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How North Korea Makes Perfect Fake Money

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Title :  How North Korea Makes Perfect Fake Money
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Comments How North Korea Makes Perfect Fake Money

i got done with a counterfeit note i explain my situation and got charged and fined but the thing is the atm bank took not responsibility even tho i was on camera never had a record until now i spent 3 months in jail and all i got was a 850$ fine after they raided my house aswell i lost everything being locked up no one was there all my belonging went to a dump apparently including my ledger with 7btc in there at the time is was only worth like $300 a coin
Comment from : @TheAustralianKanga

Cia staging false flags attacks and blaming on North Korea
Comment from : @AAAAAA-tj1nq

Down with usa
Comment from : @AAAAAA-tj1nq

Merci Thank you Faire Google Money de mohamed falouh bj 17640
Comment from : @mohamedfalouh2002

I just spend money 💰
Comment from : @RobertMesa-o9b

how do you make these videos?
Comment from : @acidtears

NK has beefed up cyper theft and it terrible brTrillions of crypto have been stolen So now what???? When the world will all have crypto!!!!brLord Jesus save us please 🙏🏼 it’s just the tip of the end times
Comment from : @RUGRAF-rf8fi

What if you bought some but paid them in counterfeit
Comment from : @nedflanders190

1:46 how do they know wat printer
Comment from : @Nimmy

I need uk supernotes
Comment from : @Nimmy

i don't see how this can hold up against the 2008 bail out and other "just add a 0 to it" thinking of western bankers thinking
Comment from : @2EEsTunes

Man i wish i could get some those notes just start my own currency lol wont hurt no one 25 million teal fast wont even feel it😂
Comment from : @RodneyBrown-r1s

Sipca we shouldvtold them can they put something in there ink that will help us all that money US spend with them?
Comment from : @RodneyBrown-r1s

Wouldn't surprise me these days if they add radioactive markers to the ink/paper and anything without those markers is a counterfeit
Comment from : @isbestlizard

I remember the Omega coins which were so stunning they are still sought after But when Nixon screwed up everything now the dollar is worthless
Comment from : @zeusedoo9291

Peanuts, international bankers and big corporations do billion dollar deals daily Who are the companies that were fined the most for illegal and immoral practices?
Comment from : @Valentin-ut6ry

you all the, must be zoom out, not focussed to zoom in case onlybrthe truth was, paper money, was all fakebrall easy to be printed excep the real money, the precious metal silver, gold, platinum these metal has internal value, based on weightbrmetal can not be printed, must be collect hardlybrcan not easy as printed paper, and add value based on printing textbrbrpaper money, was unlimited that make bubble economy crisis central bank control or mafia bankbradjust paper money value, as they want if want to collapse a country, just adjust it equation was trick and lie
Comment from : @mugiraharjo6270

It probably costs as much as the real one
Comment from : @eddymison3527

That’s why I can’t fix with crypto!brIt is just a matter of time before someone figures out how to grab it all without even firing a single shot and I’m out 15 million before I can even blink !
Comment from : @anthonysaponaro6318

Another reason Bitcoin is the answer
Comment from : @trenton1190

The details by which the "Supernote" was discovered as a fake are crazy Some tiny lines that gave it away lol
Comment from : @zero-loot5699

I wonder if someone is trying to create an AI program to create counterfeit money Maybe this is not far in the future…
Comment from : @lukaszrower7612

99 Fake Money print at Western dominated countries , but even these subject to Propaganda tolls as North Kore and Russia & China print almost real " Fake " western currency ,
Comment from : @albundy3696

Comment from : @RobertShipp-s2t

American government does the same thing to other countries
Comment from : @ericmaz9763

Top notch content
Comment from : @ObenStephen

great quality video
Comment from : @StingyOfficial

This seems pretty small fry $27million? lol thats a drop in the ocean of money in the world
Comment from : @danielstacey4116

master animating
Comment from : @techtechtechtech-tech

Quid pro quo I am sure the USA can produce counterfeit North Korean currency Fight fire with fire!
Comment from : @johnw1178

