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Can Trump END The PENNY? Will It Hurt Coin Collecting?

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Title :  Can Trump END The PENNY? Will It Hurt Coin Collecting?
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Description Can Trump END The PENNY? Will It Hurt Coin Collecting?

Comments Can Trump END The PENNY? Will It Hurt Coin Collecting?

George vi king emperor half rupee India 1942 br1989 d with small 1 n 8 and large 9 9 one cent br1973 with same small 1 7 and large 9 3 with double die ame in America one cent brAnd same 1886 d one cent brPlz comment sir
Comment from : @malaksalman2392

Production can end, but that doesn't mean the penny is going away Their are billions upon billions in circulation Unless banks hold them to return to the mint when people bring them in to exchange them, and even at that, it would take probably decades before they are fully out of circulation
Comment from : @rm1042

We need to end the paper dollar! We need to use the dollar coin and the two dollar bill
Comment from : @markdavis5229

For those without thinking capsbrStoping the production of pennies will only increase the collectible value of the pennies you have
Comment from : @mikecrabtree8200

Also when they can raise taxes a half a cent They can make that back in taxes
Comment from : @PamelaSimpson-cu9mg

Per Usinflationcalculator, One Dollar of 1977 had the buying power of $524 today br brThat is to say that one Five Cent 'Nickel' is worth less today in commerce than One Cent was in 1977 Today's Cent is worth less than 1/5 cent of 1977 br brI don't recall anyone pushing for a 1/5 Cent coin in 1977, but do recall that aluminum Cents were actually produced (not released, later destroyed) in 1974 as elimination of the Cent was under consideration
Comment from : @-oiiio-3993

They could keep the penny in the annual mint sets out of copper!
Comment from : @mvl9591

Why not the nickel if it costs more than 13 cents per coin to make?
Comment from : @cliffordpalmer7406

Guilty man here🤚 I hoard every pre-1982 cent that I receive, I spend zinclons and change on my water budget
Comment from : @samsmobilepressurewashing8422

Half cent is gone
Comment from : @jamesrensvold2817

They need to end the Nickel too It costs nearly 14 cents to mint that one too
Comment from : @Rktect3902

Back in the day (late 50's, early 60's) we had "penny candy" 1cent would literally buy 10 pieces or more of candy We kids, at the time, would be very excited to get a quarter for allowance
Comment from : @elianth70

It costs 00576 cents to make a dime, and you are telling me that it's impossible to design a penny that costs less than nearly 4 cents to make??? Give me a break! How dumb do you think I am?
Comment from : @SkullyTheHypnoSkull

Thank you I should have looked closer I agree that it's going to save our government much money, but I will still enjoy using them as long as I can ❤
Comment from : @VondaInWonderland

No problem,we have enough pennies to last us
Comment from : @jeffdunnell6693

Pennies are just as good as gold you add them up and you can use them to buy whatever you need they are not worthless they are not useless only to the one who wants to go ahead and take extra money from you when you pay your tax on your item and it comes out to $373 but you have to end up giving them $4 Who would agree with that I'm assuming that is why most drive-thrus should go through you just want to top it off can I just keep your change just because!brYou don't think you're paying extra tax when you give that extra change to the service that is being provided to you that you are buying their product but you're also paying their taxes for them No thank you I think it's the stupidest idea but that's just my thought, who am I???
Comment from : @mysaviour587

Tens of BILLIONS of dollars can be saved by auditing the US Military They are the most wasteful organization on this planet!!!
Comment from : @larry785

Trump has no sense He doesn't want anyone who has cents to compete with him
Comment from : @BeyondBasic-o6x

Maybe in the future Einstein will be proved right there's nothing quite as rare as common cents 😂
Comment from : @mint_mark

It only makes cents…
Comment from : @Violet-uh9fj

So if I purchase anything and with the tax added the cost is lets say, $461 they want to round up to the nearest 5 cents making it $465 or down to make it $460??? If up that $04 adds up in someone's favor, doesn't it??? Now take that $04 single item and multiply it by 5000 purchases and it's a $200 gain for someone Stop inflation instead, just my 2 cents lol
Comment from : @MikesoldschoolMopar

Let's have a look under the hood and examine the salaries of every last individual that works for the treasury and each minting facility brLet's look at the salaries and benefits of every last individual directly employed by the federal governmentbrLet's see what we think when we know those numbers brLet's look under the hood and truly find out why it costs more than a penny to manufacture a penny, if in fact we believe everything we hear brI know what the issue is, it is what's wrong with every single aspect and factor, in an inflated economybrThe problem will always remain, evilbrGREED
Comment from : @davem5308

So what happens to the value of error coins (pennies), despite the year, if they completely eliminate the penny?
Comment from : @loriehollins1447

Our generation used to get a 50 CT to a dollar for allowance for spending moneybrTheaters cost a quarter, popcorn was a dime , soda was5 cents Most of the coins were silver until 1964 Silver Dollar, Quarter, Dime , not sure if Buffalo nickel was silver but I used my nickels in pinball machines
Comment from : @rogerlynn3800

