Title | : | ALG: The Most Unique Language Learning Method |
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Thanks for checking out my video about ALG! I made it five years ago for my blog Beyond Language Learning Its mission is to make language learning much easier and much more enjoyable for everyone At the time, the video and blog didn't get much response, so I didn't make any more videos and eventually stopped blogging It's great to see this video start to get so many views after so long However, this has happened in the middle of a difficult few weeks for me I want to respond to your comments, questions, etc as much as I can, but that may take some time In the meantime, I'd be grateful if you check out my related work that I've linked to below —Kristian
brBeyond Language Learning blog: beyondlanguagelearningcom
brComprehensible English is my YouTube channel with many ALG-style comprehensible input videos for English beginners: youtubecom/ComprehensibleEnglish
brI also teach and coach professionals who speak English as a second language, applying what I've learned about second language acquisition and teaching to help them improve their English for their careers Here's an article I wrote about it: wwwlinkedincom/pulse/problem-english-study-practice-what-do-instead-improve-peltonen/
brIf you'd like to support my work further, you can through these links:
brPatreon: wwwpatreoncom/BeyondLanguageLearning
brPayPal: paypalme/BeyondLangLearn Comment from : @BeyondLanguageLearning |
Jsut starting my journey learning SpanishI find these alternate philosophies in language acquisition fascinating and extremely helpful Great video Thank you Comment from : @jamescornwell7655 |
Happy 100th Birthday J Marvin Brown! It's today - 2025-01-28 Best wishes to all ALG enthusiasts Comment from : @MichaelCurrie |
A person who confirms that this is the real method doesn't watch any inappropriate videos or download any apps just listening can take him to a high level Comment from : @belakeb9953 |
I assume you've heard of Dr Stephen Krashen? This is basically his "Comprehensible Input Hypothesis", perfectly summarized Comment from : @jb31842 |
I am a retired Spanish and Linguistics Professor whose mentors in grad school were Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen, authors of The Natural Approach Terrell and I and two other Spanish speakers went on to write and publish a Spanish text using Natural Approach When we began giving workshops about this approach, we found many teachers were openly hostile I began to do language teacher training in California and other states and used myself as a guinea pig, picking up Hebrew quite naturally Your video is expertly done and spot on I have shared it with my colleagues and will publicize it whenever I can I found it on the YouTube channel Comprehensible Russian (I attempt to acquire a new language about every ten years) Thank you, thank you! Comment from : @ProfesoraVerdura-ch7pc |
Hah this is completely opposite to my experience CI is a scam Kids don't learn that way The best language learning methods were discovered thousands of years ago They are very slow, boring and difficult, and need practice but they work Comment from : @twodyport8080 |
I think I've found a hybrid approach that's between this and language learning, which works for me Basically it involves starting out by studying the language tradionally, especially trying to build up a lexicon of vocab As you study, slowly phase in media in the language Do things like watch videos, read books, watch movies, etc in the language You wanna target media which includes enough words you don't know, but you still are able to understand If possible, visit or live in the country you're trying to learn the language for By studying it at first, you're essentially giving yourself the tools to pick up a language by listening and engaging with it I've done this successfully with German, and currently trying it with Swedish It seems similar to this, but a lot more pratical for the average person Comment from : @SuperNovaJinckUFO |
Schoen Wall Comment from : @CharlesTaylor-y3m |
I can confirm this for myself, although I do not know if it applies to every adult I would NOT talk a word during almost a year when I was put in another school with another language at 15 After a year I could speak perfectly well Same when we moved again, different country and different language I would just interact with others and not say a word until after a year I would be able to speak just fine I learned 2 other languages on top of these 3 in school and it was a disaster and still is Now, at 62, I am trying russian, a completely different level I must say, but I do not follow all the advice that one should speak right from the beginning To me it is just logical that I first need to understand enough vocabulary in order to be able to understand conversations and simple books, from that point on, I can build my vocabulary further, and after hearing the language for a long time, I am sure that I will become able to speak I really do not have the impression that my learning ability has declined, although of course, adult life sucks most energy away, unfortunately Comment from : @marvelenia6702 |
Can I watch TV in another language, or and supplement that with radio and music? Comment from : @angierox6964 |
My only question is that if an adult has already started speaking or thinking about the language Is it still possible to go back and just absorb more in order to become more native sounding ? Comment from : @astrojello6882 |
