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Why the dyslexic brain is misunderstood

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Title :  Why the dyslexic brain is misunderstood
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Description Why the dyslexic brain is misunderstood

Comments Why the dyslexic brain is misunderstood

Thank you, I have Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and work in Engineering Despite the fact that I can easily spot small errors in large datasets and have an affinity with looking at problems from multiple angles and connecting disparate ideas to form novel concepts, I still dare not mention these dis/abilities at work for fear of being ostracized Despite the HR talk of DEI I know most of my cohort are boomers and it would make everyone uncomfortable if I mentioned it To a British boomer you just have to get on with it, don't draw enemy fire and for Dog's sake don't mention the war
Comment from : @benharrison6182

Wow, dyslexia now is not a disease 😂 because 20 percent of USA is affected with it
Comment from : @Knightburial

I'm a special case because I never struggled with reading as a kid but developed it around the age of 19 due to hppd Its been sooo hard struggling with something I did so easily as a child
Comment from : @Radiant_Veil

So I'm dyslexic why don't I just get up bringing surgery to connect the pathways
Comment from : @LilyWeems

Thank you
Comment from : @keanmcghee6832

Its because some people are narcissistic/psychopathic or indoctrinated in those perfectionist systems 100 of those people cant deal with me pointing out their flaws
Comment from : @niklaswahlgren421

Comment from : @zvejk451

I don’t like having it 😢
Comment from : @sounique3183

How has this not been found sooner when its been know for years that everyones chemical make up is differrent why would the way the organs grow
Comment from : @crazybrain87

Thank you Please continue and keep highlighting our strengths and why it is so 👏🙌👌
Comment from : @giancarlosacchelli7032

Go back to teaching how to think stop teaching what to think stop setting them up to fail by sending them on with no understanding of when or why theyd should and will use what youve taught them outside the classroom bc yoi inadvertently tell their minds that information is stuff they dony need to retain on top of nit giving them the reasoning to be able to recall it when needed bc there's no link to its use being relevant to situations past the specific one it was taught around you know that irrelevant one thay they shrugged pff to begin with
Comment from : @W4ll_fl0w3r

This made me want to cry tears of relief I’m not officially diagnosed with dyslexia, but I’ve had several professionals point out that could definitely be what I have brIm 39, and I struggled my whole life to learn the way out school system wanted us to My grades were bad because of it I dropped out of college because I simply refused to take English because I fight with reading comprehension I can’t always interpret what I’m reading, so I always dropped the class But I can figure out structures of languages and enjoy learning them I’m also a big art person and prefer to do abstract because I struggle to get the image from my brain to the canvas brIt’s just so nice to have some clue of how my brain works and that there is nothing wrong with me I’m currently in the military and that affects some of the things they feel you need, but I can analyze a scenario and see what response and emotion is needed, especially in high stress, real life moments
Comment from : @Redladyrae03

The pain that I'm feeling in my chest ,I can't think of anything beside pain
Comment from : @farnazjamalpoor7910

Comment from : @nukesean

It took me half my life to understand, dyslexic, and ,yes what they say is true, I like 3D thinking, today I am ok with this gift
Comment from : @stevendutoit9308

Sad thing is some ppl will have to figure it out on their own if not diagnosed ant a early age
Comment from : @CupNoodlezNart

Putting the past and the future together and presenting it to people, even some people will be like wow I never thought of that or some people will be like what does that have to do with that? Some people are excited to learn and see things differently, and some people hate us for it
Comment from : @RebeccaBowers-g1y

I am severely dyslexic and unfortunately still not working because of my dyslexia I am in 3 of the world at first special awareness but I cannot get a job brbrPeople still do not understand dyslexic people
Comment from : @dionfox6090

I am dyslexic and have ADHD and I go to middle school next year and I and so scared cuz my teacher right now lets my move and have fidgets in class and I won't be able to in middle school
Comment from : @HavilandWoodson-i5e

Growing up I had no idea I had dyslexia and neither did my teachers They treated me poorly because they all thought I was just problematic and didn’t want to learn or be in school Eventually, they gave up on me around middle school, and I fell into the wrong path Fortunately, I’m now more aware of my condition and I’m doing everything I can to succeed, knowing what I know now
Comment from : @gigo21X

My dyslexia is so bad I'm lexdysic
Comment from : @bking12762

I see Geometry in movement but always looked for patterns in actual written math, I love drawing it❤
Comment from : @theonlyyari

All that ever got me was failed Kenny garden first grade seventh grade and fail my GED test 3 times Now I'm unemployable because I don't have a education Luckily I became a truck driver and I do make a good living But that's not what I really wanted to Bixby so dyslexia has no benefit I'm sorry
Comment from : @tinman6922

im dyslexic but I specialize on particular stuff, My mind understands that left & right are same thing, like both republican & democrats are same, basically saying both left & right are important, our left & right are one and same❤❤
Comment from : @VanessaIrisDeGuzman