Hang on, So your telling me that the band teller noticed something was wrong with the note when it took the Secret service and a magnifying glass and many hours of scanning to find 2 very small imperfections that would could never be seen with the naked eyebrAnd this is after all the test come back positivebrBS
Comment from : @simplehomecooking8592

How is a DPRK printed bill any less valid and a US printed bill? It's not like our money is backed by gold anymore We're just printing money out of thin air, just like Korea They're just saving us the trouble of having to print it ourselves 😂
Comment from : @evox786

The funniest thing is that America has been counterfeiting foreign paper currency before anyone This video is deep state bullshit propaganda
Comment from : @alienasoul

america should make a bunch of fake north korean money to fight back
Comment from : @moose583

Went to a bar recently and they showed me all the fake IDs, and there is literally zero difference between real and fake IDs unless you have a black/UV light, it’s insane… Zero difference at all
Comment from : @parkersmith7264

It’s super easy to counterfeit American money, because it has almost zero special features unless it’s a $100 bill $1 bills, 5s, 10s, 20s, are easy to replicate if you’re willing to risk it… There is nothing about them that’s hard to fake Only the 100 is hard to fake… shit is crazy
Comment from : @parkersmith7264

Doesnt make any sense: 27 millions is nothing for an economy like the USA
Comment from : @teomartini1105

well its a bit like a driving test try try try again you passed now you have a driving licence but in this case they have perfected the art of fake notes lol
Comment from : @freshday633

i had a $100 bill seized at my bank roughly 10 years ago and they wouldn't even let me look at it again, and no compensation
Comment from : @freebird7284

The fact we still use paper money is so dum do away with paper money and you solve this problem
Comment from : @chars1ksmashing444

North Korea is literally Burgundy
Comment from : @burningtank160

The United States uses A Certain grown Tree And A Certain Grown cotton Wth a fibers Blown in Wth multiple sheets of paper Facts
Comment from : @larryshaheed253

There's no perfect fake money
Comment from : @larryshaheed253

The graph at 3:16 is clearly false You can't tell me that the GDP grew exactly the same as the capita number, causing it to be 100 flat Get a grip Using fake information is a great way to highlight a laughable lack of nuance bordering on straight propaganda
Comment from : @Hgkd2

They even Had Aeroplanes their Technology was mich more advanced than today brThe word CAR comes to use in holy books older than 1000 years Wat do u say?
Comment from : @Aras-n7h2f

One more reason the US will push for digital currency to replace cash
Comment from : @padraiggluck2980

Isn't all money fake 🤔
Comment from : @montysmythe579

America needs BIGGER BANK NOTES!brThe ERIC TRUMP $500 notebrThe DON Jr $1000 notebrThe BARRON $1,000,000 notebrThe DADDY $1,000,000,000 notebrThe ELON $1,000,000,000,000 note (good on Mars only)
Comment from : @sativagirl1885

Kim IS friend of some nee president
Comment from : @raulalgooql1353

the music is annoying
Comment from : @jackiwannapaint

North Korea's "leadership" is a stain on the planet
Comment from : @RelentlessOldMan

N Korean are not that stupid after all ?? As we think they are ?
Comment from : @avalanche9026

but the us is actually producing fake money on their own iykyk
Comment from : @sergejjovicic3324

Jak to dopadlo s těma mejma dolarama?! Poslali jste nějaký do Států? At to FED prověří? 😂😂😂😅🎉brbrMěli by jste… nikdy nevíš… uvidíme… třeba si po tisící konečně neserete do huby 😂😂😂😅brbrbrTřeba jste za deset let elitni práce konečně na něco přišli!!!!brbrbrMusíš tomu dát šanci…brbrAt konečně nejste všem jenom pro smích…
Comment from : @Vlachynahasbeenhacked

Achieving the best by competition, you know, like in Capitalism
Comment from : @lyntwo

Wow the guy who looked at that note and had a feeling had fucking Eagle eyes
Comment from : @_ScottSauce