Why didnt he mention this on the campaign trail
Comment from : @a11agash1

When they stopped copper pennies and used zinc for pennies, it's not a penny anymorebrCongress will make that decision
Comment from : @rogerlynn3800

I support it Like the pre '64's, pre '82's are likely to increase in value It makes no sense from a fiscal standpoint to produce something for 03 and value it at 01 That just sounds like a recipe for disaster Thank you for your videos sir, insightful as always
Comment from : @nonameneeded-n6t

They don't have to make pennies every year They could only make pennies once every few years Isn't that what they do with the $2 bill? I think the first step would be to reduce the pennies to see if making few coins causes any unforeseen problems my only fear is could this be seen as a step toward a cashless society
Comment from : @craig5414

So now they will raise the prices of anything and everything by up to 04 per dollar or item More inflationary tactics by your favorite president ! Just what they voted for I guess
Comment from : @alanhart2745

Bring back the 3 cent coin 😊
Comment from : @Eaglemadhatter

Compared to all the other waste it's a bargain It will cost consumers because everything will be rounded UP Make the dollar worth more than 040 and problem solved
Comment from : @tedcollins4684

I love our 1 cent Canadian coins especially , our 1867 centennial that has a dove As for the US one cent, I love the Indian heads and the Lincoln Wheaties
Comment from : @stevelauda5435

We CANADA 🇨🇦 stopped the production of one cent coins in 2012 This has had no bereiing on collecting them whatsoever Heck you can still find baskets of our large cent coins at the coin shops! They were about the size of a quarter From 1858 to ivbeli3ve 1918
Comment from : @stevelauda5435

Hey I bet CHINA could make our pennies for less than a penny! Pooh Pennies we could call them Actually they might cheat and use lead
Comment from : @TomSherwood-z5l

Everyone crying would be the ones that would not pick up a penny from the ground, I bet Used to be ten pennies could get you a silver dime Once our coins went from specie to slugs, that signaled the decline and inevitable end Like late Roman bronze coins, heaped in hoards found by the thousands and thousands due to inflation
Comment from : @TomSherwood-z5l

Get yourself a few rolls of new coins,put them away and wait
Comment from : @leocornett3428

So we understand now that nickels cost 14 cents to make
Comment from : @RobWuestenberg-d1t

Retire the 1c and 25c, bring back the 2c and 20cthey can't retire the penny since usa never made them, it has always been cent
Comment from : @ryanbarre2390

Just another way to charge more by rounding up Next will be the nickel How much does it cost to make a nickel? Probably more than 5¢ Round that up too
Comment from : @lindawhittinghill9439

If inflation went down so would the cost to produce the penny Eliminating the cent would increase inflation Counter productive in my opinion
Comment from : @dustyc5376

I use them all the time in wawas and any change when i can
Comment from : @Brandi6666

Now it will cost at least a nickel to by a penny if there are no pennys It’s going to be interesting watching the gas pump go up by five cents
Comment from : @dustyc5376

Maybe cut half production see if affects commerce any🤷
Comment from : @Brandi6666

I have 7 gallons of pennies Is it time to cash them in?
Comment from : @0756rocketman

It's amazing how dumb American have become Its cost you more to make and you still think they should be made Make the people that want them to pay for them to be made, You'll see that production will end, without Pres Trump ending it
Comment from : @timlorsung8866

“The process of discontinuing the penny in the US is a little unclear It would likely require an act of Congress, but the Secretary of the Treasury might be able to simply stop the minting of new pennies,”
Comment from : @mrjim1973

It will cause inflation to go up though
Comment from : @GrampaGrizzle

That Menace to Mankind is disrupting all that we stand forStop him now before he levels our country
Comment from : @garywoods3940

It's been a long time coming, no one is going to miss the one cent piece The 5 cent also needs to go too
Comment from : @JP-Au-Schulz

I heard that it cost 17cents to make a nickle are we going to round up to a dime?
Comment from : @LarryBarcheski

I love finding old wheat Penny's
Comment from : @Anthony-kn8cn

Thank you for fact checking great video like all you do Keep up the work and God bless you
Comment from : @dalestrauss5652

1943 dated copper one cent are extremely rare and extremely valuable, because most 1943 dated one cent coins were made of zinc plated steel during World War 2 1974 dated aluminum one cent coins are also extremely rare and extremely valuable, because almost all of them were melted by the United States Mint and were not released into circulation
Comment from : @jadenephrite

As of February 2025, it costs the US Mint about 15 cents to make 1 US Quarter Other bills and coins are cheaper to mint So they aren't losing money making pennies
Comment from : @hrh5150

Comment from : @leebowers1783

Well, Thanks OK that they eliminate it, I just hope it doesn't happen completely for a couple months until I can fill in my Penny books with a couple years that I am missing! hahaha!
Comment from : @RishayanPorMexico

The composition of the nickel needs to be changed since it costs so much to produceIf I did that we could keep the pennyBecause the offset from the diamond quarter is still cheaper to produce , it would balance out
Comment from : @TerrillFloyd-x4q

It just don't make cents Pun intended
Comment from : @bobsacamano7653

Yes but if you streamline, update and make the mint effective and efficient It may cast less than a cent to makebrbrNot that I don’t want my buckets of Pennie’s to increase in value from ending the minting of them
Comment from : @illbeyourhuckleberry6484

