Title | : | Self Education - My Journey Through the Harvard Classics Series (Rob Pirie) |
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Unlike yourself, I had the opportunity to have a decent education, although not a "classical" education per se I didn't take advantage of that opportunity due to a combination of teenage angst and insecurity (amongst other issues) Later in life, I came to appreciate what I had lost by not bettering myself through education brbrEventualy, I returned to school and studied in college but chose a field of study that I found interesting but would ultimately improve my employment and earning options Now that I am older, I have returned to the idea of a "classical" education, mostly due to my daughter's studies at university The conversations we have had since she started attending have triggered an awareness of the holes in my own reading/education/understanding and prompted an interest in the classical approach to education brbrI was pleased to find your channel and admire the self-awareness that brought you to take the responsibility to not only educate yourself but to share your journey I hope this journey inspires others to follow your example I look forward to sharing in your growth and learning from it Thank you Comment from : @marksmith6660 |
Dropping average IQ to assimilate a particular demographic has been obvious since the 1860s Comment from : @whisper8742 |
You said toward the end that you “are not a scholar or philosopher” The fact that you are even endeavoring such a challenge proves otherwise You are both Embrace it! A scholar is someone who practices schole: the enjoyment and leisure of learning for its own sake A philosopher is one who “loves wisdom “ You maybe many other things sir, but you are both a scholar and a philosopher A piece of paper does not make one either of the two and in most cases certainly not both Comment from : @sawingerter |
You might love Roman Roads Press products They have a homeschool curriculum that is really well curated I think they call their literature, history, etc high school curriculum something like The Old Western Culture Comment from : @milliern |
Good on you for waking yourself up! brbrEducation is CRITICAL and I am convinced that our flawed education system is a large chuck of the reason our society is so messed up at the moment Comment from : @DavidWalby |
You are most definitely a scholar my friend Comment from : @illtalk_podcast |
Is there a Eastern version of this too? The only think i know is Sun Tzu art of war and Confucius Comment from : @matthewlawrence6006 |
Blessings on the journey brother 🙏 Comment from : @landonpwilcox6611 |
I sometimes question, what the point of literature and reading is It seems that true knowledge is wisdom based in experience and rare indeed are the books that contain such information Why do we want knowledge anyway? As to say, what do gain from being 'educated'? To be well versed in useless matters, to argue about superflous information? I'm confused, as to what knowledge it is that I must be seeking and whether I will find it in these classics-based curriculums Comment from : @havecontrol5827 |
A year later and Im barely fifning this! Comment from : @Go_Reala |
Rob, I wonder if there's an equivalent to the Harvard Classics—perhaps an 'MIT Classics'—that focuses on science and technology? Comment from : @PhongNguyenThai-d1p |
I had a neighbor who died and left me his set, which his mother bought for him when he was a kid I am going to read them all this year Comment from : @highlander2319 |
What is your opinion of classical education plus STEM? Comment from : @SeanWaters1120 |
Reading is good, discussion especially with learned people helps cement concepts and widen perspective Comment from : @donotRussiamyMerica |
It’s nice that you think poor public education is not the way it is by design… Public schools are designed to produce workers not thinkers The elite have this kind of education in boarding schools, grammar schools and other super expensive educational institutions Comment from : @AlexIncarnate911 |
I need everyone to understand that the public education system is NOT broken It is working as intended It’s bad you say? That’s what it is designed for Stunting your mind Comment from : @lamalamalex |
Ok but after this you should read the Bible in the same way Comment from : @D0land0_94 |
Not putting you down, but the title should read "educational" system, not "education" system Educational is an adjective describing the system Education and system are both nouns A noun never describes a noun Another correct title would be "our system of education" Yes, that collection of books is a treasure Comment from : @carolyearsley |
Hey Rob, thanks for the inspiration! Mayb I ask how old you were when you began reading the Harvard Classics? Comment from : @adamnilsson4417 |
The older I get, the more I realize how bad of an education I actually gotbrbrBetter than nothing I suppose Comment from : @BRAMBIN_MCSHAMBIN |
Well said! Keep on! Comment from : @vikkihawkins186 |
Everybody's really on the "we gotta go back" arc Comment from : @cal5566 |
These are important of course but this is still largely colonial history Ensure you’re filling in the gaps as much as possible Comment from : @emmaberger3748 |
Homeschool mom here trying to start my young kids on a similar path of wisdom!! We are currently using The Children’s Tradition year 3 based on John Law’s 1000 Good Books list to prepare all of us to read the 100 Great Books (most of which are included in the Harvard Classics)! I have tried to read the Great Books myself I have a college degree and considered myself well read, but I am lost! So I am reeducating myself as I educate my children ❤ It is a sweet journey together! Comment from : @EphesusExpedition |
What the name of the song at the end? Comment from : @tenminutemiler |
Все они были богатыми рабовладельцами, а не только читали книги Comment from : @МихаилКолосов-ю6п |
The red states try to keep their people ignorant, because an ignorant population is easier to manipulate and control Comment from : @ziff_1 |
