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John Dewey’s 4 Principles of Education

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Title :  John Dewey’s 4 Principles of Education
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Description John Dewey’s 4 Principles of Education

Comments John Dewey’s 4 Principles of Education

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Comment from : @sprouts

i absolutely hate this guy, just let me read books and answer tests tf, why so much song and dance about it
Comment from : @劣等上等ブリングイットゥオン

Comment from : @priyasunil1438

No oooo
Comment from : @Mperor_Niho

Thanks for this
Comment from : @OYINTECH_IT

My experience as a teacher in the UK, was that trying such innovative ideas got me into trouble Almost universally, head teachers are obsessed with order and control Effective education is a poor third But Finland seems to have taken some notice, and the idea of rules by student/staff consensus rather than top down imposed was practiced by a few schools for severely disturbed children in the UK, and in Russia (Kitezh, a community of foster families)
Comment from : @12theotherandrew

Well, sometimes it's our system reinforcing 'ineffective education' for our students (I am not pointing my fingers on anyone)
Comment from : @HrvastskiRatnik

Comment from : @MDCB1

Don't care what an atheist secularist has to say
Comment from : @Powerduo88

Can you do one on Bertrand Russell on his educational beliefs
Comment from : @Sarah38uk

Im currently studying to become an elementary school teacher (age 7-10) and Im currently taking a course in development and education, in which teacher theories are being taught to us and your videos have been brought up as extra help to understand pragmatism, behaviourism, Vygotsky's theory and Piaget's theory Its really good at explaining and giving examples Keep up the amazing work <3
Comment from : @emieyebrows

I also support most of the ideas in the video but, the dress code system is essential The idea of removal of dress code is very wrong Firstly, in a class there will be both poor and rich students If the rich kids wear expensive clothes and poor kids can't wear, they'll feel inferior And it'll be bad for their mental health Secondly, The class will be divided into two groups That'll hinder their comradeship And lastly, choosing what to wear everyday can produce different types of problem
Comment from : @Randomsadi

In an ideal world this would be perfect but alas the education in school is compartmentalised into semesters by which educators have to ensure that the syllabus is covered So its nice to discuss but not practical to apply
Comment from : @vicknesnadarajan7152

John Dewey, should not be celebrated as a hero of education He is the main reason our education system is in utter turmoil today He was infatuated with communistic teachings of school children and decided to bring these same teachings to American grade schools and universities These same teachings are prevalent in the American education system today
Comment from : @jerrytanner5604

Excelente video
Comment from : @yennyramirez905

iranian education system is completly in appose of dewey's ideas
Comment from : @Kasra1262

I have been looking for this man I tried it hard to grasp his understanding on education and his contribution toobrbrThank you so much for this, Sprout!
Comment from : @oyeolamidebakre4997

Comment from : @kaibahnemann8049

Art be real
Comment from : @GalaxyStar-z2c

Your art and constant building upon characters kept me engaged Lol loved it
Comment from : @wonder7798

NOPE Growing up my education was far from engaging
Comment from : @wonder7798

This is what is functional education is all about You don't enjoy a party by standing on the wall MJ said, "get your back off the wall"
Comment from : @henriomoeje8741

I wish I had seen this video sooner, in life "learning by doing" is so much better
Comment from : @levietanh8888

Would the real Dewey please stand up! This video glorifies Dewey, but in fact, he wanted to use students to make America socialist That's why he taught them how to protest He and his follower USE students Read NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education
Comment from : @AtlasAtlas-e7q

Dewey was great person!
Comment from : @MichelSantana-xg5qi

Wonderful video Thanks for sharing Great philosophy
Comment from : @carolinekelly3415

Dewey was a Marxist
Comment from : @maxrawnsley1401

Amazing how little has changed I was actively encouraged not to participate in social change
Comment from : @madisonstearns1847

Long Live Dewey
Comment from : @thedandelionranger

Could you help me with learning graphics? Plz
Comment from : @jerryfreakworld

In 1996 the new South Africa adopted thiss dangerous philosophy of education 25 Years later, we have millions of people who went through this "education" who can't read, are unskilled and unemployed br(All truth is God's truth)
Comment from : @marlinsanders1551

John Dewey created the dumbing down the modern education system use the Government as way to funded education dollars spend and wasted and still no better results
Comment from : @MrTheinfoman

Comment from : @pcm2334

As a John Dewey student his philosophy is nothing like it's supposed to be, at least in 2023
Comment from : @alexchen2650

kaway kaway for all of my classmates who watch this for our subject ethics 😅
Comment from : @patricksuverano5396

This video is amazing, it summarizes correctly Dewey's thoughts about education, it is a bittersweet feeling because many agree with his theory of learning while others do not, in my personal opinion for me since I was a child it has always been easier to learn with the practice of education than reading for hours thousands of pages, but it is true that not everything can be like that
Comment from : @OG14104

This video are so amazing but it lacks sound
Comment from : @mhdshahnwaz4520

does john dewey principle same as pragmatism philosophy?
Comment from : @hanaestudar