I really want to share my expenrience with everyone whose kids struggle with dyslexia! brI am a mom of an 8 years old boy, he has got dyslexia, as we recently got to knowbrOf course, I started to research all over the internet, the communities, the programs which might help to overcome the issue so he doesn’t struggle in school and we tried this program called Grafari (by Constructor Tech)brThey are’t very popular, as the app is designed specifically for dyslexia kids, the app isn’t colorful like many other applications hence it doesnt irriate the adhd or dyslexia struggling kidsbrLong story short, I have been seeing a huge progress lately, and can’t be happier, as I thought dyslexia is gonna affect my kid and he will be lauph at but things look much brighter now
Comment from : @eugeniaustinova3888

Trying to get my ged but the though of doing algebra makes me so anxious Please wish me luck I need it
Comment from : @treytholen873

Well it feels like a curse
Comment from : @csharpe5787

How about finding a new term to describe or rather to categorize this type of brain? That would immediately change perceptions What if dyslexia was no longer "diagnosed" like a disease, but was "identified"? "Dys" in greek has a negative connotation It is a prefix to indicate that something is in bad shape Therefore dys-lexia means that your words (lexia) are in bad shape
Comment from : @marinastamati6752

i discovered i had dyslexia a couple months ago and i just wanted to thank u guys for this video it healed part of my inner child <3
Comment from : @itsMeiRose

I have Venn diagrams in my mind, columns and circles for categories!
Comment from : @kellymaresha

Ale irytujące jest że mi ten film podsuwa jako polsko języczny
Comment from : @nohumanst6694

I’ve always felt like people have roughly the same brain function, but with different specialisations This obviously isn’t entirely accurate, but I can see why a person with ADHD might have an advantage over a neurotypical person in a certain situation, but I never understood, and still don’t, understand dyslexia brbrAm I to take it that they see words like objects to twist and flip around and that’s why they can’t learn the sequences of letters that for certain words?
Comment from : @henrikaugustsson4041

I have dyslexia…
Comment from : @malmckie

Me, finding out in my 50s that the vision therapy I had at 12 was for dyslexia On top of my ADHD and other neurodivergences, it was another puzzle piece that made sense
Comment from : @GenXGamerGirl_

do people with neurological disorders have time blindness cuz i never know what day we're in or what time it is or how many hours have passed this is also why i struggle to do daily tasks on time like eating food, i forgot eating 3 meals a day just me?
Comment from : @jo_jo789

I didn’t find out I had dyslexia until I was in college Always struggled in school and teachers said it was due to me “not trying hard enough” I wasn’t bad at learning things but getting it to stick and understanding it in the first place is hard for me Wish I knew sooner, would have probably done a lot better at school
Comment from : @spencersanderson1894

Comment from : @Moonlight_rise369

Comment from : @studio1231art

The awareness and allowances made in schools now are so much better than when I was in school many years ago
Comment from : @ponytrishpip

I just assumed everyone saw images like that and could manipulate images in that way 😂
Comment from : @ponytrishpip


Comment from : @pauladams1829

I'm not lysdexic
Comment from : @michaeljohnson4947

Teachers still tell students they are slow
Comment from : @LibertyScott-x6i

Ive experienced these changes as an adult dealing with neurological issuesbrSuddenly having an understanding of how all the information I accumulated my entire life actually fits together has left myself and others absolutely gobsmacked
Comment from : @HolyHannaH

Love this! I wish I had this information when I was struggling to read and count at school
Comment from : @LuisaLouis

We are mostly tradesmen AKA hands on Thank god for my 7th grade teacher who to a class on her own dime Saw me and let’s just say she saved my life
Comment from : @onevoice5359

This why neuro-diversity is important
Comment from : @adblocker276

My 11 year old is dyslexic and still has to sound out simple words but can get up in front of a huge crowd and do creative improv!
Comment from : @k8m883

I thought I was the only one with imagining shapes from different aspects TBH that shape makes me so angry lol
Comment from : @briannavaldez5376

Lysdexia lures
Comment from : @ldf4064

I just found out in dyslexic today and now a lot of things are starting to make sense about my life
Comment from : @TheHappyMid

At school all i got was hes lazy hes got no concentration had to go to special needs classes and all the stigma that goes with it and even when I left school I couldn't read properly It wasn't until I was probably 20 and I sat down and made myself read lord of the rings and I got into reading that way But to this day I still can't read properly and my writing's terrible but I'm good at my job I'm scaffolder so I problem solve everyday Which I think helps me cuz I can see the picture of what I need to put up before I have to do it
Comment from : @andybez5169