I would like to point out that the word 'unique' means one-of-a-kind Therefore, something cannot be MOST unique or VERY unique, only unique It's like being pregnant; either you are or you aren't Comment from : @michaeleasler5249 |
The phrase most unique is grammatically incorrect Something is either unique or not unique Comment from : @CFLSystema |
Your logo is the Brexit Party/Reform UK 😂 Comment from : @MatthewJBD |
You do not use the term most unique in English Comment from : @DrOrman |
"How we learn languages is more important than when" 🧡 Comment from : @karolinaska6836 |
Gouin approach to foreign language learning Comment from : @karolinaska6836 |
This is so cool It has revived my hope to learn a new language or two Comment from : @FourthOneIsIt |
I learned English (at the C1 level) by purely just watching YouTube videos as a young kid As soon as school started, both teachers and my parents were surprised that I could speak and write a language so fluently and easily brbrI did the same with Spanish too Watch relatable videos in topics that interest you The understanding will just come Comment from : @Pochitaa |
I VERY much doubt this Look at baby learning their native tongue By six their skills are rudimentary If the adult started disciplined learning of a foreign language the day the baby was born, the adult would be FAR more fluent than the six year old would This is just another BS hypothesis unsubstantiated by any real research Nonsense When I traveled in India for 15 months I DID NOT learn Hindi just by hanging around like a rock passively listening I STUDIED and would not have learned NOTHING without that study Again, NONSENSE Comment from : @kaoskronostyche9939 |
I practice english from 1 week (yt movies on yt) The english from this movie is very weird I listened yesterday 20 minutes ebook of very hard, fast speaking south london accent and i understanded almost everything From this movie i understanded almost nothing I don't know why but this movie i'snt understandble for me The passing beetwen the words and some sentences are horrible to listen for me Comment from : @locotranquillo8269 |
That's exactly my passive learning experiencebrbrAs a child, I used to listen a lot of exotic conversation in my grandmom's house But I didn't speak a lot since I tend to use my father languagebrSo, I gain the ability to understand almost everything they say altho I can't speak outbrLater as an adult, I restudied the language and become able to speak it fluently without much effort Comment from : @mingthan7028 |
Loved it!!! Thank you :) Comment from : @krzysztofpacholarz6071 |
I can't say "sorry, but" - it just sounds like a little bullshit to me Some doubtful and unproven claims with general statistic biasesbrIt's proven fact that you must start to speak as soon as possible - and do it non-stop while your educational process proceedingbrHow do you think government teaches their military and diplomatic consultants? Comment from : @stanleyconnor6898 |
When I learned Spanish I resisted my teachers who wanted me to start speaking before I was ready And I was right, as I said at the time, when I'm ready I will speak And Idid Now I am learning Hebrew and when I'm investigating schools they always want me to start speaking right away So I'm having to teach myself but it's hard because Hebrew has a different alphabet and it's very confusing, it's very hard but I'm plugging away I want to go to school in Israel but I don't want to arrive there without any base Comment from : @ginabisaillon2894 |
My whole life changed after I started using Dreaming Spanish to learn Spanish I realized I had done similar things in order to learn English, now I'm learning German by watching tv shows and I'm also producing comprehensible input content in my native language, which is Portuguese Comment from : @BrazilianInput |
How long did it take the participants to acquire a level of proficiency? Comment from : @christianbh |
Children grow up in a family That family are native speakers The child is surrounded by native speakers at home and in the world And those native speakers are constantly feeding the child input and when the child's muscleture can form sounds, the surrounding native speakers constantly help the child with the language acquisition All of this is to say, learning like a child as an adult would require that adult to be living in a society whose main language is the one being acquired and that adult learner needs a team around them 24-7 So, I guess it's doable but it would be an extremely expensive experiment Comment from : @robcostigan8757 |
What is the place and role of grammar study, in your opinion? Comment from : @littlebear7523 |
I was thinking about this method a lot when I realized I learned English so easily as a Czech I learned more when I consumed content in English which was fun and interesting to me than when I have to learn about words I almost never use in any conversation I see the difference between me who almost every day watch English videos and my friend who barely know how to say a sentence in English Now I applies this on my Spanish (I still struggle with German because I don't want to learn it, but my school forces me to do so I should deal with it my some way) Comment from : @MoravianMugiFan |
Most Unique??L 😮😢😢😢 Unique is unique Why would I watch when you make this most basic English error?? Comment from : @californianorma876 |