No Why? LAWYERS As a teacher, We do what we can to not get sued
Comment from : @monkeybunny89

lol what a scam
Comment from : @nevermindmeijustinjectedaw9988

Comment from : @pogius

I love the ideas in this video Parents, nowadays, you must teach this approach to learning to your children Today, schools mislead your children to think memorization is learning Compare that statement to your own life experience when you encountered that person with the good grades, but what seemed like zero common sense Is memorization wrong? Pay attention Focus on what works Who cares if you can memorize information Show me what you can do with it Are you doing something that tends towards life? Best wishes!
Comment from : @forgentlemen

Great video
Comment from : @rosaliaalvarado6227

So basically it like integration in each subjects
Comment from : @dhanwantiepersaud5902

Very helpful for me and saving me a lot of time too
Comment from : @ruthnannyunja7687

Comment from : @peterangusguy3382

NOnot reallyDewey would be rolling in his grave todaysadlyschools are about dollars and cents invested on industries (acting as if they truly cared about schools) - not the students - and spoon-feeding a narrative that sells whatever is the dogma of the current generationit really does not encourage "debates", "organization" or "mobilization" among students because it is seen as "radicalization"standardization is the name of the game today and media just made it their cash cow So at best, experiential learning is driven by deep bias from influence peddlers for monetization
Comment from : @antoniolim762

Gracias Sprouts for estos excelentes vídeos pues permiten comprender las ideas de gente como Dewey en una manera divertida y fácil; lamentablemente, yo estudié en forma tradicional y los cursos pedagógicos los recibí sin comprender nada y sin relacionar con que deseaba poner en práctica estas ideas
Comment from : @brendamorales5179

Thanks, well done Sprouts and the visuals are just amazing Dewey's theory is certainly viable if there is proper funding for Education It It is therefore easier to implement in a private school setting as compared to a public school one A critic would be: how possible is it to find enough time within the term to implement the learning by doing eg planting and watching plants grow while at the same time covering the required syllabus? For the discussions it is important that some teacher instructions and prior reading and research happens before for the discussion/debate to be meaningful enough to sprout out new perspectives and ideas brFor the interdisciplinary aspect to work, very strong school leadership is essential as well as a strong teamwork culture among staff as it would require a lot of sharing, consultations, planning and constant reviews
Comment from : @annegichohi7210

Dewey‘s theories are so Flippin theoretical but they have almost no practical use
Comment from : @petjobedet4650

great summary
Comment from : @ralphklewitz

If kids today could learn to make a coherent argument at all, I'd be amazed!
Comment from : @Uarehere

Thank you for this shirt video, it really helps me trying to get through Dewey's texts! I am writing my pedagogy vision, which is influenced by Dewey!
Comment from : @SA463

thanks hopefully i pass my final
Comment from : @ZestyZany

John Dewey destroys the quality of American Education Look at Asian style of learning, its of high level than ever
Comment from : @zppsu-drrmo_michaelmcabil1786

When you realise you are learning about better systems of learning by a worse one:(
Comment from : @Sumitra___si

Not in Pakistan Schools are just preparing rot learners
Comment from : @khadijaharoonrollno32morni59

This is brilliant and sums up all the best bits about Dewey and his thoughts on education I haven't looked but about to and see if you have done a follow on to Pragmatism that you hinted upon in the last few moments Good stuff and keep up the great work
Comment from : @thelastusurper6336

I believe the guy was a psychopath
Comment from : @rexgeorg7324

Applaud Dewey if you like socialism John Dewey borrowed his philosophy from William James, a philosophy that removed all fixed values and guidelines by which the individual might define himself and his goals (basically the Bible and the Constitution) It's a philosophy that promotes the idea that truth is relative and can be defined by each new generation As was once said, "ideas have consequences" If Dewey had been accurate, by now we'd be living in Eutopia Instead the world is uglier and more self-centered In fact, with Dewey's pragmatic, collectivist ideas permeating education since the late 1800s, it seems that students are viewed as merely animals who function in a kind of stimulus/response/adaptation cycle Progressive education has ultimately failed because its premises are anti-human And, now, we get to live with the consequences of those ideas Not a Dewey fan PS Not a Horace Mann fan either
Comment from : @HistoryBeeUSA76

👌 suprb
Comment from : @tejaswininaragude1739

Reward for performance and resulted and morale and believe in truth not hallucinated ambition
Comment from : @ericpham7871

“The mere absorbing of facts and truths,” he wrote, “is so exclusively individual an affair that it tends very naturally to pass into selfishness There is no obvious social motive for the acquirement of mere learning, there is no clear social gain in success thereat” (John Dewey, The School and Society, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1956, p 15) br-Ayn Rand, Comprachicos; Progressive ed as mind-disintegration in favor of social approval The increasing mindlessneess of American culture is the effect, eg, Trump, Biden, traditionalism, egalitarianism
Comment from : @TeaParty1776

