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Comments Ancient Egyptians Were Black Africans ? #history #fact #ancient

Ancient Egyptians were black do your research and you would know that the Romans came in and genetically wiped out the blackness that’s been a strategy for the longest for white people n order to conquer and divide
Comment from : @tittycommittee5617

If they have the bodies of some ancient kings or ferros why dont they get dna and end the problem of the heritage
Comment from : @Tiffany-dn1vz

We’ve known this for decades Only palm people and camel people would deny this
Comment from : @Gypsydanger1

Which means Exodus was the first ever black on black crime , humanitarian crime as well Black love to be victims Don’t be stupid and get up to so something with your life
Comment from : @tracyreid8682

Look at those facial features 100 African facts
Comment from : @twanellis9466

Why are almost all hieroglyphics not black😂😂😂
Comment from : @reef1372

No sub saharan Use lower sahara and upper sahara
Comment from : @kaidakemes1260

Comment from : @LoloLesaoana

Who cares?
Comment from : @CC-xu2yz

Comment from : @jenaharalson1070

Check out the hair, case closed
Comment from : @JaneDoe19635

Of course
Comment from : @PatriciaLucious-ll2vm

What other color would he be?🤔
Comment from : @sharieffkhalifa5679

MORE LIKELY!!????… fucking was a BLACK MAN
Comment from : @AFRICA4AFRICANS

Caucasian going be mad as hell about who is Egypt,look what they r doing Texas Holden by Beyoncewe one that invited country music dummies
Comment from : @Anotherdummyblackman63

Egypt only means DARK faces a Land of Bondage, What happened to Mizraim?
Comment from : @DeyCallmeBadnuzBytch

Comment from : @DrizzleDrizzle24hrpowercycle2

Egyptians enslaved Israel, Israel is Black, read your history books The Bible
Comment from : @quantumleap7441

Omg we KNOW THE EGYPTIANS ARE BLACK smh!! I thought you were gonna give us something NEW Epic fail I'm out
Comment from : @bluducks

The afro to💀💀💀💀
Comment from : @AliyahDqueen

If people read history (which stands for his story) every human on this planet was melonated at point of time
Comment from : @JamesSurry-fk5vo

The proof is all over the walls and statues wat more proof u need we really know who came out them caves so who has no history Rome let us know who the savages were!!
Comment from : @benbowles9615

What is the point for this? Can a genetic analysis be manipulated to serve some purpose?pl be wise
Comment from : @Abdul-lj9py

Always figured equator had something to do with dark skin, in summer I am very dark!
Comment from : @Peterbee282

Comment from : @bigbrothertrucker

Who gives a crap? Nobody cares except black racist Americans
Comment from : @constantinople777christens5

Egypt is located in northeastern Africa A large portion of it is located in Asia Egypt is an African-Asian country It is a country in the Middle East Most of its people live in northern Egypt, specifically in the Delta All this will tell you that we were and still are closer to the Mediterranean and the Levant Well, the Egyptians and Greeks were similar to each other Look for the statue of the seated scribe and the statue of Rahotep and his wife, both made before the pyramids were built Look for statues of Ramesses II, Khafre, Nefertiti, Horemheb, and other statues Search for the mummy of Ramesses II, Yuya, Tuya, Teti, Tuthmosis IV, etc Scientists examined Tutankhamun's DNA and found that 70 of men in Britain, 60 of men in France and 40 of Spanish men shared the same DNA, so Egypt was closer to Europe than you might think Some Africans and Berbers have immigrated to Egypt in the last 500 years, so some current Egyptians are less white than the ancient Egyptians And yes, the Cretan civilization (Minoan civilization) used to color men red and women white, just as the Egyptians did, and this civilization had a great relationship with Egypt Type (pictures of the Minoan civilization) in Google, which is the ancient civilization of Crete Look for Fayoum Portraits, which are pictures of ancient Egyptians in central Egypt
Comment from : @محمودمحمد-ص1ت4ت