What do I do if I tried to speak the language I'm learning? Comment from : @nuraortoma1820 |
So that's why Disney Magic English worked so well Wish they also made it for other languages Comment from : @revimfadli4666 |
Very well explained Much better than its theoretic himself Comment from : @teachingenglish5934 |
" We master a language not through study and practice, but by pooping ”
brThis, in my opinion, is the most beautiful thing ever said! Comment from : @noxnox2172 |
After over a decade in school I still generally struggled with EnglishbrIt was my biggest luck that Rick & Morty Season 2 wasn't translated into my native language for another year I went to watch it in English And of course I had a kind of had start with all these years of formal education, but from todays perspective that head start is kinda neglatablebrI understoof most of the content And I went for different shows, ending up being ahead 1 seaosn compared to other fans from my countrybrAfter a few hundred hours, English just felt natural I might not get to a native level, but that's okay I still got access to the wider worldbrI notived that I could listen to stuff in English and little time later I could retell it in my tongue Not by translating, but by remembering the semantic contextbrbrA relative of mine has similiar experiences with listening and watching He had and still has severe reading and spelling difficulties, yet he managed to get on a very similiar level just by consuming content like shows and series, accumulating hundrets of hours toobrbrA few years ago I tried the same with Italian After like 100 hours (sounds alot, but rly isn't) I really started to feel some progress, without formal learning, jszt by watching and listening Every once in a while I couldn't resist repeating phrases, but just the ones I was interested in and felt save to repeatbrbrI suspect that this works with basically any human language I'd strongly advice to start with content produced for children Grammar and vaculary are usually simpler to grasp than stuff made for adults, but you can switch back and forth however you pleasebrAlso, I think it doesn't matter that much if you are already familiar with the specific content or not Just have some general interest in what you consumebrbrYou will hear important words and phrases very often, and the stuff that isn't used often just isn't that important for now It just works If you can't resist translating something, so be it But they main focus should be on just letting it sink in I don't use subtitles, let alone in my language They distract me very much from the scene, and I can't remeber learning my native language with subs on, so they are obviously not needed :) Comment from : @AlexTrusk91 |
I had language learning difficulties in my native language until I was an adult As a result I spoke and understood English, but couldn't write it and could barely read it Comment from : @davidbrisbane7206 |
The 'most unique' huh? Comment from : @seanjackson4571 |
Bro upload more videos ❤ Comment from : @Thoughtful_Creature |
This is just comprehensible input theory Comment from : @emailjwr |
0:27 false! I have more useful learning after retirement It's the lazy person's excuse Comment from : @christopherellis2663 |
what if someone translates the entire dr brown’s language course into literally any other language such as german, and just teaches german comprehensive input the same way dr brown taught thai comprehensive input Comment from : @actual_garbage |
Correlation doesn't imply causation Comment from : @ancapcitorw5162 |
Why did you put someone pooping on the floor in the thumbnail? Comment from : @TheBilly |
The most unique? You mean even more unique than all these others? Comment from : @hellbooks3024 |
I just finished Dreaming Spanish shown at 6:37 at the SuperBeginner level Five years later, their video library is rapidly approaching 1000 hours Dreaming Spanish was started by a former student of the Thai school The r/DreamingSpanish subreddit has lots of passionate testimonials and support Comment from : @jepleas9159 |
children need to spend 8 years on language learning, in order to reach the level of a 8 y/o child (which is poor), while an adult can reach a better proficiency in a couple of years of "unnatural" study the only reason why children use the natural input without grammar -- is because they can't learn grammar, and the only way available to them is simply listening Comment from : @victor_rybin |
Thank you 🌸 Comment from : @osananda |
The key as adults is to utilize both methods at your disposal for maximum results Comment from : @morrist8727 |
no the last part is false you can use the internet to listen! Comment from : @Empric |
When I put down the dictionaries and textbooks and started hanging out, dating, and playing online games, my language skills got a whole lot better! Comment from : @rileylavonne8863 |
I noticed you had " Dreaming Spanish" up on the screen briefly !! They follow J Marvin Brown's method very closely ! If you want to acquire Spanish there is NO one out there to compare with Dreaming Spanish Trust me I've looked One thing I will say about the method is that it takes a long time ( a lot of hours) to acquire 1000 plus hours to an advanced sub native level ( heavy on the plus ) You need to be in for the long hall or don't bother Comment from : @toocat2000000 |
