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School Systems: Montessori School - Pro u0026 Con

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Comments School Systems: Montessori School - Pro u0026 Con

Hello my name is Ruby and I just started working for Montessori for a month now and I love it I want to keep learning more about this
Comment from : @rubygavaldon5229

Hello my name is Ruby and I just started working for Montessori for a month now and I love it I want to keep learning more about this
Comment from : @rubygavaldon5229

I am amazed by your style Your expressiveness and calmning, positive demeanor drew me straight in!brbr I am looking into school methods well in advance (but I want to foster and adopt older kids, so I am doing the years of prep now because I probably won't have the first five years to prepare, but be straight in the midst of it), but this helped me feel calm and sure that I will be able to figure things out when the time comes brbrIt is also SO NICE to find videos about learning methods that aren't a first time parent, not trained in any methodology gushing over their untested philosophies I want to know that the information I'm getting is from someone who can actually tell me facts, and finding instructors rather than influencers can be difficult to do with the current "buzz" around "Montessori parenting" I certainly wish those families the best, but I am grateful to have found someone who explained it so well without also trying to sell me a bunch of products from an Amazon list
Comment from : @IndiRaine

I'm thinking about doing Montessori at home for my son who has severe Intellectual Disability He's homeschooled, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this mothod Now, although I would never trust him near my hot stove or around sharp objects like knives, it sounds like this method might be a good fit for him He is 7 but developmentally at a 2-3 year old level, so I need to incorporate a lot of life skills into his education as well as have him learn at a pace that's right for him brbrVery informative! Thanks for the video!
Comment from : @kimberlyhovis5864

How is that tuition is a challenge if the system was designed for orphans? I can understand that if this works , high earners will be willing to pay it brbrBut it is difficult to understand how not any public education system uses this
Comment from : @arredon2

Please consider subscribing to our new Montessori based youtube channel It comes from a longtime teacher with a passion for Montessori education Thanks!
Comment from : @TheMontessoriMonster-l8d

My son is 7 and has been in Montessori school since he was 5 and he's autistic He's very smart and struggles with social skills He needs prompts to do his work, initiate anything, but he's above average in reading and excellent in Math (2 to 3 grades above his level) I still struggle with knowing if Montessori is the right choice because I think he might need more structure But he responds well to the style of to teaching as it's a very tactile and visual Do you think Montessori is a good fit for someone like this? Thank you for any thoughts
Comment from : @retrogal1520

So Amazing!Teach children montessori way is really good! manufacture
Comment from : @eduwoodentoys

My three are extremely smart my 5 year old has been reading since 4 and she wasn’t even in school yet My oldest ones geniuses at math but always was getting in trouble for walking around and being touchy and distracted but if you ask them educational questions while playing they get them all right They just can’t learn sitting in a chair all day
Comment from : @mariahvelasquez7794

Why is my Special needs child not allowed to enroll in any Montissori school nowdays? It was developed for Special needs children by Maria Montessori She would be so dissapointed in her program being abused in this way
Comment from : @TwiceBlessed60

I came across montessori philosophy a month ago and I am fascinated by it! Thank you so much for making a pros and cons video! I have a question related to montessori school In my area, I only find 2-3 montesorri schools that accept children under 2, and there are almost 3x as much that accept older kids, for example 25 - 4 yo and on Would you recommend that I send my daughter to non-montessori pre-school until she reaches 3 years old? Or is it crucial to get her exposed as early as possible? My original plan wast to send her to one at 18 months of age In other words, what age group is crucial fora child to attend a montessori school to get the maximum benefits and a strong foundation? Thank you!
Comment from : @helen_t4799

Hey brMaam according to you what will be the definition of Montessori method?
Comment from : @RazaFatima-t6l

We are considering Montessori for our 6 year oldtoured a school today We wish we had enrolled him when he was younger He did traditional prek Do you think it would be too challenging or, even, unwise to enroll him into Montessori at this age?
Comment from : @turnpike1980

