" positivity is interesting because I wonder why do people feel like being happy and hyped about something is bad?
Comment from : @arkhamred4174

I love the 60’s, I loved what Matt Shakman did with Wandavision, loved this trailer but most importantly love you guys
Comment from : @scottelement

No they aren't shills Stop being a f'ing moron
Comment from : @chaost4544

Speaking of the word shill I am a superhero shill no matter if it is Marvel or DC or none of the above I like superhero stuff
Comment from : @nightbreed16

Could absolutely see F4: First Steps become the new Thor: Ragnarok for Coy
Comment from : @jarednavarrete1740

On the subject of watching reaction videos Do people actually watch a reaction before seeing the show/movie themselves? Seems like that would actually ruin the experience of the show/movie for themselves I can see doing watch-alongs, that almost like sitting down to watch something with friends, which particularly nice if you don’t have someone to enjoy it with I only watch reaction videos to get other people take on something I’ve watch, just to get someone perspective, maybe catch something I may have missed
Comment from : @smb0866

Don't let anyone pre-dispose you to feel a certain way about this movie There are people out there who just want to ruin other people's happiness because they have none in their own lives
Comment from : @tervalas

As a movie enthusiast myself, I want to say thank you for your love for cinema, and for being so positive Don’t stop what you’re doing because you make the people who follow you love and appreciate entertainment even more You’re both top lads and hopefully I get to meet and thank you in person some day
Comment from : @Tokyo_Joey

It’s the critics speech at the end of Ratatouille is what I’m hearing a lot in this “The average is more meaningful than our criticisms designating it so” I’ve disagreed with these guys numerous times But I still some back to their channel cause I respect them and can sense their sincerity And I know they don’t disrespect another opinion just cause it opposes their own
Comment from : @danielsessions7808

“If you don’t know how to read, don’t pretend to write” brbrThat was a BAR! 🔥
Comment from : @JamiltonTV

Greg and John are fair coy is definitely a shill respectfully lol
Comment from : @Anthonycheesman2024

Glad the Boys in the Hood experience continues to be a source of positivity for you coy personally I think it might be one of my all time favorite movie reactions on the channel
Comment from : @ThatF_ckingguy

You know FT4 is going to be Hot Trash is when the first trailer released and they show the Mega Bad Guy Galatus in it and not the Hero Disney knows if you would've shown the "Woman Silver Surfer" first this trailer would be bombing right now as they hide her from the first trailer so they can hype everyone up by showing off the Bad Guy instead, because Nobody wants to see Shalla-Bal Like how you are going to make a FT4 movie and Not have "Noran Rad" aka Silver Surfer as the main Lead Hero, it be like making Batman movie without Batman but instead Robin is the Lead hero Understand this is the 4th time the FT4 is being made, like Really how many times do we need to hear the FT4 story All that's missing is Victor Von Doom which I'm sure Robert Downey will show up at some point Marvel movies to me are pointless boring films about nothing interesting
Comment from : @Motherslug-q7l

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