Title | : | Martin Lewis: Will you pay tax on savings? And if so how to reduce it |
Lasting | : | 8.08 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 274 rb |
I paid tax on my money when I earned it Because I've been a responsible saver the government wants tax on the interest I'll also pay tax on it when I spend it This is criminal to my mind Comment from : @hectorheath9742 |
this country is a shitole, our arses are being whipped daily Comment from : |
Lev what about savings for London economy? Comment from : @richardbastable9798 |
Clear explanation again Sadly it’s rumoured cash ISAs will be taxed after £4k of savings Comment from : @derekashenden9789 |
So if I get £20 extra from bank in my savings per month would I need to pay tax? Comment from : @animeworld4878 |
thanks Comment from : @bobyouel7674 |
Anyone not paying at least the minimum tax, should have public services withdrawn and ultimately lose their citizenship Comment from : @johnwilletts3984 |
You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life Comment from : @Scottkennedy192 |
WHAT SAVINGS? Money in one hand out the other Lucky to have £100 left after all the bs goes out Comment from : @AmirAlQuaym |
Shouldn’t have to protect you savings from tax 🤬brbrThieving good for nothing government Comment from : @kairenaud3255 |
Does this 'savings allowance' onclude capital gains fro stocks, crypto etc? Comment from : @charlienorton5433 |
Why on earth does noone in the UK seem to invest their money? Rarely any mention of stocks and shares ISAs Comment from : @DanRobards |
I'm a pensioner, I currently don't pay tax but with all this hype about the government taxing my savings if over 10,000 from April I have gradually withdrawn everything above 9,999 Interest rates are not worth worrying about anyway so I'm content that whatever savings I do have left will alleviate funeral costs on my family who will now benefit from various 'gifts' Comment from : @user-gt8ku7oz1b |
The point of paying taxes is to provide public services healthcare, transport, clean water, energy, care provision, education etc The problem is all of these services have been privatised ( and if you think that health and education haven't been you are not paying attention) The second problem is, the last and current Labour governments have not had the backbone to re-nationalise these things because they are too scared of the tory press and big business The third problem is because Labour have swung too far to the centre they are far too bothered about rich people than they are about workers and the vulnerable The party is also full of career politicians who are only concerned with feathering their own nests and furthering their careers The Scandinavian countries have a higher rate of basic tax than we do and so do Canada and some European countries but their services are well funded and ordinary people in those countries have a better quality of life than we do here I am happy to pay tax if I can get healthcare etc when I need it and the rich pay their fair share too but at the moment the burden is not proportionate Comment from : @snowiecat456 |
Everyone using an ISA should look into a stocks and shares ISA do your research first as your capital is at risk but its very much worth the effort Comment from : @ets-g8w |
We need to tax the super rich in much higher numbers The pound in circulation is like a pie and it’s the super rich want more money, you must get poorer, they have to take more of your slice of the pie Comment from : @gunndan23 |
I converted my 401(k) to a Roth because of rising tax rates When I take money out of my retirement account at age 59, I don't want to have to pay taxes on my current salary I'm currently looking for the best opportunities or strategies to become wealthy in the current market Comment from : @PASCALDAB |
Way too much focus on cash ISAs and money market saving but not on stocks and shares ISAs Think this would have been a good opportunity to mention it Comment from : @sarjannarwan6896 |
Government prints more money, you try to save it to make it keep same value - government taxes you on that Comment from : @jasonbuksh2958 |
Loved this video Martin, Thank you so much Comment from : @alanmeasures8337 |
Interesting and thanks Martin Should go back to taxing interest at source, that oud remove any confusion and any need for self assessment Also the 1000 interest was introduced in 2016 and has never been uprated!! Comment from : @shakersgoingup1 |
Iam going to cash in one of my private pensions in 5 years to buy a boat its only small at 30k would I have to pay tax on that Comment from : @colscopters |
