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EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For

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Information EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For

Title :  EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For
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Frames EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For

Description EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For

Comments EXPOSED: The Coin Pusher CON That People STILL Fall For

Thank you for this video, I went back to that guy's channel unsubscribed and un thumbed up his page
Comment from : @markosp

Coin pusher videos should be banned on YouTube
Comment from : @1BillT

Who is av coin pusher?
Comment from : @donnabruneaulester2266

"Pro wrestling " is fake, Hollywood movies are fake Its called entertainment I get a kick out of YOU'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE
Comment from : @fredchatham6680

To each their own If anyone takes the time to stop and think they should be ok
Comment from : @jaggedj7025

Did a bit of looking into it after noticing the machine was the same in every video (scratches match) Paused it long enough to check what “casino” he’s at since the background noise is identical in every video… you can buy those same chips at a casino discount store for pennies each The leaf gold bars (plated) sell on eBay for $15 The dollar bill stacks have the same creases And finally-the machine sells online for around $750 I wouldn’t mention it if he wasn’t pretending to be in a casino, gambling billions 🙄 Just say it’s for entertainment and not real Some of us just want to see the towers fall
Comment from : @DianeMBassett

I'ts called ASMR
Comment from : @jeffhays1968

" There are scam artists on YouTube " NO!!!!!!???
Comment from : @2msvalkyrie529

A&V; today we have a 10 billion dollar buy in and they gave us 1 quarter WTF? Not even in Dubai
Comment from : @thurnock13

I said this soon I seen it hes got be a billionaire to play these amounts but whst billionaire whould spend his life on these every day wasting hours of play
Comment from : @richardsouth5918

I like watching them for the entertainment value I first stumbled upon them a few months back and the ones dealing with small buy ins seemed legit but when I watched a&v I knew it had to be fake Seriously, if you're making hundreds of millions of dollars why would you bother with a YouTube channel and ask for paid memberships?? 😂
Comment from : @babaganoosh555

Common people my coin pushing machine is loaded with monopoly money 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @kevingleed2928

The fact you felt the need to make a video about this is just hilarious if you can’t figure out it’s not real in the first five minutes it shows your character!
Comment from : @duffman1241

Oh and I forgot in one of his videos the two stacks of 100 dollar bills that he had stacked and in both stacks the front 100 dollar bills had matching serial numbers!
Comment from : @sherricrawford3609

It's a show for enjoyment We all know he didn't spend 100 million buy in If he did, the IRS would be all over him I usually watch on mute while I wait for the meds to kick in 😂
Comment from : @Hunter-vl6ft

I tripped over AV Pushers and some Australian during COVID I was entranced and used them as a sort of ASMR to unwind before bed I kind of thought they weren't real but treated them like entertainment Eventually I got bored and moved on Lot of fun for a time
Comment from : @MicheleHarrisonSO

500 buying in and making over a billionbrSeems legit, happens all the time, it still doesn't stop them from asking donations though 🤣
Comment from : @edgein7892

Man, I came across that a hole A&V and its so insane that so many people somehow believe its real, knew it was fake in the first couple of minutes People are dumb as bricks I dont even gamble, no idea how I even came across his videos No casino in the world would make these games so easy so that the casino can easily lose a billion dollars daily Its so moronic
Comment from : @TheHolyMongolEmpire

Oh Well there ya go As I watch
Comment from : @apr6337

I’ve seen him say he paid a million dollars to play one and the chips in the machine was bought off of Amazon I’ve seen them in there Now if you are a casino with coin pusher machines that have a buy in off a million dollars, chances are you’re not buying the chips from Amazon
Comment from : @apr6337

I got the chance to join a $200,000,000,000 buy-in You are all MISSING OUT!!! I just bought Venus
Comment from : @clxmasisland6724

YouTube is a scammers paradise , very very easy to scam the average YouTube user The majority actually believe everything they see on youboob land 💯👍
Comment from : @JohnSimpson-i8s

The most obvious tell of all is how much they promote their YouTube videos and Patreon and how salty they get about people sharing their videos on other platformsbrbrIf they were earning millions, let alone billions, of dollars, they wouldn't care less about YouTube revenue, Patreon supporters or people who "stole" their videos and put them on other platformsbrbrIn A&Vs defence, he does clearly state that the channel is for entertainment purposes only In that regard, it's no more fake than any other reality TV show
Comment from : @andymanaus1077

Thank you for explaining finaly 👍
Comment from : @PeterPV1

I have seen a few vid of a&v but the win to loss ratio didnt add up from the get gobrI'm somewhat autistic when it comes to machines and physics which applies to these video's It can be mesmerizing to see what that few coins can do to those big towers on a small basebrHow ever you know it's time to stop watching when you start imagining your self raking in such winningsbrEventhough i dont gamble and never will, im glad to have seen this video, its a nice closure to this corrosive entertainment for me I just blocked all yt recommendations for coinpushers Thanks 😁
Comment from : @richardschild1640

entertaining yes but the minute he tried to get me to believe that he won Billions of dollars I know it was fake If he didn't bother bsing people and just left it at entertaining it would be fun to watch I will not support a scammer like that I mean really if he wins Billions like he says why doesn't he give the money away to the poor and help the needy He could keep millions and give away more than he could ever spend
Comment from : @shadowcamper

what impresses me the most about the pusher videos are they towers they create so perfectly
Comment from : @pauldwalker