You can most definitely tell that ancient egyptians was black due to their features and their hair also the paint they used was brown to depict them selves plus even in some depictions they all come in many shades of black just like black people today
Comment from : @princess-nia

Many ancient Egyptian women are depicted with yellow skin in Egyptian paintings Why did they use the color yellow for those women?
Comment from : @CrowdPleeza

No other weren’t neither are black Americans Egyptians they’re from Western Africa mostly
Comment from : @indovilletv8601

I'm Egyptian I was born in Egypt I drink from the Nile and the dirt along it's banks feeds me, I'm 80 genetically ancient Egyptian/north African We are not black, your ancestors were still hunting and gathering while the pyramids were already a 1000 years old, stop claiming our history and heritage as yours and fuck off
Comment from : @princeali417

Wuz black*
Comment from : @defendkebab797

The theory that Ancient Egyptians were black is factually false If Amenhotep was part black, that doesn't make Ancient Egyptians black Pharoah Cleopatra was a Greek, that doesn't make her people Greek Ancient Egyptian genetics were largely unchanged by invasions, royal marriages, etc This is evidenced by modern Egyptian DNA being only 8 black, and that is largely due to the modern slave trade The average Ancient Egyptian DNA has significantly less Sub-Saharan African DNA, so it's safe to say that most Ancient Egyptians looked significantly more middle-eastern than their modern counterparts
Comment from : @homeaccount7977

Some believe that MJ Disease was previously called leprosy
Comment from : @craigb8228

That Amenhotep image is faked, The actual image is a lot lighter with blue hair
Comment from : @theexvegetarianblogger1688

"More than likely" lol I would love to know what "black man" means Let's start from there Lets get a starting point to see your understanding of "race" 😂
Comment from : @rustyspygoat4089

There’s literally drawings why would they make themselves white if they had black drawings
Comment from : @Darkbendy944

Who came in and made the black Egyptians white…what a travesty…all these years they portrayed them as white fooling lil black kids and robbing them of their true history…wicked
Comment from : @evag4535

Any opinions on the October 2020 DNA results for King Tut's family?brbrTut's YDNA was R1B and mtdna was K Both are associated with being Caucasian/Eurasian Could this info explain the long wavy hair seen on the Queen Tiye mummy?brbr"An investigative study was carried out on the familial relationships of a number of late 18th dynasty mummies (ca 1550–1295 bc), including that of Tutankhamen The study was based on the analysis of the autosomal and Y-chromosome STR markers in addition to mitochondrial hypervariable region 1 sequences A 4-generation pedigree of Tutankhamun’s immediate lineage and the identity of his ancestors were established The Royal male lineage was the Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b that was passed from the grandparent (Amenhotep III) to the father (KV55, Akhenaten) to the grandchild (Tutankhamen) The maternal lineage, the mitochondrial haplogroup K, extended from the great-grandmother (Thuya) to the grandmother (KV35 Elder lady, Queen Tiye) to the yet historically unidentified mother (KV35 Younger lady) to Tutankhamen (38,55)"brbrSource:brbrInsights from ancient DNA analysis of Egyptian human mummies: clues to disease and kinship
Comment from : @CrowdPleeza

Anyone who’s ever been to Egypt or seen Egyptian people WILL IMMEDIATELY KNOW that the ancient Egyptians weren’t black they were just egyptians Because Egyptians now literally look like the statues you see in the archeological sites If you meet any random Egyptian guy in the street you’ll instantly see the resemblance between him and the 3d generated reconstructed pictures of the pharaohs faces Nubians on the other hand were and until this day, they have their own region in modern day Egypt called El Nuba
Comment from : @obitookenobi4604

There's a difference between a black person and a dark-skinned person
Comment from : @nikobiko1975

guys yours in a bubble of lies
Comment from : @Money_Fox

Clearly this Egyptian is white
Comment from : @jimtripman9002

History 1600's American pre colonial times Read 1491 by Charles R Mann
Comment from : @randalhogue7328

