Title | : | How I Manage to Pay My Own College Tuition | Budgeting Tips for a Broke College Student |
Lasting | : | 14.09 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 58 rb |
Thank you!!! Comment from : @vanesahbrown4882 |
U are talking too fast Comment from : @maryonuh4156 |
sp9oiler alert Seeking arrangements and stripping Comment from : @juanshaftpatel7488 |
Okay now that really discouraged me about the usa colleges system as a international student seeking to apply for fall 2023 If I don't get a scholarship it's going to be hard Comment from : @kateflynn8803 |
hats off to everyone paying fees going to college doing job this shit is damm difficult Comment from : @gaganpreetkalkat2600 |
Girl I just have to applaud you for your determination to go to college while working to pay for it! it’s comforting to know for people like me, I always make myself feel miserable and cry because I’m working my ass off just to pay for college meanwhile some others have it easy and get full ride scholarships I just get really sad because I feel like a disappointment to my parents because I couldn’t achieve a scholarship and instead paying for it all I’ve been able to pay off every semester when payments due and no debt rn, I hope it’s worth it in the endbrbrbrUpdate! I finally got a books and tuition scholarship at my college in exchange for me tutoring 15 hrs a week, I’m so happy, the amount of times I would cry every time I saw my school bill 😭I’m just so relieved that now I can save more money Good luck to everyone Comment from : @mvddiekay |
im only 12 at the moment, but what age can i start working? im planning on studying astronomy at uc berkeley and im not sure how much money i would need to pay the tuition and stuff Comment from : @yyeonu |
Wait so once you’re and upperclassmen at OSU it costs less than if you’re a freshman? Comment from : @benbethel4093 |
Thank you for sharing those tips Very inspirational for me Comment from : @poepoe2049 |
save save save get a job dont spend Comment from : @samueljackson1230 |
Im gunna have to pay rent and pay for college cuz I'm going out of state Comment from : @SandybeachesAG |
Im not even close to my college journey but my family keeps stressing me out with college, Putting me in so much fear abt my financial state in the future Thank you for the tips so I could be more prepared Time goes by so fast and I know that I have to pay for it by myself since ik how much my parents are struggling enough to pay for our home Thankfully I have a brother that gives me great tips to help me in the future Comment from : @jirian832 |
the tuition at my school is 90k a year its a real bruh moment luckily I'm 90 scholarshipped but I can't imagine what its like for those who aren't Comment from : @nyatsume1003 |
If you’re a decent test taker, 2 huge helps are the CLEP exams and to a lesser extent the AP exams brCheck out CLEP exams and the classes they transfer in as on your university’s website The college I attended accepted up to 30 credits worth of CLEP exams My kids’ colleges accept far fewer but 12 credits (my daughter’s college) is almost a whole semester of not having to sit in/pay for gen eds Best kept secret in higher ed My youngest AP’d out of 3 gen Ed’s (9 credits) and can CLEP another 15 credits before starting freshman year Comment from : @randaray24 |
This video is incredibly helpful! I plan to attend next year (same college) and hopefully I’ll be able to also manage paying for college! Comment from : @kinnley6289 |
Bruh, she literally did everything to pay for her school and starts the video by saying “ I’m privileged”🥲 Comment from : @josebarboza4875 |
College is 3 years and I'm already considering all the plans to pay for college by myself 😂✌ Comment from : @Jxhn3 |
I have so much respect for you and your parents You are set up for life way more than people who get everything paid by their parents You should be really proud of yourself Way to go!! Comment from : @jennywadsworth6013 |
I just don’t understand anything and my parents aren’t any help I’m trying to figure out the best things to do so I don’t kill my self financially before I even have a chance to work and earn a living and creating all these accounts and opening a bank account and getting loans and all this shit I have no clue what I’m doing and no one will help me Comment from : @triponice4594 |
I want to go to dhaka university,it is most cheap and good university in our country Comment from : @tsaba |
I will be going to a private school which to me it came $6000 without loans and about $1,500 with loans I will still take in mind of what you mentioned in the video tho Comment from : @_melumanzor_ |
I want to go to Ohio State but they estimated $52,000 a year :/ Comment from : @maryestep6793 |
im glad that I have my parents to help me If for someone reason I cant pay one day I know that they got my back Thankfully, I havent needed their help yet Comment from : @yenikavega939 |
I’m graduating in June and I have to clue on how I’m going to pay for college I really wanna go but I also don’t wanna take out loans and be in debt for the rest of my life I don’t have any family members that can help me with that either so I don’t think if imma go to college yet Comment from : @nedfarahjean6245 |