I have already paid tax on my savings brThey took it from my salary 😮 when I put it into savings, and use it to by anything it’s taxed again Even my electric and gas bill is taxed brI buy petrol it’s taxed even a box of chocolates 😮 Comment from : @davidgeorgea |
your sales pitch sucks, gold investing in sovereigns is the only 100 way to not pay tax on your savings Comment from : @RATIONALSATANIST |
3:19 You avoid the tax on the savings by buying gold sovereigns Simple answer Comment from : @RATIONALSATANIST |
Did I not read that Rachel Thieves is going to tax cash ISAs? Comment from : @Warnz60 |
How do they expect you to save for a house? I am tired of putting my money into different accounts to such as premium bonds to reduce taxes This money we are talking about has already been taxed 😢 Comment from : @adeolaogunleye7965 |
Basically 90 of people just put your money on a cash isa and the rest of the video is not for us poor people who can not afford to put £20000 a year in a cash isa Comment from : @Lakesman5308 |
We have a joint account and want an ISA, will it be libnked to 1 or both of us, so effecting PSA for us both? Comment from : @gilescudmore7325 |
Is ridiculously with over taxing but is no logic you are tax on money you earn plus you are tax on the same money if you deposit in a saving account 😂😂😂 Comment from : @iosifo3472 |
But how does one apply for the 'STARTING SAVINGS RATE' and the PERSONAL SAVINGS ALLOWANCE? brSorry, I'm hopeless with this stuff Comment from : @joethelion6016 |
Thank you Comment from : @joethelion6016 |
Legally yes, morally doesn't even come into it in 2025 I'm afraid Every penny is a prisoner with the cost of literally everything Comment from : @joethelion6016 |
All designed to keep the working class poor and not be able to pass on to their families These are savings you have put away from money that has already been taxed Countrys a joke Comment from : @richardbashforth3771 |
What normal person has 20k a year to save? Comment from : @adyamski |
Say you opened 2 cash isas in the same year can you withdraw one and put back in the new year? Comment from : @stevefernandez84 |
I came on here to listen to Martin's advice, why are people talking about dollars and crypto stuff This shouldn't bee allowed Comment from : @monicas2269 |
You need to understand Bitcoin, Martin Comment from : @Luke-cj7gz |
This country is corrupted Saudi are laughing at us Comment from : @FamousGrous321 |
Thanks for the info Comment from : @lucianodamico7069 |
I'd never really bothered with this until now interest rates went up and savings actually earned something The HMRC and building societies and banks are now much better at communicating so I got a tax code change last year for the first time Will make sure to use my ISA allowance now! Remember it is only the interest over the savings allowance that gets taxed at your usual rate so it is just like unearned income which should be taxed Comment from : @paulrobinson6001 |
premium bonds??? this guy is such a clown, if this stooge tells you to put your money in the bank it probably means the banks are about to go bust absolute plant Comment from : @TerryJackson-o5u |
Considering how deepseek affected NVIDIA's Open AI game, its wise to buy NVIDIA's dip I have 3 cars , i sold one and also a property at nashville to start my 2025 investment plan to expand my portfolio NVIDIA is a bigger opportunity considering it will definitely bounce back,compared to META,MSFT,TSLA Comment from : @RaulDiaz-n9t |
Pushing Premium Bonds? Laughable hopium for the masses Comment from : @Albion-InTheDensOfBabylon |
Be nice just to have an hour conversation with Martin lol Comment from : @stevefernandez84 |
I think it’s about time to revert to your grandparents method of saving Keep it safe at home, unknown to the government, that way they don’t know what , or how much you have, and they cannot get at it Comment from : @johnbishop2342 |
You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life Comment from : @ChristianeAndreyfata |
There is no mention by HMRC of the £5000 Starting Savings Rate on my Income Tax Summary Do they know about this? Or should i tell them? Also are they told by the banks that my accounts are joint accounts?brThanks for all the tips great job Comment from : @425tricky |
I live in the UK What if I have a savings account and get interest every year around 2000£ but I stoped living in the UK, what happenes in that situation and I keep hearing this interest? Comment from : @cyclingbulgarian-london8643 |
Does the cash isas roll over each year or do you have to open a new one?? Comment from : @stevefernandez84 |
Thank you very much Martin, clarified! Comment from : @joeltube318 |
Disgusting people earning such low income have to pay tax while tge rich hide their money through good accountants and avoid paying taxthats why Britain is done for Comment from : @kiranbarrow4648 |
