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Keynesian Economics and Deficit Spending with Jacob Clifford

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Title :  Keynesian Economics and Deficit Spending with Jacob Clifford
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Frames Keynesian Economics and Deficit Spending with Jacob Clifford

Description Keynesian Economics and Deficit Spending with Jacob Clifford

Comments Keynesian Economics and Deficit Spending with Jacob Clifford

I love your economics videos! While I am laughing I am also learning and that is awesome!
Comment from : @tomeee8526

To be a trade off, you need to receive something in returnbrKeynes was an idiot Keynesians are all idiots and we are all poorer because of them
Comment from : @pedroteixeira5789

The guy in black n white irrelevant
Comment from : @dw8434

Keynesianism is wrong and evil It increases the wealth gap to infinity
Comment from : @yashpatel261

케인스의 승수효과와 바스티아의 감수효과br1케인스의 승수효과는 정부가 세금을 거두어서 돈을 쓰면 소비의 승수효과로 인해서 돈을 쓴 효과가 사회전체에 번진다는 것입니다br2그러나 바스티아는 깨어진 창문의 효과에서 보듯이 불량배가 빵집의 창문을 깨면 창문을 얻는데만 그치고 창문이 안깨어지면 얻었을 옷과 구두는 얻지 못했을 것이라고 주장합니다br3케인스의 정부재정을 쓰는 승수효과는 빵집 주인이 얻은 창문 하나뿐이지만 바스티아의 감수효과는 창문이 깨어지지 않았으면 얻었을 창문과 구두나 옷을 말합니다br4즉정부가 세금으로 돈을 쓰면 창이 깨어진것처럼 창문 하나밖에는 국민들이 얻을수 없지만 시장에서 국민들이 돈을 쓰면 창문과 그밖에 다른 물건을 가질수 있습니다br5 정부가 돈을 쓰는 효과는 국민이 세금으로 돈을 빼앗기지 않고 돈을 사적으로 쓰는 효과와 달리 그 영향력이 제한되며 국민들은 더 가난해진다는 것을 알수 있습니다br6정부의 재정지출은 깨어진 창문의 효과처럼 창문 한개만 얻지만 사적 국민이 돈을 쓰면 창문과 함께 다른 물건을 가질수 있습니다br7그래서 정부의 승수효과는 사적 개인들의 감수효과를 불러일으키기 때문에 국민들을 가난하게 하고 더 빈곤하게 만듭니다br8정부지출과 민간소비의 차이점은 정부지출은 종속적 이익집단들에게 정치적 표를 얻으려고 이익을 나누어주려고 돈을 쓰는 반면에 민간소비는 각 개인들이 자신이 가치가 덜하다고 생각하는 물건을 팔아서 돈을 벌고 자신이 보다 가치가 높다고 생각하는 물건과 서비스를 구매하는데 돈을 쓰기 때문에 정부지출이 민간소비와 질적으로 차이 나고 소비의 효과가 다르기 때문입니다br9정부지출은 그냥 정치적 득표 극대화를 위해서 돈을 쓰는 것이고 민간소비는 더 큰 부자가 되기 위해서 돈을 쓰기 때문에 그 목표가 다르고 소비의 효과가 다릅니다br10정부지출과 민간소비의 이러한 차이가 국민들이 가난해지는가? 아니면 더 부유해지는가?를 가릅니다br김도헌 올림
Comment from : @김도헌-o1k

Keynesian economics is very attractive to people who believe in pertual motion machines
Comment from : @olddog-fv2ox

Question: were FDRs policies to get out of the Great Depression Keynesian? Didnt we tax the rich 90?
Comment from : @44sneed

When money is fake and printed out of thing air (Jewish money basically, usury driven) , any theory trying to explain the symptoms away is just useless noise brTHE CAUSE is FAKE MONEY The symptoms are MANY, and I don't care brbr"When the economy is bad, people spend less, so restaurants have to lay off their staff who will also spend less" brbrcool story bro, but WHY WOULD THE ECONOMY "BE BAD" in the first place, if money is Gold backed, and the population grows organically, allowing for housing and infrastructure growth to catch up organically as well?
Comment from : @Zebulan-g5j

Comment from : @LordDirus007

Keynesian Economics has been the most destructive force in United States history It has caused mass inflation
Comment from : @LordDirus007

You are the most funniest you-tuber I've ever seen teaching economics (such a hard subject) , thanks I've learned loads from you 😊😊
Comment from : @SNBEATS-z9d

ive just recently been reading on economics so idk how accurate my thought process about it might be but,i think john maynard keynes' bancor plan and other economic ideas would have actually made the world economy more stable and better,so yes i do think that governments should spend more in recessions and tax more during booms ;D
Comment from : @loco9220

National debt almost doubled in 8 years Good job Uncle Sam
Comment from : @arunpalaniappan4749

