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An Insane Plan to Fund the Government is Back

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Title :  An Insane Plan to Fund the Government is Back
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Comments An Insane Plan to Fund the Government is Back

The ability to print money would ho BACK into the hands of the government and AWAY from the private banks! That’s a good thing, how the constitution designed it originally the negative id the question of what would happen to that coin? If enough get printed and fall into the wrong hands it would be devastatingly insane consequences theyd have to destroy the coins immediately after minting and transacting them but that would mean it’s not a “real” payoff so perhaps the coin idea wouldn’t work
Comment from : @toughbiblepassages9082

Holy shit, we're all gonna die
Comment from : @Nekrumorfiini1

They are planning the great switch over Lol
Comment from : @gggboy77

Comment from : @danieldayan9336

Our government should never have been allowed to go into debt! We the people can't be this leveraged with such a unbalanced debt!!!! Trump 2024
Comment from : @LaLaLucky7777

We should go back to the Gold standard! Gold would have to be placed at $15,000 a ounce! Trump 2024
Comment from : @LaLaLucky7777

Is that made out of unobtanium?
Comment from : @rondoottosen4275

Comment from : @rondoottosen4275

You just confirmed my long Held opinion that financial situation is nothing more than a self inflicted ridiculous game
Comment from : @stevethompson8504

He says a government can only get money by borrowing or tax, and completely ignores that a government can print its own money! That's why they aren't proposing a bill, which is printed by the Federal Reserve as a loan Coins are still minted by the US Treasury, so it can be used to pay off our huge loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve
Comment from : @AntithesisDCLXVI

MEFOs were the germans "trillion dollar coin" it created money that the government spent but the bonds could not be traded they just sat there
Comment from : @jeddmohlenkamp6870

Fiat is and has never been fragile This is the lie that Austrians tell because their logic only works in a commodity based currency system Fiat is backed by government violence It doesn't matter what you think about the dollar You still need it to pay your taxes and settle disputes It's not volitile at all Inflation is not a sign of volitility We are not on a good standard anymore Stop using gold standard logic with Fiat money
Comment from : @teddybruscie

Don’t they already have a $50 gold coin that costs like $1200 to buy? What would happen if the coin was to be lost or stolen and a citizen took possession of it and wanted to cash it in?
Comment from : @FornicateCircumEtReveles

Can they make an extra coin for me?
Comment from : @natehawkins2910

“A currency must be backed by a Superpowers military” Jason Bulsa Crypto is Not Currency
Comment from : @JBulsa

The gold penny sounds like a good idea The price of magnifying glasses will go up
Comment from : @davidromero3803

This whole year just sounds like slavery with extra steps
Comment from : @JKDstocks

There is still a budget passed by Congress so there still the restraints on spending This video is kind of incoherent, and you failed to say was the actual disadvantage of the platinum coin is - future inflation
Comment from : @mikealexander1935

He didn't even emphasize the main problem, namely, terrible inflation
Comment from : @jlrutube1312

It's official, the government is in the scam business 😂
Comment from : @fahedal-ajmi4015

Ha, you thought that paper money with a number printed on it was actually worth something All money is a collective fiction If you can print a $1 on paper and call it a one-dollar bill, you can print $1 Trillion on a coin and call it a Trillion dollar coin brbrMoney has value because people believe in it You could make an argument that this is absolute , you can just print whatever you want and as long as people use it, you are good to go
Comment from : @donixion4368

Backed by antimatter?
Comment from : @keyserswift5077

Well they're trying to destroy the dollar, so they'll definitely do this
Comment from : @LarsLarsen77

Other countries of the world will lose confidence in USA USA will gain more haters and enemies
Comment from : @monchan8

When your trillion dollar coin is worth more than a trillion dollars How did we get here? what is the point of our existence? Is our world just a simulation?
Comment from : @hampopper3150

The people in charge of our monetary system genuinely believe adding a bunch of zeros to a coin is the solution to our massive debt Let that sink in 😂
Comment from : @kudokai3751