What if you have a hard time paying for a community college? Comment from : @chloeeral3194 |
Me a HS senior who has no savings watching this 👁👄👁 but I do have a job that I work 40 hours a week making 14$ and I’m gonna have to get a second job :) Comment from : @abbiesigns7968 |
Hey! So say dorm housing is $1,300 and I share with 1-4 people, do we all split that or is that what I have to pay as an individual? Comment from : @rachelm7402 |
I am going to college in September My first year will cost $11k and I really don't want to get loans 😩🤚🏽brMy outer family isn't supportive and I don't want to stress out my mom, so I am trying to pay my own college tuition on my own 😌 Comment from : @miaa1762 |
hey sorry if this is an uncalled question but what was your high school GPA? and did you get any academic scholarships? great video btw! Comment from : @davidrobles1165 |
Hey Marrisa, I'm currently in the same boat I paid for my Associate's Degree out of pocket and I'm doing the same for my Bachelor's and it is indeed stressing knowing that we could've been done with school within the 4 year period had college tuition not be so expensive here in America I mean we have other expenses too, like food, maintenance of your car, medical bills, etc brbrQuestion: Do you know how much money we get back when we file taxes each year when we pay full tuition, or an approximate percentage?brbrThanks, from NY area Comment from : @_Gerson |
The college I go to is roughly 12-13k a year I am trying to apply to as many scholarships as possible I'm definitely trying to earn income over the summer to get some extra money Comment from : @itsraymond2295 |
When you worked at McDonalds during sophomore year of high school, that was enough to pay for gas, monthly car insurance, AND save money? Comment from : @eloisaalves1403 |
Currently a freshman in high school and OSU is my dream school! I'm taking the college credit plus route in hopes that I can earn an associate's degree in high school Thank you for these tips! Comment from : @jaleeag |
22000 costs the 4 years of studies in my country (Ecuador) Comment from : @danielguerrero4265 |
Lol haha as a high-schooler I was working my ass off to pay my rent and support a family of 7 people Btw, all 7 were unemployed and a baby In college I had to still drop out to pay for the family I am seriously screwed 🙃 Comment from : @ضاد-ق2ج |
wow you work hard girl! I really hope you the best, you deserve it❤️ Comment from : @alessia3482 |
I’m not even in high school yet and I’m looking this up Comment from : @vexan7435 |
bWow I’m a high school senior graduating in may or June and this is amazing definitely enlightened me/b 💗💯 Comment from : @KIARALOVES |
Do you reply this far back? Lol Comment from : @eaglev230 |
I’m a 6th grader watching this 😂 but atleast I’m aware of this issue Comment from : @Lukasekuu |
Very insightful, even if I live in Europe myself Very good points and general saving tips! I'm definitely more motivated to mind my spendings Comment from : @UmuPadoru |
You are a hustler and you grind You will do well in life Paying for college expenses is a challenge, but with creativity, discipline, and a solid work ethic, there are many ways to minimize how much debt you graduate with People like you won't graduate with "crushing student debt" I don't see you as privileged If you were privileged, you wouldn't need to hustle and grind You have a good head on your shoulders and any potential employer would do well to hire you Best of luck to you! Comment from : @CalicoCooperFan |
Hey I’m an international student and I really want to get into UCLA but the cost is to high do you have any tips? Comment from : @mariana-pr9ox |
How much money is it for 4 years average at ohio state? Comment from : @akdnd2574 |
Oh my goodness,,, I am freaking out I am a senior of high-school this year and I haven’t done anything for college I’ve never had a job, or really done anything to prepare for college The early action deadline is in just over a week Comment from : @willowmagick5932 |
Good advice You are very smart about money I wish my 20 yr old learn how to do it Comment from : @claris4799 |
Congrats on graduating!! I started grad school this year and the tuition bill was $90KManaged to get my employer to pay for $70k of it though :D Comment from : @shayeskitv-makemoneywhiley4277 |
Well, I'm doing my FAFSA and I worked and only have about 1'500 saved in my bank account I now have to get my FAFSA verified which I have no idea how to do it and I still have to take out loans high school literally teaches you nothing about this Comment from : @hachi7100 |
I’m watching this and I’m 13 lol I have a fear I’m gonna be homeless and die on the street as a disappointment and not accomplish what I want and what my family wants for me Comment from : @Ethnicbeauty |
How much would you save up to go to college? Like what would be a good amount to save up too? Comment from : @jessicagentry6379 |
omg love ur intro how do you do that Comment from : @jacquelinefaith5855 |
If you don’t need to take loans DO NOT TAKE THEM!!! They will follow you into Adulthood!!! They aren’t fun! Comment from : @macaylaandelagonzales3570 |