Harvard is a liberal shit hole Go to a real school if you can Comment from : @MountainMusicRadio |
Read "The Robert Collier Letter Book" and you will find how the Harvard Classics was popularized Basically Robert Collier was a great direct response copywriter who singlehandedly rose The 5ft bookshelf in popularity Which makes me wonder: are they THAT great? I am more inclined to purchase stuff that is well-known through word of mouth recommendations, not direct mail marketing methods Comment from : @amrushaban9223 |
another choice; pick a better school for your kid if you can help it i was raised in a smaller town in the woods and still received lessons and readings from a lot of these classics Comment from : @hangingtreegg |
“Louisiana isn’t known for our education system” I feel bad for laughing at that line Holy cow You’re head and shoulders above the stereotype, sir! Well done Comment from : @jeffreybarker357 |
subscribed, looking forward hearing more Comment from : @rockclimbingrules |
I would love to criticize my lack of education and critical thinking but I was too Just focused on the ladies and being a cool guy However, I agree we now can develop our own education in the present I feel my reading comprehension, critical thinking and exposure to the greatest works of literature, poetry, philosophy and will help me be a better thinking man Comment from : @tmann986 |
A number of people have commented that they think that the education they got from the public schools was lacking, but it's worth remembering that the reason why the public school system was invented was to mold obedient workers who didn't question things Most of America's founding fathers had very little formal schooling The author of the book "Is Public Education Necessary?" found that 1/3 of the 117 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution, didn't attend school for more than a few months , and only 1/4 had ever been to college Self education is much better than what you get from the government schools Comment from : @1cpascal |
How many volumes are you intending to cover? I have 51 right here Comment from : @besovereign2032 |
I have a mentor in ministry who disciples a handful of men We meet every winter for a cabin trip and he assigns reading projects to us Most of the time it is something from the Harvard classics We have been doing this for about a dozen years now, and I can attest, it’s been amazingly influential in my life It’s pushed and expanded our understanding of the world Comment from : @pastorjosh44 |
Thank you so much for your videos Comment from : @pamhiers6087 |
Dayum and you're from Louisiana? My man, get this skool goin Comment from : @jakescript_ |
I find the harvard classics to be dissapointingly non-stem Comment from : @ziaali319 |
I also taught myself the classics and philosophy Comment from : @gurjotsingh8934 |
My local library had a book sale sold every “Harvard classic” It was sad to see and frustrating to say the least Comment from : @elaishh3533 |
Good Morning (on Christmas Morning) I was exposed and read many of the foundational books of the Western Thought, primarily as taught through the St John's College Curriculum It starts and continues in chronological order, beginning with Homer This time period in my life was when I was 19/20, and was absolutely foundational to my life for the next couple of decades Now, after a period of rediscovery, I am back to reading many of these classics and started with Plato The trial of Socrates was absolutely fascinating considering the fact that he was sentenced to De*th (spoiler alert) for "corrupting the youth" by inquiring and essentially teaching philosophy Socrates is canonized now as one of the greatest thinkers in Human History, but his own contemporaries sentenced him to de*th A very strong comment on the role of Philosophy in society, as well as a cautionary tale Comment from : @JoaquinRoibal |
Does anyone know the song title used in the outro? I really like it! Comment from : @michaellavan6656 |
Video games Comment from : @jim8574 |
Interesting video Could you please share name of the song at the end? Comment from : @iwebgaurav |
Reading books is not education Education is learning how to read books Education requires educators Comment from : @NeilSims-d4q |
Thanks for the video - good luck on your journey What book are you on now? Comment from : @fpm8338 |
This is such an amazing idea I admire your humility Comment from : @smoss9813 |
I study now more than I ever did in school That wasn’t an education That was an indoctrination Needless to say I don’t get along well with the educators who handle my kids Most of them hate the career they choose and take it out on the kids At least most of the teachers my kids have had are this waybrbrEdit: Also I should say both of my parents were educators I’ve heard what happens behind the scenes and it’s not in our favor Comment from : @elizabethbarefoot1111 |
Educate yourself? Ancient wisdom? You sound like some kind of Trump supporter Nazi Comment from : @jp2135744 |
please, make this a series of videos "Self Education" playlist Im currently reading "Thas spake Zarathustra" and its great but this classics series its a gem Comment from : @kanogl |
Doing the same thing rn but with Islamic History Comment from : @DarkNode111 |
You're not alone at the bottom of state education I grew up in Alabama; we're tied for last with Louisiana Classical education should be a requirement for all of us Also, Harvard should update with a handful of volumes since 1909 Comment from : @jonathanjenkins6727 |
Thanks for the great recommendation Comment from : @gr4372 |
Richard Bolles (author of "What Color is Your Parachute?") argues in his book "The Three Boxes of Life and How to Get Out of Them" that the three stages of life (education, work, and retirement) have become three "boxes" Traditionally, most of the 1st third of our life is spent learning, the 2nd third working, and the 3rd third is spent in leisure He argues that instead of this model, we should balance these out, so that we do all three activities throughout our lives In other words, learning can be a lifelong activity is you make it a priority Comment from : @AyalSharon |