But if I print imaginary money, I go to jail
Comment from : @snowlockk3464

Did you manage to get through that entire explanation without mentioning INFLATION one time?
Comment from : @ThePaleoJunkie

They should make a Thorium Coin 10 Trillion coin
Comment from : @OmniAtlantic

Your best work yet Thank you
Comment from : @rl9356

Wow, maybe they need to talk to Dave Ramsey and try the envelope methodbrbrAlso, can I have one of those coins for my birthday?
Comment from : @ArtssyAbs

America is so beyond the point of responsible fiscal spending I don't see the point of a debt ceiling or further hinderance The consequences of a US default far outweigh the bypass of congressional controls on the debt ceiling Think complete supply chain breakdown Think hyperinflation Think societal breakdown The train is already a runaway and it needs more tracks To me it's not even a question of if government spending is approved but when Those politicians with their well feathered nests are going to bring the money into existence one way or another; whether by raising the debt ceiling or by minting money, it's going to happen Personally, I think that the current politicians will gridlock with the express purpose of pushing the minting of trillion dollar coins to satisfy any spending concerns, but I'm a pessimist, some would also call a realist Buy crypto
Comment from : @user-rc4jz9dy1i

Why does it have to be a coin?
Comment from : @cuzmariosaidso

Why not use the prize hog from the Iowa state fair?
Comment from : @AQuietNight

How can they borrow on interest if they have no money to pay back their original debts in the first place? Oh wait i see Theybjust print more fake money to cover the intrestbr Genius! This scam is excellent
Comment from : @NeilRulz07

do you have change for a trillion, what a joke pretty soon we well all have this coin
Comment from : @yumyums2195

lol at the comments here Probably time to read The Deficit Myth
Comment from : @aldursys

Forgot the third income source- the green printing press
Comment from : @NoahPlitt

This is so ludicrous it's starting to become embarrassing
Comment from : @PlumbNutz

So we’re does the fed get it’s money it makes it from nothing The federal reserve is not part of the United States or any country
Comment from : @X_Studios

Well that explains the shot
Comment from : @X_Studios

The Federal govt does not need or use tax income for spending, nor does it borrow money
Comment from : @henrygustav7948

Why not make a trillion dollar lead coin? I mean, your basically doing the same thing
Comment from : @march3883

Thanks for the clarity and reasonableness in your videosbrThe world financial system have been in complete lunacy band for a number of yearsbrIt's just a question of how much longer it will last
Comment from : @theot58

Comment from : @nakosimpson7459

Comment from : @JoseVelasquez-tr8sc

They gonna need at least 30 of those trillion dollar platinum coins😂🤣
Comment from : @jisskk28

Why dont they just create NFTs and sell them…
Comment from : @andrewgrant2948

No I'm tired of funding the gov and being broke They need to fun me now
Comment from : @n0xxm3rcyxx

As long as the banks are issuing notes in order to make a profit The money they create will always have limits As you probably know Every dollar the Fed or banks create, is a dollar that is owed back to the creator When interest rates get near zero percent, and we run out of people who are willing and able to take on more debt, we can end up in a liquidity trap That means any further increases in the money supply will no longer stimulate any more demand, and it will make it harder to sustain our debt
Comment from : @markfunkhouser791

you know what fixes this right? I don't even have to say it
Comment from : @OrbitalSP2

I would not do anything that would fund these evil tyrant bastards
Comment from : @eddiesampson2177

Comment from : @James-bs8bd

Pretty soon we'll have to use two wheelbarrows full of money to buy our bread
Comment from : @klind57

Why don't we just go to Zimbabwe and use their money it's already in the trillions
Comment from : @klind57

Even if you make a trillion dollar coin to pay off the debt someone has to make change🧐😆
Comment from : @klind57