Ummmm more than likely 😂😂😂😂An African in Africa 4000 yrs ago🤔
Comment from : @infinitesolutions5062

This shouldn’t be surprising black and melanated skins are found as far as in Melanesia Micronesia and pacific
Comment from : @AlTawfeek

He has big lips! He black!brBTW, there is bgenetics now what's stopping the Egyptian museums from publishing them via many labs at once Get it done!/b
Comment from : @pausereflect5911

All egyptians werent black
Comment from : @feelgoodspace

bDNA results be like: Huh!?/b 👀
Comment from : @randomgreyalien4835

Just because you don't have any civilizations please dont claim other heritage
Comment from : @billy7280

Blessings everyone 🙏 ✨️ 🙌 ❤️
Comment from : @jasminenwhitaker9717

He was a genetic black african
Comment from : @philthai99

Yup our ancestors but the world try to lie about them not being Black
Comment from : @motivateeveryone2

Egypt is in Africa why is it so hard to believe to some people?
Comment from : @markhenry2521

How did we lose the power if we were the first people on earth is the question that confuses me
Comment from : @davidjohnson9939

You know the aldest pyramids not in 🇪🇬 but in sudan 🇸🇩
Comment from : @Sir-hazm28

People should research these things #JaneElliott speaks of how white people came about! It’s very eye opening to racist individuals They actually hate themselves because they do come from us!
Comment from : @takiyahiza4710

No explorer has ever found a half-naked Caucasian Tribe on Earth Half-naked Black people are still found on earth Caucasian were put in Caves they were never given land by the Negro Messiah he also withheld Melanin from them
Comment from : @moremore1865

It was very considerate of all you black Egyptians to move south, back to Kush, and out of Egypt leaving it to all those pale skin Egyptians Like you were never there
Comment from : @davidcanfield883

"DNA is Rascist"brNo
Comment from : @josephiajanke9850

He was humanblack people are so obsessed with skin colour 🙄 It just proves black people are desperate for a grander history than what history says
Comment from : @marier7336

Honestly he looks just like the people in my family I would think he was related if he were alive and I'm African American
Comment from : @vonniejoshua8028

False, stop taking over cultures and races when you know it’s false
Comment from : @JenniferNein

they look like negus to me yo
Comment from : @AMERSONLLC

Definitely doesn't look white Still could be white some way, somehow An Arab Egyptian is investigating Could be Arab 😁
Comment from : @georgehunter2813

lol your eyes must be plastic
Comment from : @seanmikaeel90s50

The old testament bible certifies who the black people were that built kmtthe bible details in clear language that Nimrod the great built magnificent citiesthe book of palms chapter 78 tells us the Hamites ruled and built kmt
Comment from : @earneslgreene5825

Comment from : @faymakeithappen4069

No they weren’t
Comment from : @ptolemykristofatime9676

Egyptians were never black lol they r trying so hard so many ppl tried and failed and the same here lol
Comment from : @sohylaatef9776

Theirs no archaeologist in the whole world says he’s sub Saharan what u basically saying is based on ur guessing lol they didn’t even make a DNA test to him and the ancient Egyptians depicted themselves in all colours the women r more lighter than the men in white and yellow colours but the men r most likely from olive skin to brown on the other hand if we looked in the Nubian museum we will see that they looked very different and they depicted themselves as black not brown not white not olive nothing but pure black Egypt or kemet indeed in Africa but Africa is not a big Black Country it’s continent like Asia when everyone is totally different but still Asian lol that’s what happen when u have identity crisis Egyptians were never black or white Europeans they were very diverse like the modern day Egyptians the descendent of the ancient Egyptians and anything u say other than that u need too find help because of that identity crisis lol
Comment from : @sohylaatef9776

Did your grandmother tell you that by any chance?
Comment from : @jamiemckelvie342

This black propaganda needs to stop brThey are black washing ancient Egypt and Greece just to give themselves a false sense of achievement brThey weren’t black brStop the bs
Comment from : @sarahaziz9662