Wow! Premium Bonds!? The chance of winning anything with these is vanishingly small and because you don't earn any interest on what you invest, your money is eroded by inflation Comment from : @MedicationTime1 |
What if I’m a basic earner but get left over £20,000 in inheritance money there for earning more that £1000 in interest all of a sudden 😬 Comment from : @emma_m0 |
Cash ISA arent actually that great get that money in a index fund in a Stocks and Shares ISA Comment from : @XploderGAMES1o1 |
I’m starting to wonder how much of my savings will actually go to taxes I don’t want to end up losing a huge chunk of my nest egg to the IRS Comment from : @cherylhills3227 |
What's the point of trying to find a good rate when you only have to pay tax on the interest 🤔 Comment from : @carolynsimpson412 |
The clearest explanation I've ever heard Why can't HMRC make it this clear to people who aren't tax accounts Your public service information is helping so many people reduce their anxiety caused by worrying if they are going to unintentionally do something wrong with taxation Thanks Comment from : @duncancox6220 |
Gov: "if you invest, take a personal risk with your savings and win, we'll take some"brbrAlso Gov: "if you invest, take a personal risk with your savings and lose, you're on your own, buddy" Comment from : @dustinholmes_ |
Thanks for the £5000 Savings Tax Allowance info Never knew about that before I knew about the £1000 and £500 if you are 20 or 40 but didn't realise the other one existed so that should help out quite a bit Comment from : @leerudd1294 |
I just learnt this the hard way, tax man took a massive chunk of my interest earnings in a tax notice ISA maxed now Comment from : @DrB187 |
Weird, no picture when I play the video! Comment from : @jgogl9791 |
My bank Always charges me tax on savings even though I'm under the tax threshold Comment from : @philby1 |
relative to the current unfit for purpose situation, everyone should simply withhold as much tax as possible Comment from : @lw1zfog |
Great article Martin, thank you My only questions are:brDo you need to apply to HMRC for the "starting savings rate" or is it automatically applied AND, if I was taxed on savings earned last year but it didn't go above my personal allowance & didn't earn more than £6000 in interest, will I get a rebate or will I need to request it (I do not do a tax return)? Comment from : @peterrussell |
How is this allowed? Had this been questioned? Is this new system? So basically the interest you see is generally halvedThe only need for banks was to get the little interest which nowadays matches inflation So why do we have banks again???Inflation equivalent should be added to our accounts Insane Comment from : @timmytpot7423 |
I don’t pay tax , not funding criminal politicians, ever Comment from : @darrenleejones3516 |
I need to send you details relating to cancelling a broadband contract with skybrbrNothing major for me I just ignore them, but for others it wpuld make a difference Need to send you the screenshots Comment from : @indymind |
Thanks for this, with the higher interest rates lately I was concerned as I haven't really been paying attention to how much interest I have earned and was worried that I would need to do a self assessment or get a big tax bill! Comment from : @AdamR-j1o |
Tax on savings makes no sense Comment from : @sw9734 |
martin lewis our favourite government shill Comment from : @williamemmersontherapies |
You need to understand the complex ever changing HMRC rules otherwise you will pay too much tax Comment from : @cobbler40 |
Don't waste money on cash isa's they are rubbish for overall returns learn how to use a stocks and shares isa and utalise global ETF's unlike the 94 of adults in the country Most of this is bad advice Comment from : @JackRalp96 |
My wife and I share a joint bank account We have a fixed amount of money in our joint savings account I pay tax on the amount of interest in this account Yet my wife, who is also a basic rate tax payer based upon her pension income, doesn’t receive any allowances whilst half of our interest accrued is hers Ideas for a solution, please Thank you Comment from : @TheRPBishop |
51 is incredibly good deal for a CASH ISA Thank you Martin! Comment from : @NightElff88 |
If you have a 2 year fixed bond and don’t have access to it until it matures Firstly how is the tax paid and secondly do you get PSA for both tax years? Thanks Comment from : @jamesman3694 |
Very informative and as I'm currently not working it's something I need to look into Comment from : @michael5089 |
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