Comment from : @NeroXing

everyone copies lemmino nowadays :(
Comment from : @uiebwuiowebuiopwebfoipbewfoip

All countries should ban N Korean diplomats and close their embassies No one outside N Korea has reson to go there, so no foreign embassies required
Comment from : @tooyoungtobeold8756

NKOREA is merely learning from the master, the US, who's been printing fake counterfeit money for decades!
Comment from : @osiris2u

So this is how china able to become rich??
Comment from : @imussewingpartskapatid

North Korea makes EVRYTHIG ( including American psychopaths) Bloody BULLSHIT!!
Comment from : @marcodallitalia5927

Nuke 'em!
Comment from : @ClassicalLiberalWarrior

It’s no different than the fakes the US government prints…😂😂😂
Comment from : @jujumaccas

Counterfeit money, cyber crime, supplying Russia with arms, supplying Russia with troops brWhat's next ? DPRK interference in elections ?brbrCome on man 10 for the big guy !
Comment from : @adelarsen9776

The best counterfeit is not known about
Comment from : @JJJustMax

Musíš to poslat na karbonový datování… Taky!!!! Nezapomeň!!!!brbrMožná jsem s nima přiletěl z budoucnosti… teleportem… a vesmírnou lodi… Mulac všechno ví… zavolá fo Prague Boats, tam zavolaj měšťákům a na všechno spolu přijdete… elitní team…
Comment from : @Vlachynahasbeenhacked

Communists don't realize how hypocritical they are when the have to counterfeit money from a non communist country
Comment from : @philcolbert7864

Look at Putin, he has to sit at far ends of the table from his subjects The line between respect and fear is NOT fine One borders love and adoration when the other borders loathing and distrust Those borders are more distant than two forlorn lovers with never a chance to meet😢
Comment from : @jaymakormik6779

If leaders of N Korea spent that time and effort on something positive other than malice intent towards nations or societies they envy or hate, they'd be alot better off Kim Jong Un cannot be truelly any happier than the citizens are It's a shame to see people with such power be guided by their fear and insecurity when they know how every bad decision breaks their own heart Yet they keep trying to swallow it like a huge chunk of clay😪💔Let it go, man!
Comment from : @jaymakormik6779

imagine if the north Koreans spent this amount of effort on feeding their citizens lol
Comment from : @Blackgriffonphoenixg

Dělej!!! Volej na BIS!!! 😂
Comment from : @Vlachynahasbeenhacked

I wonder if supernotes would have any value this point as a collectible
Comment from : @jerry3790

Kim Jong be like: Let's make $100 million real dollars investment in research and development of super notes division 39 to Improve the economy
Comment from : @arslan_TM

US print those notes without having physical assets on its back so does north Korea decide so, Its same for both
Comment from : @arslan_TM

Its funny they make such a big deal about counterfeits when the banking cartel just print up trillions for themselves whenever they want :)
Comment from : @ATomRileyA

All fake about north Korea
Comment from : @kakabhai6779

This is" NOT NEW" North Korea has been doing this for years I believe it started when "US SOLD " old printing equipment many years ago
Comment from : @GrahamNewman-mq7gr

February or March 2025 is the deadline for US dollar and mostly Russia or China or Both will together pull the plug on the US dollar,brChina today holds the highest amount of Us debt followed by the gulf countries which will have no choice to join in and Tell America to just stop this yearly drama of raising the debt ceiling and get ready to pay in physical assets like Gold etc against the dollars held by thembrThe Americans are expecting something magical will happen and maybe all the countries will never throw the towel on Americans to come clean and pay up, except for America and the Americans the rest of the world already knows that America is financially broken from inside and just a small prick is enough to burst this inflated baloon
Comment from : @BhagatSingh2024

Causd north Korea is ran by the cia via Swiss educated kim
Comment from : @LUNAROPS-p9t

There has to be a way to buy these from north korea
Comment from : @davidwong1203

Hahahahahaha Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what is the difference between us printing money as much as they want to impoverish the whole world and North Korea printing dollars just to survive? brSame shitty trick
Comment from : @ZotThithmaKarin

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