Lies ancient Egyptians were not black they were Canaanites…my god you guys are fucking retarded
Comment from : @khuwip

youtube/ZzTzxL_UUmc the real kemet people Kemet the land of the black ❤
Comment from : @kemet0139

The whole world 🌎 ❤️ knows this!
Comment from : @DS-zg6ym

In Africa with a big ass African Sphinx It doesn't get anymore simple
Comment from : @cilvabakape763

Just gets so sick and tired of if these people were black, let it go enough is enough
Comment from : @Jordan-fm5gz

no matter how much proof is found, the arab colonizers in kemet will always try to steal african historybecause of their inferiority complex; gifted by eurotrash
Comment from : @KilifiKorner

I knew this when I was a child I read books that were never on my list
Comment from : @sandywilkins946

Watching National Geographic documentaries in the 60/70's showed the Egyptians as black
Comment from : @69purposecoarse

Egypt Is in Africa do of course they were black
Comment from : @Don-hh4ff

the truth shall reveal in one accord Emanuel
Comment from : @beresfordforbes

But modern day Egyptians will rebuke this truth❗❗
Comment from : @sonnywilliams7743

More than likely a black man? Stop it! He was
Comment from : @shaserv

Herodotus: The ancient Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BCE described the ancient Egyptians as having black skin and woolly hair in his work "Histories"brbr Strabo: The ancient Greek geographer and historian who lived in the 1st century BCE described the Ethiopians (a term that could refer to people from various parts of Africa) as having black skin and woolly hair, and noted that some people considered the Egyptians to be of the same racebrbr Diodorus Siculus: The ancient Greek historian who lived in the 1st century BCE described the Ethiopians as having dark skin and curly hair, and noted that some people considered the Egyptians to be of the same racebrbr Plutarch: The ancient Greek philosopher and historian who lived in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE wrote that the Egyptians were "black with heat" due to the climate of their homelandbrbr Al-Masudi: The 10th-century Arab historian and geographer described the ancient Egyptians as "a black people, different-looking and woolly-haired"brbr Jean-Francois Champollion: The 19th-century French scholar who deciphered the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt noted that some ancient Egyptians depicted themselves with darker skin tones than those of their neighborsbrbrHerodotus: "Histories," Book II, Chapter 22 Available online: classicsmitedu/Herodotus/history2iihtmlbrbr Strabo: "Geography," Book XVI, Chapter 4, Section 7 Available online: penelopeuchicagoedu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Strabo/16D*html#47br Diodorus Siculus: "Library of History," Book III, Chapter 2, Sections 1-3 Available online: penelopeuchicagoedu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Diodorus_Siculus/3A*html#21brbr Plutarch: "Isis and Osiris," 77 Available online: penelopeuchicagoedu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Plutarch/Moralia/Isis_and_Osiris*/Bhtml#77brbr Al-Masudi: "The Meadows of Gold," Volume 1, Chapter 3 Available online: archiveorg/details/travelsalmes00masuuoft/page/52/mode/2upbrbr Jean-Francois Champollion: "Lettre à M Dacier relative à l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques," 1822 Available online: gallicabnffr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5636837p/f9itembrbrbrbrHerodotus: The description of the Egyptians as having "black skin and woolly hair" can be found in Book II, Chapter 22, which begins with the sentence "For my part I hold that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians"br Al-Masudi: The passage describing the Egyptians as "the darkest of all humans" can be found in Volume 1, Chapter 3, on page 52 of the edition I consultedbr Jean-Francois Champollion: In his "Lettre à M Dacier relative à l'alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques," Champollion does not use the term "black" to describe the ancient Egyptians Rather, he argues that they were of African origin, based on linguistic and cultural evidence The full text can be found at the link I provided earlier
Comment from : @supahotjoe6493

We was kangz and sheeeeet
Comment from : @Diogenes-totes

Now sorry they weren't black they have black slaves Egyptians were Egyptians are we not black no matter how hard you try just like the native Americans are not black
Comment from : @ronnybello909

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