AV at the end of EVERY video, "Oh my goodnessy'all are not gonna believe this I was not expecting that today" 😂😮
Comment from : @suckitandsea

We don’t need scammers or content moderators
Comment from : @pauldmckee

Why don't you just say "I didn't get the joke" and leave it at that?
Comment from : @oldbatwit5102

I knew that channel was bs right off the bat, first of all I've spent a lot of time in Nevada, and never seen a coin push game with such high stakes, also the money bundles are clearly fake, also the machine is the same EVERYTIME That's just the tip of the iceberg lol 😂 it's so obviously fake I can't believe anyone would ever believe it
Comment from : @wymonwatson1309

Gave you a sub it's nice to finally know the truth about this wow I new there's was no way it could be real but when he swearing it's at a real casino blows my minds thanks for sharing
Comment from : @righttobeararmsetc8492

ALSO , Iwonder how much longer the Manager(HIS MOM) is going to let him use her basement????
Comment from : @BigHeartedMan65

Ya, absolutely fake fake fake There is not a casino in the world that would let you win ONE BILLION dollars How many casinos even have one billion dollars in their vault BUT it is fun to watch and like this gentleman says, you are holding your breath until that quarter falls Just don't subscribe or send him money - he can buy his own coffee (-:
Comment from : @yuuwhoo

I have asked these Guys this,,,How did YOU come into $20 mill or $50 mill to $500 mill in the 1St place?? No replylol
Comment from : @ReneCote-wv9vq

when they win as much as they show, why do they need to ask for money lol
Comment from : @jasoncrawford-lg1xs

I had never heard anyone so unexcited about winning money until I watched these videos
Comment from : @theamateurbackyardgardener543

I just wish they were honest about it Plenty of youtubers make bank with "roleplay scenarios" and people consider that comfort content, but there's only integrity if those creators are upfront about the fantasy setup It truly wouldn't take much for them to add a written disclaimer in every video, but at this point, I think they've been lying for so long that they're too embarrassed to be transparent, now
Comment from : @Nabooru

I believed that A&V’s accent probably didn’t match his income level
Comment from : @Qp0int

I think it’s hilarious I watched a guy play coin pusher games at a fair to getting recommended av coin guy watched 3 of his videos thought they seemed fishy and got recommended this video to confirm it damn life is hilarious
Comment from : @dalewelsh7028

Sounds like xfinds channel All fake
Comment from : @codylovelace2237

does anyone know how much 10,000 in quarters weighs? you'd go into the casino w/100lbs of quarters
Comment from : @NorthernStruggler

Often wondered why the smash and grab guys hadn't been robbing these machines! I suppose the majority of dumpster divers are at it as well
Comment from : @iamcarbonandotherbits8039

I knew the videos weren't real because there was no way he could be winning billions of dollars every video and not passing Musk However I mainly watch the videos just to see the coin pusher in action
Comment from : @mermaidopulence8539

The satire is writting itself Overweight wet lipped middle aged white male with glasses sitting in his mother's basement, hours spent setting up a coin pusher he inherited from unle sal A rerun of Babylon 5 playing in the background, stale grilled cheese on a plate next to a bag of hostess donuts Middle aged male sitting in a faded recliner, basketball shorts, anime shirt and greasy hair, high dollar camera on a hugh dollar tripod filming the coin pusher
Comment from : @mvan8307

This guy must have his own machine cause he never shows the casino, just the machine
Comment from : @CosmicGeoff

It literally says on his channel that it’s for entertainment only
Comment from : @dillong4608

All phony! Casinos do not do this Home you tubers plain and simple
Comment from : @JamesSalie

Casinos and falls machine establishments do not allow cameras
Comment from : @Qwijebo

I came across a retired vet and his gal posting video after video of huge wins that are all, obviously, in the very same machine with some casino sound track playing in the background and wanting viewers to believe it is all true It's shameful Just be honest, folks You have a machine in your basement and get a kick out of making videos in hopes your con gets you paid, somehow Weird!
Comment from : @LongTimeCruisers

recent 200 mil buy ins
Comment from : @unknown4mat584

Started watching av butknew it was bs soon!!!!
Comment from : @MrSaltyV-

A five million dollar buy-in is absurd you say? Ha! He's up in the billions now Do you know how much net worth you would need to plausibly blow a cool billion on a single game in a casino? A lot more than a billion, you'd need enough for that chump change to be completely disposable You'd essentially need to be a trillionaire
Comment from : @larryblumerjr

It must take that guy forever and a day to set up these elaborate chip stacks
Comment from : @patriciaboucher2221