For me, as a Head Start alumni it will always be the best I'm middle age now and remember when I was in Head Start It was a pleasant experience as they prepared me to transition into elementary school and for life in general So I can say as an alumni it was the best choice for me and my sister We had a couple of our birthday parties there We had fond memories of Head Start and are big supporters of it I don't have kids but if I did would put them in Head Start! Also my mom was a Head Start teacher at the time and we got older she would let me and my sister help her with projects for the little ones I loved it!
Comment from : @newhorizonsintuitiveguidance

I do not like this approach! This is not teaching the the skills they need for school or life! I laugh but find this very alarming None of this is preparing them for the work environment unless they are going to be a homemaker or work in food services! LOL This does not prepare children for real life in the workforce! And todays children are much smarter than this! I've seen a 3 year old who has mastered a tablet Montessori schools need to step in the 21st century! br brThis approach seems to focuses mainly on concrete practical skills that children develop individually (in isolation) While these skills are important, imaginative and collaborative play is equally as important to develop the 21st-century skills children need now more than ever br brOne limitation of this method is that it is not well-suited to all children Because the approach is based on the idea that children are innately curious and motivated to learn It may not be effective for children who are shy, struggling or who have special needs These children may require more structured and individualized instruction in order to be successful
Comment from : @newhorizonsintuitiveguidance

I get the concept What I'm trying to get my head around is how the curriculum is taught I live in a country with a state-enforced curriculum We have montessori schools They say they teach the curriculum via the montessori method How is that possible in a self-directed setting?
Comment from : @ScorchedEarthRevenge

Oh now i know what Montessori Basic School meant(i translated the full name of my school to English)
Comment from : @Sarp1sthebest

Thank you for your insights I have a 3 year old and going to Montessori, does a 3 or 4 year old child needs a structured school or environment? Thank you!
Comment from : @PradeepKumar-vs3sb

I went to Montessori from kindergarten until 8th grade and it did not make me any more or less successful than any other person I feel like I was sheltered and did not experience real world situations as a public school would I have decided to put my 3 year old in the same Montessori school until kindergarten because I do see the benefits of the early childhood development program It allows him to grow independently and should help him when he transitions to a public school
Comment from : @Scoobrydoo

Have you done a video on public schools? I have watched your other School Systems videos and enjoyed them!
Comment from : @Zachbasanese

Why can't children from the lower class go to schools like this America has so much money, but these kids who did not wish the life they were given have to go to unforeseen schools which shapes them into who they are It is so sad
Comment from : @alinaseifert7628

It's surprising that you say that children who like structure will find Montessori difficult But, Montessori advocates a lot about the sense of order
Comment from : @ajitnandakumar

Your accent sounds like a blend of Kiwi and Canadian!
Comment from : @DougieBarclay

What would be the best type of school system would be best for my ADHD child
Comment from : @Danielle-b3l

Thanks for this concise yet insightful explanation To what age or level of education does the Montessori curriculum cover? How easy is it to join the Montessori system from the IB system?
Comment from : @nzyokimulovi8015

Wow, Great insight and information Looking forward to the next video
Comment from : @carlrobinson8503

My fiance and I are on the fence about how we plan on going about our daughter's education Public school is out of the question as are religion based private schools We don't want her to deal with school shooting drills/lockdowns, crappy public school curriculums, religious indoctrination and classism We're looking at homeschool or Montessori schools I've been having a hard time to find a good video about it that isnt biased but this one did the trick Thank you so much!
Comment from : @LittleMissDeath

As a child I went to Montessori school from pre-k to 5th grade I loved it and watching these vids I see how grateful I am that I went to Montessori as an adult
Comment from : @jamescampbell390

I just love how you explained Montessori I've been a Montessorian Guide for almost 9 years and this is great!brI love the Montessori way
Comment from : @anitagonzales2775

Enrolling my daughter in a Montessori school is one of my biggest regrets I now have a second grader who has no ability to read
Comment from : @franciscatimm6099

How to make my 3 years old kids love going school(Montessori) It's been hard for me to make my kid love it, been more than 6 months but he still hates it What will be right approach Should I stop him going to school and start teaching at home
Comment from : @Taragurung

My son is about to be 5 He is in montessori since 2 years I am thinking to switch to elementry school Is that a right thing to do? I am confused Please help and guide 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @onlinestreaming5246