If he stops the cents, I will stop spending money I will live on the streets and only accept food handouts
Comment from : @bobsacamano7653

Maybe those buckets of Pennie’s will increase in value
Comment from : @illbeyourhuckleberry6484

Trump is trying to move us toward the digital dollar
Comment from : @bobsacamano7653

Poor Abe Lincoln I bet if Andrew Jackson was on the penny Trump wouldn't have said anything 😄
Comment from : @justacinnamonbun8658

If the previous president would have done this people would be screaming about another step to a cashless society The rounding up consequence is interesting It would help small businesses but hurt consumers Would be interesting to see how businesses game the system
Comment from : @davidrawlings7325

Make sure to separate your copper - pre-1982 (and certain 1982) are copper/zinc, the newer coins are garbage zinc with a little copper We should also entertain nixing the nickel - what can you even buy for a dime these days?
Comment from : @jduff59

Yup, and Thank God Yellen is out!
Comment from : @ChesapeakeBayBrian399

The US mint has made profit since its inception They have charities they give to every year through sales they charge too much
Comment from : @peterhawryluk8430

Imagine not seeing stuff on sale for $499 any more
Comment from : @jeffhays1968

The zinc mining has lobbied congress to keep the penny Make a 1 cent the size of a dime but the same metal as pre1983 Half the metal and money would stay in america Kinda like a national hoard of copper the people hold It helpped during wars
Comment from : @peterhawryluk8430

This has been proposed a few times and the public has always rejected the idea
Comment from : @jeffhays1968

Make them out of silver 🪙
Comment from : @JohnnyCollins-cv4gx

I am always curious that everyone talks about how much the mint loses minting the Penny, but no one talks about how much profit the mint makes on all the other coins Personally I feel the penny is obsolete
Comment from : @davidsalinas1628

NO Keep producing the pennies to remind the American people how much of the value of the dollar has been stolen from them by their government, and that government's partner, the Federal Reserve The Fed is a vehicle to enable the government to steal value from the American people by inflating the currency Inflating the currency by printing fiat currency that has no intrinsic value has the same effect as counterfeiting If steals purchasing power from the dollars already in circulation Rather than halting the minting of pennies, the American people should demand a stable, honest dollar that does not inflate Restore the value of the dollar INFLATION IS STEALING BY GOVERNMENT
Comment from : @yebobaba

I bet you're super excited to have more of the public coming into your shop trying to sell you them because they think they're rare
Comment from : @jbohanon2

I do hope they continue minting them for mint and proof sets What would be even cooler is if they go back to 95 copper for such sets Im not sure about the technicalities surrounding this, but its something to hope for
Comment from : @JTCT371

Might lose key dates if people just hand them in, in bulk lots🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @rohanhite35

Reducing or cutting back on penny production is VERY different from ending it completely The two Illinois senators will tag team filibuster any attempt at completely eliminating the pennyI'm sure I don't need to explain why (hint: the guy on the penny and their license plates)
Comment from : @JohnSmith-zw8vp

I like to keep all of my change and after it builds up, I cash it in at my bank and deposit it If you do away with pennies prices will be rounded up this will increase the cost to the consumer who uses cash Before you ask the banks, I use to cash in my change do not charge a fee
Comment from : @wesleyhelm7208

Instead of eliminating the penny we should stop minting the penny for 10 years There is more than enough pennies available to do a “ every 10 years “ minting With the nickel, which costs 12&1/2 cents to mint…we could only mint every 5 years Eliminate the small dollar coins and the 50 cent pieces These shaving’s steps will do a lot to get the government’s budget back intune
Comment from : @michaeleast9675

A penny saved is a penny earned, quote from Ben
Comment from : @Philobeddoe12

What I find offensive is that old trick of seeing prices all around such as $299 instead of $300 It is deception as it fools people to thinking, it really cost less than what they want to payAnything that shows 99 centsturns me off and I will not buy it Just call it a dollaror anything but that 99 cents deceptive behavior , plus, we pay state tax on that, to boot
Comment from : @linanicolia1363

Bring back the two cents!
Comment from : @bretmarsh1090

Probably the other way aroundStart saving them
Comment from : @linanicolia1363

Good riddance to it Some people think the prices will be rounded up, for example, from $1999 to $2000 Nope Retailers love that 99 cent trick They'll keep it and round up/down the total of all items bought if payment is with cash Likely most purchases are made with plastic and the exact total will be charged I've got better things to do with my time and space than to hoard pre-1983 cents
Comment from : @stevepettersen3283

I was thinking about this earlier, it’d be kinda sad to stop minting them completely since we’ve minted a one cent coin for 201 consecutive years But spending almost four cents to make one is just stupid Especially since we hardly use them anymore and there’s nearly half a trillion of them already in circulation I would like to see them continue on the legacy though, so I think minting unc sets and proof sets would be cool
Comment from : @ZarkliX

I despise Convicted Felon Trump, but I agree with him on this There is no reason to waste $85 million a year producing today's flimsy pennies
Comment from : @69UM24OSU12

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