I feel like I've heard a lot of people who speak English as their second language, who didn't grow up in an English speaking country, say they learned it from watching American TV and movies This makes a lot more sense to me now considering ALG Comment from : @DeusExNihilo |
this is basically how i learned English it's pretty much the way most Dutch people learn English I will start learning Thai in this way too Comment from : @Luc-1991 |
Is AUA Thai discontinued? Comment from : @gjlgjl |
One thing with this method is your grammar will be shit, so I would recommend learning that portion the traditional way Comment from : @Zones33 |
children takes years to learn the native language, so it's not a shortcut Comment from : @gat3010 |
So maybe kid's TV shows could be a way to learn like this from home? Comment from : @cuteinjacksonsvoice |
This explains how I'm able to pick up languages from video games! Comment from : @silverhawkflash |
Children's brains are different than adults The premise of the study is wrong All this does is confirm that some people are able to learn languages, while others just can't Comment from : @oiocha5706 |
One good way of doong this is foreign songs If you listen but don't sing them, and you know what they're about, especially with a language that's similar to your own, your brain will figure out what's going on while you're doing other things Comment from : @alexisericson241 |
If You done listening And fully understand the language what should you do to fluent in speaking? Shadowing? Comment from : @leogura6580 |
1000th comment 😂 Comment from : @LuigiCotocea |
Getting drunk at a local pub is another way to learn a language Comment from : @FridayNiiight |
You forgot, that neuroplasticity does decline and transitions into a different mode at around 25 After that you need to ramp up your neuroplasticity with deliberate focus, something children don't need to learn Comment from : @cherubin7th |
Did i just watch a 7 minute ad? Comment from : @johnm1874 |
That is fascinating, and after trying to learn Russian, I can relate to it a lot Feels like there's a lot of truth in it Trouble is, I don't have any Russian speaking friends who I can experience things with locally Comment from : @Johny40Se7en |
Curious, could you learn a language just by eg, watching YouTubers in that language? Not like language focused yters just ones in that Lang? Comment from : @ThylineTheGay |
It makes senses that it is much easier to paint on a blank canvas than on one thats already filled Comment from : @getampedmiku12 |
this was my theory but since i am not a scientist i could not do a research that's convenient, thanks pal Comment from : @monaami555 |
I've been learning Russian I've been doing so by consuming a huge amount of children's media I've paired this with Duolingo, and honestly, I am able to do a good number of the exercises by "feel" I may not understand exactly what all the words mean, but I know which is the right word because it "feels right" This also helps with word order Comment from : @Xpurple |
My suggestion: watch movies in a different language without subtitles Comment from : @delta_yd |
What about tv? I watch lots of Thai and Korean media and haven't become even close to conversationally capable Comment from : @Lychee-P0P |
That was a very long Advert Comment from : @thelastpilot4582 |
Id theorise that a key factor to making this method effective is to forget about your native tongue entirely since it would closer replicate learning like a baby during childhood Comment from : @therabbidt |
0:24 I always thought it was that we have a conflict with the differences The rules aren't the same as the rules I already know Comment from : @limsalalafells |
I always start learning a new languages by listening music and watching series in that language Comment from : @codex4048 |
Indeed very interesting method, but I guess there’s one big problem: the absorption gonna take a very long time and some massive dose of exposure for one to master a language I learned English as my 2nd language, also because it’s a compulsory subject in school, my English scores were stupidly low in elementary, but thanks to internet, movies and music, I started picking up words, grammars and how people uses it in a sentence, took me several years, now that I can just read or hear and understand things intuitively without translating it in my head Comment from : @stargazer5000 |
I bet Virtual Reality games could really help with this Recreate those opportunities to map the language with actions and other natural inputs Hmmmmm Comment from : @ChristopherCricketWallace |
YouTube would be a good platform to recreate those classroom lessons Comment from : @irishRocker1 |
As an English teacher for 15 years, I found this video fascinating!brI have my reservations to to what point my students or even I (as a language learner as well) would be willing to really dive headfirst into something so passive and observational It doesn't seem like something that would fit the way adults do things nowadays, everyone being always in a hurry to speak and be understoodbrI wouldn't change my ESL methodology cos it's been getting me great results, but I absolutely love the food for thought on how things could be also done an entirely different waybrIt would make more sense giving students some less language heavy homework though, I guess Comment from : @robertojunior7716 |
I’m looking to learn German and I’m not even an adult yet, I might have to try something like this out Comment from : @realbrobo |
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