What about gifted kids? What educational approach should be considered? There is so little info out there for gifted kids I would love to see you making a video about that brbrThank you for always bringing great content!!
Comment from : @marinah4590

I am in the process of writing a paper about Montessori vs traditional schooling, and your video popped up, am very happy, it helps a lot Thanks much
Comment from : @havalonsjourney

Hi, thanks for the informative video Would this type of school be good for a child with ADHD?
Comment from : @bcat8619

There are ways of using real life things to impart any such knowledge
Comment from : @madhusingh6266

I don’t understand what the hurry is to drink from a glass cup?! Some of this stuff is ridiculous
Comment from : @shellygreen3014

With no grading etc how is the student prepared for entry into university etc?
Comment from : @Optimus-Prime-Rib

Has anyone with autistic children found success in a Montessori school? If so, what was your approach to determine if the school was meeting your child's needs?
Comment from : @kentstate1244

We are worried about exams If we change the school in 5th class den will able to write in the given time
Comment from : @sangeetadolai6633

Thank you for this video My son is starting in Montessori for the summer I’m not sure if it’s the right fit for him as he has developmental delay and ADHD Can you offer some guidance?
Comment from : @jaijoiner810

How does this learning style encourage social skills? As I research it talks about classrooms being quiet and students working independently
Comment from : @QDubbJ

Comment from : @ankidiva1163

My 10 year old son has consistently struggled in school he seems to not be able to focus properly and is getting bad grades it also doesn’t help that the school system here in Toledo oh in my opinion is being overwhelmed by kids who constantly pick and bully other kids My son is a very well mannered respectful kid, but refuse to be bullied I feel we have ran out of options around the area, and I feel guilty that we are sending him into a war zone everyday so to speak we are starting to notice that his self esteem is taking a blow, and my heart aches for him he doesn’t deserve it 😞 His teachers are fed up with the kids picking on him so he just gets told to deal with it if he complain… a co worker suggested a Montessori and that’s what brings me here… I wrote all this to say thanks for the video and to ask for guidance and prayers… thank u
Comment from : @seventheoutlawspits

I love it! Thanks for sharing👏🏻!
Comment from : @denisaosmeni9297

Could you please turn (automatic) subtitles on for those of us with a disability? We also wanna learn
Comment from : @laartje24

Good day brI need advice my son started at Montessori for 3 years took him to Crawford international, his going to grade 1 this year but his lacking behind the rest the teacher said it and his doing extra class and I feel I don't want him to feel like his not smart enough I believe he needs the montessori learning method but my partner wants to keep him in a conventional School, what do I do because at Montessori he was excelling and the fees are the same as Crawford international Please could you advise brbrKind Regards brNeo
Comment from : @neolethata8389

I want to use montessorian method for my baby, could you recommend a course that I could take so I'd have a plan/schedule to follow Thank you
Comment from : @aigerimdinc9881

I didn't really hear any cons
Comment from : @nklein234

How do you figure out whether 2 year old needs structured learning or Montessori?
Comment from : @jellyvora5

I love it! Thanks for sharing and being so open I felt as if we are having a nice friendly chat over a cup of coffee Lovely objective opinion and encouragement for parents to be pro active and learn about Montessori at home There is so much info available Sharing the video right away!
Comment from : @nvalentinova

Best explanation of Montessori technique ever!
Comment from : @hayman1307

Thank you for the great video I'm mother of a super active 225 year old boy baby from India We are planning to send our boy to school from next June I'm confused whether a Waldorf or a Montessori school would suit him Is there a way to contact you to get some guidelines on the same ?
Comment from : @aarthis5801

Comment from : @bhaskorofamily2020

as a montessorian here in the UK I was very eager to hear your views of the method as it's one I am very passionate about I was really impressed by how balanced you were even in the UK it can definitely be a pricey option for parents with young children, however its slowly changing and more government funded settings are opening now which is fantastic as I really believe its a gift for the children I also feel it can work for children who need more adult guided learning but I agree its probably not the most suitable method
Comment from : @beauty2333

I've been looking for a non-biased, informative video on Montessori for a while and this was perfect! I didn't want to see one that was bashing on conventional schooling or holding Montessori on a pedestal so this video was extremely helpful
Comment from : @zozie275

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