It is not a math or physics Comment from : @viktorkot992 |
Screw you man! Now I have to read 50 books I have no time for this! I want to get dumber to live an easier life Stop doing this! Comment from : @Rombizio |
Love this idea and applaud you for it I would like to mention that the first progressive movement in America was in the early 1900s Comment from : @phildf2447 |
Great video and I I look forward to following this Comment from : @locky4809 |
Abraham Lincoln is completely self-educated He credits the Bible with having taught him how to writebrbrLincoln's self-education began in his childhood and continued throughout his life: brReading: Lincoln loved to read and borrowed books from friends and neighbors He read the Bible as a child, and later read books on history, biography, grammar, surveying, and the law brWriting: Lincoln was a born writer who took notes to aid his comprehension brResearch: Lincoln relied on in-depth research and logical argument to persuade his listeners brLibrary of Congress: Lincoln spent his spare time at the Library of Congress brLincoln's self-education resulted in his intellectual power, which was revealed in his writings and speeches Comment from : @MegaFount |
I found the fairy taile issue of the havard classics in a junk store I read brothers grimm and han Christian anderson I suspect the rocky and bullwinkle creators must have had a classical education Comment from : @SammyWhite-v9q |
Does anyone have a list of all the books that are in the Harvard classic series? I see a ton of conflicting lists online Comment from : @tylergooch8087 |
That’s awesome dude I might give the classics a shot Would also include eastern classics like the Vedas Thoreau read Indian and Chinese literature too Comment from : @wakeupandflow |
DEI, ESG, equality diversity hoax, kills everything it touches Feelings are not facts Comment from : @jackgoldman1 |
Wow, you might have inspired me to read the Harvard Classics Series next I am currently reading the last volume of the Norton Anthology of American Literature It has been an amazing journey I have come to realize how much we have degenerated as a society and culture We have lost so much with these “woke” ideologies Comment from : @joshuamorgan4984 |
Subscribed This is something similar to Leadership Education (Thomas Jefferson Education) that i would love for my homeschooled sons to take part in 💙 Glad to have found this video/channel Comment from : @yessumify |
There is a reading guide that goes with the set that maps out a sample curriculum There was a daily reading guide Comment from : @jpo3811 |
The American public school system produces ignorant citizens As an American that grew up overseas, I learned things in high school that people learn in college back home When I got back I did remarkably well in college but only because Physics II and Calculus II were taught in my high school Basically, exposure to quality knowledge at a younger age sets you apart Comment from : @rebelmind654 |
I've been collecting these at second hand stores I love them Both red and green Just remember, everyone gets mad at teaching kids a foreign language like Spanish, yet American education systems taught kids Latin and Greek regularly back in the day before the 1900's Comment from : @frosty2114 |
This channel is literally a treasure Comment from : @adam_n_eva |
"Liberal" meaning has changed in the last hundred years Consider the root word and not the modern implications Comment from : @jeremiahbarlow1924 |
The education system died when parents started using it for babysitting instead of actually sending their kids to school to learn anything Comment from : @Sirach144 |
Sixty-nine years of age here I read an encyclopedia as a child Later, actually read a Webster dictionary from A to Z for fun And while many truths have been revealed, the most important thing I have learned, is how little I know Comment from : @mikeroberts7921 |
I love this idea and I think I’ll commit to doing this as part of my reading plan for the year Like you, I’m alarmed by how my attention span has eroded and I also want to model good habits for my child Comment from : @HibiscusTea8995 |
You should think about learning Latin or Greek (or both) Comment from : @alirubaii4839 |
The death in education is only happening in the US - but here in ASIA, it's not only alive - it's floureshing! Comment from : @caomengde1645 |
One missing point I think worth mentioning At the point in history that this list was compiled and certainly at Harvard, considering it was founded by Puritans, is that it was assumed that one would have already read the entire Bible Everyone should start there if you want the full depth this reading list can give you May the Lord bless your journey of learning Comment from : @abunch47 |
liked the content, subscribed Comment from : @dgleitaocontratos |
My grandfather had the collection, and I got it after he passed away I've tried starting to read them a few times, and the print is pretty small for my 60 year old eyes And of course the language is difficult Kudos to you for starting on this journey Maybe I will follow along! Comment from : @CharlesCribbs |
Just found this site I too live on 4-H club road Twin sons different mothers Comment from : @CharlesONeill-i9u |
Thats basic education in Europe and we are also useless Classics are way overrated Tons of formalism and empty filling just to express one or two basic ideas A waste of time Comment from : @carlinlapo |
Are you wearing a welding cap? Comment from : @GraysonAugustine |
“Sun and Steel” is a great book if you haven’t read it yet Comment from : @strongroyp |
Be sure to read "Two Years Before the Mast" It will transport you back to early California, and you will think of San Diego in a new way Comment from : @KerryStephens-d1u |
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