I was too stupid to comprehend linking knowledge like this when I was younger 🙁
Comment from : @AlexC58588

We become what we are in spite of the education we receive
Comment from : @DawnofNewHumanity

Dewey was a hardcore communist (who defended Stalin!) and hated religion And despite his views and success at infiltrating them into schools - public education is still awful What isn't daycare is disconnected facts with little attempt at connecting them to practical reality Quiz: what does a secant do? Answer: don't ask because the teacher doesn't know
Comment from : @prengert9722

Comment from : @cookingandtipswithshajiya786

Nope Dewey was a utopist Same ole Darwinan process of elimination prevails Blind variation and environmental filtration
Comment from : @JTL2884

Thank you for the short and sweet video It is much more understandable for hours of reading brPlease keep up creating such content
Comment from : @sirojiddinolimov4593

I was a victim of public schooling 4h as a kid taught me so much more by doing rather than pedantic bookish learning I dreaded those tests
Comment from : @ericstrahler5767

Principle 5: pay the people you contract! 🥰🥰
Comment from : @marcomorel04

recipient of a public school education here, 80's and 90'sI remember group work and projects but the look of the classroom spaces were still very traditional and used more often When I watched this video I wondered what a truly interdisciplinary experiential school would physically look like I don't think it would have rows of desks facing the blackboard as the main part of the classroom! On the other hand it looks like a lot of work for one teacher and 26 students Anyone know any real places that do this? Sounds a lot like Montessori?
Comment from : @hollywoodnun

In the Western Balkans there are very rare cases of this practice, mainly individual and as part of extracurricular classes Not ages behind, but going in completely wrong direction, focused on system, not on students
Comment from : @armencekic7611

i would kill for that kind of education
Comment from : @rat_king-

Age education is still a big thing brAll X years old are the same and therefore all are as smart as each other this goes on into high school brIf a X year old does not under stand at the end of the year to bad the X year old moves up a level any way
Comment from : @ausbare140

Dewey was so wrong about school uniforms Now he would champion them as a means of forced equality and discipline
Comment from : @1LSWilliam

I agree with his thinking on education and life But I disagree about doing away with school uniforms I think uniforms neutralize and give all students an equal standing in the classroom
Comment from : @jvs333

Hm-m-m School uniforms eliminate class distinctions among students They also relieve students of the anxiety inherent in making daily sartorial choices Uniforms also reinforce the conviction that one's intellectual growth should be one's highest priority, not one's vanity served by fashion, fads, and agonizing over clothing purchases When I was a university student In California in the 1970's, the universal uniform for students, male and female, was: tee-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes Clothing was purely a practical matter (There were the occasional eccentrics, who were amusing on account of their rarity) School children do not yet have the adult wisdom of those university students They are vulnerable to their anxieties
Comment from : @zeitgeist5134

my self expression as a superstitious istj is wearing a uniform
Comment from : @markvincentordiz3746

Comment from : @AncientWisdom222

education was like that in east-germany in the 80s i took class 1-9 there the last years i spent in westgermany, were it was almost multiple choice only so, in my case the answer is "yes", but in most cases it´s "no" i guess thank you very much for sharing
Comment from : @MAD42

I am studying John Dewey's Philosophy This video really makes me understand more clear on his principles, such attractive fun animation and clear explanation!
Comment from : @careentan3813

From someone that actually knows something about this: This video is totally misleading in every way Dewey was evil Public school is evil - it's purpose is to make children stupid, immoral, illiterate, followers of fools
Comment from : @12cunow

It is interesting to me that compulsory education is the norm in every nation regardless of the political ideology of the regime compelling it, and the fundamental lessons imposed are conformity of thought, along with uniform respect and fealty for 'Educators' authority and that of the regime in power
Comment from : @jimcaldwell2354

awante pin ucm 2018 vieja no me importa nada
Comment from : @elvisplaza831

Pure Genius of simple descriptions of how Actual Intelligence is applied in Reality Thanks to John Dewey
Comment from : @davidwilkie9551

No not really unless you were in like shop class or art you got gym music cooking class I guess those are all Hands-On 🇺🇸👍
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

Just for those people that don't know or just simply flying over their heads a Democratic society is a republic not a Democrat which is completely different but a democratual society is a republic 🇺🇸👍
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

This is done in Montessori
Comment from : @busysaru888

When I went to school in the sixties, there was one program, one track, and it all revolved around completing workbooks, memorizing facts and spewing them back in exams, and in addition being judged on academic performance (if memorizing and spewing dates and other facts counts as performance), we were given a grade for "citizenship" A good grade in citizenship meant you didn't give the teachers any trouble: you had learned to go along to get along A bad grade meant you were Trouble, and got a lot of negative attention from the vice principal I spent most of school, particularly middle school, in terror of making someone mad, or being different It was a hateful experience
Comment from : @YooLookMarvelous

Sprouts is favorite
Comment from : @SlowBrow

Thank you for doing this amazing job Sprouts!
Comment from : @Giandriita

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