Thank you for this video! Because of my parent's situation, they financially can't contribute to my tuition, or help with loans Having a college GPA over 35 in college, my grades pay my way However, I have received more scholarship denials than acceptances, it can get really stressful Thank you Comment from : @makalacrawford4271 |
I really can’t believe the amount of money that US citizens have to spend in college In Colombia I pay U$2000 per year Comment from : @angieduncan8417 |
I'm an international student and I'm planning to go to South dakota state university and the fees etc Is the same as yours Do you think I can manage on my own atleast from the 2nd or 3rd year by myself due to family situations?? And are the Grants and aid given, and part time jobs any different due to the covid??br situation?brbrHaha sorry that I'm 8 months late, awesome video^_^ Comment from : @smolbun7351 |
I'm paying 10k a year too in the school I'm going to because I got a scholarship so I'm grateful because it's literally covering more than half of my tuition lol 😥 Comment from : @eatingcookieswithpeanutbutter |
As a rising high school senior who's paying for her own tuition in college--this was amazing!! Comment from : @alainad6364 |
you’re so disciplined wow! inspiring❤️ Comment from : @laurenferreira621 |
i just want to share this little piece of advice if you are still in highschool look into dual enrollment! My local community college offered class without tuition for highschool students! being able to knock off a semester or 2 by taking classes still in highschool will save you so much money! Comment from : @Alicat0313 |
I wish that I we're one of the kids that could count on their parents paying for their tuition Comment from : @anneliesecarlson3999 |
In Germany, you don’t pay for the college, but for the books and stuff :) Comment from : @z444hra |
Thank you for your advice <3 please keep on making excellent content Comment from : @maitrwn |
Thank you God Comment from : @craigibeneme8263 |
Omg these really help! I just got into college, and for the first semester I am supposed to pay $6000, but I managed to get myself a scholarship and now I only need to pay $1500! Maybe it's not a lot in USA, but for someone who is from non Western countries, it helps a lot haha Thank you for these tips! ♡ Comment from : @ConstantineFGO |
my tuition is $700 per month/2,700 per semester (i’m going to community college out of state) it doesn’t seem like that much but whewwwww i’m trying to figure out how i’m gonna pay it 🤦🏾♀️ i’m gonna be working but idk if it’ll be enough Comment from : @saelleeleazar7072 |
People need to understand that its possible to do it without student loans, and one way is getting all your basics done at a community College thats in your area My locals community Colleges credit price for living in the area is only $52 a credit! While the university in my area is $209 a credit! The one credit at my university could pay for a whole class at my community college! Comment from : @TraDLaw |
Can international students use the TOPP at OSU? Comment from : @BuyTheDip627 |
I’m planning to go to Fresno state next year if I even get accepted, do you recommend dorm or house (4 of my friends are also planning to go, so we’ll be roommates) Comment from : @yarelialcazar4600 |
I’m going to University next year and it’s 21,000 a year smh 😔 Comment from : @chantelk8112 |
This was really helpful for me, my parents are trying to get me to go to a community college but they’re not exactly the best people to be around for my health and mind set so I’m going to a college far away and trying to figure out how to pay for it by myself Comment from : @fatimahernandez1536 |
Ik im asking this question very late after you posted this video butdo you know how I can become a instate student?Bc the tuition is very expensive for out of the state students? Comment from : @cupcakegamer4116 |
I just got admitted into the University of Oregon and it’s $54,000 a year Comment from : @larrenzzoamos9753 |
My college pays me $500 for being in marching band and another $500 for being in pep band each year Which I use towards school 🤗 Comment from : @Clubpenguinlover45 |
These were really good tips! I subscribed :) Comment from : @nanawordie7967 |
My winter break is a month long and I was planning to work but I don't think people will hire me for a month but my summer break is almost 5 months long (according to their calendar) Time to look for a job Comment from : @asparagusisreading |
Wow! Marissa you’re an inspiration!!:) Comment from : @kimandanna |
10000 a year is really not that bad Comment from : @nedtechgirl |
My mom and I live in Indy and I’ll probably go to IUPUI I can live with her and help her with cleaning and cooking I have used some of your tips like asking for money, saving my money when I can, and buy used clothes I’m 15 and I’m looking for a job, so ty for the tips Comment from : @afdeemer23 |
You're such a mature young lady!! All your hard work will pay off Thanks for sharing!! Comment from : @future2331 |
The Buckeye Affordability Grant has been my best friend! Since I receive Pell grant they pay for my tuition and the rest of my scholarships and financial aid can go to housing when I go to main campus next year Comment from : @glitteryvirgo |
💗 Comment from : @madelinecheeka5853 |
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