This video is so good!! 🔥I relate so much It is hard to explain to other how I see and feel things but do not see letters in a straight line, and spelling has always been a struggle, but I am a whole picture, feeling and picturing person I comprehend things better than many in a different way seeing, feeling, taking it all in
Comment from : @kyrareneeLOA

My sister is 38 has a apartment goes to work and can't count money and doesn't have a driver's license and stacks money and drinks every other day and maintains what is this called
Comment from : @coryfreeman6447

If reading is only 6000 years old, how is it there's sites like Gobekli Tepi, and other sites, with primitive writing? These sites are well over 10,000 years old
Comment from : @oldblinddarby2498

due to dyslexia and teachers not understanding i was held back in ALL Classes until 2 months before study leave before GCSE's, managed to get a C in math, E in english but an A in graphic design
Comment from : @X-i_i-K

My daughter was diagnosed as dyslexic as a youngster and my wife began to notice the same traits and behaviours in me After 40 years of not knowing what my brain did with words I now understand my coping mechanisms
Comment from : @lifesacardgame6454

Well I guess I’m dyslexic
Comment from : @Almost_Aussie

This makes me wonder if the same goes for Audio Processing Disorder, which is—very basically—dyslexia for speech
Comment from : @Dr_Gerbz

Omg, i strongly suspect i am dyslexic but not tested When i studied chemistry i discovered i could picture and rotate molecules in my head Just like described at the start
Comment from : @djohnston6856

God does not make mistakes
Comment from : @Anonuser-xz6yy

I've had many discussions with teachers stating I do not have a learning disabilityI just don't find the established general teaching methods effective to how I think "But that's the hard way of doing it" I heard so many times and I'd reply "it's the only way I can do it"
Comment from : @madders8781

5:19 I believe that is the left, not the right, hemisphere that has been highlighted
Comment from : @Ephilates2024

Instruction manuals drive me bonkers too
Comment from : @dosesandmimoses

52416 Stracke Gardens
Comment from : @WilsonLindsay

Intelligence often spiritually described as a way to break down pieces of a problem or puzzles and solve them, wisdom is to be able to see the whole and know how to understand it
Comment from : @osmsiddiqi_photo

I was diagnosed with dyslexia when at the age of 14 Now I am 15 years into a software development career which I started autodidactically Never let it hold you back if they would diagnose you with dyslexia Funny thing is that writing code lights up the linguistic area of the brain more than any other area Natural language is just so illogical many times, software never is Why should you be good at something that has many flaws in it self?
Comment from : @xDevoneyx

I have poor visual spacial ability brI have a poor sense of direction brYrs i can think outside the box- but my brain don’t have these bits _ i think that i am not alone
Comment from : @melliecrann-gaoth4789

Tell me why I'm crying This made me feel so seen so normal
Comment from : @ohheydarciemae1121

Wow I loved this video thank you! I feel so seen
Comment from : @crystalmaltby3202

Sometimes I wonder, how we have come to accept frameworks of existing Frameworks to distinguish the potential of people that will fit those very framework LSATS, SATS, GRE, GMAT, etc etc There are so many tests made by people who believe in the veracity and credibility of the constructed framework to bring success to society But what is this framework? A set of assumptions that works for the majority I am sure the math verbal heavy screening/entrance tests for all institutions would look very different if majority population had dyslexia, or adhd, or any other mental "conditions" (as society deems it today, as we, as I deem it today) We would be tested on spatial skills, or perhaps qualitative thinking, or tests with no temporal aspect And as we all know humans existing believing in the assumptions we have currently has not brought any good - there have been by far too many downsides Yet, we approach, I approach life, success, the credibility of my knowledge using the same rules, fitting the same frameworks Why? Given how much we know, we should have let gone of these assumptions, these meaningless screening tests, KPIs for success, etc etc long back
Comment from : @sanhitaguin9683

I need help😭😭
Comment from : @ahmedmohamed-gc6rq

What if you’re dylexic and you have aphantasia😢
Comment from : @StatchanaReborn

If you find out you are a Dyslexia older adult in NL Canada who is going to help you the NLGoverement do not recognize DYSLEXIA
Comment from : @EugeneMolloy-r8n

Dyslexia isn't a learning disability, you need High level reasoning, problem solving skills and creativity to learn When you build up a whole education system on test taking and parroting, you will end up with integration issues
Comment from : @rrni2343

My uncle had cancer and required brain surgery to remove tumors Recuperating after his operation, they gave him a menue so he could order dinner And he couldn't read it It eventually came back but the doctors were suprized because they didnt know that was a possable result from his operation This explained a little why it was significant to them
Comment from : @0thercat556

It would help if you spoke not so fast , it's dyslexic isn't it?
Comment from : @domenicomucerino9831

I was at 2000 elo I know it
Comment from : @themasonator531

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