0:10 it is indeed
Comment from : @Nobod7yyhgjod

great content
Comment from : @PedramSb

Amazing! How are u now? This really helped me Thanks a ton!
Comment from : @keyadhar6260

Wow at 2:49 it shows the the nation debt was $18 trillion Now 8 years later, it has almost double with $34 billion
Comment from : @frostad5829

I think it was worth it in 2008, the idea of possibly waiting for years for the economy to self correct is cold comfort because in the short run (we don't know how short during the time) people have lower wages, less economic output, it could have lasted for two years or two decades But that's just me
Comment from : @lawsonsjsu

“There is one good thing about Marx: he was not a Keynesian”br- Murray Rothbard brbrSpending (via the “Multiplayer Effect” or not) is not how prosperity is created Production is Creating spending is just drinking red bull instead of anything with any kind of action nutrition, you’re eventually going to crash and the longer you prolong the crash, the greater the crash becomes Creating money just devalues the spending power of the currencybrThe US is feeling the consequences of the horrible Keynesian policies Credit continues to be extended while money is printed Keynesianism has proven to be a disaster
Comment from : @cambodianz

So there's no a perfect solution! At some point you have to choose one!!!
Comment from : @leopard6554

You are wonderful Thanks for lecture and the way you present 😊😂❤
Comment from : @ZafarKhanatlantisimc

I absolutely hated economics but now i absolutely love it Thanks mr clifford 😅
Comment from : @radhakantimathi8735

You are an amazing teacher , you make learning seem so easy ❤
Comment from : @karungisophie2086

Sweet vid guys
Comment from : @unruly_ronin

Simplifaction: Keynesian economics is a belief that their will always be boom and bust cycles, during boom cycles the government is to tax the richer and high earners most and during busts the government should use that money for the poor This will make booms and busts less apocalyptic for everyone and help the economy get back on track more
Comment from : @AnitaCox

Keynes's economic theories were hot fuckin garbage
Comment from : @TheRealMonkeyMan65

keynes was a communist
Comment from : @TheWizardGamez

Keyn did just took an economic course with Fisher and come with all this crap economic theory that keep us economically slaves from government ineptitud
Comment from : @Dany-nv1fj

Let me get this straight:brKeynesian theory of economic model means that big market drivers create bubbles to burst causing a recession so government comes to helpbrbrRich get richer with little to no risk and poor got poorer due to inflation and higher taxesbrbrNo wonder disparity keeps growing and growing
Comment from : @johnwaters7847

God this was really cool!
Comment from : @shreyagupta222

I wonder if you had a second chance in life, would you choose acting over teaching? 😂
Comment from : @jasonleelawlight

awesome beginning 🤣
Comment from : @brandondixon2303

you are awesome!!!!
Comment from : @lailatarazi3048

Yea thanks to him , Pakistan is in debt
Comment from : @shankargupta5893

Inflation too highest order We need a new system Nothing new under the sun
Comment from : @anthonynewman1748

So…we aren’t gonna talk about this beautiful Keynes cosplay?? The acting was so good lmao
Comment from : @pruthasiras7351

thanks,amazing video
Comment from : @samuelirungu2085

Enjoyable and informative!
Comment from : @ric6383

When will you do a video on the Austrian school of economics
Comment from : @destroyer2973

The accent is awesome and so funny, thank you!
Comment from : @rsjstudios

It's 2022 and it's still the best video I've watched
Comment from : @smile4self

The nature of people in power is to keep themselves wealthy and powerful Therefore, they will always vote for spending other people's money to infinity and beyond Did he factor that into the equation?
Comment from : @michaelwest9840

IT is the best educational video with right humor I have ever seen Thank you so much MrClifford for making amazing videos
Comment from : @hope2071

A lot of the time Government spending leads to taxation without representation This is because the government spending leads to increased taxes and inflation Inflation leads to shrinkflation because businesses will attempt to mitigate costs by disguising by reducing the cost to produce the product This idea is less of an idea and more of a wrecking ball approach Furthermore inflation leads to the shrinkage of the value of a dollar Purchasing power is less valuable and that means it’s a conflict with monetary wealth vs physical collateral Meaning the values of a 401k savings would drop their wealth immediately however those that have property will flourish because they will be paid more with an ease in cost I’m my thoughts the government spending too much money leads to human suffering for the people who do not possess property It’s rubbish but I can see a ripple effect if there was stagflation Like greasing the gears
Comment from : @scott-hr3hd

Your video just helped me, finally I understand and I ain’t gonna fail my exams😂
Comment from : @ZaraSalkida

When a guy on YouTube teaches you more than your teachers:
Comment from : @YoCraz

Keynes was flat wrong Boy, but the bankers love using his nonsense theories to justify their printing money to devalue all that you own
Comment from : @brushstroke3733