It’s the new style $ laundering
Comment from : @JB-mw7zt

Why stop at a trillion wht not ten coins?
Comment from : @richardlumleysmith2843

The elephant in the room is that Rest of the World would dump US dollar for Asia based currency as World Goverment is created with new currency! Economists are just another type of historians they can tell you why USA is collapsing but they do not know how to stop I'd collapsing! History tells that excessive cash leads to in flation
Comment from : @richardlumleysmith2843

In short, fed reserve can just print money if the debt limit is in stalemate in the senate There is no point about this platinum coin, such a stupid video
Comment from : @clashclans9331

printing $28 trillion dollars and buying up $280 Trillion of Global Debt at 10 cents on the dollar
Comment from : @bhuggins76

Desperate government taking desperate measures 🤔
Comment from : @shillaverse2168

Very good explanation The problem with politicians is that they are political brbr"Let's conduct a poll from the most ignorant people (with spare time on their hands to waste on conducting poles) to determine the most POPULAR choice in the decision that I was elected to make" Decisions based on marketing We've become too dependent on what sells instead of what works?
Comment from : @jayhay1237

the US debt trap is already is motion: hyperinflation or utter collapse is inevitable
Comment from : @vuduy3rd

seems like democrats are graduates of the THREE CARD MONTY SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS
Comment from : @hondolane3559

I know I am alone here, but I think it's a good idea We have been printing money for so long with little inflation Printing money is more palatable to the masses than more taxation And if you have debt personally, you will benefit brbrLet's do it
Comment from : @freedomlandcanada230

gov be like "we lost our platinum coin, we need to mint more of them coins"! Lol
Comment from : @MuffDiver408

Stop spending
Comment from : @blueyhiszarsoff1147

Our government set that plan up? Sounds just like them a back door escape
Comment from : @towncenter7602

My thought on this is WHY the arbitrary number of 1 Trillion why not 100 Trillion or even better 999 Septillion! If THEY are going to pull a arbitrary number out of their a** it only makes logical sense
Comment from : @jessiej3991

DEMOCRATS WILL CREATE 1 COIN when REPUBLICANS TAKE OFFICE THEY WILL CREATE 200 coins!! and say it needed!! LMAO that what will happen
Comment from : @HH-vk5wh

Comment from : @HH-vk5wh

USA getting its Zimbabwe MONEY!!
Comment from : @HH-vk5wh

Imagine how useful a magic platinum coin will be to hire 'consultants' to Fortify the bnext/b election?
Comment from : @spleenware

Rhenium is rarest metal so why not make coin out of that?
Comment from : @scrappychildhood6633

Never crossed anyone's mind to reduce spending to be within the means and pay off debt Living on credit cards is not a way to wealth Funny if you took the coin as legal US tender and bought a $50,000 car and got change of 999 Billion Dollar coins, 999 million dollar coins, and the rest in 20$ bills Yes it is that big
Comment from : @isettech

Inflation is going up and the value of dollar is not falling! Either I'm nuts or everyone in American economic is clueless!
Comment from : @kirankr3724

End the Fed!
Comment from : @deanbraden7695

This is what they do now except the fed wouldn’t get interest from buying the coin so it will never happen
Comment from : @Abrothers100

I hope they do it It will hasten the collapse of confidence in USD and hasten the day with external forces impose some discipline on the savages who run America today
Comment from : @danfarrand9072

What a scam
Comment from : @mikegollihugh7992

So how much would it cost to put together a crack team to stage a heist of this coin? How large of a private army could one raise to do this for like 500 Billion? Can I buy the USMC for this much?
Comment from : @gelf1907

This came up under Obama didn't it? Everyone laughed and it went away
Comment from : @alanheadrick7997

A trillion dollar coin by next year will likely end up in the center console
Comment from : @alanheadrick7997

I would never lend the government money They have worse than bad credit They kill people for money Like the mob
Comment from : @jimjohnson6857

Who is going to buy a 1 trillion dollar coin? Feds with imaginary money!🤡
Comment from : @sumralltt

Or they use the money, gold, silver that has been seized by the white hats from the deep state!
Comment from : @bradsarganis8479

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