I could tell it's a guy in his basement placing his own "winnings"
Comment from : @nexus3d5

These videos are a kind of IQ test to see how gullible you are
Comment from : @kennethquinnies6023

The irs implications alone
Comment from : @riggingpots3453

Dang I feel like an idiot bc I believed that fool (a&v)
Comment from : @elizabethm9164

you can buy the coin pusher machine online also
Comment from : @virginiaman1960

The work from home $60 a hour no experience, or play game on this app and make 2k a month lol I can't believe google play let's this shit go on lol thanks for being real by the way
Comment from : @Isaac-c9y5l

What about the Hales people? I thought it was very odd how they even have minors playing
Comment from : @jamesvandergriff5204

This is av coin pusher disclosure 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲: 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗠ENT 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗜𝘀 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝘆 𝗧𝗩 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗩, 𝗜𝘁’𝘀 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄!
Comment from : @paulmark992

Eh, I wanted to be entertained, i watched A&V and I was No harm no foul
Comment from : @mikepelletier1399

He lies about employees stealing the cash and chips and the cops being called he’s a liar
Comment from : @Twistsayin

A sucker is born every minute This Way > to the Egress
Comment from : @black_mountain_death_squad

All honestly most you tube is fake
Comment from : @Revnighthawk

Too me I don't pay any channels I watch for funny content entertainment I don't recommend gambling I don't care if they are making real money or actually faked in they own toilet
Comment from : @Revnighthawk

Sarasota Tim channel is All grift! Begging &amazon link grifting dont fall for it!
Comment from : @margaritaman7745

He's a retard Never believed his BS
Comment from : @richardtrickle1567

Its hilarious that he pipes in casino "ambient sound" to his bedroom to try to fool people
Comment from : @-xirx-

The whole internet is becoming a scam
Comment from : @delzinga06

Hate hate hate scamming people 😒 they make me sick!!
Comment from : @JosephWasielewski-du1mj

I don't feel they should be asking people for money as they claim they are spending millions 🙄 of dollars on these fake mechanicsjust be real and you would get more views for sure!
Comment from : @JosephWasielewski-du1mj

Great info
Comment from : @BWayn31973

A&V uses the same machinelook at the sides in every videoSame machine
Comment from : @mineralareaoutdoors2213

A billion dollar buy in, uh huh 😃
Comment from : @charlesthompson9889

A&v claims to put the gold in a safety deposit boxbrPlease consider given how many gold chips he claims to have won , he would need space at fort knox
Comment from : @majorwrinkles7906

i make money every time i use one Might only be a few bucks but i always play them when i see them These are definetly fake because even in vegas the coin pushers, You might be able to win 100$ MOst i have won was like 15$
Comment from : @ScootsMcPoot

I've been sceptical about the amounts won etc as there is now way it will add up to the millions he claims to win
Comment from : @ADHDIYuk

Most coin pusher videos and related videos are fake One of the biggest channels I've seen on YouTube is done in a man's basement, which he has done up as an arcade/casino He changes its look all the time He owns a lot of coin pusher machines and skill crane machines, so he can change the design easily Don't think these people are winning, but they can be fun to watch
Comment from : @akoww1000

They are all fake what the hales is another fake same machine same background noice no other voices
Comment from : @simonoakley5102

If your playing a 1000,100000 and up buy in and winning millions it stands to reason that you won’t bother with the hard work of putting up YouTube videos for chump change I treat it as ASMR
Comment from : @GregorMitchell

Anytime I have seen a coin pusher in an arcade, the machine refills utself with coins and drops cards, but in these videos, he is able to pretty much completely clear out the machines without it being refilled, meaning if you spent enough time you would win everything That would be a very poor business model for casinos
Comment from : @Captain_Sarcastic

I came across the A&V one a couple of days ago I was fooled for all of about 1 minute Anyone who legitamately won what he claims to have won throughout his videos would be a multi billionaire & there would be a lot of very bankrupt casinos The coin pusher is the same one every time & the camera never pans around to show the 'casino' The dice in the mystery bag is an obvious giveaway What would be to stop someone buying replica dice to multiply their win Also, who in their right mind would walk off leaving $1000's of dollars worth of notes, casino chips & gold bars in the coin chute to go and ask the attendant to move the stuff on the sides into the middle of the play area? Won't lie though, it's a lot of fun to watch!
Comment from : @jimmybisk

People think the Earth if flat Takes all sorts
Comment from : @ColinWatters

I started watching A&V Coin Pusher pretty recently, mostly as kind of an ASMR relaxation thing after work I was pretty skeptical from the start, the prize money in the billions he's claiming nowadays is pretty laughable, and the amount of times I've seen the guy reach up and knock stuck prizes is ludicrous, and if he really had the amount banked with this place that he claims, it'd be like The Sword of Damocles hanging over this place, he'd bankrupt them if he tried to cash out He concocts drama with the staff and customers to create some kind of realism, you'd think he'd rope in some friends to drive it home, but hasn't so far, that I've seen
Comment from : @Wungolioth

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