I love this video, i could the the text?
Comment from : @fixdelio

Keynes in a nutshell? More like Keynes is a nut
Comment from : @DrHogfan

I find it so interesting how different economist disagree on certain subjects Friedman said if Keynes lived just 10 years longer, he would have changed his views…
Comment from : @collinscott8696

Keynes was wrong Hayek was right! Hayek believed that Keynesian policies to combat unemployment would inevitably cause inflation, and that to keep unemployment low, the central bank would have to increase the money supply faster and faster, causing inflation to get higher and higher Hayek’s thought, which he expressed as early as 1958 The Keynesian system we’ve been on for 70 years has failed we’re seeing it today
Comment from : @davidduncan4521

Wow I didn't realise Keynes was an Ozzie! 😄
Comment from : @johnusher1232

lol now do an updated version for covid Thank you for the information
Comment from : @Hellnation13

Big brein big heart big mission
Comment from : @micheleercolano3393

i dont understand how this is relevant for my class, I'm not even taking economics lol
Comment from : @Kam18444

Great teacher great actor
Comment from : @ludaibrasavenature2073

Little melt
Comment from : @chessenjoyer34

Comment from : @ryanaddison5083

just watching this, now, for understanding the Keynesian Theory - br few minutes before my Economic test
Comment from : @pl6951

Multiplier effect equals inflationary effect middle finger keynes
Comment from : @billmason2785

Bro I love this but u spin through it pretty quickly so u may wanna think about slowing it down a tad💗💗
Comment from : @rockey2853

most interesting video on Keynesian Economics and loved to meet John Maynard Keynes
Comment from : @khandify

So THIS is the guy to blame for the ridiculous policies that have created mass inflation over the decadesbrbrI like his ideas and all, but he had one massive flaw: he assumed that the governments of the world would be smart enough to pull off these sorts of strategies consistently
Comment from : @randomd00d19

Comment from : @sarafageeh8277

Make the corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share and yes its worth it to spend to stimulate growth Our economy is much more complex now than it was say during FDR's era Reaganomics has gutted all of the guardrails put in place to police corruption Now the fed mostly controls things by lowering and raising interest rates, mostly lowering these days Also it doesnt help that the wealthy have turned us into a financial/service economy rather than a manufacturing economy
Comment from : @RRL110

it'll stop any day now :(((( any day nooow :(((
Comment from : @primroye

You talk too fast
Comment from : @tti4919

6 years later and we have 16 trillion more debt
Comment from : @Leagueofdraven5321

No it wasn't worth it
Comment from : @colinsama

This was hilarious & so helpful at the same time!😆
Comment from : @mariespo

I don't Think it's worth it and subscribe to the Classical view that it does self-correct even if means doing nothing
Comment from : @buddermonger2000

perhaps instead of printing money and giving it to companies and institutions to get into more debt, we fixed the money and its supply?
Comment from : @bassoskat

Keynes was a brilliant man, I think Ibrt's though the governments who didn't completely follow him brHe advised to set money aside during the good times that could serve to stimulate during the recession Borrowing money and as governments did, always stimulate, even during the good times is not what he would have liked brIt's hard not to see the eternal wars of the military industrial complex too like a Keynesian stimulus program But a bad one No new infrastructure, almost nothing with lasting value remains from that Nevertheless the wars go on and on, even in the neoliberal times we have since Reagan
Comment from : @jean-pierredevent970

Comment from : @vaishaliajmera4172

shall we break all windows? hah hah, I watched all videos on your channel and got a lot of knowledge you saved my life in many campus exams! Thank you one day I will be like you
Comment from : @isurudilshan1100

Absolutely worth itWhy wouldn't governments spend money on stimulating the economy if they don't, what use do they serve?That's just propaganda by neolibrals who want the common folk to go into debt personally to save themselves and in return benefit them
Comment from : @bilalsharif3063

Did Keynes ever address the other half of the economic cycle? In other words, did he state that gov't fiscal policy should be employed to raise taxes during boom times to 1 pay back expenditures of during the previous deficit spending, which would additionally 2 reduce the store of public funds availability that would otherwise further goose an already overheating economy?
Comment from : @TaichiStraightlife

2021 and Stimulus is the name of the game now
Comment from : @abdiebiyo4323

Comment from : @sayoojabraham654

Furthermore, your explanation of the multiplier is only half correct The multiplier is always a positive contributor to the economy, even during recessions or depressions It is never a bad thing for whatever money there is to be spent, to be spent You are a charlatan, my friend
Comment from : @BanBb1

Never trust anyone who says they prefer micro econ over macro
Comment from : @bungus49

10 trillion dollars later it all makes sensebr> to future viewers how much debt are we in
Comment from : @epapa737

Thanks Jacob, your explaination helped me so much!
Comment from : @AbdulrahmanMuhammed

its a short term fix for a really big problem you can sell or export what government jobs pay you to do
Comment from : @petermaiers61

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